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7:35 AM
@b_jonas "Stone age Fluttershy" IS a dinosaur with a butterfly cutiemark. Already done in the comics.
Also, I don't think that EG was a "pre-emptitive" strike. Quite the opposite.
EG was pure damage control.
This is only my personal view, but I would say that it is pretty evident that EG 1 plot was trying to limit the impact of very bad decisions that probably some "genius" in the marketing department spit out
When Lauren drawn the basis for the show, she had a precise idea in mind. MLP wasn't going to be once again just a "girly show full of cute thing". Instead, she aimed at a show that was deliberately crafted to be the the exact opposite of all the teenager animated shows/sit-com that were very popular back then (and are still popular today)
All the school based empty show full of marvelous ideals for the young. Get a boyfriend/girlfriend, skip lessons, focus on your school-image, dress in a cool way and buy the cool clothes...
I hope you never got to see a cartoon pretty popular in EU. I think it is Italian (or maybe French?) - it is called Winx.
Boy, is that horrible.
The art style, with anorexic protagonists. All the main girl cast getting a boyfriend, with episodes that focus on "you still haven't one? you must really be a loser". Yep, all those nice messages Lauren so loved.
I haven't followed the show for obvious reasons, but from the tv-ads/toys I know that while the elements of harmony were at least necklaces ... the winx had mac-guffins... handbags.
And then here it comes! EG!
Let's forget the miracle that the staff did in somehow avoiding the complete ship-wretch that that idea could have sailed itself into. Let's just remember the premises
- Human based cast, design suspiciously similar to the Bratz dolls / Monster-High
- School based environment.
- School dance party, School "queen" contest
- Have to dress for said contest
- Space-flea-out-of-nowere love interests for main protagonist. Obviously, he is as flat as it can be expected. Make him a rock/guitar player for bonus points (still waiting for Flash to do something noteworthy. 3 movies in, and the best scene he had is still the fail one in EG 3 and only because of Derpy stepping in)
- Antagonist girl like every school show needs. Make her dishonest, arrogant and such. Reminds me of those old 80' anime like Georgie. Lucky, most japan animation got over those years ago...
In all this mess, the staff somehow managed to avoid most of the pitfalls and produce something still worth watching.
And in doing so, they somehow managed to turn that antagonist from what could have been a "please forget her" one-shot appearance in an actually likeable character.
Fast-foward and then we get Starlight.
I will avoid all the "she is Amon from legend of kora" stuff. Even if that was true, that would only show that the character was copied from something else but wouldn't mean it is bad.
Instead, I will argue that, to me, she is basically "WOW. Sunset is so popular. We need a Sunset in the main show".
That line only is already enough to get me somehow upset. If they needed a Sunset, they just had to bring up the human Sunset and get one of the two back to the main show. I would have even been fine with a switch. Pony Sunset stays with the humans and the Humans Sunset goes to the ponies...
But hey, that is just me. If done right, a new character could work too.
The problem is that "if done right" bit.
With Starlight, I see so many wasted opportunities that make me just want they used one of the older characters in her place (couldn't we just have give Trixie a chance? It seem pretty ironic that the episode that basically puts a stone over any hope for her to be the 7th mane six is called "No second prances" )
@b_jonas but probably this is getting a tad too long, and I don't even know if you are really interested (and since no one else will probably come here this means I could just spare us the ranting)
Tell me if you really want to hear more.
1 hour later…
9:53 AM
@Derpy Exactly. They did all the things marketing department would want with a high school alternate universe version of the main cast, so they can sell alternate universe dolls, and still managed to make the film good. This way, they didn't have to ruin the main show, because in the main show there would have been no way to make any of that work.
And they didn't ruin the franchise with a BAD spinoff either.
Then they took EG and made three more films of it.
As for Starlight being a failed attempt to have a Sunset in the main show... that might be true, but I'm not sure her failure is connected to that. I have the feeling that S6 just generally has really bad story writing, even when Starlight is not involved.
10:11 AM
@b_jonas Well, while some stories seem to be "retelling" of older episodes, so far for me most of them were still enjoyable / good.
Some of them were enjoyable, but the hit rate is too low.
For example, I liked the "night of the zombie ponies" episodes, even if that was basically "Mare Do-Well 2.0"
Compared to the previous seasons.
If anything else, it showed an evolution in how they tried to handle the problem.
it is just that so far every Starlight focused episode seemed a missed opportunity.
When she appeared as a villain, she was probably one of the most scary one ever - if not the top one.
Others are just fairy-tale monsters. She was a realistic dystopian dictator.
Just think of it: a phrase like "you can't have a nightmare if you never dream" is bound to give shivers even to adult watcher in a way no other foe could have even hoped to do before.
@Derpy YES THEY ARE! The S5 final is still the only reason I like Starlight. She barely managed to do anything interesting in S6 so far.
10:19 AM
All his design was on-par to. She was cold, not showing emotions (other that the burst of anger at the end) and that was perfect.
She even messed up the opening double episode. She needed an interesting character Sunburst, and like four princesses (Spike, Luna, Twilight, Celestia, Flurry Heart, choose any four) pushing her in the right direction just to make the opening episode work, and she didn't even mange to cast the Somnambula's Weather Abjuration that Sunburst explicitly told her to cast.
It wasn't a coincidence many saw a reference to stories like... Harrison Bergeron in her story.
But look, sequels handling a good character bad is not a unique thing to MLP, so I'm somewhat prepared, and I'm trying my best to ignore the bad parts of S6 and like Starlight for what she could have been since S5.
I won't let bad sequels ruin the previous seasons for me.
she was also not powerful at all. Yep, for the first time the foe was a trickster like Trixie, using mind and tricks to make other follow her lead.
But again, I still think this isn't exclusive to Starlight. S6 is just handling all of the story wrong. Not only Starlight, the other characters too.
10:21 AM
Just rewatch S5 episode 2
Look at the all-powerful beam she shot at Twily.
Not even impressed
"How can it be? I studied this spell for years!!!"
@Derpy Yes, completely. She was the right answer for when people asked how the show could top someone as powerful as Lord Tirek. A larger monster with stronger rainbow beams wouldn't have done the trick anymore, but Starlight did.
@Derpy I'd rather think of that as the first time the foe was a brilliant social engineer who made people follow her mindlessly, like Sunset did.
But sure, Trixie works too if you prefer.
Seriously, why did she not cast the weather abjurations? How can the writers be so stupid?
Then the finale for s5 comes in, and she is gone super-sayan. I could live with that. After all, to me she didn't perfect the time-travel spell at all: she barely made a working copy, that allowed for going to a specific point in time and required the scroll.
In a way, Twily did better.
And obviously, they have her reformed.
And there is the first error.
And yes, of course, we needed the S5 E1 two-parter two. An unrelated pony time-travelling back to the race in S5 E25 would not have impressed me at all. It's Starlight's past that's made it work.
@Derpy And that's the error of S6!
After the final, they could have handled her much better.
She could have done so many things on her own initiative, or even do nothing. Starlight just staying and waiting for Twilight and Spike to figure out what she should do is just about the worst thing you could write for her.
I should try to hope that E21 will try to fix this at least a little, because the spoiler says Starlight will at least take some initiative in that, but given the track record of the season, I don't give it much chance honestly.
Look at the reforming. I am fine with the whole "I cannot beat her so I should try to talk her out of this" part - even if Twily is an alicorn and should have no real problem in throwing her to Tartarus if needed - but the way still bug me.
@b_jonas You remember the "A Christmas Carol with ponies" episode?
you know what I really liked of it?
10:37 AM
@Derpy I don't know, but I know why I liked it. \
I liked it because it finally got Princess Luna to sing. For the second time.
That - in my view - they improved the mayor problem the original has.
That's even starred.
Oh, all this talk about bad writing reminds me,
I shall rewatch S5 E6 and try to ignore the stupid part about what Trouble Shoes' cutie mark represents, and concentrate on the rest of the episode. I think it will actually be a pretty good episode that way.\
@Derpy What major problem?
@b_jonas In the original story, Scrooge changes because he is scared for him. The ghost of the future shows him that he will die.
yep, sure, he did show to care for the kid too - was he named Tim?
but the turning point is he seeing HIS death.
For Snowfrost, she didn't fear for HER. She feared for Equestria.
That is very different.
She saw what all the world would become if she were to cast the spell.
I see
(btw, are we even sure she would have been able to do that? I sense Luna work of "let's scare this pony a little")
Now back to the season 5 finale.
10:45 AM
Quite possible. Luna might have been exaggerating about Rarity in S4 E19 too, but that's not really a problem.
Starlight there is the exact opposite. She sees Equestra in ruin and goes "I don't care if this gets my revenge". It is only the "why are you doing this" that makes her realize why she is really doing this and want to try to open up again.
The great thing about Luna is that she's never had a bad episode so far. Whenever she appears, she does something relevant that couldn't be done with any other character, and she saves the day. She's single-handedly made every episode where she's appeared awesome.
She almost ever does cameos or insignificant appearances.
Again, I could live with that. I am not really fond of that, but I could tolerate it if she did become a totally different pony after.
But so far she really didn't
First of all.... Have you ever compared EG 1 Sunset and EG 2 Sunset?
Look at the faces. Look at her expression.
she is a totally different character!
Starlight instead.
Looked cold. Still cold.
She just throws her torch back into the crowd, just like that? In a place full of hay and wooden cabins? If ponies are that careless, no wonder a rodeo is dangerous.
He won't cancel the rodeo! Yay!
That's not how you sleep on a chair, Braeburn
Cutie Mark outlaw catchers go!
But they could still have saved it if Starlight showed some serious internal conflict like Sunset does. But most of the time she shows shame more than regret.
10:53 AM
Wow, that hoofprint really is big. The outlaw must be a giant.
Why does they have to constantly give out the idea that she is more concerned about other discovering what she did than what she did in the first place?
Poor Braeburn, Applejack is going to skin him alive now.
And - if you want her to show that she has changed, do you really need the constant jokes that shows her still having the same old habits?
@b_jonas BTW, have you noticed that the farm/cabin in that episode is exactly the same we see in 28 days later?
Talk about background reusing :P
River of mud!
@Derpy In 28 pranks later? I didn't notice.
Anyway, back to Starlight, I hope they will realize that jokes like the scene with Big Mac are only hurting her.
10:58 AM
Hehe, Sweetie ends up on Scootaloo's back, then Scootaloo throws her off into the mud upside down.
If she has to become a good character, she needs to drop the old "coerce" methods, not constantly try to social-enginer others.
Other than that... so many missed opportunities...
Take "The times they are a changeling".
Spike sings. He directly reference Starlight in the song. Again, she looks ashamed. Then song ends. Everyone is silent. Twily steps in. Everyone is happy.
She is a giant indeed. Her hooves are as big as a filly.
Wouldn't that scene be far better if Starlight stepped in before Twily did?
He didn't know that's what the sherrif thought? Hmm
Just try to imagine this: Spike sings, Shining is still unconvinced, Starlight steps in and says that if she got a second chance Thorax should have one too (and finally goes the extra step that Sunset did so long before - admitting her error publicly)
11:03 AM
The buffalos are watching the rodeo in the flashback.
at this point, Twily joins and congratulate them both.
Ok, this is the part where I have to concentrate to ignore part of the story.
Apple Bloom is stupid, that's not how clowns work, so that's what I have to ignore here.
Oh no! They caught Trouble Shoes!
Actually, the story is somehow consistent with the recent ones - at least on the cutie mark side.
And arrested her.
Cutie mark crusaders scream NOOO!
(I just wished that the whole "clown pony" part was less self-injury centered)
11:07 AM
They break her out of jail!
Trust the crusaders to come up with some plan, even if it's a bad plan. At least they're in character.
That stack of bales is an academy record!
Applejack's team won! Finally she broke the curse she's head since S2 E14 and gets a blue ribbon!
At least Trouble Shoes has common sense.
This would be great if it just turned out the crusaders were just wrong about what Trouble Shoes' cutie mark means.
It would be a great episode about the Crusaders.
She gets a trophy instead of a blue ribbon? WHY?
Yep, Applejack is watching them herself. She won't let Braeburn babysit anyone ever.
And Applebloom has to use this worthless shiny new broom instead of Granny Smith's old broom? I think the old broom works much better.
Yup, it's a really good episode if I just ignore the stupid part about being a clown.
Ok, now I'll scroll back to see what you wrote about Starlight.
@Derpy Scene with Big Mac? In what episode?
@Derpy That is a good idea, yes. That's a way the episode could have gone.
Ok, I think we agree on the part that the writing of S6 is not handling Starlight too well, even if I interpret the S5 Starlight somewhat differently.
"They're using an Enigma machine to crack the hieroglyph cipher..." heheh
11:37 AM
@b_jonas the scene where she tries to make him talk more and proceeds to cast a spell on him.
Works as a joke, but it is totally damaging her supposed character development.
@Derpy Ah that.
I still have hope that either the finale or the other still-to air episode (also known as Lesson Zero with Starlight) will manage to fix these issues...
but I see only a way to do that.
with a complete "breakdown".
make her realize her error and that she is still doing them.
And cry.
Even the finale could work that way.
If they have her try to control the other supporting characters in her old dictator way, only to realize that she can't do that and should start trust others then that could be that missing piece we need
@Derpy Are you hoping E21 will do that/
@Derpy Nah, there's another way. It's to just forget about all the bad episodes, continue with Starlight as she should be like, and never talk about the bad episodes again.
@b_jonas and that is why I think that if she need to restart from ground zero, a redemption 2.0 is the way to go.
@Derpy Dunno, if that's what it takes to make a continuum and finally get all good episodes in S7, I'll take it.
11:51 AM
@b_jonas Look, I must admit that I don't have many hopes on my idea begin what they are really aiming for.
But it is a fact that the mayor critic the show got on S5 finale was that Starlight redemption feel empty and basically she was given all just by saying "I'm sorry"
So, what if all her "bad character" is done on purpose?
How about EG4? Do you at least expect that will be good? I'm really looking forward to it. It will come out on that weekend with the stupid politics event, before that other weekend with the other stupid politics event.
@Derpy Why would you do that?
One thing I can hope for is that they're putting all the bad episodes in S6 so that S7 can be all good. Is that possible?
(I'm assuming S7 will be the last season.)
@b_jonas Since everyone said that changing requires hard work and effort and not just a song in the finale, what if they actually decided to show that?
What if they are really aiming for a finale with Starlight realizing that she has done nothing really to become better?
@Derpy Maybe it could work, but I'd rather see her as the interesting character she should be rather than a change.
But again, if showing the change is necessary before that, then that's ok with me.
@b_jonas and what should it be?
If you meant the old, evil social engineer... I fear it is a little too late.
@Derpy She could be a lot of things she choose. If she really took initiative and do things her way, she could make good episodes in whatever she tries.
12:03 PM
@b_jonas I still believe that she first need to fix the issues with her character reforming and then could as well do that.
@Derpy Ok.
Yes, she probably needs that.
Otherwise we'd get the kind of abrupt change I usually complain about, yes.
To be completely honest, based on her past and the fact that her reasons where founded on a self-made idea that cutie marks were bad because pursuing what makes you fell good hurts others I think she would work better with the CMC than with the mane six...
(and btw that is another issue she has - they need her to understand that she was tricking herself too. All she made wasn't in the idea that everyone would live better: she created "equality town" because she wanted a group of people that would never be able to leave her. Inside, she knew those ponies weren't happy but the pain from her past made her look away)
@Derpy I think she would work better if she took initiative in something she wants to work, rather than trying to join any existing group.
@b_jonas anyway, about the E4 question... I hope it will be good. There are just two things that worry me.
I mean, it's not like she can't help others sometimes, but that shouldn't be all she des.
@Derpy You mean EG4?
Only answer that if you don't want to give lots of spoilers please. I believe half of the film is already spoiled again, and I don't want to look at it in advance.
I am simply hoping it will be good because the first three films were good, and this one will have interesting characters from those, including human Twilight and Sunset and Pinkie Pie.
12:12 PM
@b_jonas did you saw the 4 1minute preview clips?
the only "spoiler" is a reference to something they showed in those.
nothing more.
@Derpy I haven't watched those. I probably won't either.
If they made prequel shorts (like for EG2 and EG3) I'd probably watch those.
nope, the previews must be taken from the first 10 minutes of the movie
Oh man, I hope the keyboard I ordered will arrive soon, because this cheap keyboard I'm using as a temporary solution is driving my fingers nuts.
actually, someone rearranged the various scene from them in order and it looks like they may be all the first ten minutes, scrambled around a little.
@Derpy First 10 minutes of a movie that's probably only 60 minutes long, and that's gross length with a 3 minute title song and a 3 minute credits roll at the end, right?
12:16 PM
@b_jonas weren't the first 3 ones more on the 1h 20' ranges?
@Derpy I'm probably exaggerating, yes. Let me check the exact length.
also, since you are at it, be aware that thanks to hasbro the songs are already on youtube.
They just had to release the movie ost before the movie.
EG1 is 73 minutes gross, EG2 is 73 minutes gross as well,
EG4 is 72 minutes.
@Derpy No surprise. I'll definitely not watch those.
The dolls are all in the stores too, right? That's how we've known the name of that new main character months ago.
And the packaging of the dolls probably gives away who Luke's father is.
Or what nightmare form Twilight would turn to.
Have they published an Equestria Girls trading card game yet? :-)
@b_jonas anyway, forgetting the issue in the previews clip (that I hope is nothing more than either a joke or just a troll) the only thing that worries me is that the movie could create an "inconsistency" with the main show in a way if a certain rumor proves true.
But, if it is true, I will gladly spend the next month devising some over-complicated ways to have all of it working, all while dancing on the table singing song of praises and rainbows.
PS: worry not, it isn't Sunset going "Let's return to Ponyville. I will leave my double here with you instead."
Or at least, there aren't any rumors on that.
@Derpy Yes, I'm quite sure that's not what will happen.
In fact, I sort of hope the Equestria versions of the characters will have less role in EG4 than in any of the previous three films.
They finally got themselves a whole team without Twilight or Spike having to come to them from Equestria.
I don't think they'll completely separate the two worlds, but even if they would, they'd be fine.
12:26 PM
@b_jonas and then the day b_jonas feared come.
For some weird reason, they delayed the movie to be aired after season 6 finale.
Even in EG3 they barely needed the guys from Equestria.
@Derpy WHAT?
you're scaring me now
(like Dashie when she heared the next Daring Do book is delayed by another month)
During the finale, for the same weird reason, the mane six were nowhere to be found. All Starlight found in the castle was a notice from Twily saying that there was some emergency and she has to run to help a friend - with all the others following...
poor @b_jonas didn't realize, and hoped that was a link to season 7 premiere.
Then, EG4 came.
@Derpy But Starlight is not so stupid as to fall for a fake note. Especially not when it's obviously written in Mojo Jojo's redundant writing style.
And here there are, the mane 6+6+1. All on the screen at the same time.
Now, that would be the best troll ever.
@Derpy Well sure. Princess Celestia only said the mane six can't go from Equestria to the human world. She never said the human ones can't come over to visit Equestria in their free time.
They can come and visit any time now that the portal is open. Twilight's castle has enough place for them to sleep and throw a big party, and the ponies are friendly and like guests, even if they're strange human clones of the Mane Six.
Ponyville is a friendly place.
12:31 PM
nope, I was suggesting the idea that the mane six aren't going to have a role in the s6 finale because they all went to help their human versions in EG 4
Basically, your worst nightmare :P
@Derpy That's not exactly my worst nightmare, but I don't think they'll go against Princess Celestia's direct order.
They might defy what Princess Celestia wants, but they won't just disobey her like that.
@b_jonas If you believe the comics, the whole thing is because she must still fear that this dimension can go like the one from the Reflections story arc
that would mean begin tied together in a way that causes changes in one to be reflected in the others, with the intensity of the link becoming stronger each time a pony crosses them.
Of course, Princess Celestia could change her mind...
Due to her friendship with the Reflected World king Sombra they ended up with a world where each pony was the opposite.
But no, I don't think the mane six from Equestria will go to the human world in EG4.
Not all of them.
12:36 PM
@b_jonas I want human world Discord :P
Just put him in the ending credits somewhere
@Derpy ...
I'm not sure there's two of him. There's a single one but he transcends the barriers between planes.
Or maybe there's as many of him as he wants.
12:52 PM
Play volleyball / Collect seashells!
@b_jonas Ok, sorry. That was me explaining it wrong. I meant I want Discord to go in the human world.
Like a cameo in the background with him searching for Fluttershy all the movie long and always arriving on the scene after they all left
And finally managing to "see that Fluttershy clone" at the end... and getting him cut off right before saying "Hi" by the end credits :P
Actually, could even be a joke in the event credits....
right at the start of the credits (that by wild guess will have Sunset and Twily singing) you get pony Twily looking at the mirror and then going away. A second later Discord enters the room and goes in the mirror.
From there, the credits follows him going around showing a poorly drawn picture of Fluttershy (the pony, not the human) to some of the characters in the movie, without no one recognizing her for obvious reason.
@Derpy Yeah.
1:07 PM
Then he finds Derpy, who is the only one to make the connection and points him to the human mane six that are talking under a tree nearby. He turns to the tree, see the human Fluttershy, who is obviously looking in the opposite direction , starts to run to them... and Puff. Credits End.
That would be pretty funny to watch I believe.
I don't think it will happen, but I can't completely exclude it.
Probably won't, but I would love it to actually happen :P
I think if there's an after-credits sequence, it will be short.
And if Discord appears, she must either appear for only a second (like in the opening sequence of the main show) or be completely over the top. He can't just go searching for Fluttershy with a drawing like a normal person.
@b_jonas He would obviously be over the top. He would go around searching, but in Pinkie style.
Appearing out of nowhere, going out of the screen from one side and returning from the opposite, performing magic trick at random...
If he manages to make every single character he ask for indications to escape screaming, those are added points
@Derpy Yeah, but I can't imagine a long after-credit sequence, so he would have to do it very quickly.
1:23 PM
I think it could work as a 40-60 seconds short.
The final scene when he gets to see the mane six for a second could be the 10 second clip they usually have after the credits, and be the only one he actually talks in
What if it was not an after-credit sequence but an encore short? Then he'd get about 150 seconds, which is enough.
That could work to, but they don't seem to be doing encores anymore.
Yeah, and prequel shorts should have been up by now.
1:41 PM
@b_jonas yep. And we got nothing instead. Unless you consider the Equestria-Mini dolls commercials as prequels shorts -_-
(btw, would love to get my hands on the EG Mini dolls sales report. Just to see how many Sunset were sold, how many mane six ones.... and how many Flash Sentry.)
(did anyone actually buy that one??)
@b_jonas anyway, another potentially awesome/terrible thing, depending on how they are going to handle it....
Did you too fell like during the Gaby episode they were teasing the possibility to have flying-Scoot in season 7?
(or in the S6 finale - in which case "goodbye, Starlight, no one will even remember you too were there" -_-')
1:57 PM
@Derpy Dunno.
I mean, the S5 finale was already teasing for that.
But Twilight didn't want to change the history that heavily, because if Scootaloo saves her, then Rainbow Dash wouldn't get her cutie mark.
Even if Scootaloo does the rainboom.
@b_jonas Well, first they had Scoot directly referencing the fly problem with the "something out of reach" line, then they just had to put her with the wings spread out during the "maybe aiming for the impossible isn't that bad" (so... they DO know of the "My Little Gurren" parody with Scoots as Simon it seems....)
@Derpy Sure, but they have referenced his flying problem many times before.
How is this time different, apart from that now she has chicken wings on her flank?
@b_jonas It is the "maybe aiming for the impossible isn't that bad" line that seemed a taunt to the watchers.
2:13 PM
And her dream flight in S5 E4 :-)
2:38 PM
oh, BTW, @b_jonas. If you look at the wikia, you will see in the latest comic preview pages that Starlight has made her way to the comics too.
Will see if being drawn will do some miracle for her cold expression.
@Derpy well duh. she appears a lot in the show these days, so she has to show up in the comics.
All important characters from the show will appear in the comics.
2:58 PM
@b_jonas The problem is that the character from the comic don't get to appear in the show.
Thinking of it, Sombra in S6 finale would work for the best finale in pony history
We'll see.
Two episodes of Starlight panicking recruiting ponies and the such while the mane six are just gone swimming in the lake....
Flash forward to the Starlight's Avengers crew breaking into Crystal Kingdom throne room, all armed and ready to fight while screaming "We will hold him back, bring Cadence and Flurry away!"
and then the camera turns to Sombra, who is haply talking with the mane six and Cadence....
All while Pinke goes up to Starlight and just says "You did know that Sombra was reformed, right?"
The ultimate troll to everyone watching and not reading the comics.
Not only now we consider them canon, we also troll you for not reading them :P

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