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7:26 PM
@ShadowWizard I haven't had one in a long while.. but when I do, I generally like to travel. Last time was in 2012 when I travelled through California, Nevada and Arizona. I think I did 6000 miles in 2 months.
7:41 PM
@Pëkka whoa, that's a lot of miles... with car? My cousin crossed USA (coast to coast) on bicycle to raise funds for some cancer research project. Personally never did anything even close to it. :)
7:58 PM
@ShadowWizard wow, that is cool! I'd like to do that one day. Or hike.
Yes, it was by car mostly
Some of it by Greyhound, but mostly car.
Not cheap, even though gas costs about half there than it costs in Europe
8:24 PM
Yeah... well hope you'll do that again sooner than later! :D

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