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03:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

3:23 AM
Bot initialized. Type ND>help for help.
ND>prefix !
Prefix set to !.
3:23 AM
Bot killed manually
@Doorknob冰 so it posted to wrong room? :)
that's... not supposed to happen :P
!comp tell me a physics joke
I heard that entropy isn't what it used to be.
!comp tell me a kitty joke
!comp age of earth
3:31 AM
4.54 billion years
!comp age of sun
4.57 billion years
!comp the answer to life, the universe, and everything
(according to Douglas Adams' humorous science-fiction novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
!comp what is a doorknob for
3:32 AM
!comp ???r?n?b
d | o | o | r | k | n | o | b
!comp f??k
f | e | r | k
f | i | l | k
f | i | r | k
F | i | s | k
f | l | a | k
f | o | l | k
f | o | r | k
f | u | n | k
f | y | r | k
(9 words)
nope :P
3:33 AM
!comp s??t
s | a | l | t
s | c | a | t
S | C | E | T
S | C | N | T
S | c | o | t
s | c | u | t
s | e | a | t
s | e | c | t
s | e | n | t
s | e | p | t
s | e | t | t
s | e | x | t
s | h | a | t
s | h | o | t
s | h | u | t
s | i | f | t
s | i | l | t
s | k | i | t
s | l | a | t
s | l | o | t
s | n | i | t
s | n | o | t
s | o | f | t
s | o | o | t
(vertical ellipsis) | | |
(34 words)
!comp size of manhattan
33.59 mi^2 (square miles)
!comp size of new york state
(data not available)
3:35 AM
!comp size of new york
302.64 mi^2 (square miles)
!comp size of united states
3.719 million mi^2 (square miles) (world rank: 3rd)
!comp size of canada
3.855 million mi^2 (square miles) (world rank: 2nd)
3:36 AM
!comp size of russia
6.593 million mi^2 (square miles) (world rank: 1st)
!comp size of earth
3956.5467 miles
!comp size of russia - size of canada
2.738 million mi^2 (square miles)
3:38 AM
!comp size of united states / size of earth
0.01888 (1.888%)
!comp size of universe
93 billion ly (light years)
(It is not however known if the size of the entire universe is finite or infinite.)
!comp Wolfram Alpha
no? :P
!comp What is your name?
My name is Wolfram|Alpha.
3:43 AM
!comp how hot is the sun
5780 K (kelvins) (effective)
!comp 5780 K to Fahrenheit
9944 °F (degrees Fahrenheit)
!comp 9944 °F
5506.7 °C (degrees Celsius)
4:07 AM
!comp How far away is the moon?
240791 miles
@bjb568 What API does this use? W|A?
28 mins ago, by bjb568
My name is Wolfram|Alpha.
@Sompuperoo stappit :P
4:10 AM
@Doorknob冰 sorry, thought you already fixed that
4:27 AM
@Doorknob冰 just a suggestion, but maybe should the image be shrunk to a smaller size before posting?
@Sompuperoo Meh, too much work. Right now it's a single line of code. :P
ND>choose @Doorknob冰 @inf @somp @bjb
Not even an image!
4:38 AM
fixed :P
no werk
ND>admin clear
5 mins ago, by Doorknob 冰
fixed :P
you block me? :(
:choose @Sompuperoo,no
Wait, wrong tab
4:46 AM
ok, good, I promise to be good dog
i tought he banned me from using botlingg, but no he did not yet
Bot initialized. Type ND>help for help.
@bjb568 Naturally, the bot doesn't work when it's not running
ND>prefix !
4:47 AM
Prefix set to !.
!comp hello
Unknown command comp.
Hello, human.
4:48 AM
Unknown command dance.
Type !listcommands to list all commands that the chatbot can execute, or !help CMDNAME for help on a specific command.
4:48 AM
No help file found for CMDNAME.
!help halp
No help file found for halp.
!help help
4:49 AM
I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym
!help help help
You want another easter egg? You mean the meta one wasn't enough for you?
!help help help help
Stappit; there are NO MORE easter eggs here.
!help help help help help
4:50 AM
Fine, if I give you an easter egg, will you go away?
!help help help help help help
                               /----                           -------/                                /                                        /                |
   -----------------/                  --------       ----------------------------------------------
... that didn't work how it was supposed to.
!help help help help help help help
(Don't get it? Ping Doorknob. :P)
4:50 AM
!help help help help help help help help
No help file found for help help help help help help help.
cough technical difficulties
@NotDoorknob y u do this
!find technical difficulties youtube
Unknown command find.
Probably not!
4:51 AM
Oh, backslashes
Unknown command goaway.
!find technical difficulties youtube
Unknown command find.
Bot killed manually
That wasn't what I wanted. ^^
But good enough
@Doorknob冰 !help backslash backslash
4:52 AM
@NotDoorknob bugfixes
5 mins ago, by Doorknob 冰
@bjb568 Naturally, the bot doesn't work when it's not running
Bot initialized. Type ND>help for help.
4:53 AM
ND>prefix -
Prefix set to -.
easier to type
-help help help help help help
                       -------/      \
                      /               \
                     /                |
   -----------------/                  --------\
-. or 0
Unknown command ..
4:53 AM
-. or -
it works :P
@NotDoorknob What is it? @door
Unknown command .help.
4:53 AM
Type -listcommands to list all commands that the chatbot can execute, or -help CMDNAME for help on a specific command.
-puts "@bjb"
Unknown command puts.
@bjb568 If you're on Linux, run aptitude moo, aptitude moo -v, aptitude moo -vv, etc.
(it's a reference to apt-get)
4:54 AM
Well, looks like a blob.
llama@llama:~$ apt-get moo
          / |    ||
         *  /\---/\
            ~~   ~~
..."Have you mooed today?"...
llama@llama:~$ aptitude moo
There are no Easter Eggs in this program.
llama@llama:~$ aptitude moo -v
There really are no Easter Eggs in this program.
llama@llama:~$ aptitude moo -vv
Didn't I already tell you that there are no Easter Eggs in this program?
llama@llama:~$ aptitude moo -vvv
Stop it!
llama@llama:~$ aptitude moo -vvvv
had to make sure…
llama@llama:~$ apt-get -h | tail -n1
                       This APT has Super Cow Powers.
llama@llama:~$ aptitude -h | tail -n1
                  This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers.
@bjb568 haha :D
~ \o/ ~
4:56 AM
Hm… nothing even for 1337 vs.
-help dance
-eval 1+1
Eval result: Error in eval: constant Net::HTTP::Persistent::Thread not defined
-eval 2+2
5:04 AM
Eval result: 4
-eval "-eval 1"
Eval result: -eval 1
Oh, prefixes.
no like prefixes.
Eval result: Error in eval: can't convert nil into String
5:06 AM
-eval nil
Eval result:
-eval super
Eval result: Error in eval: super: no superclass method `doIt' for main:Object
I... don't know ruby :P
-eval this
5:06 AM
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined local variable or method `this' for main:Object
but super exists :O
-eval self
Eval result: main
-eval loop{}
-eval self.hallo
5:06 AM
Eval result: 3 second timeout reached.
-eval doIt
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined method `hallo' for main:Object
Eval result: Error in eval: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
he's getting rate-limited already :/
-eval doIt 2
@Doorknob冰 Happened to me too
5:07 AM
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure: can't change global variable value
-eval system('rm -rf *')
-eval doIt
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation - system
Eval result: Error in eval: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
-eval doIt -eval nil
-eval while true; end
5:07 AM
Eval result: Error in eval: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected keyword_nil, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '('
doIt -eval nil
-eval doIt nil
Eval result: 3 second timeout reached.
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure: can't change global variable value
-eval loop{loop{}}
Eval result: 3 second timeout reached.
@NotDoorknob what does this mean, @Doorknob
5:08 AM
-eval eval 'eval "1+1"'
Eval result: 2
@TheWobbuffet it means you can't change the global variable value
(i.e. doIt contains $something = somethingElse so you can't run it)
-eval eval 'eval "loop{}"'
@Doorknob冰 I meant what argument does the doIt method do
Eval result: 3 second timeout reached.
5:08 AM
-eval local_variables
Eval result: [:code]
oh okay
-eval "hi"
Eval result: hi
def doIt code
    $SAFE = 4
    eval code
-eval "I am a doorknob"
5:10 AM
Eval result: I am a doorknob
-eval "sadly, positive"
Eval result: sadly, positive
-eval "I am a bot that sucks"
Eval result: I am a bot that sucks
5:10 AM
List of commands: help, listcommands, eval, admin, prefix, choose, aww, dance
Unknown command DANCE!!!.
oops, I haven't applied that patch yet
-dance test
5:10 AM
~ \o/ ~
-dance dance testtesttest
Bot killed manually
alright, have to go
you can't keep bot on?
-eval "test"
-eval 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
^ for next time
Bye @Doorknob
5:14 AM
fine I'll leave it on on a different computer
hang on a second
nvm, laziness :P
9 hours later…
2:27 PM
Bot initialized. Type ND>help for help.
ND>eval local_variables
Eval result: Error in eval: constant Net::HTTP::Persistent::Thread not defined
ND>eval local_variables
Eval result: [:code]
(I really need to fix that)
2:28 PM
Okay, now you showed us that it is unborkable, can you provide the code? ;)
Alright :P
    eval: ->a, e{
        code = a
        _Thread = Object::Thread
        _EM = Object::EM
        def safeEval code, _Thread, mthread
            _Thread.kill mthread
            _Thread.new {
                sleep 3
                mthread[:evalResult] = '3 second timeout reached.'
            mthread = _Thread.new {
                result = begin
                             Object.send :remove_const, :Thread
                             Net::HTTP::Persistent.send :remove_const, :Thread
ND>eval _EM
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined local variable or method `_EM' for main:Object
ND>eval Object::EM
Eval result: Error in eval: uninitialized constant EM
2:29 PM
ND>eval Object::Thread
Eval result: Error in eval: uninitialized constant Thread
hmm... seems safe
ND>eval Object.const_set :Thread, code
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure: can't set constant
2:44 PM
ND>eval Object.send(:remove_const, :const_set)
Eval result: Error in eval: `const_set' is not allowed as a constant name
2:55 PM
~ \o/ ~
ND>PrEfIx..?.!!. -
Prefix set to -.
~ \o/ ~
2:57 PM
Unknown command gimmedahcommandz.
List of commands: help, listcommands, eval, admin, prefix, choose, aww, dance, die
2:57 PM
Hey, I like you, but not enough to die for you... (requires admin privileges)
Admin ids: 180276
-admin 229438
User 229438 added to admins.
2:57 PM
now try -die :P
Oh. You don't like me? :( Okay. (bot killed)
I'm alive!
2:59 PM
Bot killed manually
... well that's just great. It crashes when I don't want it to, and when I specifically tell it to crash, it doesn't!
3:46 PM
I rebooted it about 30 minutes ago
and it's been throwing 409's and 404's this whole time
Wrong password?
oh, wait, it's hardcoded you said
@ProgramFOX ah, bingo!
I changed it so it reads from a file
But the file had a trailing newline
Bot initialized. Type ND>help for help.
Hey, I like you, but not enough to die for you... (requires admin privileges)
3:50 PM
heh, it doesn't remember admins
ND>dance dance dance
~ \o/ ~
Bot killed manually
testing a new feature
Bot initialized. Type ND>help for help.
3:57 PM
Unknown command test.
borked :(
03:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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