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00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

so... the most downvoted answer in MSO surpassed the one in MSE?
and the naa still there...
@hichris123 lets make sure
^^ find a woman in this picture. (design, dev, IT, and SRE teams of Stack Exchange)
@CareBear Directly on the far left corner of the room. I can't tell.
Looks like autotune jesus.
Not sure if human.
Y U NO 4k?!
(or 5k with the shiny new imac)
@bjb568 Who? Where? Why?
@bjb568 Big enough as is.
@Frank Not for autotune jesus.
@bjb568 You really want a better look? :/
Looks like a guy. Reason: weirdly tilting head.
Hey there iguana!
@Frank wonder how many stray cats that tree's eaten
@cVplZ except... most cats would get bored and climb out :P
Is anyone having issues with the active tab? For me it's blank, e.g. movies.stackexchange.com/?tab=active
@MrLore Works for me.
@CareBear that's a trick question. There is none
@MrLore I do. The front page of Math.SE is blank for me.
I wonder, what time zones are you guys in?
Because it's GMT daylight savings at the moment, and I'm GMT
This is the hour that never existed ;)
@MrLore Use 'sort=active' not 'tab=active'
@MrLore Repros all over the place.
SE is breaking.
I can hear it. RUUUUN!!!
Ha! even after adding a bounty on GL, I have well over twice the rep this week that the next person has. Month/quarter too. :P
I'm missing one of the reject reasons in the tag wiki suggested edits review queue
@MrLore yeah, MSE right now is hiccuping
^ From the sidebar of the software that has my grades
@Frank I agree, a guy as indicated by that tilting head
@CareBear Women are less in IT, so no surprise
Thanks SE, the sexist comment a user wrote to me on the "be nice" policy post has been nuked after I raised a custom flag
@Inf Finally, your new dp updated to chat.
> These cool glasses are a gift from Shadow Wizard
LIES! he took them from me!
@Braiam spiteful... I'd expect that kind of thing from a cat.
Or an enderman.
@InfiniteRecursion Ha, at first, I read this as "the sexiest comment"; your version makes more sense.
@LynnCrumbling yeah....
@Frank what did the user write?
@LynnCrumbling Not sure.
None of my business anyway, so I don't care.
@frank well stated.
@LynnCrumbling Ha:
@InfiniteRecursion Hey, the duck is back... with... sunglasses?
> said: @frabj
14 hours ago, by Shadow Wizard
user image
@Frank yeah... my enter key decided it was time to send the message even my brain wasn't quite done.
@Frank ahhh
12 hours ago, by Infinite Recursion
@Sha http://meta.stackexchange.com/users/245167/infinite-recursion
@LynnCrumbling The user wrote - Would a female programmer be offended with the phrase "party on, dudes!"?..maybe she should seek professional help on this
@LynnCrumbling You on Mobile? :/
What's with you guys? -?
Anyway, Night!
@Frank No, just failing basic motor skills today.
@Frank Night!
@Frank 'night
@InfiniteRecursion Rene's comment is amusing: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/240839/…
@LynnCrumbling yes, rene wrote that after I shared my disappointment in the Tavern
@InfiniteRecursion I've always thought you were female, but would have considered it rude to even ask, because the question then is.. why does it matter?
@InfiniteRecursion Your comment does a nice job of summing that up.
@LynnCrumbling yes, I am female and it doesn't matter, I wrote about it long ago on MSO, hope someday SE community will be mature enough to understand that and it will be easier for us to participate here. This is one reason I don't participate on any site SE actively, even if I write a comment, I get attacked, and it's not worth it.
Writing someone and then spending time flagging the responses you recieve from other people leaves a bitter taste
@InfiniteRecursion that's sad.
@LynnCrumbling Yes, but SE team is very helpful. They remove offensive stuff pretty fast, that's why I am still here :)
@InfiniteRecursion the answer that you linked to doesn't show up for me.
@LynnCrumbling ok, undeleted it for you, after you read it, I will nuke it
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about the post is not in English. — Lynn Crumbling 2 mins ago
Nice grammar
@Unihedron shoot.
Yep, I waited for two minutes before telling, you're welcome.
@Unihedron Fixed.. thanks. More than slightly embarrassing.
@InfiniteRecursion Following link now
Oh, the timer on comments are 5 minutes...
@Unihedron hehehehe >:)
@InfiniteRecursion Done reading.. thank you.
@LynnCrumbling removed it :)
@InfiniteRecursion We regularly have customers call in that talk to our Tier 1 Sales/Support (all of which are female). And sometimes they treat them horribly, only to be perfectly pleasant when they get to Tier 2 (which happens to be all guys). And many times, the tiers are asking the exact same questions. Now, I suppose it could be wanting to talk to someone more technical, but it never comes off like that.
@InfiniteRecursion We had one call last week, that if my boss hadn't been at a tradeshow, I know he would have had the call transferred to him and told the customer exactly how he felt.
@InfiniteRecursion anyway, I digress.
@InfiniteRecursion both flagged
Why does drupal receive more spam than the rest of the sites?
Or is that just my imagination?
Wow.. those have survived for 7 and 17 minutes.
Oct 16 at 16:49, by Care Bear
Why is Drupal such a spam magnet? The traffic isn't that great, 23k/day.
Oct 16 at 16:48, by Jan Dvorak
to create a site that's literally the largest spam magnet across SE.
^not your imagination @LynnCrumbling, everybody has the same opinion
@InfiniteRecursion ha.. ok, and empirical data to back it up
Still need one more cv for that non-english post: stackoverflow.com/q/26499891/656243
@InfiniteRecursion gone
Nice score:
A: Info: Contacted by spammers (Ispirer Systems) referencing Stack Overflow

Ispirer SQLWaysWe would like to comment on behalf of the company. There are several questions on this website, the possible solution to which can be the use of our tool. Our answers were always deleted by the site administration, despite of the fact that they contained useful information for the SO users. Th...

@InfiniteRecursion Wow, that's recent
SPAM still up, 23 minutes: drupal.stackexchange.com/q/134524/26718
Finally, no more headache on drupal.
@CareBear cheers
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 71.3534: Experts muse that might have something Skin Care tips on drupal.stackexchange.com
yep, spam ^
@CareBear now that headaches aren't a problem, apparently skin care is.
Oh good, making progress toward Deputy badge on drupal. Among recent deputies, a number of 101-rep users.
And Jan Dvorak has Marshal there. How common is it for 101 rep user to have Marshal? Well... I'm not going to write a cross-site SEDE query for that, but I guess Jan may be the only one such.
@CareBear the most recent 7-8 awarded badges reads like a who's-who of tavern regulars.
soon time for bedtime.
Maybe nobody else looks at that site, except the Taverners...
Skin care gone.
They frequently discuss spam on their meta, which is a positive sign, indicates their awareness
^ gone
I think my flag did it
no, it was mine :P
@DroidDev :P
Do you people never sleep? :)
@LynnCrumbling no, never
@LynnCrumbling its 10:49 am here
@DroidDev scratches head where ARE you that has a half-hour offset?
oh.. wait.
that's an AM
1:21AM here, so I'm going to try to sleep after scoring devouring some ice cream and moving the wash to the dryer.
^That spam is confusing, it describes weight loss and says use our anti-aging serum, spammer must have been confused while multitasking between skin spam and weight loss spam
> Stuff that we're doing in the quality initiative will effectively prevent any of this from ever being shown on the front page, or tag pages - it'll immediately hit a triage queue where folks dispose of it quickly. Tim Post
Wonder if this will make it harder to score Deputy badges from the Tavern... if the stuff is only shown in some review queue on the target site.
@InfiniteRecursion Or MAYBE it rolls back weight to before the fat was put on!
@InfiniteRecursion Hence the anti-aging component!
@LynnCrumbling lol :P
it's sitting at -6, strange
currently, I am in a ninja world :P
@InfiniteRecursion there. gone.
Ok.. time to put my plan into action. To the laundry room!
@CareBear I am aiming for marshal badge on SO, with the help of tavern. Only few flags left. The day I am free, will be the day, when I get that badge in my pocket :D
@LynnCrumbling be quiet, the ice-cream monster might be listening to your movements :P
@DroidDev Easy: post some spam from a sock puppet account.
I had a deputy on Drupal before I deleted it, took a break from spam and created my new Drupal account today, already got 4 helpful flags in a few minutes
@CareBear or I should just tune to or tabs ;)
@DroidDev I AM the ice cream monster :)
@JanDvorak offensive
@JanDvorak troll, not sure. the AU community has disappointed me before by trolling and the troll told me he has 5K on that site...so...
I wouldn't worry too much about a single swearword
@LynnCrumbling are you made of ice-cream? :P
@DroidDev working on it
@JanDvorak I think yes, initiates flagging procedures
@JanDvorak no, it's answerable in a few lines
Will you provide said few lines?
Also, is it a duplicate?
@InfiniteRecursion upvoted, but I don't know in here (After some time, the post was deleted, then undeleted, as the OP was trying to get a badge with assistance from the chat room users) which badge do you get for it :/
No, I won't. But I won't close it and stop others from providing an answer.
@JanDvorak removed by author
@DroidDev tumbleweed
Impossible, as it requires no votes. And it's a common bronze badge.
More likely, Reversal.
Ok.. night all, time for bed.
Oh g*. The flavour text makes me not want to buy it even if I would've otherwise.
@LynnCrumbling night
I think I'll get a marshal badge on MSE even before than SO with this speed of spams on MSE
y they never spam any other metas though?
@cVplZ traffic...maybe... :/
@DroidDev meta.SO gets more traffic than most sites, but never seen spam there
@cVplZ even more than MSE? I've not been there since ages... Maybe I am low on facts here then....
@DroidDev how many helpful flags do you have on SO?
@cVplZ 423
right now, I get 51 post flags everyday, Comments flags might be around 40 or something
meta spam gone.
@DroidDev you can flag these ones here , start at bottom though, i already did a lot from the top..
@cVplZ actually, right now, I have an app to deliver and because of Diwali here, I won't be coming for rest of the week so, gotta finish work. Therefore, I might be slow on flagging today, but thanks for help. I'll see what I can do :)
@DroidDev Marshal is a gold badge son..
I prefer to focus on the comments eligible for one-flag nuking: no extra work for mods. I hear SO mods are getting tired of SEDE-based flagging.
@cVplZ but, I can't pay for my internet, if I don't work :(
The answer I've never expected a single upvote to? Yeah. It's got awarded a bounty.
@cVplZ correction, I get around 52 comments flags everyday
should I be flagging this kind of comment as too-chatty?
@cVplZ child metas need 5 rep to post, MSE allows at 1 rep
@InfiniteRecursion oh , i c ... amazing what a great barrier 5 points is
@cVplZ yes, it does work wonders. I read on some MSO rant post that spam was one of the reasons for putting 5 rep barrier for meta participation, an OP wanted all SO users to be allowed on MSO.
let me search for the rant, and see if it's still alive :P
@CareBear Yea. accepting is a magic word, thus why i linked that query to droid dev. Mods don't like the extra non-organic work. but you can bypass them with the magic words. They really need to allow for more magic words though. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/240501/…
@InfiniteRecursion what? how?
@cVplZ That is where it's documented that 5 rep barrier for child meta participation is in place to prevent spam
not sure what they mean about anonymous participation.. like there is no checkbox i see to post a question on the metas as anonymous
Also, aren't clouds supposed to be floating? When can we expect the clouds to move and clear the view in your profile image?
when the close queue is cleared
More clouds are sure to come
the cv-queue is too long, it may take forever to clear up :(
@InfiniteRecursion with the current policies, yea
Sorry, one more comment - I think the solution is to give high-rep users more moderation power. I spend all my efforts stamping out the encroaching forest fire of bad questions with a thimble and I have to wait for other people to come along with their thimbles and help me. Give me a hose! Give us the tools, and we will finish the job.matt May 2 at 1:53
same for spam, we try to kill spam with thimbles, and wait for other people to come along with their thimbles and help us :/
So you want to become a network-wide mod?
no, never
thimbles work fine for me, now that I think of it
A: What is an anonymous user capable of?

rink.attendant.6I just opened StackOverflow in Incognito mode to play around as an anonymous user. I've found that I can: Read questions, answers, help center pages and other site information View public information on user profiles Suggest an edit to a question Suggest an edit to an answer Answer a question S...

@InfiniteRecursion I think he took that idea from spams
@InfiniteRecursion another one
seems very suspicious
yes, same person's picture
though I like the first profile's makeup better
> Gmail is temporarily unable to access your Contacts. You may experience issues while this persists. Learn more
for me ?
nope not only for you
Daily comment flag limit reached. Please come back in 16 hours
I have 464 helpful flags now :D
@TGMCians Geez, now Google chat won't work either. How am I now going to chat with .... wait, never used that before. Nevermind.
ah ok :) ping @Bart
@Sam Morning!
wondering if @Pham and @Gham are still sleeping :/
Pham's in hospital atm, and Gham's visiting Pham.
How thoughtful of Gham.
Say @Sam ... Pham is a first name, right? Not a family name?
@Sam so, what did Pham do to get there?
lol ^
follows link...
Get well soon @Pham ◡‿◡✿
@DroidDev A mixture of stuff. At the moment the current symptoms are: Anaemia‌​, selective hearing, incoherence and loss of energy.
@Sam I wish I had controlled selective hearing. I could shut-off that sense when I wasn't in mood to listen to anybody :/
Am I saying too much already? ;)
@Sam actually, I am reading you, not listening, so you don't fall into that category :)
True; that just reminds me of the comments under this question.
@Sam you mean this one, right?
@InfiniteRecursion boom
@DroidDev Yeah.
There is no question. What are you asking and how can we answer it? this looks like a discussion/observation, please ask a question. — Infinite Recursion 30 secs ago
Isn't that a little bit harsh on that OP?
Sorry, I had no intention of being harsh, I will remove it.
@InfiniteRecursion or you can just insert "Please" in there somewhere :)
@DroidDev I did say please ask a question...and now I deleted it. I didn't realize it was harsh, thanks to rene and Jan for telling me.
@InfiniteRecursion Sorry that I had to be harsh on you....as my first comment of this day...
@rene not problem at all, btw, morning :)
I should have said Good Morning!
@InfiniteRecursion no problem, now that comment is removed :)
Good Morning!
or you can also insert a smiling smiley in the end of comment, when the words are harsh ;)
The easy way-out
@rene the sexist comment was nuked after I flagged it :)
@rene Good Morning!
Hi @TGMCians, is all well?
@InfiniteRecursion My comment survived! ;)
@rene yup, yesterday i couldn't be here & cv room more because day before yesterday i didn't sleep whole night..bcz i was travelling....
@TGMCians wow...
Not well, all glass wearing users are unable to see cVplZ because of blur and clouds
@rene Yay!
@InfiniteRecursion your glasses are kind of Mafia ones, but they are cool :)
@rene yeah
@InfiniteRecursion I just noticed your glasses... I thought it was a rendering glitch....
24 hours ago, by cVplZ
@InfiniteRecursion NO! IT TOOK ME 6.5 HOURS TO MAKE THIS!
23 hours ago, by cVplZ
user image
Inf Spamming ^^ :p
^for bespectacled users, this is how cVplZ looks
Nevermind. just joking
Glass usually doesn't wear anything
Owls usually don't correct grammar everytime
I'm not just an owl
Jan is half owl half nazi
of the grammar variety of course
Welcome to the bespectacled side btw @InfiniteRecursion
@Bart ja, ja. Ich bin kinda evil.
That combined with the sharpened beak .... ain't no one fucks with tiny duck
@JanDvorak Dr. Jan Edward Richthoven
@InfiniteRecursion your welcome :P
^that spammer wrote "chicken", offensive!
nuked it
I think the OP got the message about the downvotes...
OP is yet to get Uni's famous "take the tour"
They're lucky, I'm educating them in the chat room directly.
in Java on Stack Overflow Chat, 3 mins ago, by Unihedron
@Ajeesh Annddd without specifications and use cases? What feedback do you expect to get? Just get 5 TB of memory and everything will run perfectly. Which database you choose is of no dependency of what they are.
in Java on Stack Overflow Chat, 15 mins ago, by Unihedron
@Ajeesh With the vague requirements I have no clue what response you're expecting to get.
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 56.6229: Skin Care Tools on meta.stackexchange.com
@hichris123 true
@Bart ok... no ;)
woo new account
@hichris123 true
@hichris123 ping true
@hichris123 They used "dog" in spam, Undo will be offended!
@InfiniteRecursion :D
Ah, deleting Area51 questions doesn't give you your rep back.
Someone downvoted my feature request for meta tags in the chatroom description/tag space... It might not be the most important feature but I fail to understand how it would hurt anyone if it was implemented...
Aww, can't see post votes on MSE. :(
hurries to get to 1k rep
I'm with your wife on this: I don't feel any need in my life to eat snot. — Marti Aug 9 '13 at 13:27
@rene link?
Q: Can we have meta tags for chatrooms?

reneWe can add tags to our chatroom which is great. What isn't great is that we have no way to indicate that we mean the tags from the meta site. I'm one of the room owners of the SO Close voters room and the room is about handling the close vote queue. For that reason the room regulars really want...

tnx @Unihedron
A: What are the advantages of a lid on a barbeque?

BillNKeeps the Dog from stealing the meat on the grill!

in SO Close Vote Reviewers on Stack Overflow Chat, Oct 19 at 9:58, by rene
room topic changed to SO Close Vote Reviewers: This room is soley for the weekly close events and discussion about reviewing. Please visit our FAQ: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/251956.
@InfiniteRecursion I would have said hot-dog instead of meat...
if you want an animal that doesn't like water, my parents' former dog disliked it so much she'd refuse to go out when my father wanted/needed to walk her if it rained ever so slightly. She'd in fact check the weather through a window and refuse to go anywhere near an outside door in case it rained. — jwenting May 30 '13 at 12:41
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 99.2750: Where can you buy weight loss supplement? on drupal.stackexchange.com
@hichris123 true
@InfiniteRecursion Thanks :)
@hichris123 @Jan ^^
@Pham Hey, you are back :D
blender spam gone
Yeah, kinda. Doc still has some tests to do ;)
all spam gone
@Unihedron @JanDvorak is taking rest..
hey @Pham! you back from hospital. How are you feeling? :D
I see you standing next to mafia duck over there
Great thx. Still have selective hearing though :/
Sometimes, people just expect magic from developer. Like, my tester wants me to load data faster from server. I told him it was loading slow because of internet speed, nobody can do anything about it, but he told me, "we shouldn't keep app users waiting for that long" and posted a bug with issue named "Data loading slowly". :/
@DroidDev :o
@Pham Do you have controlled Selective hearing or just Selective Hearing?
ye missed the train :P
No, the train crashed into you.
wait, you mean, now I am also one of bogies of train?
@InfiniteRecursion flagged
Is this duplicate of this one ?
@InfiniteRecursion I don't think so.
One is based on rep, the other flag count.
00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

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