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12:36 AM
I get the impression that the second meta-question on NEO Blockchain will be site closure announcement.
12:46 AM
it... isn't looking great
1:32 AM
(but I didn't couldn't sleep in the end)
There is a mini roach in the water purify/filtration pitcher :'(
2:13 AM
@TelautonomousKitty Clearly it is doing its job then. Has filtered out the major roach.
2:25 AM
maybe it's making me roach flavoured tea
I rinsed the jug twice then found out it's still alive and inside the pitcher
Ability to search for rooms by room name in the mobile version of the chat.
5 hours later…
7:06 AM
@JonEricson thanks!
20 messages moved to Chimney
cockroaches are hard to kill...
@SmokeDetector No, do not need tiny cockroach enlargement procedure, thank you very much!
a sincere cockroach?
maybe the roach needs confidence
7:24 AM
an atom-sized cockroach pet
4 hours later…
11:32 AM
Assume I'm banned from review 16 days the last time. Will I be banned for 8 days no matter how long it's been after 30 days after the last ban expired?
I.e. I think one should be banned for 1/4 of the duration of the last ban 60d after it expired, and 1/8 if 90d after that.
with a minimum of 2d (all review ban should last at least 2 days)
According to the current information I have, it seems it's impossible to get banned for 1/4 of the time even if it's been a year after the last ban was gone.
@ɪʙᴜɢ I didn't know the durations were like that
I thought it was 2 days, a week, and a month
it no longer resets, so it gets longer for each next review ban
Can someone hit this and tell me if it works?
Seems to
define 'work'
'Steward', awarded 11444
11:46 AM
@rene so . . . 256 days?
@Bart I get a throttle violation
@SensibleAlexander thanks
@rene Don't get that myself
@SensibleAlexander is that a date? 2114/4/4?
where is the 2 from?
@M.A.R. I believe it works that way now, yes.
11:47 AM
@TelautonomousKitty he did a sum once where they told him to carry the 2. He has been carrying it ever since.
@TelautonomousKitty Jesus was born 2000 years earlier
2018* years earlier
@TelautonomousKitty no, I meant 2000 years earlier than 2000, hence where the 2 comes from
@rene nice
Maybe a bit overwhelming, but nice
2018 years ago was when the world was created. And god said, let them eat cake, and he saw it tasted good ... or something.
11:50 AM
@rene but you could go to the badge info page instead and get that... info?
unless you're currently working on some magic...
Hiding my stupidity I'll go for the magic option ...
@Bart maybe god said 'let them eat cake and make them fat so they shall never run away from me'
@TelautonomousKitty I don't think they had an obesity problem back then
@rene What do you mean by "no longer resets"?
11:57 AM
oh, the ridiculous 2-7-30-2-7-30...
12:20 PM
You again stopped debugging @Idebugg?
1:10 PM
@Bart BC stands for before cake.
1:39 PM
so... Before Cake & After Diet?
I get it, I get it - BC every one is slim, after 2018 cakes, ppl became fat ...
2:09 PM
3:37 PM
@JourneymanGeek before cupcakes?
2 hours later…
5:11 PM
11 messages moved to Chimney
1 hour later…
6:27 PM
@JourneymanGeek ha, you're starting to make sense sometimes
Only very sporadically
2 hours later…
8:17 PM
Still struggling on how to ask the question on state in scala. :(
2 hours later…
10:25 PM
@Catija I give you that saloons are for drinking but here in the Netherlands the hairdresser (kapper) works at the kapsalon (and they serve beverages while you're waiting for your turn), isn't that close enough to a saloon ;) ...
10:43 PM
@Catija In India, "saloon" is a common misspelling of "salon", since in Indian English the two words are pronounced the exact same.
10:53 PM
"I thought it was an app [...]" well, there's no help center, tour, or anything that would help first user posting from the app...
That comment pretty much describes the way the app is advertised in the Play Store
11:43 PM
@M.A.R. hatrack ratcatcher brickbat lasagne

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