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@zaq What's this "s/he" discrimination against neuters? The correct gender inclusive pronoun is "s/h/it", which is as good as it sounds. The rest of us use "they". :)
He covers all.
1 message moved to Sandbox
Sorry bjb, I had to.
@tchrist Except Michael Spivak
I remember them from "The Joy of TeX" (which I read in Russian translation, but the translator imitated the Spivak pronouns).
Michael Stum developed a solution for select/submit conflict, which he said would be enabled network wide. Perhaps this hasn't happened yet... Improved IME Handling, re-enabling Enter to submitzaq 25 secs ago
Is this another case of a feature implemented but not pushed across the network?
> We've enabled this on the Japanese Language Meta site to make sure there are no unforeseen issues (every browser handles IME slightly different) and plan to enable it on the main Japanese Language site next, and after that network-wide.
Also, it's really hard to tell if his last name is Stum or Sturn (without seeing both versions typed, that is)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad keyword with email in body, bad keyword with email in title, email in title: Do you need a Real Registered Passports,Id cards,Visa:[email protected] by nomanway on expatriates.stackexchange.com
Esperanto Language reached 100% commitment.
That this happens shortly after the launch of Monero and I2P sites is apparently not coincidental...
> What is the connection between Esperanto and the cryptocurrency Monero?
> Are there projects like the Monero project and Kovri I2P Router Project that also use Esperanto in their software titles?
Some of the upvoted sample questions.
Stack Exchange is breeding a generation of invisible users of untraceable currency speaking an artificial language...
today's fancy: cute octopus
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword with email in body, email in body: Do you need a real passport,id card,visa For any Country? by Jolee Woods on travel.stackexchange.com
sd k
reaaaaaaal quiet today
you gotta stop saying that.
you wanna attract axe murderers?
'cause that's how you attract axe murderers.
axe not
poor murdered axes
rich made them do it
Those who use axes for murders, don't care about productivity ...
Bloody lazy axe murderers
if you are lazy but still care about the result of what you do, you would use a machine gun or grenades ...
A lot of the times, it's not about how hard you work, it's about how talented you are ...
When I go on my murderous rampage, I prefer to know the cleanup has to be done with a mop rather than a broom
but with those who has well defined goals, sometimes it's not about how many they kill but who they kill ...
for us unimportant ppl, usually our targets are flies or mozzies
bottom tier predator
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body: If you charge high-quality bargain fifa 17 coins. by bobgull on askubuntu.com (@kos)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer: Using iPhone screen as a display monitor by Smith Lindy on apple.stackexchange.com
sd 2k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user: What is CCIC Certificate? by Aqsiq Aqsiq on unix.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: What is CCIC Certificate? by Aqsiq Aqsiq on unix.stackexchange.com
you said that's going to attract axe murderers, then you came ...
is there anything we should know about you @Shog9?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body: how to select thesis writing services? by melinda on gaming.stackexchange.com
sd 2k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: getbodybuildingbuilder.com/megadrox-and-testadrox/ by daeideresn on security.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, pattern-matching website in answer: how to select thesis writing services? by melinda on gaming.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Best Foods To Build Muscle And Burn Fat by martarahuga on superuser.com
sd 3k
sd k
> Share your knowledge with the 3D Printing Stack Exchange community... The 3D Printing Stack Exchange community only works because users like you generously share their knowledge to solve each other's problems.
Got an email with this... not sure why specifically 3D Printing, is there some SOS signal being broadcast about that site?
I have idle accounts on all the betas.
Nevermind, this is because of a test account created there recently. Must have the different checkmarks in prefs.
share their knowledge to solve each other's problems (e.g. flagging spam)
Yeah, it goes on Jaydles-style...
> Want to help? Find a question you can answer. Other users will vote up your answer if they find it helpful. For every upvote, you earn reputation, which unlocks additional privileges on the site.
A single upvoted post will unlock your first privilege, and just a couple more will get you enough rep to vote up other people's posts. More importantly, your questions and answers help not only the current community, but also the thousands of others who’ll find them when they search for that problem in the future.
I wouldn't actually mind if when a site went into Beta, an account was automatically created for me, just so I could spamflag with impunity
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body: lumella eyes serum purpose benefits by timothyholmes164 on drupal.stackexchange.com
@dhekke This is why I rely on the patronage of the aristocracy for my bread.
Aristocracy, huh.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: Keep Rebooting After Installing Fake GPS For Pokemon GO (I Think It's Not Bootloop) by Camilla Diamond on android.stackexchange.com (@qwer)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Alphadrox fluctuations that men face by maobygray on drupal.stackexchange.com
sd 2k
omg, just realised tweeter has tweets and reply button
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in username: Integrating Salesforce with AS400 by informatica online training on salesforce.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer: Debian install failing due to CDROM not being detected by harini on unix.stackexchange.com
sd 2k
Did I just forget the latest version of SE Android app!? gasp
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: entire getting older indications? by zirtashelly on drupal.stackexchange.com
@Telkitty why do you think he's a disembodied head? Practice session gone wrong
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: How can I root the Micromax A110Q by blackmart apk on android.stackexchange.com (@qwer)
there are only 2 types of things that are permenantly thriving on the internet other than stuff that makes money - cat pictures and elite trolls
great, constant patronage for both ...
in The Assembly on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 2 days ago, by TRiG
Spam in comments on the blog: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2009/06/jobs-at-stack-overflow/#comment_14 and following; https://blog.stackoverflow.com/2015/01/targeted-jobs-for-stack-overflow/#comment‌​_29; https://blog.stackoverflow.com/2015/01/targeted-jobs-for-stack-overflow/#comment‌​_31.
chrome on mac keeps on freezing when first start after power on
ducks ... they are actually standing up when they walk ...
That's one of those gifs which needs arms drawn onto it
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: Cla safflower oil The Fast Way To Get Slim N Smart Body by Narniausi on movies.stackexchange.com
@Bart don't you worry, they have wings
also I need to develop the mental power to resist click bait
@Telkitty from the looks of it these don't?
@Bart I probably have posted this before ... but ... doesn't look like that they need arms :p
but @Bart I'm not sure how the not appearing of the avatar is related? MSE chat is not SO chat and the user didn't have 20 rep on MSE so couldn't chat anyway?
Still, he seems to have a network-wide avatar. Why did he then show up here with a some generic avatar for his chat profile? Unless that's a recent change and caching as well @rene?
Or do you only get an avatar assigned to your chat profile when you can actually chat?
@Shog can you please reset/fix this chat profile? Probably result of old merge, as you said in a recent MSE answer.
@Bart I assumed that was/is the case
Could be. Let's just say I care less after his deleted comment. ;)
I take your word for it, assuming your glasses did see that correctly ;)
it's not really recent, think about year ago
Ah, due to our lovely Swastika user I guess
After a spammer/troll put offensive stuff as avatar and irritated tons of people
I loved the rainbow fix for that one
lol, too bad it was temporary :D
I would vote for Pallas's cat
pala who?
The Pallas's cat (Otocolobus manul), also called the manul, is a small wild cat with a broad but fragmented distribution in the grasslands and montane steppes of Central Asia. It is negatively affected by habitat degradation, prey base decline, and hunting, and has therefore been classified as Near Threatened by IUCN since 2002. The Pallas's cat was named after the German naturalist Peter Simon Pallas, who first described the cat in 1776 under the binomial Felis manul. == Characteristics == The Pallas's cat is about the size of a domestic cat, its body is 46 to 65 cm (18 to 26 in) long and its...
@Bart Cute, but not enough.
schlechte Muschi
@Bart Best WTF response ever.
@qwer last and latest, 1.0.85
(I lost hope there will be any newer version. More likely some "end of life" message by the team at some point.)
@ShadowWizard Un-shipping is the term I learned recently
@rene heh, nice term. I don't think they will "un-ship" it, just announce no new development will be done, no bug fixes, etc. Kind of like Windows XP.
@ShadowWizard It's Telkitty's fault.
of course it is
@SmokeDetector why?
@ShadowWizard That's not a report.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, pattern-matching website in answer: Where can I get high quality vector graphics for web design? by Digital Marketing Experts on webmasters.stackexchange.com
I am at the first day of school. There is complete anarchy.
School should prepare you for your adult live. Anarchy will be part of that. They are doing fine...
@bjb568 My condolences
@bjb568 students teaching the teachers?
@bjb568 pick your alliances and make sure to go for the eyes
People don't know where to go or what to do.
when the upcoming power struggle occurs make sure to take control
Of course. That's my specialty.
DevDoodle school ...
Hogwarts DevDoodle School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
@bjb568 Class. Learn. sheesh, how hard can it be? ;)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Sharing woocommerce product data by Soner Kalonya on wordpress.stackexchange.com
thought you didn't like cats much :p
@Telkitty only when they're not cute enough, or too cute
!!/random video
Current git rebase status: ┻━┻︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻
A: Internet doesn't work in VMWare workstation machine

2000mroliverOkay I found an answer if anyone has the same problem. Turn all security options in internet explorer to low and reset the default advanced settings on internet explorer. This fixed it for me!

Yeah, disabling all security features usually fixes things.
The problem is IE...
@zaq heh, and people don't understand why their computer is full with viruses and malware. Amazing.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating words in answer: Word that means work together and add to each other by shawn on ell.stackexchange.com (@ShadowWizard)
@ShadowWizard It's homeroom first and an alt schedule.
There's no learning on day 1.
Or 2 or 3…
Proceed by induction: ¬learning(day N) ⇒ ¬learning(day N+1)
The => character is lame in this font
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer: Asking a company for permission to use website data for research by MOH BOB on academia.stackexchange.com
learns everything on day 1, goofs off the rest of the year
goofs off for the year, learns everything on last day, sorta
Today's xkcd comic (Business Idea):
What website that's gone now do you wish was still around?
Google Reader was the first thing that came to mind; it also dominates the replies to the tweet.
I also miss picnik.com ... bought by Google, who included it in Google+ Photo Editor, and then threw out the editor.
The "editor" in Google Photos is a joke. It can apply instagramish filters, but can't resize the image.
I tried making a photo editor once, it's up there on my list of things I don't want to do again
OK, there is picmonkey.com (by some of the former Picnik people). Hm, it seems to break with HTTPS everywhere, needs an exception.
@ShadowWizard looks like someone already did?
A: "Oops! Something bad has happened" Error when entering Stack Overflow chat

Brad LarsonYou're having trouble logging into chat on Stack Overflow because a moderator deleted your previous account and destroyed your chat profile. They did this because it is pretty clear that this is a sock puppet account of this suspended user, who posted a series of pretty disgusting slurs against m...

^ @ShadowWizard
You better not get Larsoned ...
@Shog9 heh, not really what I had in mind, never imagined this is a troll.
@Bart thanks!
Whoa. I hate to be trolled. Is this enough to suspend this troll here on MSE as well? — Shadow Wizard 1 min ago
I hope so. Post nuked now.
I remember Don from Math site... Not in a good way.
@rene if you get Larsoned, is that Larsony?
@zaq yeah, he's not 100% stupid, so he deleted it seconds after posting. Still, it was posted and visible to 10k'ers.
@Bart it's worse than falling off a balcony.
Ah, the nuked post contains similar content as the deleted comment I referred to. Not very creative
@Bart nope. And not very smart...
@ShadowWizard the restricted characters for tags have more issues
Basically all helpcenter content is wrong, based on this
I think only | should be disallowed
All other characters in the UTF-8/UCS2 set should be possible for a tagname
I don't dare to test it though ...
Do it!
@rene so... Pretty much any character can be stored in a tag name now, but not all characters are allowed in tag names.
In particular, sites that don't need fancy Unicode generally don't get it.
Nov 12 '14 at 3:54, by Shog9
If there's one thing I hate, it's Unicode
@rene I think only on specific sites.
@Shog9 Ok, so it is a per-site setting? You might want to reflect that in the help center text for the applicable sites, no?
I started a bounty anyway ...
I mean, above 25K the only thing you can hope for is 100K swag ...
Troll no more! Network wide suspension for a year.
cleaning up behind the troll
@rene what help center text?
@Shog9 the help center text for the privilege create tags: meta.stackexchange.com/help/privileges/create-tags
It is the same on spanish.se and those do allow a broader unicode set
Grr, privilege texts are not per site ...
Why don't you simply say so ;)
> must be shorter than 25 characters
This is incorrect. It must be no longer than 25 characters,
yeah, that is another issue
@rene they can be, but it'd have to be a translation.
FWIW, sites where non-ASCII characters are allowed:
chinese.stackexchange.com, es.stackoverflow.com, french.stackexchange.com, ja.stackoverflow.com, japanese.stackexchange.com, korean.stackexchange.com, meta.chinese.stackexchange.com, meta.es.stackoverflow.com, meta.french.stackexchange.com, meta.ja.stackoverflow.com, meta.japanese.stackexchange.com, meta.korean.stackexchange.com, meta.portuguese.stackexchange.com, meta.pt.stackoverflow.com, meta.ru.stackoverflow.com, meta.rus.stackexchange.com, meta.russian.stackexchange.com, portuguese.stackexchange.com, pt.stackoverflow.com, ru.stackover
sooo many russian sites...
Hmm, OK, so the majority of sites is under the traditional (old) rules, despite the update that took place
fair enough
@Shog9 a translation for that privilege alone or for all privileges? Because the latter would be only adding maintenance overhead without real benefit.
Lot of work, little gain
@rene you just described Internationalization. The hope is, eventually that gain accumulates.
But the work is huge up-front, and doesn't end.
Yeah, I see now how this works. Having a canonical answer on MSE will do.
A: OVERHEATING 07 grand prix

John Martinezωнαт αвσυт ιf ιтѕ σνєя нєαтιиg αfтєя тнє ωαтєя ρυмρ ωαѕ яєρℓα¢є∂ αи∂ тнє υρρєя αи∂ ℓσωєя нσѕєѕ αяє ѕι¢к ιи ωнαт ∂σєѕ тнιѕ мєαи

For all you Unicode haters.
seems to work ;)
Maybe it broke all indexing ...
and the tag-engine
Besides Jeff's giant S, we could also use a giant ASCII U for twerps like that
Maybe the Esperanto site will be really successful, solving all internationalization problems at once.
(Esperanto as the official language of Stack Exchange, etc)
@zaq Well, IIRC, they did have a word for "he or she". Using "they" always felt awkward.
Satire, apparently.
Even if true, DevDoodle would never have such issues.
Of course.
Best practice multi language website should be at least protected... considering the recent answers.
Possibly closed.
@zaq Adam to the rescue
Btw, @Oded, this is still happening for me meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/332637/… Both at work and now at home.
It is supposed to stay at pending. Tells you the socket is open
Ah okay. I'll go back to gamedev
The OP there is not connecting at all.
I do have the same visual issues though
Clean your glasses.
Don't make me Larson you
Ugh. That has nothing to do with websockets. OP is conflating things.
Whoops. "no, CSS is loading correctly. The styling just happens to be broken on that site."
Call it "artistic freedom" and move on
"WebSockets broke my CSS and other horror stories"
Hey, if Bourne can corrupt databases with SQL, websockets can break CSS
I fear to think what Chuck Norris might manage with an ASCII table.
Speaking of ASCII tables... the really nice tool Format Text as a Table, referenced on meta.SE among other places, stopped working earlier this year... It used googlecode.com for hosting JS resources... The resources are still available, so in principle one could reassemble the thing on another host.
But the legal status of re-assembling it would be questionable... The author was pinged long ago, but apparently is not interested in spending more time on this tool. (I totally understand).
in Eschewmenical Blog Room on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 2 hours ago, by Jon Ericson
@PeterTurner, @BruceAlderman and @waxeagle: I wanted to let you know that we are looking into moving site blogs off of WordPress (as we did with the company blog). We aren't sure of the details just yet, but we'll probably make data dumps so they can be hosted elsewhere.
Sounds fair. The last Math.SE blog post was in May 2015.
There is no obvious reason for site blogs to exist.
> “If you're familiar with calculus you might recognize that” Maybe like 15 years ago I’d recognize that. -- Bluefeet at 1:48 PM - 17 Aug 2016
Not as likely to be heard with calculus replaced by (a branch of) history or art.
You haven't learned calculus if you haven't integrated the extension of algebra with change into your frameworks and models of the universe that govern your daily life and world view.
Just like you haven't learned newtonian physics until everything you're looking at is a solid bodies with force and momentum vectors in your mind.
bJb can we talk
just wanted to know if this place is right for meta stack related ques
I suppose so.
@HarshalBenake Yeah. Ask away.
Have you seen dcument tab in stackoverflow
I found that it is only on stackoveflow and not on other sites
is their any specific reason for that
It is helpful documented area at one place so
had this doubt
They're trying it out first on SO, I think they plan on expanding it if it works well.
one more ques
may i ask
Synonymizer is a badge I tried to understand bt could get what it meant
Ya it is nice and helpful initiative
@HarshalBenake Basically you can propose that a tag should be considered the same as a different tag, if they're just two different ways of saying the same thing. There's then a voting process, and if your tag synonym gets thru that, you get the badge.
finally got it
Thanks a lot
Like [character-encoding] and [character-set]. They're were different tags, but now [character-set] maps to [character-encoding].
@HarshalBenake You're welcome. :)
Nic to chat with you
Thanks for the answers as well.
@bjb568 Unicode is a character set. UTF-8 is a character encoding. Those are not the same thing. You're welcome.
@tchrist I know. But Oded made the tag synonym.
1 hour later…
For some reason didn is dynamically autocorrected now to didn't for me so when I type didn't it completes to didn't't. I added another autocorrect from didn't't to didn't to fix it.
Good morn to you too, sir.

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