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11:18 PM
Q: Should there be a grace-period before you can down-vote a post?

Narawa GamesYou can't accept an answer on Stack Exchange until it's been 15 minutes since the question was asked. That gives time for the community to read and post answers before you flat-out accept the first answer. I suggest something similar for down-voting. In this screenshot of my recent post on Stack...

And now people are down-voting this very question!
@Oded spam and off-topic should be flagged.
@Monica Cellio I wouldn't, because SE already addresses excessive up-votes and excessive down-votes, but those down-votes dominoes need to be taken more seriously.
So people don't end up with more down-votes because of a few down-votes. So people aren't biased.
I see good questions around SE sites but they have a couple of downvotes all cause one guy downvoted it so the next guy did.
The first question has 2 down-votes. The second one isn't spam, it's about sending news to subscribers and such with PHP.
My whole MSE account is full of downvotes!
This question is officially a down-vote frenzy. I lost 28 rep from it!
No, you lost rep due to posting a question, that has been asked before (lack of prior research), something that many do not agree with and are whining about losing rep.
This question is in the top 400 most down-voted questions on MSE!
Top 200 Down-Voted.
How can I get this question locked? I'll keep losing rep in the long run.
STOP obsessing about the rep
But this needs to be locked for "historical purposes", as they say.
It's not even constructive!
11:18 PM
You do realise that everytime you complain and go on about this, it draws more negative attention to this post
Also, another possible reason for the downvotes here is due to the obvious fake negative score in that image as @nicael pointed out in an earlier comment.
This is now a semi-milestone: this question is in the top 100 for the most down-voted questions in all of MSE!
Please stop this nonsense - you are too obsessed with your rep and not taking responsibility.

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