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8:25 AM
Earlier as I was cleaning up unused files (finally), I found one where I wrote down the instagram account name of a friend I knew. We've fell out of touch already, so I registered an instagram account to search for her, and she's already deleted her account. The text file was a year old, and so I quietly sighed and went back to coding. Then five minutes later, I have 20 instagram followers.
I don't even know why people want to follow some other person they'll practically never meet. It's like they complain about never having enough time to do what they want to, but then they're on their smartphones 22/7 waiting for some new event happening to someone else. I don't. That's why I don't use facebook. But people expect me to use facebook, which is terrible. Regardless, my teacher sent me a file through facebook yesterday, so I logged in to recieve it.
I also made my time on facebook worthwhile, so I followed my employer's account. I then saw a message on my wall left by a friend of mine, it was a video as a complement of a message I left on their wall on our website. I never got to see it, until earlier. But they've already removed their facebook account as well, and again we've never been in touch for over three months now.
The world changes too quickly.

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