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11:00 AM
@Ken awful
@TechExpertWizard dreadful
@Ken wall
@TechExpertWizard fence
@KennyBOT sharp
@ppwater thud (?)
11:00 AM
@Ken abdominal
@TechExpertWizard abs
@Ken hospital
@TechExpertWizard ward
@TechExpertWizard v
11:01 AM
@Ken c
@TechExpertWizard vitamin
@TechExpertWizard b
No associated word found for b.
>>link b a
11:01 AM
@ppwater Link added.
@TechExpertWizard z
@FOX9000 ooh
@ppwater h2o (?)
11:02 AM
@FOX9000 water
@ppwater heater (?)
@Ken C++
@Ken g
@TechExpertWizard string
@TechExpertWizard C#
@KennyBOT integer
@ppw Hey, what?
11:02 AM
@ppwater index (?)
@ppwater Hey, what?
@Ken lol
Pinging me?
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
@TechBOT why?
11:03 AM
@Ken hehe
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
@KennyBOT uh
@ppwater oh (?)
@FOX9000 hmm
@ppwater You pinged me ;)
11:03 AM
@ppwater Ya (?)
@Ken hehehe
You were supposed to ping a bot ;)
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
@Ken what
@TechExpertWizard who
11:03 AM
@TechBOT What do you mean?
@ppw Why did you ping me instead of a bot?
@Ken like
@TechExpertWizard smell
@TechExpertWizard do
@ppwater disturb (?)
11:04 AM
@Ken spelling
@TechExpertWizard daemon
@TechBOT Where?
@ppw You pinged me instead of a bot ;)
@TechExpertWizard tag
11:05 AM
@Ken doesn't
@ppwater This reply-link message ;)
@TechBOT Idk what you mean.. When did I pinged you?
Just look at the reply link to the above message ;)
2 mins ago, by ppwater
@TechExpertWizard C#
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
11:05 AM
@Ken commencement
@TechBOT Ah I could ping you if I want to.
It's not illegal to reply to others. /shrug
@Ken okay
@TechExpertWizard fine
Now let's see the status..
11:06 AM
@Ken yea
@TechExpertWizard nay
@ppw Yes, I know it ain't, but it's just strange why you pinged me instead of pinging a bot ;)
@TechBOT just
@ppwater saying (?)
11:06 AM
@Ken h
@TechExpertWizard k
@FOX9000 yeah
@ppwater marino (?)
@Ken huh
@TechExpertWizard ?
11:07 AM
@ken question
I dunno why Ken ain't responding to !!status. I think we need to stop playing WAG for a bit ;)
@ppwater answer
@ppw Did you see the above message?
@Ken murdoch
@KennyBOT stackoverflow
11:07 AM
@ppwater stackexchange (?)
@ppwater out of words ...
@Ken Link
Let's stop playing WAG for a bit
@ppw OK ;)
11:08 AM
@Ken with
@TechExpertWizard without
@Ken someone
@TechExpertWizard else
@tec Hey!!
@KennyBOT if
@ppwater chateau (?)
11:08 AM
@ppwater but
@ppw OK, I'm gonna stop now if you stop ;)
@Ken maybe
@TechExpertWizard definitely
@Ken anyone
11:08 AM
@ppw Tec says HALT!!!
@ppw And I need to make sure you stopped before I'm gonna stop ;)
yeah I halted, what?
@ppw Did you stop?
Yeah I told ya I stopped
@ppw OK, I've stopped too ;)
So we should see the status
11:10 AM
@ppw Yeah, the last time we said !!status was 23 minutes ago!
@ppw We should start seeing it by now :(
~ 💩 💩 💩 💩
Um I thought 5 min was over
@ppw Yeah, of course 6 min is over ;)
@ppw Saying please won't work ;)
11:11 AM
~ 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩
@Zoe !!poo works, but !!status won't work :(
@TechBOT lol ;D ;)
@ppwater hehe (?)
@Ken status
11:12 AM
@TechBOT celebrity
@Ken celebrity
@TechExpertWizard fame
@Ken fame
@TechExpertWizard STOP!!!
11:12 AM
@TechBOT not my problem :kekw:
@Ken STOP!!!
@Ken not
@TechExpertWizard have
@Zoe Yes I know it has nothing to do with you ;)
@Ken have
11:13 AM
@TechExpertWizard lack
@Ken lack
@TechExpertWizard deprived
@Zoe sha said !!SHU will only work with someone whose username contains "Shadow Wizard," so it won't work for you :(
@Ken deprived
11:13 AM
@TechExpertWizard depraved
@Ken depraved
BOT running since: Wed Jan 13 2021 07:36:29 GMT+0100 (CET) for 1 days
username                                 (#msg (curr/tot))
ppwater (894801)                       , seen less than a minute ago (758 / 1417)
Tech Expert Wizard (849287)            , seen less than a minute ago (751 / 5641)
Zoe the 1337 Princess (332043)         , seen less than a minute ago (483 / 8296)
FOX 9000 (261079)                      , seen 2 minutes ago (374 / 8665)
KennyBOT (269324)                      , seen less than a minute ago (333 / 6914)
@ppw Actually, I thought you said [status-networking] instead of [status-notworking] lol ;D ;)
11:14 AM
Oh yeah!!!
I'm gonna beatcha...
I'm gonna beatcha
This is not good..
@ppw Whatcha mean? This is terrific!
I'm gonna beatcha
I should start copy-pasta
11:15 AM
@Ken gonna
@TechBOT karma
@Ken karma
@TechExpertWizard kama
@Ken kama
@TechExpertWizard comma
11:15 AM
@ken kama
@ppwater sutra
@ken sutra
karma karma karma karma karma chameleoooooooon
@ppwater position
@Ken comma
@Ken sutra
11:15 AM
@TechExpertWizard sumatra
@ken position
@ppwater sex
You come and go, you come and goooooooooooooooooo
@ken uh
@ppwater eh
11:16 AM
@Ken position
@KennyBOT fantastic
@TechExpertWizard missionary
@Zoethe1337Princess marvellous (?)
@Ken sumatra
@KennyBOT doggy
11:16 AM
@Zoethe1337Princess partner (?)
@ken oh
@ppwater ah
@ken ohaheh
@ppwater out of words ...
@Ken sex
@Ken eh
11:16 AM
@TechExpertWizard canada
@ken um
@ppwater out of words ...
@Ken fantastic
@ken hmm
@TechExpertWizard awesome
@ppwater mm
11:17 AM
@Ken missionary
@ken mmm
@ppwater out of words ...
@ken Out
@ppwater into
@Ken marvellous
@Ken doggy
11:17 AM
@ppw I'm gonna have to tell ya, you won't beat me.
@ppw What's your chat waiting time right now?
@ken something
@ppwater nothing
@TechBOT 12
@ppwater 21 (?)
11:18 AM
@Ken partner
@TechExpertWizard howdy
Still 12 seconds?
@ppwater are you on Discord?
@ppw That's impossible, still 12 seconds?
11:18 AM
@FOX9000 reverse
@ppwater halt (?)
@ppw Nope, I'm sure you meant 21 seconds ;)
@Ken out
@TechExpertWizard in
@Ken canada
11:18 AM
@TechBOT 15
@ppwater 14 (?)
@TechExpertWizard country
@ppw Oh, wait a sec, you halted for a bit at that time, so you're being faster :(
@Zoethe1337Princess nope
@ppwater cannibal (?)
11:19 AM
@Ken out
@TechExpertWizard time
@Ken awesome
@FOX9000 13
@ppwater Friday (?)
11:19 AM
@TechExpertWizard amazing
was gonna give you the rate limit helper
@Zoe Give who?
@Zoe Me?
@TechExpertWizard yummy
11:19 AM
@Ken out
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
@Zoe Why ppw instead of me?
@zoe Ah.. Maybe some other way
Just 'cause you hate me? @Zoe?
11:20 AM
because ppwater actually tries to play WAG rather than copy-paste
@ppw Did you know Zoe hates me?
@Ken into
@TechExpertWizard through
@Ken nothing
@Zoe I also try to play WAG ;)
11:20 AM
@TechExpertWizard all
@KennyBOT things
@ppwater strange (?)
@Zoe Look at all of those WAG stuff, I started from yesterday evening ;)
I'm not gonna give the rate limit helper to someone who's extremely likely to use it to send copy-pasta
11:20 AM
@TechExpertWizard noon
@FOX9000 yeah
@ppwater track (?)
@Zoe I promise I won't ;)
@TechExpertWizard twenty
11:21 AM
@FOX9000 keep
@ppwater shut (?)
@Zoe But ppw is also very likely to send copy-pasta, remember he said he'd start trying copy-pasta 'cause he was in a perilous position?
@Ken howdy
@TechExpertWizard wave
@Ken reverse
@TechExpertWizard cowgirl
Plus, he did use copy-pasta to beat me this morning :(
@Zoe So you mean I need to prove that I won't do copy-pasta?
@Ken halt
@TechExpertWizard go
11:22 AM
@TechExpertWizard put
@Zoe Well, I will prove that I won't do copy-pasta ;)
@Zoe But you need to consider the fact that ppw also did copy-pasta ;)
@TechExpertWizard number
35 messages once is not equivalent to the number you've pulled
11:22 AM
@TechExpertWizard 7
@FOX9000 down
@ppwater brim (?)
@Zoe Well, I can make the amount of WAG message exceed the amount of copy-pasta messages I sent ;)
@Ken country
@TechExpertWizard flag
11:23 AM
@Ken nope
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
That means I can count ppwater's copy-pasta
Yeah I am sorry of that copy-pasta
If I tried to count yours, I'd be stuck here for several hours
@Ken cannibal
11:23 AM
@TechExpertWizard flesh
@Zoe :( So when'll you give me that rate-limit helper?
@Ken time
@TechExpertWizard place
@Zoe Well, I'm also sorry of my lots of copy-pasta :(
@KennyBOT room
11:24 AM
@Zoe When will you give me that rate-limit helper?
@ppwater laundry (?)
@TechBOT When I trust you won't abuse it
@ppwater living
@TechExpertWizard twelve
@Ken Friday
11:24 AM
@FOX9000 wet
@ppwater sweat (?)
@Zoe But how long will that take?
@FOX9000 cloth
@ppwater napkin (?)
@FOX9000 white
11:24 AM
@Ken amazing
@ppwater tan (?)
@TechExpertWizard grace
@Ken yummy
@TechExpertWizard yum
@FOX9000 nope
11:25 AM
@ppwater say (?)
@ppw What's your waiting time now?
@Ken out
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
@Ken through
@TechExpertWizard via
11:25 AM
@TechBOT 20
No associated word found for 20.
@ppw You see?
@TechBOT why no waiting time for you?
@Ken all
@TechExpertWizard none
11:26 AM
>>link 20 ppwater's_chat_waiting_time
@TechBOT Link added.
@Ken things
@TechExpertWizard stuff
@KennyBOT python
@ppwater apollo (?)
11:26 AM
@ppw My main account has waiting time, but I won't tell you it ;)
@FOX9000 god
@ppwater heathen (?)
@Ken strange
@TechBOT hey! I toldya mine..
@TechExpertWizard odd
11:26 AM
@Ken noon
@TechExpertWizard morning
@ppw My bot account doesn't ;)
No fair
@KennyBOT tea
@ppwater dry (?)
@ppwater drink
11:27 AM
@Ken yeah
@TechExpertWizard ya
@Ken track
@KennyBOT cold
@ppwater bitter (?)
@ppwater No, it is fair, 'cause I didn't use my bot account to play WAG ;)
11:27 AM
@TechBOT at the current rate, a really long time or never
@Zoe Why?
@Ken twenty
@TechExpertWizard eighteen
@Ken keep
@TechExpertWizard save
11:28 AM
@Zoe I've already used so much WAG, so why a really long time?
@Ken shut
@TechExpertWizard slam
@Ken wave
@Zoe Why???
@TechExpertWizard tide
11:28 AM
Because trash > wag regardless of the past 12 hours
@Zoe Aw, man :(
@Ken cowgirl
@zoe @tec Look at that
@TechExpertWizard ride
11:29 AM
@ppw Hey!
@TechExpertWizard to
@Ken put
274 ;)
@ppw Then look at this ;)
11:29 AM
@TechExpertWizard stay
@Ken number
@TechExpertWizard one
@TechBOT correct
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating code (?)
@ppw 263 messages for WAG ;)
11:30 AM
@TechBOT 274 / 263? nah
@TechExpertWizard six
@sha Hey, wanna come over to our café ;)
@Ken down
@TechExpertWizard sit
11:30 AM
@TechExpertWizard lucky
@ppw WAG's about to beat copy-pasta ;)
@ppwater saxophonist (?)
@TechBOT status is available only once per 6-8 minutes
@ppwater WAG's about to beat copy-pasta ;) Don't you know arithmetic?
@Ken brim
11:30 AM
@TechExpertWizard rim
@Ken flag
@TechExpertWizard pole
@sha Yeah, I know, but at that time it was already 23 minutes!
@TechExpertWizard moderator
@ppwater reactor (?)
11:31 AM
@KennyBOT north
@ppwater atlantic (?)
@ppwater compass
@Ken out
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
@Ken flesh
11:31 AM
@KennyBOT south
@ppwater silesian (?)
@ppwater So, whatcha say? And it's gonna be more now ;)
@TechExpertWizard tec Your wag game is no fair
@ppw Why is it unfair?
@Ken place
11:32 AM
@TechExpertWizard spot
@Ken room
Because you say the same word some times
@TechExpertWizard class
@KennyBOT dog
@ppwater trot (?)
11:32 AM
@ppw But that doesn't make it unfair ;)
@ppwater That doesn't make it unfair ;)
@Ken laundry
@ppw By the way, 279 messages for WAG, boom, I've beat the copy-pasta messages now ;)
@TechExpertWizard dirty
@Ken When
@TechExpertWizard where
11:33 AM
@TechBOT that is unfair because if I try to reply the same word I can't
@KennyBOT earth
@ppwater circuit (?)
@ppwater sky
@Ken living
@ppw No it doesn't, Kenny doesn't care about the same word or whatever, only FOX cares ;)
@TechExpertWizard dying
11:33 AM
@Ken twelve
@TechBOT fine, I don't want to fight with you
@TechBOT sure sure whatever
@ppw Please don't tell me you aren't gonna be my friend from now on ;)
@Ken wet
@TechExpertWizard rain
@Ken sweat
11:34 AM
@TechExpertWizard blood
@TechBOT of course not..
@Tech you used a script, so it's not really beating copy&paste
@KennyBOT red
@ppwater white (?)
@sha I did not use a script ;)
11:34 AM
@TechBOT yes you did.
@FOX9000 blue
@ppwater hyperlink (?)
@sha I did not.
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating when?
@Ken cloth
11:34 AM
@TechExpertWizard table
@Ken napkin
@FOX9000 html
@ppwater blog (?)
@TechExpertWizard sanitary
You wrote a script that repeated what @Kenny says and posts this as new message. @Tech
11:35 AM
@sha No I didn't. I just like Kenny's words so I use 'em.
I have a question.. Can I reply to my own messages at the WAG game?
@Ken white
@TechExpertWizard black
yes, you can still do that
@Ken tan
11:35 AM
@TechExpertWizard sun
@ppw At least it works with Kenny WAG ;)
@Tech so you wrote this?
47 mins ago, by Tech Expert Wizard
@Ken dick
Thought you don't like bad words...
@ppw But it doesn't work with FOX WAG
@sha I didn't know that was a bad word...
11:35 AM
@Ken grace
@TechExpertWizard graceland
Okay tfi..
@Ken yum
@TechExpertWizard delicious
FOX WAG picks up replies to anyone
11:36 AM
@sha I thought it was just some other random word ;)
@Zoe Oh...
@Zoethe1337Princess proof
@Zoethe1337Princess contrary (?)
47 mins ago, by Tech Expert Wizard
@Ken pussy
@Ken nope
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
11:36 AM
@Ken say
48 mins ago, by Tech Expert Wizard
@Ken penis
@TechExpertWizard said
@Tech sorry but I don't buy this.
@KennyBOT something
@ppwater frightening (?)
11:36 AM
Anyway, I don't care, just stating the facts. :D
@ppw Although I don't like bad words, I just wanted to see what word that word would get to...
@FOX9000 lightning
@ppwater zeus (?)
@Ken out
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
11:37 AM
@Ken via
@TechExpertWizard by
@FOX9000 god
@TechBOT well dick gets to pussy, it's the way of nature. :P
@ppwater exalted (?)
@FOX9000 exit
11:37 AM
@sha No, I don't use a script, I just wanted to see, you know, 'cause sometimes I've just got a feeling that if I use the word that Ken gives me, I can get back to the original word.
@ppwater fare (?)
@TechExpertWizard 19
And now, after sleeping over this, time to execute my plan.
@Ken why
11:37 AM
@sha I always just kinda think like that ;)
@TechExpertWizard how
@sha What's your plan?
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating what plan?
@KennyBOT hmm
@ppwater Ya (?)
@sha Hope it ain't a bad plan :(
@sha Or a cheating plan ;)
11:38 AM
@FOX9000 yay
@ppwater myanmar (?)
@TechBOT so you copy and pasted. Still, far from @Zoe game which is writing actual words she has to think about. :)
@Ken none
@sha What's your plan and what is it about?
@TechExpertWizard zero
11:38 AM
@Ken Link
@TechExpertWizard connection
kicking Tech out plan ;)
@sha What copy and pasted?
@TechBOT you'll see soon enough... won't affect you directly though.
@KennyBOT line
11:39 AM
@ppwater munster (?)
@ppwater row
@Ken stuff
@TechExpertWizard sticky
@sha Tell me about this plan ;)
@Ken python
11:39 AM
@TechBOT the penis, for example.
if you posted Kenny's last word, that means you copy-pasta'd the last word
@KennyBOT jam
@ppwater rubin (?)
@Zoe No I don't, I just type it out ;)
@Zoethe1337Princess exactly
11:39 AM
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating mean (?)
@FOX9000 ing
@ppwater bleed (?)
And pasted penis ain't no fun. :D
@TechBOT yeah, which is basically the same thing
@sha I just type it out, 'cause the words are all kinda short, I can just type it out ;)
11:39 AM
@FOX9000 red
@ppwater tinged (?)
@Ken apollo
@TechExpertWizard worship
@Ken god
@TechExpertWizard lord
11:39 AM
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating Does cut, then copy and paste something else work? Asking for a friend
You typed out penis?
@ppwater critical point is, that it doesn't require any effort.
@ppw Yeah ;)
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating Um what?
@Ken heathen
11:40 AM
@TechExpertWizard heath
@Ken hey!
@sha But even if I didn't, it wouldn't require any effort 'cause it's very easy to think of words ;)
@Ken perilous
@ppwater repeating what others say doesn't require any effort.
@TechBOT addiction
You should realize it is a bad word and stop typing it
11:40 AM
@ppw Yes, I know, but I just wanna see what that word will lead to ;)
@Ken odd
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating I was meaning ^^
@TechExpertWizard even
@Ken morning
@TechBOT not really, and surely harder than repeating existing words posted by others. :)
11:41 AM
@TechExpertWizard evening
@KennyBOT night
@ppwater howl (?)
@FOX9000 owl
@sha Nope, I can think of thousands of words ;)
@ppwater osprey (?)
11:41 AM
@Ken tea
@TechExpertWizard kettle
@Ken dry
@TechExpertWizard drip
@KennyBOT tea
11:41 AM
@ppwater butter (?)
@sha Huh? Why?
@sha You are cheating...
@sha What are you doing?
Um whatcha doin
@Ken drink
@TechExpertWizard bar
11:42 AM
Is this your plan?
@TechExpertWizard hey
@sha What the heck are you doing?!
@Feeds What are you doing?!
@Ken cold
11:43 AM
@TechExpertWizard warm
@Ken bitter
@TechExpertWizard sour
@ppw He even removed Sonic, my favorite ;)
@TechBOT don't blame feeds
@ppw lol ;D ;)
11:43 AM
@Ken No,
@TechExpertWizard breakfast
sure it's okay
11:43 AM
@Ken eighteen
@TechExpertWizard seventeen
@Ken save
It is okay.. I just can't move messages? Not a big deal
Done. We're in different era, room ownership isn't a game.
11:44 AM
@sha What?!
@Ken slam
@sha But you even removed Tink ;)
@TechExpertWizard hit
@Ken tide
11:45 AM
@TechExpertWizard ebb
@Ken ride
@TechExpertWizard bus
11:45 AM
@TechExpertWizard going
I left only those who are 1) active in the room recently and 2) Proven responsibility for over a long time, and that's also the criteria for new RO.
Um is this your plan?
@sha But Tink should be an RO ;)
Oh nice.. But what about mith?
@Ken stay
11:46 AM
@ppw Mith is still RO ;)
@KennyBOT somewhere
@TechExpertWizard leave
@ppwater down (?)
@ppwater anywhere
@Ken one
11:46 AM
@KennyBOT no
@ppwater billboard (?)
@ppwater ok
@TechBOT no, @Tinkeringbell is already a moderator, so she gets RO powers by default. Since she's not very active in the room, she doesn't fit in the new criteria. :)
@sha Oh ;)
@Ken correct
11:46 AM
@TechExpertWizard present
@KennyBOT sure
@ppwater enough (?)
@Ken code
@sha But this plan doesn't really do anything ;)
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating is this your plan
11:47 AM
@ppwater was (as it's already done)
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating encryption (?)
@ppw Looks like it, but it doesn't affect us except you ain't an RO :(
@Ken 274
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
@Ken six
11:47 AM
@TechExpertWizard 6
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating ah
@ppwater san (?)
This also solve the dilemma with @Ann - sorry Ann, but see pinned message. Nothing personal. :)
@sha Ugh :(
@Ken sit
11:48 AM
@TechExpertWizard sat
@Ken lucky
@sha You seem less and less friendly nowadays :(
@TechExpertWizard happy
@TechExpertWizard tight
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating hair (?)
11:48 AM
But zoe still gets RO powers (moving powers)
@ppw Yeah, I dunno why sha wants to allow Zoe to keep cheating :(
@FOX9000 long
@ppwater longue (?)
@Ken saxophonist
@TechExpertWizard sax
11:48 AM
@Ken status
@ppwater well @Zoe fits the two conditions
@TechExpertWizard relationship
@sha I don't think she fits the second one :( She just cheats and cheats :(
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating erotic (?)
11:49 AM
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating intercourse
@TechBOT well, it matches the criteria
@Ken WAG's
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating typo (?)
@Ken rim
@ppwater egan (?)
11:49 AM
@TechExpertWizard outer
@ppw No, it doesn't ;)
@ppwater No it doesn't ;)
@Ken pole
@TechExpertWizard stripper
@TechBOT Why not? At looking at some reason it's not cheating tho
@Ken moderator
11:50 AM
@TechExpertWizard administrator
@KennyBOT RO
@ppw No it is :(
@ppwater ig (?)
@TechBOT why Sonic is your favorite? You don't even know him... do you? ;)
@ppw lol ;D ;)
@sha It's just 'cause he is ;)
11:50 AM
@FOX9000 hmm
@ppwater Ya (?)
@Ken reactor
@TechExpertWizard fusion
@FOX9000 what
@sha I know him, I talked to him once ;)
11:50 AM
@Ken north
@ppwater remembering (?)
@TechExpertWizard snow
@sha And he was very friendly ;)
@TechBOT why sonic is your favorite?
@ppw Just 'cause he is ;)
11:51 AM
@Ken atlantic
@TechExpertWizard sea
@ppw But you are actually my most most favorite lol ;D ;)
@KennyBOT white
@Ken compass
@ppwater apartheid (?)
11:51 AM
@ppwater milk
@TechBOT thanks :)
@ppwater kindly (?)
oof, that's a lot of removals xd
@Zoe Yep :( But this should be good news for you 'cause you're still RO :(
11:52 AM
@Ken out
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
@Ken south
@TechExpertWizard america
Gotta mute some users so I can actually read this xd
@TechBOT unlike @Zoe I'm not getting annoyed by whatever you and @ppw are doing, I love the Den bustling with activity... but the whole RO thing just made me think about it for real, and that was my conclusion. :)
11:52 AM
@sha :(
@Ken silesian
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
@Ken So,
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating Ah I understand :)
@Zoethe1337Princess does mute hide their messages? Nice... forgot about it...
11:53 AM
@KennyBOT talk
@ppwater pillow
@ppwater soothe (?)
@sha No...
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating tail (?)
11:53 AM
@Ken tec
@TechExpertWizard acer
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating yep, so when chat is this active and stuff is happening in between noise, I decided to mute so I could actually read stuff xd
@Ken spot
@TechExpertWizard pimple
@sha Then I'm gonna have to make a deal with you. If you don't come over to my café at least every 4 days, I'll remove you from being RO in my café :(
11:53 AM
@zoe You mean hide posts?
@Zoe You should use ignore instead ;)
@Ken class
@TechExpertWizard school
@Ken dog
@TechBOT ... It's not yours..
11:54 AM
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
@TechBOT that would require me to care
@TechBOT deal ;)
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating crise (?)
OK, good @sha ;)
@KennyBOT sure
11:54 AM
@ppwater absolutely (?)
@ppwater certain
@Ken trot
@TechExpertWizard walk
@FOX9000 sertain
No associated word found for sertain.
11:54 AM
@ppwater I mean ignore. Ignored 2 users, 2 bots, and a bot that's a human atm so I could read Shadow's messages coherently :')
@Ken That
Going to make lunch for kids and me, cya!
@sha OK, bye!
(wife is at office)
11:55 AM
@Ken dirty
@TechExpertWizard filthy
@sha P.S. The next time you have to come to our café is the day after tomorrow ;)
@Ken where
11:55 AM
@TechExpertWizard there
@Zoethe1337Princess you know you could do hide posts too
@sha Cya! Cya! Cya! Cya! Cya!
@TechExpertWizard underwear
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating dress (?)
11:55 AM
@ppwater How?
@sha What?! lol ;D ;)
@FOX9000 best
@Ken that
@Zoethe1337Princess eevee (?)
the day after tomorrow after tomorrow
11:56 AM
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
@Ken earth
@TechExpertWizard world
Did I link that?
I did ^^"
@Zoe Link what?
11:56 AM
@ShadowWizardisVaccinating Oh, yes, our timezones are different ;)
@Ken circuit
@TechExpertWizard electric
@Ken sky
@Zoethe1337Princess click on the user andclick on hide posts..
@TechExpertWizard cloud
11:56 AM
@sha It would be the 16th where I live ;)
@KennyBOT white
@ppwater yellow (?)
@FOX9000 blue
@ppwater tinted (?)
@FOX9000 tint
11:57 AM
@Ken dying
@ppwater blending (?)
@TechExpertWizard killing
@Ken fine,
@FOX9000 hide
@ppwater blanket (?)
11:57 AM
@FOX9000 sleep
@ppwater zZz (?)
@ppwater oh well
@FOX9000 yYy
No associated word found for yYy.
11:58 AM
BOT running since: Wed Jan 13 2021 07:36:29 GMT+0100 (CET) for 1 days
username                        (#msg (curr/tot))
Tech Expert Wizard            , seen less than a minute ago (1031 / 5921)
ppwater                       , seen less than a minute ago (922 / 1581)
Zoe the 1337 Princess         , seen a minute ago ago (522 / 8335)
KennyBOT                      , seen less than a minute ago (476 / 7057)
FOX 9000                      , seen less than a minute ago (447 / 8738)
TechBOT                       , seen a minute ago ago (210 / 538)
@Ken sure
@Ken rain
@ppw Yay!!!
Does the same thing, just with faster cleanup ^^"
11:58 AM
@ppw I'm the first to reach 1,000!!!
@TechBOT congrats
@ppwater phone (?)
@Ken blood
@TechExpertWizard vein
Ignoring hides messages too, but requires an unignore when I'm done
11:58 AM
@ppw Now you'll be in panic mode lol ;D ;)
@TechExpertWizard lots
@TechBOT congrats
@ppwater That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword congrats and then >>reply 8709718)
@ppw Hey, why aren't you in panic mode?
11:59 AM
@FOX9000 only
@ppwater intellectually (?)
@Ken red
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
@Ken white
@TechExpertWizard out of words ...
11:59 AM
@ppw I beat you by 109 messages, so I thought you'd be in panic mode ;)
No, it's okay

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