++ for BradleyDotNET's answer, he's got very valid points but also I'd like to add one more reason votes on questions help me:
I am quite active in Excel/VBA tags and believe me 95% of the questions posted are crap... Sometimes it takes a true while to find a good/interesting (answerable) and no...
@InfiniteRecursion I only said that, so I could report those who said yes for being under 13 and on the site... (report with the new report this user feature!!!! :))
theoretically you could write a script that posts a new comment mentioning every single name on the SO page with @ and then deleting the comment - finally you would reach the downvoter haha
to find an answer for a problem. you are developing, you encounter a problem, you google it, you find the answer or ask the question in the site, its all around your questions and problems
are you opposed with my proposal? totally voting on questions is different with voting on answer and has less meaning, specially downvotes exept they request a modification
@Ahmad Every single feature that you see exists for a reason, and has been put in place by people who have experience and understanding of online communities
@Ahmad the more bad questions there are, the harder it is to help the people who have good questions, since it's harder to find the good questions if all you see is people asking bad questions and not being downvoted for it
Just because you received one incorrect/bad audit doesn't mean the whole queue is broken. I've reviewed it many weeks with no issues. — cVplZ45 secs ago
you say downvotes are to see crap questions less, but it doesn't work when you just down vote and not saying the asker what you mean, but if you say him he learns
@Ahmad I think you just haven't been around enough to understand why the community closing and deletion system were in place. When you visit enough questions on the site, you'll thank it being there, and immersely participate.
@Ahmad I have never asked a question, I only answer, same for all the other users you see in this room, all of us mostly answer and rarely ask questions
when someone includes "0 down vote favorite" in their question, I downvote without reading. Also, programming questions are off-topic here. — Jan Dvorak18 secs ago