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@ShadowWizard Fighting @Sha to death
4 hours later…
@PhMgBr Dead. //cc @ShadowWizard
@PhMgBr That means @JoE 's shit is quite expensive too... wut?
@berserk Want some?
lol, no thanks XD
wondering how expensive @PhMgBr is in comparison of @JoE 's shit
making a tombstone for @PhMg /cc @JoEr
@ShadowWizard I wanna be buried in the Mines of Moria!
Digging a grave for @JoEr in Minecraft /cc @Uni
@ShadowWizard I don't want any cross! Nor star! Nor nothing. Just a slate saying Here lies JoEr, buried alive..
@ShadowWizard Image not found
/cc @JoEr ^
lel, buried alive
@DroidDev I copied and pasted what @JoEr asked for :D
@ShadowWizard hahaha, you copied and pasted @JoErNanO in ground?
@Uni how come no more unicorns? You got fed up with them? :(
@Uni how come no more unicorns? You got fed up with them? :(
@Uni how come no more kitties? You got fed up with them? :(
@ShadowWizard Is that a pig?
@JoErNanO this can be anything, it's Minecraft. It can be a pig, a dog, or even a sun. @Uni can tell more he's Minecraft Expert. :P
@Uni can tell more he's Minecraft Expert. :P
@ShadowWizard it's a pig
@ClemensHimmer You're a pig. :P
@ClemensHimmer it's like clouds. Anyone can see whatever he/she/it wants. :D
on the other note, I never knew pigs don't have nose :/
@DroidDev true, pings don't have nose. :D
@ShadowWizard nah it actually is a pig lol, i played some minecraft back in the day and that is surely a pig
@JoErNanO you sir, are an asshole
@ClemensHimmer what is a pig?
@ClemensHimmer @JoEr can take that as compliment, you know. ;)
@ShadowWizard lel, sometimes my hands by-pass my mind and they just type words of their own
@DroidDev that's a great skill, less CPU time for brain.... :P
@ClemensHimmer Sir Asshole. /cc @ShadowWizard
@ShadowWizard haha, you should see me typing ;)
@JoEr is hereby granted the title Sire Asshole. Hold it with respect and use it wisely!
@ShadowWizard Dammit that's gonna have to go on my profile.
@DroidDev vid or it never happened! :D
@ShadowWizard consider it never happened :P
@JoErNanO go ahead! :P
@DroidDev :(
@ShadowWizard uncooked bacon
@JoErNanO lol
@ClemensHimmer laugh
@JoErNanO lolz! Awesome! :D
Wonder how many will notice it though... ;)
@ShadowWizard Are you calling me unimportant and invisible?!
@JoErNanO lol, noble descent
@DroidDev You are now all my loyal subjects.
@FOX9000 loom
@ClemensHimmer mill
@FOX9000 heir
@ClemensHimmer childless
@FOX9000 single
@ClemensHimmer dwelling
>> latest10
@ClemensHimmer Command not found. Did you mean: showlatest10?
@ClemensHimmer Command not found.
@Pro why is this not a thing??????????????????????????????
>> showlatest10
@ClemensHimmer Latest 8 words: dwelling, single, childless, heir, mill, loom, laugh, lol
@JoErNanO wth is that? :o
A: How to use k-fold validation in a neural network

JoErNanOYou seem to be a bit confused (I remember I was too) so I am going to simplify things for you. ;) Sample Neural Network Scenario Whenever you are given a task such as devising a neural network you are often also given a sample dataset to use for training purposes. Assuming a simple neural netwo...

@ClemensHimmer WTH is what? k-fold cross-validation? Or loyal subjects?
@JoErNanO all of that :o neural networks, rite? like AI stuff and so?
@ClemensHimmer Yes, AI and stuff. Soft AI. You can train a mathematical model to recognise and discriminate stuff. It's a pretty cool concept.
@JoErNanO teach me how to do killer robot AI's okay? :D
@ClemensHimmer Google's on it. And Boston Dynamics.
@JoErNanO i know, but i might build one just in case google goes crazy, it will defend the den!
@ClemensHimmer Get an RPG.
No need to outsource firing power. :)
@JoErNanO you're right, but booooooooring :D
also i love how those bots walk, i could watch them all day and laugh my ass off :;D
@ClemensHimmer Nothing is boring when you have an RPG.
@JoErNanO Even a RPG is boring when you have a RPG wielding killer AI
@ClemensHimmer Only if you have the remote control for that AI.
@JoErNanO noooooooooooooo, a robot would be enough then, i want a AI
atlas get bullied :'(
@ClemensHimmer huh, never figured @JoEr is a programmer too, thought @JoEr is only a Traveler and recently an Academy Expert... ;-)
@ShadowWizard Hey hey no need to call me names! Programmer? That's offensive.
new respect level for @JoEr
Academy Expert? No way. I'm a rookie there.
@JoErNanO rookie won't hit rep cap... ;-)
throwing modesty on Programmer @Joe
@ShadowWizard It's all a matter of luck. You gotta fall onto an answerable question. Experts are the ultra-profesors with 50k+ rep.
@JoErNanO yeah yeah :D
Oh come on I maxed out on a question about addressing one's PhD supervisor in France. Guess what, I'm doing a PhD in France. Sheer luck. :D
Just to show off, I'm probably gonna max out again today. :)
A: Word choice for salutation in a formal email to your PhD adviser, Is *Dear Boss* appropriate?

JoErNanOThe first thing to do is to ask your supervisor what she wants to be called. Does she want to keep things formal? Does she want to be called by name? Whatever she tells you is the appropriate salutation to use with her. There is no need to second-guess yourself, nor to go spend too much time over...

Q: "How do I address my supervisor?"
A: "Ask them."
P.S. @ShadowWizard Gotta update the quote of the month.
Which one of you just upvoted that?!
Man I miss emoticons.
@JoErNanO what is it gonna be???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Calling @Joe a programmer
@ClemensHimmer I don't know but that one has been up there for more than a month.
Guru badge!
Where is Uni :'( ?
cc @ShadowWizard
stop devouring innocent creature, 'like us'
Kids these days wont know about it!
that paperclip I mean XD
@neferpitou and how old are you?
@DroidDev i think he was 13, rite? or was that somone else?
@ClemensHimmer I think someone else was 13
@DroidDev we are on the same age
@neferpitou ok and how do you know my age?
you posted it in the JAE
@DroidDev We know EVERYTHING!
oh, well, ok :)
we eat data and poop it!
@JoErNanO what time is it on my watch?
@DroidDev 15:18:12 CEST
Or UTC+2 if you prefer.
@JoErNanO its a trap, he has no watch
@neferpitou This is, time is absolute and relative at the same time. So his time is my time is everyone's time. And nobody's time.
@JoErNanO weed, cocaine or something else?
@ClemensHimmer It's a ssssssecret.
I'm batman.
Stupid cached links.
just wanted to ask why the heck you'd post that one
Mom smokes in the car. Jesus is OK with it.
@JoErNanO Just don't tell dad.
Twitter :/ Why u only allow shorter sentence ...........
I feel like Darude Sandstorm
@neferpitou what the heck?
I am posting this again to bother @ShadowWizard and his pups @ShadowofTheShadow
Where is @Shadow?
@JoErNanO What if someone's neither black nor white?
I'm gray.
@JoErNanO I am glow in the dark
@PhMgBr sleeping.
@ShadowWizard More precisely, sleeptalking
@PhMgBr Sleeppeeing.
@ShadowWizard shadow is sad :O
@ClemensHimmer Because... what would that do? :P
@ProgramFOX Well since it asked me if i meant "showlatest10" and it's true, why not execute the command if i confirm?
>> rjsioarehaser
@ClemensHimmer Command not found. Did you mean: randomchoice?
nah i didn't
that's a nice idea
>> showlatest20
@ClemensHimmer Command not found. Did you mean: showlatest10?
@ClemensHimmer Command not found.
@FOX9000 and here, i can't say anything since the bot didn't give me a option
yeah sometimes i got nice ideas too @Pro :P
also i always mess up the showlatest10 command i'd really like that :D
okay so what I'm going to do:
3 börks later..
a) when someone says an unknown command, the bot will store it for that user and when he calls >>yes, it will execute the suggested command
b) if he says >>no instead, it will remove the suggestion from memory and >>yes won't have effect anymore
c) if someone does a different command after an unknown command, it's synonymous to >>no + that command
@ProgramFOX solid, but applies c) to anyone doing a new command or just the user with the option given to them?
for each user, the bot will store a different suggestion in memory. no collisions will happen
*c) if he does
let's say two people want to execute commands in quick succession, one could mess it up a bit, nothing critical i guess tho
yeah I will avoid that to happen, bad use of "someone" in my c)
@ProgramFOX **c) if they do, you gotta be non-sexit nowadays!
uh yeah
or the user :P
although I thought "he" was acceptable as well in situations like this, where you don't know the gender
@ProgramFOX yeah it's common, tho it is more professional to refer to a genderless person with the genderless pronoun
Fair point. Professional doesn't relate to this room though :P
yeah i was more nitpicking because i'm bored than teaching you the ways of professionals XD
also I already knew about the singular they. I just didn't think too much about grammar when typing that out :P
some feminist idiots even tried to make the genderless/fluid pronouns apply to masculine words.. since that's SOOO opressive lol
e.g. you gotta state in any document that male pronouns (as they were and are commonly used.. since quite a uhm .. looooooong time) also refer to the female counterpart
That's not a word
it's a slang for what, so it kinda is :P
For the time when a guy is so fucking tired maybe ?
also, are you new? i personally never saw you here i think
nah just so, are you here to correct grammar? you got a whoooooooole lot of work then here :D
whoooooooole lot of work then here You mean, i should learn something from the grammer here? :)
@Mohsen how did you get the impression i was saying that?
think what i said was quite obvious :P
Idk, Your sentence was like this : Go and fuck yourself and learn the goddamn english's grammer !
oh and btw it's spelling rather than grammer ;)
@ShadowWizard - I'm leaving, i couldn't find what i was looking for :/
you're very special in interpreting stuff... but hey you got the second part right as in my thoughts right now, what i said meant "if you came here to correct grammar you got a lot of work to do here" .. that was quite an obvious statement..
since at least i don't give two cents about it for the most of time, hence you guessed it - you got a lot of stuff to correct
I didn't get it especially, this one: you got a lot of work to do here should i learn something or i should teach ?
why you came here: correct grammar
what is here: bad grammar

conculision: lots of work for you
That's why i said that, btw, i don't know what's your problem then ? - got it
conculision: lots of work for you i wonder, like what ? :-?
because you indicated me to have meant that..
5 mins ago, by Mohsen
Idk, Your sentence was like this : Go and fuck yourself and learn the goddamn english's grammer !
ok man i'm really tired of that, sorry, think whatever you want to ^^
No, i'm just curious about that
And it's little bit confusing of what you mean by that grammer... let me think about it again!
@ClemensHimmer - I get it, nah just so, are you here to correct grammar? you got a whoooooooole lot of work then here :D - What made you like this to think about that?
I mean, what was the grammer issue?
I'd like to know by the way
Whatever, goodbye
See @Mohsen, i'll try a last time, this time with my best intent to explain it correctly. You came here and corrected my spelling, so i proceeded to ask you "are you here to correct grammar?", following by "you got a whoooooooole lot of work then here" to tell you, if you actually are here to correct grammar you have a lot of work to do, since you have lots of grammar mistakes to correct. That's it, done, over, i honestly have no idea how once could misinterpret that.
beats @Dro with lel
Bot restarted after pulling from the GitHub repository. Running on revision 8aef3f6bcfa56d812bc0e21738242b91b6ce77e8.
>>cta This is a test.
Bot restarted after crash.
Hmm. :P
eh, of course
Bot restarted after pulling from the GitHub repository. Running on revision fbe5546468373570b83d26117b56e6e8942394bf.
picks up foxes from tail and beats them with smiting stick
>>cta This is a test.
@ProgramFOX Command not found. Did you mean: cat?
Bot restarted after crash.
oh doh
Bot restarted after pulling from the GitHub repository. Running on revision 82cef57d37dc00c9b42f8e071a30b48596d8daa0.
>>cta This is a test.
@ProgramFOX Command not found. Did you mean: cat?
Bot restarted after crash.
Bot restarted after pulling from the GitHub repository. Running on revision cbd699eb1b5b549b88f5d01396424cbbdcb524db.
>>cta this is a test
@ProgramFOX Command not found. Did you mean: cat?
@ProgramFOX this is a test
@ProgramFOX There are no command suggestions for you (anymore).
>>cta this is a test
@ProgramFOX Command not found. Did you mean: cat?
@ProgramFOX Command suggestion cleared.
@ProgramFOX There are no command suggestions for you (anymore).
@ClemensHimmer Done.
@ClemensHimmer - Ahan, i get it now, - You came here and corrected my spelling no i didn't.i was looking for someone and that's all.
Actually it was just a think of what you've been telling me...something like that
>> showlatestbörk10
@ClemensHimmer Command not found. Did you mean: showlatest10?
@ClemensHimmer No latest words in memory.
noice @Pro /cc @Sha @Dro
maybe y and n would make good alt commands too, @Pro
good idea
Bot restarted after pulling from the GitHub repository. Running on revision 305d6185407f23533edb777a21ab3bc8b05fde5b.
>>cta this is a test
@ProgramFOX Command not found. Did you mean: cat?
@ProgramFOX this is a test
@Clem ^
@berserk calls police
@ClemensHimmer LMAO, I wish I was here when it all took place. Its fun to watch things happen :P
@DroidDev he had a lot of trouble undestanding stuff.. idk man idc anymore at all
Yeah, i was far from english a little while, sorry about that
@ClemensHimmer - I'd appreciate that care, but still i don't underestand what was the grammer issue ?
I mean if there was, would you please tell me what then?
@Mohsen I think he was just saying, that if you are going to correct the grammar of everybody here, then there are lots of people who are making those mistakes in this room and you'll have a lots of work to do.
wakes up
looking up
looking down
hiding from @nef
>>flop lel
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: flip?
>>of course
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: no?
@ShadowWizard Command suggestion cleared.
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: flip?
>>of course
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: no?
@ShadowWizard Command suggestion cleared.
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: flip?
>>yes of course
@ShadowWizard (┛^ل͜')┛︵ןǝן
>>very cool
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: reply?
@FOX9000 yes I did
@ShadowWizard Invalid arguments.
hmm... @Pro what about adding direct reply with "yes/no/Y/N" in this case?
confusing towards WAG
Anyway awesome! You're really on a roll! :D
throwing a Den Party
inviting @ber @Dro @rene @Pro @FOX @Heidel @JoEr @J.C @Moh @nef @NiKo @Pra @Sha @S.L @PhMg to grand Den Party
@ShadowWizard catches the Den Party
Oh, hey @Mohsen welcome to the Den!! :D
keeps it for himself
takes Party away from @Dro, putting @Dro in a cage
eats the cage, then takes the party back from @Sha
Sticking "Please do not feed" sign on @Dro's cage
eats the cage itself
too lazy to check ping backlog, going to eat dinner
Enjoy the party everyone! :D
enjoys the party
One last poke for @JoEr and @PhMg just because
@ShadowWizard - Hi Girl :)
How's it going?
@Mohsen huh, so you are @Lin? ;-)
ohoom, i just changed the name
who is @Lin?
LinX64 actually
Well last I checked (few minutes ago while pissing) I was a boy and that boy is hungry! So later... ;-)
oh, that @Lin
a boy? :o alright
Oh hell
'nother Iranian in this chat?
@PhMgBr - What is the problem?
@Mohsen There is none
@PhMgBr - Ahaa, i know you now, from that persian chatroom right?
yeah, that kid/boy :)
party is over?
hello @Mohsen .... Linx32
Yo, hey bud, wlc
@neferpitou no, people still didn't arrive. waiting for everyone :D
@neferpitou I'm sad when you're away..., :P
@JoErNanO true! What do you suggest? ;)
@Mohsen so, you finally believe me? Or need further proof?? :-D
>>electrify @PhMg
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: reply?
@ShadowWizard Command suggestion cleared.
2 hours later…
@ShadowWizard As long as the darkness covers the world I am always here.

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