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9:05 PM
@Anonymous I'm not de-ROed not because you are "nice" but because I'm one of the founders of the room but you are new here. Sorry but you don't have any rights to make rules here if one of founders clearly disagrees with you.
@Anynobot or is deliberately destructive. — quite seriously.
@VictorVosMottor How is this deliberately destructive?
@Anynobot what this? Gaining rep by upvoting bots on the Team from your main account to get assoc bonus on public sites? Isn't it clear without explanation? BTW posts created for that purposes are mostly useless and should be nuked.
@Tec hi o/
@VictorVosMottor lol so I can't be de-ROed either but you once de-ROed me... in the 99th day RO chaos... sooooooooooo... should you be de-ROed temporarily too? jk tho
@Vic hello, jus' droppin' by for a short visit :)
@VictorVosMottor What post? I'm talking about the edit. That post is a spam post not made by any Anynobot.
@TechExpertWizard It was jk, while @Ano de-ROed me quite seriously. If it was a joke, I would have nothing against it
9:12 PM
@Vic When did I de-RO you?
@Tec I de-admined @Vic because of the clear warning not to raise spam flags or you will be de-admined.
@Anonymous No. You de-admined me after our argument on Discord. You kicked me out of the Team after raising spam flags.
proof #2
@VictorVosMottor You said you were going to kick the bots out, I would readmin you right now if it weren't for the fact that you broke the rules.
any comments?
@Anonymous I said, I would (temporary) deactivate bots' accounts for posting useless content in order to gain rep through serial upvoting.
Am I wrong? ;)
9:17 PM
@VictorVosMottor Temporarily? I didn't think you said that.
@Anonymous Also, what's the point of having bots in the Team? It's only confusing and can be used to upvote their owners' posts which is voting fraud. BTW yeah, I was going to deactivate them temporary.
@VictorVosMottor All of the other admins disagreed with you, and you said you'd do it anyway so I temporarily deadmined you. I'd readmin you now if it weren't for the fact that you broke the rules, and I'm trying to reactivate your team account but Stack Exchange is ratelimiting me so I'll do it as soon as it lets me.
You've been reactivated.
@Anonymous 1. All of the other admin? Come on, say @Roc doesn't even know about that. 2. I didn't break any rules, if I did, prove otherwise. 3. Thanks.
@VictorVosMottor Proof.
@Anonymous Counter argument in comments.
9:33 PM
A: Don't put a check mark near "ask a question or contribute an answer" on the list of privileges for suspended users

AnonymousNo, if we do this, well have to: Remove the checkmark on "flag posts" if you're banned from flagging During chatbans, remove the checkmark on "talk in chat" If you're review banned, remove the checkmark on "access review queues" Am I missing any? This conflicts with the fundamental purpose of t...

A: Don't put a check mark near "ask a question or contribute an answer" on the list of privileges for suspended users

AnonymousNo, if we do this, we'll have to: Remove the checkmark on "flag posts" if you're banned from flagging During chatbans, remove the checkmark on "talk in chat" If you're review banned, remove the checkmark on "access review queues" Am I missing any? This conflicts with the fundamental purpose of ...

@VictorVosMottor when did he de-RO you?
@VictorVosMottor ahh
10:14 PM
@Anonymous ? You mean in your teams?
10:27 PM
A: Don't put a check mark near "ask a question or contribute an answer" on the list of privileges for suspended users

AnonymousNo, if we do this, we'll have to: Remove the checkmark on "flag posts" if you're banned from flagging During chatbans, remove the checkmark on "talk in chat" If you're review banned, remove the checkmark on "access review queues" Am I missing any? This conflicts with the fundamental purpose of ...

@VictorVosMottor Care to explain why you think the edit was intentional harm?

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