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4:52 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in body (26): Sitecore 9.1 Installation script blocked by Bitdefender Antivirus by Nidhi Vaishnava on sitecore.SE
2 hours later…
7:29 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer (94): Temperature to disable enzymes in soy beans by Stefan Carl on cooking.SE
7:49 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in body, blacklisted website in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body (199): How to fix iTunes sync error 54? by JohnMillar02 on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…
8:50 AM
9:20 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body (96): it works naturally in order to optimize sexual health by shanaverdin on astronomy.SE
10:06 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer (79): Blender 2.8 and Google Earth Studio (GES) 3D camera integration/import by Gonzalo Garreton on blender.SE
10:30 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body (196): Bitpanda Phone Number by user18668 on 3dprinting.SE
11:05 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer (60): Bind9 - openssl problem ✏️ by Darxus on askubuntu.com
11:30 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, blacklisted user (165): Is it really necessary to have a four hour meeting in Sprint planning? by Maddison jams on pm.SE
11:40 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Messaging number in answer (90): BITCOIN TRADE FOR INVESTORS/NEWBIES by user99661 on bitcoin.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (93): BITCOIN TRADE FOR INVESTORS/NEWBIES ✏️ by user99659 on bitcoin.SE
12:33 PM
39 messages moved from Tavern on the Meta
4 messages moved from Tavern on the Meta
12:50 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body (97): Handlebars js. #if условие не работает by Олег Фролов on ru.stackoverflow.com
2 hours later…
2:47 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, username similar to website in answer (60): How to fill a hollow object in Illustrator? by zega logo on graphicdesign.SE
3 hours later…
5:25 PM
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
8:06 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, link at end of answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (147): Remove all files NOT containing a pattern in the contents by DarlaMWall on superuser.com
1 hour later…
9:23 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, blacklisted user (72): What's The Difference Between Steroids, SARMs, Prohormones, Peptides In Bodybuilding? by Jake on medicalsciences.SE
9:55 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in body (26): Buscador Secuencial y Binario ✏️ by Pedro on es.stackoverflow.com

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