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2:15 AM
Agreed. We should bathe in the fountain of liberty. Liberty should come into us and go out of us. It should pass all the way through us, so that the fountain remains full and slightly discolored. We should all gather in a mass of liberty-wet flesh in the sweet cascade of the fountains of liberty. Pressing against one another. Sharing in the awesome liquiberty that surrounds us. For freedom and justice for all whose heads are connected to living human bodies.
9 hours later…
11:28 AM
Very well spoken, my friend.
Very well spoken indeed.
For that is the true meaning of the Right to bear Arms.
It is the right, nay, the demand made by the ancient Founding Fathers to bear arm upon arm, long and short, skinny and thick, in all their fleshy, scabby, human beauty.
A country full of millions of human bodies, and even more millions of extremities connected to them.
That is how it is supposed to be.
And that's why every extremity-bearer must oppose Welbogcare.
For it is obvious what Welbog's ultimate goal is. It is not to provide healthcare to the sick, or even amusement. Those are just passing milestones in a greater masterplan.
And that masterplan is to transform all of us after his own image. Heads, limbless, forever confined to dusty jars, forever dependent on the high-tech liquid they reside in.
He must be stopped. Not stopping him would cost us all and arm and a leg. Literally.

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