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11:57 AM
@RocketNikita Wow hi!
@SPArcheon Yes, I've been thinking that it doesn't seem fair that Shadow's Den is still having a lot of ppl and messages.
Though one reason might be because ppwater is gone.
@Rock How do you do this kind of stuff?
1 hour later…
1:07 PM
@Tech Just take random image from google and convert it to text using my python script.
2:03 PM
Google is a valid alternative
2:59 PM
@SPA Cool!
5:05 PM
@RocketNikita I don't see a script. Did you delete the message?
5:33 PM
@SPArcheon Wow
@Tech it’s messy and not complete. Those deleted messages are my attempts to post those pictures, but they looked ugly.
5:54 PM
@RocketNikita @AnnZen not mine, just googled for some ascii art.
4 hours later…
10:08 PM
@Rock What about the not-deleted messages? (BTW please call me Tec, everyone calls me that. lol)
@SPA ohk
Thanks to everyone for making this room more active!
You know, what I've always been wanting since the absence of ppwater was to get the room more active, like it used to. Let me show you what I mean:

The Noisy Night

Jan 17 at 13:15, 32 minutes total – 359 messages, 9 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Jan 17 at 14:42 by Tech Expert Wizard

OK, I know that wasn't "night" (though it was nighttime for ppwater). But it rhymes better than "day" XD.
@Ann BTW how about trying your own ASCII art?
   #     #####   #####  ### ###
  # #   #     # #     #  #   #
 #   #  #       #        #   #
#     #  #####  #        #   #
#######       # #        #   #
#     # #     # #     #  #   #
#     #  #####   #####  ### ###
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Money overload.. XD
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@RocketNikita Hey, did you copy my location XD?
Rocket Nikita, Earth, the Solar System, Oort Cloud, Local Fluff, Local Bubble, Orion Arm, Milky Way Galaxy
370 1 3 14
My location is Sedna, Oort Cloud, Solar System. :D
But you took it a few steps further.. BTW a quick note: The Oort Cloud is part of the Solar System (in fact the Outer Solar System) so Earth isn't in there, so that technically isn't correct. :D I'd say:
Earth, Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way Galaxy

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