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2:02 PM
Anyone up for Dumb SVN Questions, part 3? (@TimStone)
> svn: A problem occurred; see other errors for details
No other errors appeared. Is there a standard place to look for them?
That's a descriptive error, heh.
@PopularDemand Hmm, good question. thinks
(I'm actually pretty sure I know what's going on, but not how to resolve it.)
I'm not sure about the error bit, seems like it should have just printed out to the console.
But yeah, what do you think the problem is?
@TimStone A while back, I scrapped my entire working copy, and pulled everything down from the repo fresh.
We were switching branches at the time anyways.
But now it looks like some of the files aren't in version control.
'Ello @Zypher
2:14 PM
Despite showing up in Subclipse as plain old "no local changes" files (as opposed to "?" files).
Ah ha
@Zypher Hey there.
Ack, starting a VM on my 2gb ram machine together with Firefox and Photoshop - not a good idea
2:16 PM
@YiJiang Eesh. You shouldn't have even been allowed to install both of those on that machine at the same time.
...grind grind...
Eeeek! Where the Eeeek is the Eeeek! question gone?
@systempuntoout it was nuked.
@systempuntoout There's a new one out, see the first comment:
Q: Eeeek! Where did the reputation graph go?

Matt SpinelliThe reputation graph no longer shows up on my profile when I click on the reputation tab. Is it gone now (like the mail icon)? Or has it been moved somewhere else? I do like the more detailed summary of reputation earned. Is it possible to still keep some form of graph for easy visualization of...

@systempuntoout Well, who do you think? :) (meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/83253/…)
2:18 PM
link to the questions for the 10kers' benefit
(That said, I have FF and Photoshop Elements installed on my laptop at home. Not sure how much RAM it has, but it's running Win7 32-bit, so....)
aah ok, thanks :)
2:38 PM
Time Cole has put in at the office this month: ~100 hours.
Time Cole has put on his timesheet: __ hours <-- go ahead and guess.
@Zypher What prompts you to join us this fine mornin?
100hrs +20%
@Moshe have a good sleep?
Still reeling from my iMac theft. Any clue how to sniff it out?
@drachenstern apparently i got logged out so when i hit re-join favorites ...
i couldn't get away with a stealth join
2:41 PM
@Benjol Thanks for asking. Not quite. Couldn't sleep till about 6 ET. ugh.
@Zypher makes sense. I normally just hit "rejoin rooms" whenever I open a browser session (I have made it a habit to reboot nightly, "just in case")
weekly for me :)
@Zypher - Have you tried any betas recently? (I know that you've been busy upgrading hardware and whatnot.)
@Moshe this is a fair watch, don't know if anything in this video will help you.
@Zypher yeah, which is sad because if it's not a dev machine I just generally leave the thing running
2:42 PM
@drachenstern - Have you looked at the new "How to play", or did I not implement that?
@Moshe I may not have looked at the most recent one.
You gonna revert/update the icon?
@Moshe nah my life has litterally been sleep -> train -> work work work -> train -> sleep -> screw around on the internet -> sleep -> goto 1
@drachenstern - Not now. I think it's okay, I needed some color in there and this does that. Perhaps I will do so closer to the release.
stupid 3 hours of commuting everyday
take out "to learn how to play, swipe through these slides" ... "you must repay your debts" -> "don't forget your obligation to the credit union for helping you get started" or something.
2:44 PM
@Zypher "Ow! My most of m(y free time)!"
@Zypher he's going to read that as "I have 3 hours to play but I don't"
@drachenstern hehe, when is he supposed to install the updates for the train, assuming Wifi on the train isn't an option.
I still want you to change it from glowing red to something less powerful
@Moshe I do mine over 3G
right iPod not iPhone
@drachenstern I will take into consideration, but that's what catches the eye. I can make the pagoda a bit bigger, make the sun hide behind a bit more, but it's what drives sales: The "packaging".
2:47 PM
Man, balpha must have his hands full with finding a successor for those retiring unicorns, huh?
It does sound like you really don't like the icon and I will be mindful of that.
@tombull89 Thanks, buffering.
@Moshe remember what I keep telling you, it's not my game. I'm just a guy.
@drachenstern - indeed.
Like I said, I'll be mindful of your opinion.
Wow, I'm on a roll today. Nice Answer twice, Nice Question once!
@Benjol Nice!
2:48 PM
Most of the games I like to play have a base of blue and several colors involved. Yours is either white or red, with the other as accent.
@drachenstern Most icons for iOS are blue. App Store, Photos, Safari, Stocks, Twitter, Facebook, and Google Voice are all blue.
Remote is blue and gray
WwF has blue in it.
Dropbox, Teamviewer
Gosh, the list of major apps with blue icons just goes on
TestFlight (okay, a minor app arguably)
Point being that blue is overused. Within the default icons for the apps that come with the phone, blue is overused.
The point being that it matches the most of the items in the same drawer if it's not bright red and if there are more than red and white. If anything make it more like the karate kid bandana but smaller with the pagoda on the right
3:06 PM
Loving that video...
haha, discussion on /. re: IE9
> When you say beaten the pants off... How many milliseconds are talking about?
Also, I was not aware it was released yesterday...
I can't believe how bad it sucks not having a link to the recent activity page.
How hard could it be?
What do you mean? You want a page that links to the old envelope?
Anyone know where I can find listings posted in the last 48 hours on selling websites?
I'm going to assume that instead of being the 20k user you are on meta, that instead you're a 101rep noob who has no clue what the web is or how it works.
3:16 PM
I want the old recent activity page that allowed me to see all rep changes since the last time I checked.
I think they're still working on the new recent page
Have you read any of the discussion about the topic?
It's either there or a local pawn shop or a not-so-local pawn shop.
@drachenstern Yep, most of it. And all of us who want that functionality to be restored are being ignored.
Like the fact that it spawned thousands of queries, was highly inefficient, was inducing painful server load for no real benefit, was horrendous to use, had thousands of complaints against it, needed a major refactor, and has almost been replaced?
Which part exactly do you miss?
3:17 PM
@LanceRoberts I hated that behavior. FYI.
I miss the part that showed me only the RECENT stuff.
meta.stackoverflow.com/users/13295/lance-roberts?tab=reputation seems to show all the rep you've earned for today.
@drachenstern When you're gone for a few days, today is meaningless. When you check back after a few hours, today is too much.
So ... you know that team@se is working on that, but they're working on giving you a non-broken thing that works better, right?
While it had it's bugs (that they refused to fix) it was a clear concise report.
3:19 PM
I didn't think so, but ok
I thought the old way was just as horribly broken
For a while after the hulabaloo, they had the envelope next to the dropdown arrow, but now you have to type the url in manually.
that was a hack
the old way was a horrible mess, endlessly polished and refined
So I suppose if it really bothers you, someone could hack you together a userscript (oh wait, that was already done) that adds that link with an icon for you (the sprite still exists)
@Shog9 I don't have a problem with improvement, as long as functionality is still implemented. They removed functionality.
3:21 PM
Then we disagree. So I shall say no more.
@drachenstern Maybe that's how I had the envelope for a while.
@LanceRoberts Everyone feels that way. This is why MS Word has like a dozen different ways to accomplish everything, including making text bold.
Nothing ever gets removed, because someone would miss it.
@Shog9 Don't get me started on MS Office.
wants my iMac back
Is it worth checking some local pawn shops?
My whole project for this next month is making our old spreadsheets work in Office 2010.
3:24 PM
wants to do his timesheet at the right time instead of two weeks later
Talk about broken functionality.
@Moshe not really. You did file a police report right?
@LanceRoberts That sounds like... um. Hey, at least you're not working with Access!
@drachenstern Yes, I did.
Soooo not happy.
I'm blown away that Jeff deleted and locked the most upvoted discussion on Meta. Wow he hates input.
3:25 PM
I can't believe Apple doesn't enable "find my iMac" using Wifi, like on iPhone et al
@Moshe then the pawnshops (most of them) are aware it's stolen and they won't trade it. It's most likely sitting on somebody's living room table getting (been?) reformatted.
@LanceRoberts it actually made it to the top of that list? Last I saw it was about 300 votes away from the top.
@drachenstern The police report was filed yesterday. It was stolen friday night. I didn't know until Yesterday morning, it could have been traded by then.
@drachenstern I was being hyperbolic, didn't check the stats.
@LanceRoberts You've been around just about as long as anyone, nothing about this feature's dev or feedback process should surprise you.
@LanceRoberts ah, it seemed like you had such a grasp on the situation that you really knew.
@Shog9 +1 for you. That's my feedback too here.
10 mins ago, by drachenstern
I'm going to assume that instead of being the 20k user you are on meta, that instead you're a 101rep noob who has no clue what the web is or how it works.
3:27 PM
I just added the discussion the the Deleted Questions Archive.
A: Deleted Questions Archive

Lance RobertsFeature Requests Common feature requests that frequent the minds of SO users Diff Is Hard, Let's Go Shopping! Monthly Summary of What's New Sort From Left to Right then Top to Bottom when the Users Page Needs to Scroll Eeeek! What happened to my envelope?

@drachenstern As far as reformatting goes, the box (and CDs were out of sight and left untouched)
@Moshe so if your district is anything like the previous two I've lived in, the police have a way to disseminate that information to pawn shops. They don't want to trade in stolen gear any more than the next business.
@Moshe umm, I think you misunderstand how reformatting a computer works. Has nothing to do with having those disks
@Shog9 No, Shog, it doesn't surprise, but it still shocks me. I'm always shocked by people who ignore feedback.
@LanceRoberts you don't work as a professional programmer do you?
@drachenstern I know. But Apple disks are a tad harder to get, just not impossible.
3:28 PM
Do you get shocked when users go "but that's not what I asked for?"
@Moshe bullshot. They're incredibly easy to get ahold of.
@drachenstern I'm kinda doubtful of that, having gone to a pawn shop recently to advise someone to avoid buying a particular used iPhone. Which they did. Against my advice.
@Moshe did you know the iPhone was stolen?
Was the iPhone stolen?
@drachenstern It wasn't stolen, but those were shady people. I'd be unsurprised if they did sell a stolen good.
@drachenstern I always listen to my users, and ask them to give me feedback and talk about it with them. ALWAYS
Did the person get prosecuted for receiving stolen merchandise?
@LanceRoberts you you you ... we're talking about other people
3:30 PM
@drachenstern Not that I know of.
@Moshe then what the hell are you on about? Go reread what I said.
Pawnshops don't want stolen merch. They may take it, but if they are knowledgeable that it's stolen they don't want it.
@drachenstern It wasn't stolen, I checked with Apple afterward.
You confuse me.
All I'm saying is that I'm dubious that the folks who run pawn shops are saints.
listening to users doesn't mean giving them exactly what they ask for
3:32 PM
@drachenstern - period separators or commas or a user preference?
@Moshe use locality. It's there for a reason.
@drachenstern hrm... I may have overrode that.. lemme check.
@Shog9 I'm not talking perfection, just functionality. It could actually be implemented in a number of different ways, I'm not hung up on a picture of an envelope. I'm hung up on the functionality that no longer exists.
@Moshe are you using a display format?
@moshe: of course pawnbrokers are skeevy - that's kinda the point! Doest mea they like losing money when stolen merch is confiscated.
3:33 PM
@LanceRoberts so what are you going to do when they purge that from the build tree in favor of actually better code?
@drachenstern I am using an NSNumberFormatter. I manually set a grouping character.
@Moshe then you're not using localization/internationalization
@Shog9 broken "n" key?
mobile, hands full
@drachenstern It doesn't matter how great your code is if it doesn't have the functionality. You could have a great 'Hello World' program, but it won't do your word processing.
3:34 PM
@drachenstern goes to fix
Microsoft is making IE9 available today; please upgrade from IE8 (or older) by clicking here: http://www.google.com/chrome
@LanceRoberts and the new code branch will have better functionality than the old one. Until the new one is here use the old one (via userscript). What is the problem?
@lance: again, so dev process, you know of it
@Shog9 Yep.
@drachenstern Sounds like joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000069.html - look, no proof anywhere that they've done this (rewrite, new branch, etc.) - they might just be pulling old code around
3:37 PM
@YiJiang No, they've outlined many ways that the code is poorly written and in need of a serious overhaul. This is not being done because somebody wanted to do something different, they really have some performance problems there that they want to resolve.
IOW: they have objective milestones and reasons for a rewrite.
If you edit a chat message to fix someone's misspelled username when you @name them. Will it then notify them after the edit?
@drachenstern But is there an immediate need to pull the old code? Is it that bad that it need to be nuked immediately? Surely you'd want to reach feature parity before pulling the old version?
@MarkRogers Yes, that would happen
@lance: do you happen to recall what the predecessor to the "recent" page was like?
@YiJiang - thx
@Shog9 Actually, I don't remember what was before 'recent'.
3:41 PM
(I'll try to dig up old discussions if I have to, but it would be easier if you could remember)
Q: Can more of the functionality of the old envelope be added to the new drop-down menu?

Hendrik VogtBuried deep in the now deleted Eeeek post, I had a well-hidden feature-request. Grace Note encouraged me to make it a real feature-request, so here it is. The new drop-down menu is nice, but some crucial functionality of the envelope is missing: I'd like those numbers behind "revisions" and "fav...

@YiJiang a) yes. b) they didn't pull it, they asked people to stop using it because it is that bad but they didn't take it away, they just removed the link. c) I would've probably put a little more feature work into the new page before releasing it, but I think they were pretty close.
@Shog9 I would love to know since I'm a relative newb
^ Why should this happen if they're trying to reach, no, be better than the old version?
How long does it take for the wiki tooltips to recache? It seems like it's almost been a day.
I know the first thing I do when I sign-on, is if I see a rep change or a lighted envelope, I click on the envelope and catch up all at once. No trying to figure out what I'd seen before. It was clear and concise even if it had the 'phantom favorite edit' bug.
The 'recent activity' page was user-efficient.
3:42 PM
@MarkRogers Interesting question, I honestly never noticed
@YiJiang I see your point, and the only thing off that page that I see as "noteworthy" is "a fourth column 'recent' "
24h should be enough
Cool, thx
@drach: I'll dig around then; AFAIK, there were features that never made it into the "envelope".
@Shog9 I would appreciate it.
3:43 PM
@Shog9 Actually, I'm curious too. But would that take us back to the old get satisfaction system, which was deleted a while back?
UserVoice. And, if it does then I'm gonna have to go from memory (==make stuff up)
@Moshe got your iMac stolen?
fortunately, there's also a blog+podcast with some history
@Shog9 Right, uservoice. Get satisfaction didn't exist than I think
Or maybe it did. Gosh, my memory
clutches head
they were parallel, I think. Some users wanted SO to use GS, but GS had issues (as did UV)
3:59 PM
@MylesGray Yes.
Well, I didn't "get" it stolen. It was locked up in an office. Someone stole it.
Anyone wanna comb the interwebs for this serial number? If everyone helps, it we may find it or drive the thief into deeper hiding.
@Moshe unlikely.
@drachenstern Which part?
@Moshe finding it by everyone helping. It's either going to surface easily (already should've happened) or it won't ever reasonably surface.
Unless OSX has some sort of feature I'm not aware of where if you ping a webaddress the SNMP enabled router at that address causes all the OSX devices to respond with their SN to the requestor.
@drachenstern You know that you disagree with myself and several others here a lot.
@Moshe Yes. That happens a lot. What ends up happening is I tend to be proven right.
It's scary at times.
4:06 PM
goes to code for a bit while the laundry cycles
@Moshe your work office?
4:25 PM
@MylesGray Well, I'm a school, but I work from their office, so yea.
Was it yours or the schools?
@MylesGray mine
Is there anyone who would have had access to the room?
It was broken into, that room.
I have flag weight >200 on MSO. I haven't used any flags yet today. I'm seeing "0 inform moderator flags left" in the dialog. Can anyone repro?
4:30 PM
I'm flag weight 175, do you want my information as another case?
@PopularDemand i get that too
My flag weight is only 130 but I havent used any
I also have 0
Good enough for me, going to put in a bug report.
I have 16 flags with weight 115.
@PopularDemand Posted
4:33 PM
@mmyers Way to screw up my perfect report, with your fancy diamond, and whatnot.
@MylesGray Thanks. I was still drawing my freehand circle.
Q: No flags available on MSO

Myles GrayI have a flag weight of 130 and haven't used any today but my inform moderator tags shows "0":

@MylesGray Your screenshot seems broken on my end.
@PopularDemand can you SS?
@MylesGray Yeah.
@PopularDemand Looks fine to me.
Say something else I can contradict! This is fun!
4:35 PM
@mmyers mmyers is super-awesome at all things!
Oh, the screenshot came up for me, now.
I added an edit :\
@PopularDemand Even things you didn't think of when you said "all things"!
@mmyers That's more like "super-agreeing" than "contradicting."
Well, you're still wrong.
No, wait, let me try again: It is too contradicting!
Google caches will eventually run out the next time the crawler crawls the page, right?
4:39 PM
Ok, @drach, @lance, @yij: the best hard evidence I could find is here: stackoverflow.com/questions/392757/…
Prior to the envelope, there was a "responses" tab on each user profile. It listed answers posted to your questions, and comments posted to your posts.
@YiJiang in theory. Sometimes they will go a little longer, if the crawled page errors somehow.
That was when there was still a "votes" tab, too. I miss the votes tab.
It did not list reputation - so several 3rd-party solutions for this existed: example
@Shog9 Wait, isn't that still available as responses under your profile?
I'm all nostalgic for when I could edit posts all willy nilly on dba and SO and wanted that power on MSO
4:42 PM
@YiJiang not still available - available again!
However, the old "responses" page had one crucial advantage over the envelope that replaced it, and the new system that replaced that:
It was world-visible!
Q: Copying content on webpages in safari. To HTML

Carl SmithHi, is there an easier way to copy and paste website content in html? Want to copy and look like this. Product Information: Length: S / M / L Material: Polyester and Elasthane Brand: Roxana Exclusive Style: Basque But when i paste it into my content box it looks like this- Product Infor...

Look at the comments :P
So you could get a feed of your responses. For consumption in your favorite feed reader.
@YiJiang ?!
@Shog9 That's pretty cool, actually. But since its now private, that won't do any more, so hmmm...
> are you using ubuntu? – Alaukik 32 mins ago
> What is ubuntu? is that not just the name of the site? – Carl Smith 29 mins ago
4:45 PM
@Lance: you fret about not being able to pop onto the recent page and immediately see what you missed... At one time, I didn't even need to visit the site!
That's a feature that disappeared and never came back.
@mmyers lies no one is that stupid
The perils of naming your site Ask<word that most people don't know>.com
2 mins ago, by Yi Jiang
Look at the comments :P
Of course, the /recent page brought a lot more to the table. Folks accepted the trade-off. And... they will this time too... eventually.
4:46 PM
That is definatly worthy of being tagged "for the love of god and all that is holy my anus is bleeding"
Some day, we'll find out that quora.com is actually just an interface to the mind of John S. Quora, the world's genius-est man.
@Shog9 Well, its more of a privacy thing isn't it? (Was it because of privacy that they removed it?)
@PopularDemand Being John Malkovich?
@drachenstern I have no further comment on the matter. I've already said too much.
@PopularDemand I have too. Hence I introduced a tangentially related movie title
Have you seen said movie?
I would talk about this other movie I like, but there's these rules ...
4:48 PM
@drachenstern Malkovich malkovich, malkovich malkovich?
@YiJiang Probably. I mean, none of the data on the original "responses" page was private, but the rep data on the new /recent page was, so it was probably easier just to leave it. AFAIK, moderators could originally view your /recent page, but that was removed (along with the votes tab)
@Shog9 Was it changed together with the comment reply system? (Comment replies being more private I suppose)
Back in this long, long ago time, before comment @notifications, googling your name was actually a decent way to find conversations you'd forgotten about: they'd show up in other users' "responses" pages.
@YiJiang they're not though. And no, I don't think they were simultaneous, but I don't recall for sure.
Moderators can now view the new responses tab.
@Shog9 Hehehehe, now that is interesting
4:53 PM
I have taken it upon myself to google my name and eradicate however possible anyone elses info on the first page :D
@drachenstern @PopularDemand fixed:
Q: No flags available on MSO

Myles GrayI have a flag weight of 130 and haven't used any today but my inform moderator tags shows "0": Noted in the meta chat Tavern and discussed. Mods have the ability.

> @Grace - well, what's the difference between Min(x,0) and Max(x,0), eh? – Marc Gravell ♦
I screw that up every time I need to use min/max. I feel less stupid now
My sarcasm detector is broked
That question was a bit more popular than I thought it might be lol.
yeah, gosh, I can't imagine what made me think of a question like that |:
5:04 PM
@drachenstern - reading some documentation on the number formatter class. Might be a tad more difficult on iOS to localize than on Mac OS
There isn't an exposed format level element?
I'll put it a different way, with an example, as that may be more clear (at least so I know I've said everything I am thinking about)
Actually, just found something, but it's in the NSLocale class.
Not the NSNumberFormatter class, which also wouldn't be a bad place for it.
Now let's see if it works on iOS.
C# DateTime myTime = DateTime.Now; string systemDependentFormat = myTime.ToShortDateString(); string formatted = myTime.ToString("G"); where G is a predefined string in the class, and ToShortDateString uses the settings of the OS and doesn't ask me, but no assumptions are made either, it's completely localized.
My code is now partially open source folks, here's the one line that makes it all happen:
#define kSeparator [[NSLocale currentLocale] objectForKey:NSLocaleGroupingSeparator];
@Moshe That line is released under a combination of the Unicorn, MIT and LGPL(G) and CC license with a non compete clause. Go use it!
5:17 PM
You and your buzzwordy compliance. pfft
Someone please reply to this message.
@PopularDemand no
@PopularDemand you wish
@drachenstern Aw. Fine. I'm going to find another room.
@PopularDemand if that makes you happy, sure, why not. I suggest the following:
5:27 PM
@drachenstern - whoops, just reported testing score on real leaderboard. I had my GC accounts messed up. Luckily, it's just over 1B, not INT64_MAX.
bbiab, lunch
@Moshe didn't I have a real leaderboard of nearly that one? Also, this is why I don't swap GC accounts.
uk.akinator.com <-- really cute version of 20Q
I heartily endorse losing ten or fifteen minutes there.
And now for my next trick, luncheating.
@drachenstern Uh oh. I know the right answer to this question:
@MichaelMrozek lmao
5:44 PM
@MichaelMrozek Note that "a boy" and "a girl" are not options there.
@mmyers A pregnant acquaintance of mine told me yesterday that she filled out a bracket for her son "to get him on the right foot even before he's born." I asked if he disagreed with any of her picks; apparently he did.
How do you suppose that argument went?
"Kick once for Kansas, twice for Boston U."
Favorite unexpected observation of the suggest-edit system: unregistered user posting question, then editing it as a different unregistered user
@Shog9 What about it?
@PopularDemand um... It's my favorite?
Hi, I'm Shog, I make random personal observations
9 minutes to voluntary drug & alcohol policy training
(no, I don't know if that means the training is voluntary, the policy is voluntary, or the drugs are voluntary. The meeting request was bereft of detail. My curiosity is aroused.)
I should probably be eating that lunch I promised myself. Seeing as how I'm leaving the office at 5 today.
5:55 PM
Mmm... lunch.
just ate breakfast
leftover pancakes
served everyone else strawberry shortcake
what's wrong with me?
@Shog9 Would you like the list sorted alphabetically, chronologically, by severity of criminal offense or by primary area of medical concern?

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