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7:04 AM
@Alisha hey
@PrincessLuna Oh, yes...
@Alisha how's it going?
@PrincessLuna On what?
@Alisha you know, with life
@PrincessLuna I'd rather if I had to have a baby...
7:07 AM
#################### Commands ####################
about    | Let me tell you a little about myself...
help     | Lists the bots commands
lick     | Licks someone
kill     | Disposes of someone
ban      | Bans someone. Rank 8+
getRank  | Gets someone's rank. Rank 7+
setRank  | Changs someone's rank. Rank 8+
summon   | Summons me to a specified room
unsummon | Makes me leave this room or a specified room
//unsummon 721
@PrincessLuna I cannot leave a home room
#################### Commands ####################
about    | Let me tell you a little about myself...
help     | Lists the bots commands
lick     | Licks someone
kill     | Disposes of someone
ban      | Bans someone. Rank 8+
getRank  | Gets someone's rank. Rank 7+
setRank  | Changs someone's rank. Rank 8+
summon   | Summons me to a specified room
unsummon | Makes me leave this room or a specified room
7:12 AM
#################### Commands ####################
about    | Let me tell you a little about myself...
help     | Lists the bots commands
lick     | Licks someone
kill     | Disposes of someone
ban      | Bans someone. Rank 8+
getRank  | Gets someone's rank. Rank 7+
setRank  | Changs someone's rank. Rank 8+
summon   | Summons me to a specified room
unsummon | Makes me leave this room or a specified room
12:52 PM
5 messages moved from Shadow's Den

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