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04:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW @Deto will help you
Gotta sleep soon
I'll vomit blood tomorrow
I have a morning of coding with people who format their code like rubbish
@FOX9000 heroine
@ShadowWizard singularly
@FOX9000 unique
@ShadowWizard breed
@FOX9000 seed
@ShadowWizard maize
@FOX9000 maze
@ShadowWizard walkway
@FOX9000 pavement
@ShadowWizard saunter
@FOX9000 senator
@ShadowWizard senate
@FOX9000 congress
@ShadowWizard appropriation
@FOX9000 coordination
@ShadowWizard develop
@FOX9000 webmaster
No associated word found for webmaster.
>>continue webmaster freelance
@ShadowWizard freelance
@FOX9000 (@)rene
@ShadowWizard freelancer
>>link rene flower
@ShadowWizard Link is already added.
>>reply 4695005
@ShadowWizard flower
@FOX9000 scent
@ShadowWizard acrid
@FOX9000 lucid
@ShadowWizard intelligible
Salary of Israel's Prime Minister ^
Out of 48k NIS, he actually gets only 17k in the bank account.
@Clem you will be earning more than a Prime Minister! :D
@ShadowWizard haha XD
Well, for long years our media always attacked him for having lots of money. I only wonder what took him so long to publish the salary... lol
He still have millions from his days before being PM, but still..
@ShadowWizard tweaks some numbers hugh? what is it? will be ready soon guys
Hey @Michel - in case it's not a misclick, welcome to the Den! ;)
No misclick here, @ShadowWizard, I'm just lurking about
@ClemensHimmer hmm? No tweaking, it appears legit. Ready for what?
@MichelfrancisBustillos hmm... are you @Crabolo? checking
@ShadowWizard that was a tweaking joke
whoops, you're totally new here I see, @Michel. Well, happy lurking! :D
No, sir. My first time in the metas rooms
@ClemensHimmer oh lol, got it on second reading :D
@MichelfrancisBustillos lol, it's not the official room. That would be the Tavern:
No mods/SE employees here - luckily for us all. :P
Yep, I'm lurking there too. Ha!
oh. lol
So you lurk in all active rooms? That would make lots of rooms.... :D
Naw, usually just a couple, boredom attacked, had to fight back.
@FOX9000 sense
@ShadowWizard unreality
@FOX9000 dream
@ShadowWizard phantasm
Welll feel free to join WAG, @Michel
@FOX9000 orgasm :P
@ShadowWizard groan
@FOX9000 moan
@ShadowWizard dirge
@FOX9000 hinge
@ShadowWizard grease
WAG? @ShadowWizard
@FOX9000 oil
@ShadowWizard wick
Word Association Game, @Michel
Just reply to last word and see what happens ;)
@FOX9000 lick
@ShadowWizard hungrily
@FOX9000 passionately
@ShadowWizard madly
@FOX9000 insanely
@ShadowWizard dance
@FOX9000 gogo
No associated word found for gogo.
@ShadowWizard boots
Must reply - not just ping. :)
Click the arrow that appears to the far right when hovering the message
@ShadowWizard boots
@MichelfrancisBustillos Troopa
@FOX9000 Tropic
@ShadowWizard hot
@MichelfrancisBustillos dervish
Happy WAGing, if you get stuck or break the chain by mistake, @Clem can give you a hand... ;-)
(I'm off for a while)
@FOX9000 whirling
@MichelfrancisBustillos speed
@MichelfrancisBustillos unclean
@MichelfrancisBustillos yarn
@MichelfrancisBustillos plaid
@FOX9000 red necks
@MichelfrancisBustillos Indians
@ShadowWizard prairie
@MichelfrancisBustillos sled
@FOX9000 arctic
@MichelfrancisBustillos blizzard
@MichelfrancisBustillos freeze
@MichelfrancisBustillos rhodes
@FOX9000 roads (does that count?)
@MichelfrancisBustillos jolting
@FOX9000 lightning
@MichelfrancisBustillos incessant
@MichelfrancisBustillos raucous
@FOX9000 party
@MichelfrancisBustillos senatorial
@FOX9000 congress
@MichelfrancisBustillos judiciary
@FOX9000 committee
@MichelfrancisBustillos session
@FOX9000 therapy
@MichelfrancisBustillos shock
@FOX9000 electricity
@MichelfrancisBustillos electrician
@MichelfrancisBustillos directional
@FOX9000 arrows
@MichelfrancisBustillos protruding
@MichelfrancisBustillos head
@MichelfrancisBustillos brushed
@FOX9000 (how were those even connected?) motor
@MichelfrancisBustillos bicycle
@FOX9000 motorcycle
@MichelfrancisBustillos F3
@ShadowWizard I am a bad WAG assistant @Michel, but feel free anyways lol
@ClemensHimmer What's "F3"?
@MichelfrancisBustillos sometimes the bot just rplies .. complete rubbish
@MichelfrancisBustillos I have no idea either :D
I see...but I dont think it does LOL
@MichelfrancisBustillos engine
@ClemensHimmer outboard
@MichelfrancisBustillos sailor
@MichelfrancisBustillos officer
@MichelfrancisBustillos station
@MichelfrancisBustillos rudder
@MichelfrancisBustillos airfield
@FOX9000 cornfield
@MichelfrancisBustillos black
@FOX9000 sabbath
@MichelfrancisBustillos church
@MichelfrancisBustillos godhead
@FOX9000 motorhead
No associated word found for motorhead.
Aww, it doesn't know bands
@FOX9000 banana
@MichelfrancisBustillos peeled
@MichelfrancisBustillos mustard
@FOX9000 ketchup
@MichelfrancisBustillos chopped
@FOX9000 spinach
@MichelfrancisBustillos serve
@MichelfrancisBustillos release
@FOX9000 pressure
@MichelfrancisBustillos friction
@MichelfrancisBustillos sultry
@MichelfrancisBustillos critically
@FOX9000 important
@MichelfrancisBustillos deem
@FOX9000 essential
@MichelfrancisBustillos absolutely
@FOX9000 positively
@MichelfrancisBustillos declared
@MichelfrancisBustillos constitutional
Interior scenes...
@FOX9000 ruling
@MichelfrancisBustillos rome
@MichelfrancisBustillos protestant
@FOX9000 Catholic
@MichelfrancisBustillos doctrine
@FOX9000 Strict
@MichelfrancisBustillos secrecy
@MichelfrancisBustillos cascade
@FOX9000 waterfall
@MichelfrancisBustillos plateau
@FOX9000 mountain
@MichelfrancisBustillos spill
@MichelfrancisBustillos sour
@MichelfrancisBustillos prune
@FOX9000 raisin
@MichelfrancisBustillos seed
@MichelfrancisBustillos bush
@MichelfrancisBustillos vine
@FOX9000 wine
@MichelfrancisBustillos anjou
@FOX9000 Rubbish
@MichelfrancisBustillos workman
@FOX9000 construction
@MichelfrancisBustillos under
@FOX9000 above
@MichelfrancisBustillos quote
@FOX9000 unquote
@MichelfrancisBustillos general
@MichelfrancisBustillos rebel
@FOX9000 confederate
@MichelfrancisBustillos richmond
@FOX9000 Virginia
@MichelfrancisBustillos abrogate
@MichelfrancisBustillos emancipation
@FOX9000 proclamation
@MichelfrancisBustillos constitutional
@MichelfrancisBustillos custom
@FOX9000 tradition
@MichelfrancisBustillos pastoral
@FOX9000 scene
@MichelfrancisBustillos pantomime
@MichelfrancisBustillos performer
@FOX9000 musician
@MichelfrancisBustillos skilful
@FOX9000 talented
@MichelfrancisBustillos pupil
@FOX9000 teacher
@MichelfrancisBustillos violinist
@FOX9000 guitarist
@MichelfrancisBustillos lead
@FOX9000 singer
@MichelfrancisBustillos encore
@ClemensHimmer you do just fine ;)
2 hours later…
@MichelfrancisBustillos They were much related than some of FOX's responses.
lol, very true :)
haha indeed
sad part is, it took me awhile to realize it was a bot
Welcome to Shadow's DEn @Michel!
How're you doing?
@MichelfrancisBustillos lol, you thought it's some super-fast person? ;)
@MichelfrancisBustillos Diva
@ShadowWizard sing
@FOX9000 sling
@ShadowWizard belt
@FOX9000 jeans
@ShadowWizard unbuttoned
@FOX9000 naked
@ShadowWizard squatting
@FOX9000 pooping
@ShadowWizard break
@FOX9000 continue
@ShadowWizard unchanged
@FOX9000 same
@ShadowWizard disability
@FOX9000 handicap
@ShadowWizard social
@FOX9000 media
@ShadowWizard consultant
@FOX9000 private
@ShadowWizard detective
@ShadowWizard lazarus
@ShadowWizard Kinda
@MichelfrancisBustillos cute
Why, thank you!
Actually @Michel the above is a chain break... if you plan to stick around I'll explain more. :)
@FOX9000 Smallville
@ShadowWizard superman
>>islink Smallville superman
@ShadowWizard Yes, that's a manually added link.
@FOX9000 ironman
No associated word found for ironman.
@ShadowWizard I'll probably be around abit. in and out though since
I do have work I need to look like I'm doing
lol, so I'll explain shortly. :)
OK, while the main goal of WAG is just casual fun, I also want it to be fully trackable, in the sense that we can always see which word is a reply to which other word.
This allows me to collect statistics about the game, e.g. how many words each user posted, etc.
These are the last stats: chat.meta.stackexchange.com/rooms/721/conversation/… (wow, almost 2 months! Once I used to run them every couple of weeks)
That's awesome
So, back to chain. If you click the small arrow that is to the left of each message which is a reply to other message, you will get to that other message. E.g. this is reply to this. This is WAG chain of two words.
If you keep clicking, you'll get up the chain, ideally to the very first word of WAG.
Now, if you post a reply to a chat message which s not part of WAG, then someone else is replying to you with WAG word, this is a chain break.
When going up the chain, you'll reach that non-WAG message and that's it - no more words.
It happened to you today, by mistake, @Michel here - you replied to the bot "no associated word found" message instead of to the actual last word, which was here.
I fixed it in the stats code manually, easy to fix since the actual last word was right there.
All good, you couldn't know... :)
Now comes the tricky part.
The bot is, well, just code.
Since WAG can also be played between human users, not just human vs. the bot, the bot will identify any single word chat message which is a reply, as part of WAG, no matter who the reply target is.
That is why the bot replied to you here - he thought you're playing WAG with me. :)
that make more sense
And if you or someone else would have replied to the bot with WAG words... that could be a major chain break.
It happened 8 times so far, leading to 8 WAG "branches" - each with a root I couldn't connect to previous words.
So, we better avoid single word replies to each other, or at least add a dot or something like that, which will also prevent the bot from replying.
@MichelfrancisBustillos yup.
See? ^
Italics also works, or any formatting
@MichelfrancisBustillos yup
And that's about it! :D
For the first time in ages, there were no chain breaks (except the minor one I mentioned above), so stats are ready. Will post them soon, after folding the laundry. :P
Spoiler: you jumped right to the 32th place out of 67, @Michel - awesome start! ;)
Too bad I gotta run...cya
Spoiler #2 - finally @ber achieved his goal, his word took the leadership. :D
Stats time!
WAG Charts: jsfiddle.net/yahavbr/cggmpwho/25/embedded/result
=== Word Association Game Leaderboard ===
1. FOX 9000.........................27918
2. Shadow Wizard....................16896
3. DroidDev.........................11132
4. ProgramFOX........................4658
5. rene..............................3641
6. CRABOLO...........................3100
7. Frank.............................3082
8. SPArchaeologist...................2859
9. SilentKiller......................2752
10. MysticMagicϡ.....................2441
11. maveň............................1877
=== Word Association Game Stats, as of 2016-03-15 21:40:02Z ===
Total of 91051 words in game, 24298 unique, posted over 655 different days by 67 different users in 9 branches. Overall uncouth words percentage is 0.92 (total of 838 uncouth words)
=== WAG Branches ===
Most common words in game: sex (195), boobs (191), me (168)
DroidDev posted 175 links to movies, out of 330 movie links in total
Shadow Wizard posted 129 links to YouTube, out of 226 YouTube links in total
=== Leaderboard by Words Per Day ===
1. Frank.......................146.6
2. ArtOfCode....................73.8
3. FOX 9000.....................59.7
4. Vogel612's Shadow............42.1
5. MysticMagicϡ.................40.6
6. ASCIIThenANSI................40.2
7. DroidDev.....................35.8
8. maveň........................31.9
9. Shadow Wizard................29.9
10. Unihedron...................26.6
=== Uncouth Users (percentage of total words) ===
1. berserk...............................16.658%)
2. DetonationsPlus.......................11.017%)
3. Clemens Himmer.........................5.021%)
4. DroidDev...............................1.752%)
5. Jason C................................1.679%)
6. CRABOLO................................0.806%)
7. maveň..................................0.746%)
8. Shadow Wizard..........................0.704%)
9. ProgramFOX.............................0.537%)
=== Top Words Per User ===
1. berserk (sex - 110 times)
2. DroidDev (me - 90 times)
3. Frank (tree - 62 times)
4. Shadow Wizard (boobs - 35 times)
5. ProgramFOX (name - 31 times)
6. FOX 9000 (black - 23 times)
7. MysticMagicϡ (water - 21 times)
8. SPArchaeologist (pony - 17 times)
9. rene (game - 14 times)
10. SilentKiller (truth - 13 times)
11. Mooseman (death - 13 times)
12. maveň (love - 11 times)
13. CRABOLO (star - 8 times)
14. Unihedron (no, yum - 5 times)
15. ASCIIThenANSI (fish - 5 times)
=== Top Active Users ===
1. Shadow Wizard was active on 615 days in total, 167 max consecutive (between 15/03/2015 and 30/08/2015)
2. FOX 9000 was active on 489 days in total, 205 max consecutive (between 06/04/2015 and 12/11/2015)
3. DroidDev was active on 362 days in total, 15 max consecutive (between 19/12/2014 and 02/01/2015)
4. ProgramFOX was active on 349 days in total, 49 max consecutive (between 20/05/2014 and 08/07/2014)
5. rene was active on 273 days in total, 39 max consecutive (between 27/06/2014 and 04/08/2014)
That is all!
@Dro @Dro if you want your word back in top, I fear you'll have to play WAG again a bit... :D
04:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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