The search form is missing from the source code of the default search page on Main ( when we are logged in. I'm suspecting this is due to recent layout changes?
On Meta, this is not an issue
Unregistered/Not logged in, the...
Reminder: while Toriel will indeed try to avoid hitting Frisk if its hp falls low enough for it to risk being killed by the attack, that courtesy may or may not be reserved to others ^_^
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, pattern-matching product name in body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in username (198): Hilft die Ausdauer zu erhöhen? by memberxxl on astronomy.SE
@forest When I first read about it, I was wondering if it was the explanation for the random shivers I sometimes have (they start at my head too). Then I read it was about feeling super relaxed or something, and I was like... nah, that's not it. Disappointment :(
@Tinkeringbell Do you ever get shivers or anything like that when listening to music that resonates with you particularly powerfully or has strong emotional connections?
Apparently that happens in 15% of people or something.
And certainly for me, for some very specific music.
@Derpy Okay, so new thread for you: I saw this (Dutch) news video this morning. A while ago, a big shipping ship lost a few (270) containers of stuff, and they opened and now there's all sorts of stuff washing up on Dutch coasts. One of the things is MLP figurines. A real-life pony farm now has opened up what apparently is a 'My Little Pony Rescue Center' where people can turn in the ponies, they are cleaned up, and then people can 'adopt' them again :)
@forest I don't think so. It's mostly whenever I'm watching TV and zoning out, I get this shiver and my attention is back ;)
@forest it is known that that is just the felling you get when you level up. Basically, your player has just got some roleplay-bonus experience points, enough to get to the next level.
@Tinkeringbell any link?
... could also check if it already made its way to ED
> Last week we posted about a container ship dumping ponies into the ocean. Apparently these guys are so recognizable, that the scientific community is now using them to study how plastic trash in the ocean travels. It's still not completely known how quick it takes stuff like this to sink, and having brightly colored equines makes studying stuff like that much easier.
@Tinkeringbell while that may be true, you should use an official image from the show as a reference, not a fanart :P I just posted the image to clarify she is not green ^_^
Wouldn't that probably violate some copyrights/contracts/rules on having merchandise with a show? AFAIK, usually you need some sort of contract between whoever owns the MLP shows and the one that produces the toys?
@Mithrandir just to know... Am I mistaken or this is a very common pattern on SciFi? Ask vague identification question, wait for people to post comments with some guess, then self answer with something like "found out, it was [name from one of the comments]"
@JourneymanGeek yeah, I kind of get the horror image they try to convey and then still if you do, formulate your argument very, very carefully. Some events can't be matched/compared.
Note *I've modified the queries. Do check them - they look at unclosed questions, only looking at answer rates for the year in question. Let me know if I need to correct something please.
Note2 This isn't a dupe, first that's a 2016 question, while it looks like a big drop in 2018. Second the me...
@forest Who says it's an exaggeration? My first assumption upon reading that comment is that the poster there actually is a victim of genocide or ethnic conflict, and is uncomfortable being exposed to the language of the country that oppressed him. And the response here is to mock him for that?
It seems to me that the analogy, or something of its nature, was necessary. The edit has entirely removed the basis for his discomfort; it now sounds like he's just randomly uncomfortable with foreign languages
@Aibobot I agree with Mark though... calling it 'crazy exaggeration for an analogy' just dismisses the fact that this may be unnecessary but true. A bit more care in how we word things would be appreciated.
It's not just about wording, though. The guy has basically outed himself as a survivor of an ethnic conflict, and given that as his reason for certain preferences about ads. Our response was to entirely censor his implication that he's a genocide survivor. In what way is that an okay way to treat someone?
@Bart which reminds me that you are hereby required to go and adopt some of those floating pony toys so that they can be used for future swag giveouts.
@MarkAmery I don't know. This kind of stuff is hard. Perhaps the analogy was overdrawn, perhaps it wasn't... I feel like we're better off leaving comparisons to e.g. Holocaust events off these sites, so editing it out feels okay to me. Yet, if indeed there's a bigger problem to the language issue like the one you're perceiving but OP doesn't want to clarify directly... You're kinda out of options.
@Derpy Okay, so new thread for you: I saw this (Dutch) news video this morning. A while ago, a big shipping ship lost a few (270) containers of stuff, and they opened and now there's all sorts of stuff washing up on Dutch coasts. One of the things is MLP figurines. A real-life pony farm now has opened up what apparently is a 'My Little Pony Rescue Center' where people can turn in the ponies, they are cleaned up, and then people can 'adopt' them again :)
BTW, I started out to write a FAQy meta post on how not to phrase your question on some site, and in hindsight it seemed like a pretty great idea, avoiding lots of unnecessary close votes. Is there some good stuff I can read about this on meta.SE and meta.SO? I already know about the "can someone help me?" one
Like, I am legit confused by how so many people have apparently read "I don't want to be more specific in a public post not to offend anyone, but to use an analogy I feel like a Jew who fled from a Nazi occupied country and suddenly shown German language in his face." and not interpreted it as the poster having previously fled his home to escape persecution by the country whose language he's now seeing ads in
@MarkAmery well, sure. I did leave a comment that I censored him so that both the OP and visitors can judge what was edited. I expect either someone rollback my edit and calls me stupid or someone address the issue in a different way. I'm not going to come up with an genocide replacement example as I personally feel all of them will fall flat. And that is not helping the ads issue the OP is trying to get attention for.
@MarkAmery I think the part is that it's not direct communication. The analogy has one big disadvantage: The OP here can either just mean the feeling (which makes the analogy bad), or indeed also mean the fleeing genocide part (which makes the analogy strange, as they then could've just used way more general language)
@rene No problem. Didn't want to make an edit myself for the reasons I gave in the comment, but also really didn't want to leave the situation in the way it was. Hopefully found the right compromise.
On the topic of sensitivity about language: a friend of mine who studied Russian at uni went travelling around eastern Europe once (not in Russia). In one country (I think it might've been the Ukraine, pre-invasion, though I may be misremembering) she made the mistake of addressing a shopkeeper in Russian. The shopkeeper immediately turned on her and snarled back "Do not speak to me in the language of my oppressor!"
quick poll: anyone here that found themselves blocked from websites because the Enterprise IT folks removed the Let's Encrypt root certificates from the Trusted CA Store on the client devices? The Group policy mafia ...
LE still requires you to prove control over a website before it'll issue you a cert. It's exactly as secure as any other Root CA and has to abide the same rules
That some phishing sites use it is a red herring. You can get a free 90 day cert from other CAs and none of them verify beyond you being the website owner either
I wanted to say thanks to SE developers for fixing all these old bugs. You are really productive right now.
And I have a question: Which of these forms is better: As [Name] said in their comment, ... with [Name] linking to the user page or with the whole sentence linking to the comment?
I would prefer the first because it is independent of any comment deletion.
@MEE I think you could just link to the comment ;-) If I'd had to manage that thread, I'd treat them as a pair. Delete one, delete the other, so it doesn't confuse people e.g. having no comments from <name> there anymore.
@Tinkeringbell yes, I was talking about this post of mine where one user suggested an edit where they changed your form to the other one. I was unsure whether I should override it and therefore I asked what would be recommended.
@MEE Eh... Case by case thing, I guess. Since this is the person that wrote the comment, perhaps they have reasons for not wanting a direct link to their profile in there. And the edit got approved, so perhaps there's an unwritten rule of linking to the comment that I don't know of :P
@MEE so, code golf (trying to make your code as short as possible in a particular language) doesn't always come off flawless, and sometimes, over codegolf.SE, other users suggest improvements to your submission instead of posting a separate one; when you incorporate them, it's customary to credit the one who suggested the improvement(s). personally, I usually link to the profile so as to avoid ambiguity, even if the username is well-known
never link to the comment in a post; after the post gets edited to add the info that's in a comment, the comment is supposed to be deleted (you can flag it as NLN); if you want to link somewhere, link to the profile
@EKons I rejected it now because I would be annoyed as a future reader if the comment was deleted and the link would just reload the page. I think the link is more useful if it points to the user, because this comment is, as you said, now theoretically NLN because its information have been incorporated in the post.
I don't know whether this is the right room for this, but this answer uses code formatting for highlighting: Could someone with full editing powers change this please?
like, if a comment is used to add information (one of the fundamental uses of a comment), then the commenter believed that an edit would be too drastic for that, so the poster eventually decides
@MEE maybe suggest an edit yourself and see if it's approved? it would surely have way more than 6 different chars
formatting improvement is a valid reason for a suggested edit (it even shows up as an example: "briefly explain your changes (corrected spelling, fixed grammar, improved formatting)")
and yes, using inlined code like that is a no-no
not just for formatting, but for screen readers too
@Derpy since you seem to know what "𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐲?" means... can you translate please?
I don't think I know that language... it kinda looks like the letters and words appear a bit English, but I'm not sure if it means what I think it means...