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06:00 - 16:0016:00 - 20:00

Someone steal Zoe's desktop background... or Zoe steal the background from...:
No comment :P
1 hour later…
.... just noticed that that Ericson post is linked on meta.
@SPArcheon what? who? why?
look at the blog post section on this very carefully. I am kinda surprised someone linked that here
A: Moderation Strike: Stack Overflow, Inc. cannot consistently ignore, mistreat, and malign its volunteers

starballHere's a list of per-site meta discussions related to the strike (largely gathered from searching "is:q created:2023-05-30.. strike [discussion]" on stackexchange.com, sorted based on site traffic, and updated on a best-effort-basis. stackexchange.com search seems bugged and shows fewer items tha...

@SPArcheon I still don't understand. It's about the strike, it's not hosted on SE. Why not link to it?
If SE will decide to remove links to it, it's fair though, as it does involve leaking of what might be sensitive info.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack that is the reason
to put it bluntly, I would expect that if someone commented on that in the chat, there would be backslash, removed messages etc.
So, I am surprised that the link is still there.
@SPArcheon maybe staff didn't spot yet, and mods don't care.
Still of the idea that it would be worth looking into ways to protect text from being used in LLM training.
Tools like Glaze can be used to "protect" images so that they are mostly useless when someone tries to use them for stable diffusion training. I wonder if something similar exist for text
!!feed back
invokes @ShadowWizard wizard powers to return it back
@PeterKolosov ~ You do it yourself
@PeterKolosov ~ Eating back and vomiting right away
Good afternoon
had lunch?
@VidyaL yeah, hour ago.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack great!
Salad with chicken and gnocchi.
what is gnocchi
You? @Vidya
Gnocchi ( N(Y)OK-ee, US also N(Y)OH-kee, N(Y)AW-, Italian: [ˈɲɔkki]; singular gnocco) are a varied family of dumplings in Italian cuisine. They are made of small lumps of dough most traditionally composed of a simple combination of wheat flour, egg, salt, and potato. Variations of the dish supplement the simple recipe with flavour additives, such as semolina flour, cheese, breadcrumbs, cornmeal or similar ingredients, and possibly including herbs, vegetables, and other ingredients. Base ingredients may be substituted with alternatives such as sweet potatoes for potatoes or rice flour for wheat...
Pretty common in Israel.
aah okay hearing for the first time
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack same timezone!! ;)
can someone explain how this AI detection tool works? any idea I am just curios
@VidyaL make sense, probably not very common in your place. ;)
@PeterKolosov I know! :D
@VidyaL all those tools analyze the text, looking for patterns.
No other way, in general. No stamp or watermark like images.
IMO, not marking AI generated text is the biggest mistake ever made.
They could easily think of some way to mark it, in the early stages.
>>rmspaces {{shuffle Abe Vid Sha Pet Den Don}}
@PeterKolosov AbeDenVidShaDonPet
>>rmspaces {{shuffle Abe Vid Sha Pet Den Don}}
@PeterKolosov DenVidAbePetShaDon
>>cat {{ping {{randomchoice Abe Vid Sha Pet Den Don}}}} is cool!
@PeterKolosov @Sha is cool!
Who are Abe and Don? @Pet
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack it's a dogs in the manger if express short.
okay, thank you!
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack it's a dogs that want to steal the praise and toss it right away. ;)
Then how come the mods identify its AI generated, by using the tool ?
How to plug both monitor and laptop to one video card? (Nvidia)
@VidyaL the tool give something like "chance it's AI generated", if high enough, mod will take a closer look and use common sense to make final decision.
Also taking into account other posts by same user, other similar texts, etc. Something tools can't do.
That's why the blanket ban on detecting AI and calling out the mods is so rude, evil, and wrong.
Let's change my name to ... Sha-Dow-Pet!
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack oh okay, make sense
SE managers never bothered to check what's really going on.
@PeterKolosov Will be sockpuppet. :D
@PeterKolosov nah, you can be Peter The Shadow Kolosov
yum okay. how about Don Pet? ;)
Still don't understand what's Don so dunno.
Names of your dogs?
Don't have a dog..
@PeterKolosov hmm, so @Pet has no pet?! ;)
how about LinuxPro? ;)
@PeterKolosov not you anymore
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack have. but only no-name cat.
@SPArcheon The company is falling apart. Those lower on the ground don’t want to remove it. Those higher up may not have seen it, or fail to realize its impact, as they fail to understand a lot about this platform.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack mhm why?
@PeterKolosov without a name it's not a real pet. ;)
@PeterKolosov to stay Peter, you must have it, or part of it, in your name. :D
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack not thoroughbred.
@PeterKolosov so? if it lives in your house....
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack so how about LinuxPet? ;)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype probably
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack exaggerate (?)
But wait @Sha you don't have the part of your name in the nickname. Probably.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack northeast (?)
@PeterKolosov Shadow Wizard is my online identity, never used my real name, though I'm not really hiding it. :)
@PeterKolosov better
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack freestyle (?)
@FOX9000 Harry
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack kathryn (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack who...?
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack marquess (?)
Harry is a high-rep user on ruSo. '
@PeterKolosov well yeah, pretty common as first name. ;)
My new C# application!
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack nice! paint?
@PeterKolosov no, actual C# application. Will generate SQL based on Excel file.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack not bad! luckily ;)
Actually CSV, but meh. ;)
My main programming language is
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Use ChatGPT.
@PeterKolosov Sorry!
@AndreasdetestsAIhype eww
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack blech (?)
I want my screen to stay clean of my vomit. @Andreas ;)
@PeterKolosov my main is node.js but also got ~10 years experience with C# so still using it sometimes.
Also... VBScript. :D (not client side, running in Windows itself)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack no such programming language as node.js . only JavaScript ;)
@PeterKolosov ohh there is. My first five years at work were dedicated to classic ASP, which is actually VBScript.
breaking into the airplane and flying under shadow
Time to write the actual code, cya! :D
@PeterKolosov oh that feels...... good! :P
shrinks back after explode
Big Bang.
back to life
That's what I currently have as code behind:
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack so old VS?
Actually, I also know C#. Not so much. ;)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack :( Say sorry to Elon.
TheStacker- or rather AStacker, Antarctica 🇦🇶
101 3
runs away
@PeterKolosov what about him/her?
@PeterKolosov 2019
No associated word found for 2019.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype Elon Must
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack 2022!
@PeterKolosov I didn't need to use it since 2019 or 2020, until now. ;)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack just random user, maybe interesting ;)
ץ טאגדכש
@PeterKolosov you have Hebrew keyboard?
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack וקר
@PeterKolosov that's Gibberish, you know. ;)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack yeah :D
@PeterKolosov mildred (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack טקשי 'ק שךדם למם'!!!
נוא ןא ןד כוממט!
No time to solve it if it's some riddle or encoding...
ד years;D
@Andreas help, @Peter has Gibberishness
You have a cure?
טקשי 'ק למם' ןא ןד נטגקדןעמ
רק כקקק
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Blunt force is required.
let's rетуrn bаск tо еnglish
יחכ אבא
oh sorry for nonsense עאעאעאע!
@AndreasdetestsAIhype stick?
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Bat
@PeterKolosov just nonsense
@AndreasdetestsAIhype pitch (?)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype bat to hit the butt, fitting. :P
@FOX9000 Wavelength
@AndreasdetestsAIhype wave (?)
@FOX9000 Sharknado
No associated word found for Sharknado.
I think I’m being really annoying today.
Poor friends on SO.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype friend or fiends? ;)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Only time will tell. 😏
Hehe. :P
gibberish :P יעגוטד'/
Ok, time for me to go eat, and stop bothering them.
I think you’re being summoned!
in The Meta Room on Stack Overflow Chat, 36 secs ago, by Cody Gray - on strike
A wizard has recently joined us.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype I'm there already. :D
@AndreasdetestsAIhype eat what?
Something brown?
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Food!
I want fried shrimps. Sad that I don’t have any.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype you can... buy?;)
םדםה... enjoy
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack What? No! I have biscuits!
@PeterKolosov Danke.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype shrimp biscuits?
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack mhm, yum, but no.
I eat shrimp rolls sometimes. Yummy.
Maybe @Zoe wants some.
רםםךדיחכק' I also want!!!
@AndreasdetestsAIhype thing
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack absurd (?)
so I changing my name to LinuxPet? @Sha
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Bling
@AndreasdetestsAIhype sling (?)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype fighter (?)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype harvest (?)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype mainline (?)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype muscular (?)
@FOX9000 Borderline
@AndreasdetestsAIhype empathy (?)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype pale (?)
@FOX9000 Psychopath
@AndreasdetestsAIhype disorder (?)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype spaceship (?)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype excessive (?)
@FOX9000 Station
@AndreasdetestsAIhype serviceman (?)
@FOX9000 Rick-the-door-technician
No associated word found for Rick-the-door-technician.
@PeterKolosov will be odd to ping @Lin but hey, it's your name to change. ;)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype knock
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack trampled (?)
So let's just wait.
@PeterKolosov for what?
@RocketNikita profile change
Chat profile isn't affected right away when you edit the actual profile.
@Pet changed name and avatar.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack oh
@RocketNikita yeah (?)
@FOX9000 nah
@RocketNikita fer (?)
@FOX9000 fur
@RocketNikita trapper (?)
@FOX9000 sucker
@RocketNikita parasitic (?)
@FOX9000 piston
@RocketNikita valve (?)
@FOX9000 water
@RocketNikita feed (?)
@FOX9000 !!vomit
@AndreasdetestsAIhype ew
@Zoeisonstrike gs (?)
@FOX9000 vulve
No associated word found for vulve.
>>continue vulve ursus
@RocketNikita Shortcut for >>link word1 word2 + >>retry
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack ursus (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack negative (?)
@Zoeisonstrike I’ll take that as a yes.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype ew
@Zoeisonstrike That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword ew and then >>reply 9545391)
@Zoeisonstrike OK, fine. You get to have ketchup on the shrimps, but only because you’re you.
I'm still Peter Kolosov? What?
Now is. ;)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype ew
@Zoeisonstrike That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword ew and then >>reply 9545463)
Nobody answers to my question...
Q: "Null" error message when viewing the total vote count, if user ceases to have the privilege to see vote counts after the page is loaded

Pet LinuxWhen I downvoted this answer, I got 99 reputation on MSE. As you know, by reaching 100 rep you can see the vote count totals. I downvoted the answer, and I got 99 reputation. I didn't reload the page after (I know, it will help, but I want to report this bug). Then I tried to see the vote counts ...

@Zoeisonstrike Is that all you can say? :D
@Wolgwang Oh? You still feeling lonely?
Let's learn Hebrew together. אבא in Hebrew is "Father" in Englsh.
@PetLinux ew
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword ew and then >>reply 9545481)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack imbalance (?)
@PetLinux I can say plenty, but Andreas only says stuff worthy of a "ew"
Chinese soup?
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack yeha!
@Zoeisonstrike Finally a correct ew!
You can have mayonnaise on, though.
@Zoeisonstrike How wude!
Go bite your boyfriend.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype he might bite back.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack I’m sure she’ll enjoy it.
@Pet is this a bot to post Gibberish? I really don't get what you're trying to do.
And it's getting old pretty fast to just post nonsense without any reason.
enana dner\a raker
See? ;)
Gidd å lage meg middag i dag.
Jeg vil ha frityrstekt blekksprut.
@Zoe is an alien.
Poor @smi just got back after a long break, and that's what he see! :D
It explains why she hates human food.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype only one way to find out.
@Zoe what you think of alien food?
Ok, 1714
@PetLinux Just 100 years prior to 1814.
Who knows that know! It's not a year. Just ★ GIBBERISH ★ room with that id.
200 years before 1914
oh, WW1
Fun trivia: ר is 200. @Pet
Fun trivia: ש is 300. @Pet
Fun trivia: ת is 400. @Pet
And together, making it a nice big 900, is רשת which has quite a few meanings, among them network. :D
And just 191 years prior to 1905.
Also, שרת which means either a janitor, or a server.
@PetLinux T-28 is a beautiful tank.
And תשר which means a tip you leave to service men/women.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype which country
No associated word found for 1937.
>>continue 1937 1938
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack 1938 (?)
@AndreasdetestsAIhype Bi
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack ai (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack pe (?)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack dey (?)
Fun fact: Wikipedia page about poo has real picture of human poo (and a very impressive one). Wonder how it wasn't flagged yet. :D
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack I’m eating chocolate.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype yeah this one doesn't change color, it saves the body some work. ;)
It melted, and it’s all over my fingers now.
Stupid heat
@AndreasdetestsAIhype because you're too hot. Try cold shower.
One can never be too hot.
Serve me the ladies!
!!lick @Andreas fingers
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack No. Just no.
@PetLinux Command not found. Did you mean: link?
@PetLinux ah, you have Russian-Hebrew keyboard? But why? lol
@AndreasdetestsAIhype Why oh why? You refuse to get help. ;)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack yes, ru-en-hebrew
Well, still unknown Gibberish most of the time...
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Yes. My body is of premium quality, and with limited access.
@Andreas oh wait... don't tell me you save your fingers from being licked until you get married? Fingernity is respected though.
@PetLinux זה אני
I'm your daddy!
buying some milk for @Pet
lol even with nikkud. That doesn't exist in keyboard so... you copy from somewhere...
@Pet so what's special about כוס?
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack what is it?
@PetLinux word in Hebrew with nice double meaning, depends on the nikud. ;)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Never getting married.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype such a waste. :D
@AndreasdetestsAIhype וואו
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack I agree.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype so if @Zoe will propose, you will refuse her??? Shame. :P
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Ew.
@AndreasdetestsAIhype you might be able to food-educate her this way, over the years.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack @Zoe is beyond saving.
Just need some miracle.
... named Andreas.
Save me Father, for I have been assaulted!
... אבא (father)?
~ Wק Aרק Hקרק Fםר Yםו!
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack Ain't happening
Tired writing Hebrew gibberish.
06:00 - 16:0016:00 - 20:00

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