I've switched hosting multiple times by now but right now I pay 18 euros per month for my VPS (which indeed hosts more than the bot, 18/month would be insanely much for a single Python script, lol)
Now I wouldn't particularly mind such a command if it would be in the ShadowsDen module if it makes people in this room happier. But in that case, the ping command (which is in the Builtins module) would have to be overridden from the ShadowsDen module. I don't remember enough about the bot code to know if that's possible/easy to do. And I won't be available to help with it (same goes for Pet's SaveIO question, I don't remember by heart how it works, so I'd have to look at how it's done
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda I don't think I conceptually agree with making pings opt-out because the need arises. The fact that people want >>ignorepings means that someone is carelessly (over)using >>ping. The responsibility lies with the pinger, not the pingee.
after all, >>yes becomes quite meaningless if your last command was successful - and you don't really want any accidents by >>yes'ing very old commands