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Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/1089545/… by Andrew T. from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/3272285/… by Andrew T. from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/25957854/… by lostsock from Tavern on the Meta Reason: ( Reason: 2048
@Zephyr This duplicate reason has been fixed
Spam Flag Request for pt.stackoverflow.com/questions/33370/o-que- by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/130450/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/130451/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for meta.stackexchange.com/questions/239737/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/25965783/need-graphics-library by Infinite Recursion from Tavern on the Meta Reason: rec
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/25964750/… by ItachiUchiha from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/25964765/… by ItachiUchiha from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/130453/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for meta.stackexchange.com/questions/239739/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/25967332/… by Andrew T. from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/25962708/… by Zero Piraeus from Python
Delete Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/3103790/499214 by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Spam Flag Request for meta.stackexchange.com/questions/239741/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/25968070/400617 by davidism from Python
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/25968390/java-main-class-not-found by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta Reason: useful
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/25965275/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta Reason: tool
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/25965275/… by Jan Dvorak from JavaScript: Florian has SomeKittens Reason: tool
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/7139567/… by rene from Tavern on the Meta Reason: unclear
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/25968746/… by Infinite Recursion from Tavern on the Meta Reason: unclear
Spam Flag Request for meta.stackexchange.com/questions/239744/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
1 hour later…
Spam Flag Request for gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/184749/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/25970295/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta Reason: tool
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/7328803/access-vba-sub-not-called by rene from Tavern on the Meta Reason: no longer reproducable
Spam Flag Request for drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/130476/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Phamhilator™ started.
Low Quality (55%): Backup using rsync, by eli, on unix.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (73%): Please help me with android debug error, by user225711, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (70%): dependency error while installing gem, by manish, on stackoverflow.com.
@Sam tp
TP for message 2434499 acknowledged.
Low Quality (27.5%): What algorithm solves this problem? Non-linear measuring tape, by Bollit, on math.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [object] | parse json to Object c# failed, by TheDutchArmoredBeast, on stackoverflow.com.
@Sam fp
>>badd term spam (?i)get free
Term added.
Low Quality (78.8%): How to close Dialog box? plz Need help, by linkan94, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (55%): MVC model Design, by user2157622, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (100%): Dog glitching problem in Scribblenauts Remix World 3 Level 10, by user62678, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (100%): System Program Problem Detected, by sunny, on askubuntu.com.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2434521 acknowledged.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2434529 acknowledged.
Low Quality (100%): Platform jumping problems with AABB collisions, by Vittorio Romeo, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (55%): Sicily Transfers, by Steven Shirani, on travel.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (5%): Probability tree question, by kanbhold, on math.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [facebook] | How to block facebook user to access my site after login?, by mohi, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (75%): Winsock select error 10038, bind and listen successful, by VettelS, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used: [rules] | YiiFramework - Code redundancy on model rule declaration, by Kenny Yap, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (90%): Help - what is this font?, by Kelly, on tex.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (75%): Error 1904 Module .dll failed to register, by Arijit Roy, on superuser.com.
Low Quality (55%): Formatting Sandbox, by Ólafur Waage, on meta.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (75%): Showing error messages in Qt / QML, by xarxer, on stackoverflow.com.
@Sam fp
Access denied.
ok lol
FP for message 2434567 acknowledged.
>>add term (?i) plz help me!
Command not recognised.
Low Quality (75%): Odd mysql syntax error, On and Off, by Greatone, on stackoverflow.com.
>>add term (?i)plz help me!
Command not recognised.
See here for a full list of commands.
>>badd term (?i)plz help me!
Command not recognised.
>>badd term lq (?i)plz help me!
Term added.
Low Quality (45%): Question about 「まるで~ ~ように」, by DarkAkira, on japanese.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/25971875/… by Infinite Recursion from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality (37.5%): Como evitar problemas de encoding quando pega dados com TwitteR?, by rowang, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (90%): How to find camera matrix with help of corresponding points, by user3515225, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (80%): QDir exists not working for external drive on Mac, by AmanVirdi, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (80%): Custom field type - Filtering/sorting of SharePoint does not work, by Anh Nguyen, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (75%): Supress Error messages in Symfony/Twig?, by Mike, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (5%): Basic questions on divisibility, by user177889, on math.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [internet-explorer] | Retrieving data from Excel by JavaScript using IE, FF and Chrome, by Ripon Al Wasim, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (75%): When is it an error to use the “both the + noun” combination?, by CopperKettle, on ell.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (75%): MVC Whre is the right place to set error messages, by Georgi Georgiev, on programmers.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (80%): Magento Admin not working in WAMP, by magento, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (45%): Questions regarding Binary Logistic Regression, by user56215, on stats.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (80%): LESS extend() not working, by Fabio B., on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used: [facebook] | Facebook user url by id, by Timmy, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (45%): Database Query for multiple choice questions, by Suresh, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (75%): Finding query gives an error in MongoDB ?, by Gunjan Patel, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (80%): Bootstrap-select,angularjs dropdown not working, by cpu2007, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (75%): Cisco Catalyst WS-C3560-48TS and DLINK 3120 interface errors, by POLLOX, on networkengineering.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (80%): Why does setWidth not work in Android?, by user2156073, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (55%): super() in Java, by Mohan, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (80%): iOS Data Protection not working on already installed app, by nath, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (100%): please share your experiance with ford ecosport.is it good?, by tenna, on mechanics.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [hardware] | how to read temperature using arduino mega 2560 with K sensor read, by vimal patel, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (75%): Linux Startup Error: (none) login:, by Jagmati Bhaleshwar, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (75%): Download File + IIS 7 + 404 Error, by thevan, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (75%): SQL Server : error for connection string, by jmal salih, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used: [extract] | JAR - extracting specific files, by user3521479, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (55%): Incremental Backup, by superuser, on superuser.com.
Low Quality (100%): Login problem with yahoo accout?, by Kirit Modi, on meta.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (75%): Yii framework: CPhpAuthManager error, by Barta Tamás, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (37.5%): Problem in wien bridge oscillator, by Plutonium smuggler, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (55%): Angularjs: Charts, by Shreya, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (75%): Console log error on refresh, by Lodder, on meta.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [save] | Save multiple results of foreach loops in R, by Chen, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (55%): Erro no Delphi XE5, by Ramon Ruan, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Spam (100%): How can I make money work across separate planets?, by githubphagocyte, on worldbuilding.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [data] | Required rule nesting in CakePHP, by Mateusz Kapusta, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (80%): Android TCP Listener is not working on 3G/4G?, by Muhammad Nadeem, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (90%): Update-Help on a Server-core behind a proxy, by tibey, on serverfault.com.
Low Quality (100%): Problem with SP2013 solution scope: WebApplication vs GAC, by emzero, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (55%): vif output in r, by user1320502, on stats.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (55%): Weird face shading, by James Ridey, on blender.stackexchange.com.
@AndrewT. Sorry about that, I'll add you to the list...
>>add user 241919
User added.
Low Quality (100%): Problem while connecting to teradata with sqoop, by Mangesh Jogade, on dba.stackexchange.com.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2434769 acknowledged.
Low Quality (75%): SharePoint 2013 custom workflow activities dll reference erroron publish, by Saksham, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (55%): I want to fetch the data from the table, by vijay, on stackoverflow.com.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2434785 acknowledged.
Spam Flag Request for drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/130491/… by Jan Dvorak from Tavern on the Meta
Low Quality (75%): Syntax Error in VHD file SCVMM, by Vignesh, on stackoverflow.com.
@Sam tp
TP for message 2434795 acknowledged.
Our first catch of the day :D
Low Quality (75%): Libgdx project import build path error, by slashred, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (10%): a question about minimal nonnilpotent groups1, by Bruce Zhou, on mathoverflow.net.
Bad Tag Used: [internet-explorer] | IE modifying stylesheet rule does not refresh, by DEfusion, on stackoverflow.com.
I think it's about time I implemented a filter based on percentage.
Low Quality (55%): JOGL2 command line, by kainaw, on programmers.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (80%): dataadapter update method not working, by user2796176, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (100%): interfaces/static IP problem - Debian, by elduderino, on serverfault.com.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2434814 acknowledged.
Low Quality (75%): VMWare shows “internal error” when powering on any VM, by Nitay, on serverfault.com.
Low Quality (55%): Who is a tester?, by Sarp Kaya, on programmers.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (80%): Logrotate lastaction script not working, by Biggie Mac, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (80%): Field depandancy module cannot work on text field in field collection, by user25762, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [width] | CSS - box model width, by user3763367, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (75%): Sorry, unrecognized username or password error even after login, by AgA, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (25%): Saving selection as new shapefile using QGIS gives OGR error?, by IanH, on gis.stackexchange.com.
@Sam thanks :)
Low Quality (37.5%): makeindex via cli problem, by Buni, on tex.stackexchange.com.
Your welcome.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2434826 acknowledged.
Low Quality (22.5%): Error in installing MiKTEX: Permission denied mfc100.dll, by JKA19, on tex.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (75%): payday 2 uppdate errors?, by Hitman2847, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (62.5%): InfoPath form with centralized data connections gives error, by Mancy, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (100%): problem multibooting windows and ubuntu, by thor van nieuwenhoven, on askubuntu.com.
Just need to reboot the bot (tag updates)...
Phamhilator™ stopped.
Phamhilator™ started.
Low Quality (55%): 3 camadas vs MVC, by Felipe, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (45%): c programming questions functions and frequency, by user8642, on stackoverflow.com.
@Sam fp
Low Quality (75%): SQLite errors 5 and 21 while inserting data in iOS, by AppsDev, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (55%): i want to ride a dinosaur?, by solidair, on biology.stackexchange.com.
@Sam tp
TP for message 2434864 acknowledged.
Low Quality (37.5%): Slow Localhost - Problems with CMS, by user2209728, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (75%): Why normInv return an error, by BorHunter, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (66.2%): help me in these question about discrete of math, by morad, on mathematica.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (37.5%): Problemas ao Gravar com JSF, by Clayton Quintiliano, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
@Andy Wb.
Low Quality (80%): New domains and aliases in Virtual Hosts not working, by abrosis, on serverfault.com.
Low Quality (55%): Smart Word Wrap?, by user2854563, on stackoverflow.com.
Anyone have ideas for what the new command for setting the percentage filter limit should be called?
Something like threshold? Not sure though
Yeah, something like >>threshold X sounds good.
Low Quality (15%): Tamanho do array, by Gabriel Sales, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used: [size] | Advice on total page size, by K. Weber, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (50%): Filling gaps by repeating a character (Follow-up question), by Vafa Khalighi, on tex.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (25%): VMWare shows “internal error” when powering on any VM, by Nitay, on superuser.com.
Low Quality (37.5%): Até que ponto a otimização prematura é um problema?, by Andrey, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (55%): get word property, by user1898765, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (55%): Basic XML template, by blackbox, on codereview.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (100%): Capistrano and Bundler problem - bundle: not found, by fatfrog, on stackoverflow.com.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2434901 acknowledged.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2434899 acknowledged.
Low Quality (50%): User Testing Framework and Questions for comparative tests, by FoF, on ux.stackexchange.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/questions/25973976/… by Ffisegydd from Python
Low Quality (70%): Answer the questions in one word with help of clues and images given, by Saira, on biology.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (55%): Linux - Using grep, by Adam Poyser, on unix.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (22.5%): Solving Coin Toss Problem, by Shahed Al Mamun, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (80%): Exec and Include function not working, by Nari2, on stackoverflow.com.
Spam (100%): Affordable Health Insurance Quote For Individual And Family, by gabr ialm, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Bad Tag Used: [web] | How to reduce first byte time or first load time, by Tushar Korat, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (12.5%): Question on the partial differential equations in complex space, by sam, on mathoverflow.net.
Low Quality (55%): How do I do “Hello World” to try using cron, by Harry Weston, on unix.stackexchange.com.
@Sam tp
TP for message 2434934 acknowledged.
Low Quality (50%): Are these questions same meaning?, by max, on english.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (55%): Tan of 90 degrees, by Titi Kokov, on mathoverflow.net.
Low Quality (100%): CKeditor Recording Problem Selenium IDE, by user1837530, on sqa.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (100%): Remove cv-pls tag from chat rooms, by jww, on meta.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (80%): Search results pagination not working with custom query, by CoreyRS, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2434960 acknowledged.
Low Quality (75%): Error installing tomcat7, by Basil Mostafa, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality (22.5%): Why this error in the TikZ and preview package?, by TSGM, on tex.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (32.5%): Problemas ao enviar dados de um ListView para outra Activity, by Emerson Moraes, on pt.stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (80%): Outlook Web App “display :none” not working, by mathew, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (55%): Cookieless Fonts?, by Mister Dood, on webmasters.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (80%): Permalinks not working with Vagrant, by Nazeem, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2434974 acknowledged.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2434982 acknowledged.
Low Quality (75%): EKCADErrorDomain using calendarWithIdentifier, by whtman, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used: [facebook] | preferred language and library for Facebook development, by Ajith Jose, on stackoverflow.com.
Close Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/25972576/871050 by Second Rikudo from PHP
Owners: Sam, Unihedron & ProgramFOX. Total terms: 156. Posts caught over last 2 days: 435. Uptime: 00:48:39.9890138.
Phamhilator™ stopped.
Phamhilator™ started (debug mode).
Low Quality (55%): Integrating Factor, by MIKC, on math.stackexchange.com.
>>threshold 0
Warning: chat command listener thread has died.
Phamhilator™ started (debug mode).
Low Quality (80%): OLEDB - select Count not working, by meili, on stackoverflow.com.
>>threshold 0
Threshold updated.
Low Quality (80%): WebAPI Delete not working - 405 Method Not Allowed, by Chris, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (100%): Installing Guest Additions causing problems, by Fere Res, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality (45%): ADuM1301 digital isolator - PCB layout question, by Rev1.0, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
>>threshold 15
Threshold updated.
Delete Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/25974030/871050 by Second Rikudo from PHP
Low Quality (80%): Sound card (Audionengine D1) not working on new MacBook Pro Retina, by Paul, on apple.stackexchange.com.
Phamhilator™ stopped.
Phamhilator™ started.
Phamhilator™ started (debug mode).
Low Quality (75%): NoMethodError using order intermittently, by Slicedpan, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (45%): Survey Sampling Question, by statsguyz, on stats.stackexchange.com.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2435094 acknowledged.
Low Quality (55%): Circuit builder for beginner showing the light of LEDs and electical flow, by Eldar Zeynalov, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (80%): Autocorrect is not working for Huawei Ascend G600 (U8950N), by user26502, on android.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (31.7%): Self recursive bug (“An error occurred submitting the question.”), by user2284570, on meta.stackexchange.com.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2435116 acknowledged.
Low Quality (80%): Update in stored procedure not working, by Chris Wright, on stackoverflow.com.
Delete Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/22401109/871050 by Second Rikudo from Tavern on the Meta
Delete Vote Request for stackoverflow.com/q/22401109/871050 by Second Rikudo from PHP
Low Quality (22.5%): A problem on simple analysis, by Sayed Mahdi, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (100%): HelloThemes installation problems, by JMiller, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (75%): Else Statement is a syntax error?, by jacobl, on stackoverflow.com.
Spam (100%): Exclusive usage of a secondary monitor in wpf, by HugoRune, on stackoverflow.com.
Bad Tag Used: [facebook] | load my facebook username and picture in HTML Page, by user3655933, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (75%): MySQL table synchronization : incomplete copy without error, by Joël V., on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (75%): Error 1004 in VBA when trying to change chart labels, by Alex Dobbin, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (80%): Vim - Emmet plugin not working, by Spearfisher, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (80%): Bluetooth not working in ubuntu 14.04 LTS, by Beng, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality (100%): Tomboy Notes Sync Problem, by torvum, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality (75%): Error listing directory in WinSCP script, by ManInMoon, on stackoverflow.com.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2435148 acknowledged.
Low Quality (75%): Bluez Installation - configuration error for DBUS 1.6, by padmauma, on askubuntu.com.
Low Quality (22.5%): How to prove this problem in detail?, by zmmblack, on math.stackexchange.com.
Spam (100%): Ubuntu on Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro, by Dan G, on askubuntu.com.
@Sam fp
Low Quality (15%): Project Euler #17, by Kevin Meredith, on codereview.stackexchange.com.
@Sam fp
FP for message 2435212 acknowledged.
Low Quality (80%): FeDex create shipping label not working, by Bijal Bhavsar, on magento.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality (80%): jQuery delegated on click not working on div, by DoublePudge, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (75%): “Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1.7 Gb” in R, by rnso, on stackoverflow.com.
Low Quality (37.5%): Is my circuit analysis correct in this problem?, by georgechalhoub, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
I need a guinea pig. I need someone to volunteer to be kicked and then send me a screenshot of the message you get
Low Quality (80%): after installing centos 7 Windows7 is not working, by Dijo Davis, on unix.stackexchange.com.
@Andy go ahead

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