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4:35 PM
So I received a flag notification in SE chat
after dismissing it, I tried to review it again, just to doublecheck, because I couldn't find its context.
I then clicked on the blue 1 on the chat.SE homepage (am I even supposed to see it still?), clicked on view all flags, and got this (edited to protect the guilty):
It mentions I've flagged this message, but I haven't. The permalink goes to message 503396, which is nowhere to be found.
However, the message can't have been flag-deleted, as the relevant user isn't suspended.
What the shenanigans?
eh, I guess the flag has been handled now.
Also -- on all "info" pages except the homepage, the topbar has a kind of weird ";" text node.
(refresh for FHC)
5:29 PM
the message was deleted by a mod
and I'm in the process of killing the semicolon :)
5:47 PM
Semicolon successfully killed; @badp's frehand circle was an excellent help in reproducing this bug. Much appreciated.
@balpha Didn't know you could still see the history of deleted messages...
@balpha You're freehand-circledly welcome.
@badp message owners and room owners can see them
and moderators, obviously
1 hour later…
6:56 PM
Chat scrolls all the way up then all the way down when a new message arrives. screenr.com/9Wf
Extensions (42)
Developer mode

Adblock Plus for Google Chrome™ (Beta) - Version: 1.0.26
Blocks ads using the Firefox Adblock Plus filter engine. Kiss ads goodbye and browse in peace!
Disable - Uninstall - Options   Allow in incognito

Blank Canvas Script Handler - Version: 0.0.17
User script manager with support for Greasemonkey functions
Disable - Uninstall - Options   Allow in incognito

Chrome Toolbox (by Google) - Version: 1.0.15
A quick access tool that allows you to put your favorite browser commands in one drop down menu, save unsubmitted form data, magnify images, view v
7:28 PM
Please try to reproduce that without those millions of extensions. What version of Chrome are you using, btw?
@balpha Chrome 10.0.648.45 dev.
(no repro with a few scripts and that same version)
okay, then let me add "without those millions of extensions and in a released brower " :)
is going to Sandbox
@RebeccaChernoff Ditto
7:46 PM
@RebeccaChernoff I don't know yet – I have all of them disabled right now.
Update Gotcha! Screen Capture is the extension causing the problem. :/
Hmm. Yeah, that's it.
@Nyuszika7H sure?
7:53 PM
@badp yep
um, yes, it is. I can repro.
chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/… is kinda inferior but doesn't have this issue
Awesome Screenshot is better :)
Thanks for testing -- now we can point people to the real issue if this comes up

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