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7:11 AM
Phamhilator™ started...
Low quality (possible): Error in Matlab dde23 integration, by iajay, on stackoverflow.com.
Low quality (possible): eledmac and verse, by Eric, on tex.stackexchange.com.
Low quality (possible): Error installing apps, by lacqui, on android.stackexchange.com.
Phamhilator™ started...
Low quality: [Question about the construction of lebesgue measure of (0,1]](math.stackexchange.com/questions/929411/…), by user144840, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: Discrete Math sequence question, by user3487529, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: YEAR function is not Working in Symfony 2, by Haseena P A, on stackoverflow.com.
Low quality: [Question about the construction of lebesgue measure of $(0,1]$ (or: the Borel sigma algebra is generated by the half open intervals)](math.stackexchange.com/questions/929411/…), by user144840, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: A Question on distribution numbers, by WantTobeAbstract, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: n+1 query not working, by jayendra bhatt, on stackoverflow.com.
Phamhilator™ paused...
Phamhilator™ started...
Low quality (possible): is the brain a muscle or a tissue, by williamdecker, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low quality (possible): Sloth-torpor-Restlessness-worry, by Arturo, on buddhism.stackexchange.com.
Low quality (possible): Error after upgrading drush from version 5 to version 7, by qasimzee, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: The same code is not working in a different activity, by chility, on stackoverflow.com.
7:46 AM
@Sam Issue: Scrap newlines from message so they format properly.
Ok, I'm working on it.
cool :)
Low quality (possible): eledmac and verse, by Eric, on tex.stackexchange.com.
Low quality (possible): Last Round in DES, by algo1, on crypto.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: Computer terms tip, by user53095, on english.stackexchange.com.
Phamhilator™ stopped.
Phamhilator™ started...
Low quality: The same code is not working in a different activity, by chility, on stackoverflow.com.
There, updates applied.
8:03 AM
Low quality (possible): ACCOUNT TWITTER LOCKED NOT RECIEVING EMAIL, by Nab Nabila, on webapps.stackexchange.com.
And I've got a new interface :D ...
:o oh?
Just taking screenshot...
Is that part of your collection you mentioned? Congrats!
Low quality (possible): journey of work, by Muthu, on productivity.stackexchange.com.
^ that's my "control panel".
8:07 AM
Does it include a built-in browser?
Yep, it's got 2.
1 for scrapping, the other for posting chat messages.
The webpage slide is wonky though. Maybe you could switch to mobile interface for the right hand side.
Low quality (possible): Plotting standard error, by ChrisG, on tex.stackexchange.com.
I might need to change the posting script though.
The div and button ids are the same.
8:11 AM
@ProgramFOX Kk, just a sec...
@ProgramFOX why not .gitignore them?
@Unihedron I did.
But .gitignore does not work if the files already have been tracked, so I had to remove them.
Sorry, should had looked at the PR before commenting. Good work!
@Unihedron Thanks!
> Please add the git-enforced newline at the end after your added lines in the .gitignore file.
8:14 AM
@Unihedron Done.
Huh, I have to refresh to view the changes.
Just gonna commit, then I'll merge.
Phamhilator™ started...
Low quality: The same code is not working in a different activity, by chility, on stackoverflow.com.
8:53 AM
32 minutes of peace without low quality posts :)
Because it's been KIA...
I've been trying to merge fox's pl.
Phamhilator™ started...
Low quality (possible): Error: promise is undefined, by Ebrahim Asadi, on stackoverflow.com.
Low quality: Probability Question - Number of boxes one should look at, by user173919, on math.stackexchange.com.
Urbandictionary entry for KIA made me laugh.
What'd it say?
2) Sexual activity stopped by the appearance of a parent, cop, or other person
And what was 1)?
8:58 AM
1) Killed in Action
I actually look it up to verify that, I knew what KIA stands for, just wasn't sure.
At least the correct definition was at the top.
Phamhilator™ started...
Brb. I'll leave the bot running. If it goes silent, then it's probably died, again.
I've kinda merged fox's PR, although it turned out to be quite hacky (I committed stuff after the PR, so I had to do it manually :/).
Oh wait...
@Sam It says that you can now automatically merge the PR.
@ProgramFOX Ok, done.
9:08 AM
But that changed nothing, apparently...
Ugh, that's confusing... It actually did something, looking at the commit list.
I may as well just add you guys as collaborators...
(contributes to the source files)
Nice! Thanks :)
Your welcome.
Ok, done.
Anyway, brb...
9:13 AM
See you!
Huh, my chat interface became the mobile version when my webpage refreshed to show the changes.
See you!
9:55 AM
Ok, I'm going to see if I can fix this "sudden death" bug...
Phamhilator™ started...
Low quality (possible): journey of work, by Muthu, on productivity.stackexchange.com.
Phamhilator™ started...
Phamhilator™ started...
Bad Username (possible): How to compare cheap flight tickets to Madrid?, by John Martin, on travel.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: Website Grabber Script Not Working, by JarradJ, on stackoverflow.com.
10:16 AM
@Sam What is wrong with that username?
@ProgramFOX Nothing, forget you ever saw it.
I was just testing a new feature.
Ah, ok.
I modified a post's author name to contain "sumer" so...
add "hacker" :)
and cracker, while you're at it
I think that might show up too many false positives.
10:19 AM
... ?
@Unihedron Just search for "hacker" in the SO users list. There are tons of users who have that name.
^ just what I was about to say.
How about just "indian hackers team"?
Phamhilator™ started...
Low quality (possible): Computer terms tip, by user53095, on english.stackexchange.com.
Alright, if you want...
this is the current username filter "sumer|kolcak|indian hackers team" (and I'm using the offensive regex search pattern as well).
Phamhilator™ stopped.
Phamhilator™ started...
Low quality (possible): Cross domain canonical question, by WPRookie82, on webmasters.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: Penalty Shootout, by Realdeo, on codegolf.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: ClassFormatError in java 8?, by bcsb1001, on stackoverflow.com.
Low quality: org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.SINGLETON error, by köksalfp, on stackoverflow.com.
I think I've fixed the SD bug.
@Sam Oh?
10:34 AM
@Unihedron Yeah, I forgot to multiple the limit function by 1000 (the Thread.Sleep() function takes milliseconds), so it continued to throw up exceptions until the the stack overflowed.
lol :D
Low quality (possible): Standardized tests questions databases, by Filipe Ferminiano, on opendata.stackexchange.com.
Offensive: Test - Relation of local base with base crap, by user148951, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: Programming titles, by Mher, on opendata.stackexchange.com.
@Sam It doesn't even contain the word crap...
@ProgramFOX It was a test...
10:37 AM
Low quality (possible): Can you please review this code?, by user3785745, on stackoverflow.com.
That was me messing with the internals.
@Sam Ohh... I thought it was also a mistake that the bot thought there was the word "test" in the title...
@ProgramFOX Nah, "test" isn't blacklisted.
@Sam No, but "crap" is.
Yes, but if you check the link (hover your mouse over it), you'll see that "crap" isn't there either.
Low quality (possible): Can anyone recommend some linux kernel related books for beginners?, by user3824053, on unix.stackexchange.com.
Yes, so I thought both words were captured while they weren't there in reality.
10:40 AM
I will have to optimise your regexes here sometime... :P
lol thx in advance.
Low quality: What does FOTA mean, by black_puppydog, on android.stackexchange.com.
Low quality (possible): Survey Questions for Data Mining Project JUSTNN, by 3mmaar, on opendata.stackexchange.com.
The spam was another test btw.
Low quality: Curve Stitching, by James Williams, on codegolf.stackexchange.com.
Low quality (possible): Please answer the process of this computation!, by user175721, on math.stackexchange.com.
@Sam vlq | off-topic: context
Low quality: How to import enum, by Nick, on superuser.com.
@Unihedron Yeah, I'm still working on the "(possible)" part...
@Sam Great, shall we reply to messages to indicate that they were accurate for future revision, or wait until it's done?
10:55 AM
@Unihedron I think it'll be best if we wait a few days.
Spam: Wie übersetzt man “deductive system”?, by moose, on german.stackexchange.com.
Hmm, false positives...
add exception in languages for non-english sites?
Low quality: Intersecting Polygons, by Joebocop, on gis.stackexchange.com.
Or, add a translator >:D
The bot thought the last spam had a phone number.
I'll fix that...
Low quality (possible): Transducer/Sensor excitation, by user44776, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
**Spam**: [Find $alpha , eta$ s.t. $ orall s_iinmathbb{Z} ,,frac{alpha^2}{eta}
eq rac{(s_1-s_2)^2+(s_3-s_4)^2+…}{(s_1+s_2)^2+(s_3+s_4)^2+…}$](http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/929634/find-alpha-beta-s-t-forall-s-i-in-mathbbz-frac-alpha2-beta-ne), by [arman sharififar](http://math.stackexchange.com/users/164121/arman-sharififar), on `math.stackexchange.com`.
@Sam nope
@JanDvorak Again, that's due to the phone number detection logic...
I'm working on it now...
Ok, this is the phone number logic...
private static bool HasPhoneNumber(string input)
    var nums = new[] {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0'};

    var startIndex = input.IndexOfAny(nums);
    var endIndex = input.LastIndexOfAny(nums);

    return input.Count(Char.IsDigit) >= 7 && input.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex).Any(Char.IsLetter);
@Sam Switch to a regex?
@Unihedron I doubt regex can do that.
@Sam I was wondering if we should change this part to, instead of use contains logic, use startswith instead: post.Site.Contains("math")
11:17 AM
you doubt regex can do what?
@JanDvorak Do what my HasPhoneNumber() method does.
@Unihedron Ok, I'll do that too.
@Sam return input.matches('^\D*(?:\d\D*){8}$');
Oops, there should be a ! at the start of input.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex).Any(Char.IsLetter).
lol I noticed too, but wasn't too sure since I don't do C#
do you want to not match any input that has two different numbers in?
11:20 AM
I'm trying to match a series of numbers that are not separated by letters.
Phamhilator™ started...
even if some other series of numbers follow?
@Sam letters as in A-Za-z?
@JanDvorak Noted, I'll see if I can blacklist something in that...
@Sam found by noting Q)
@JanDvorak No. You'll see we've had a few false positives a couple of mins ago...
@Unihedron Yes (excluding whitespace).
Low quality (possible): Please Suggest me any algorithm in which I can compare two images, by salubhayo, on stackoverflow.com.
Low quality (possible): Can anyone recommend some linux kernel related books for beginners?, by user3824053, on unix.stackexchange.com.
@Sam hmm... <<< +123456789 >>> abortion center in low midlands <<< +123456789 >>>
@Unihedron Thx, I'll check it out...
write "e" between the matched region and watch what happens :)
Low quality: Inversing fraction, by 23mathl, on math.stackexchange.com.
@Unihedron Ok (still loading page :( ).
@JanDvorak I'll check that with the current method...
@Sam ab0rtion c3nter in new de1hi +123456789
11:26 AM
@JanDvorak Darn
Ah, I know...
Ok, how about this...
Regex is the best tool if you have a bit of magic to use. :)
Unfortunately, I don't know regex as well as you do ;)
Phamhilator™ started...
title it something like "gimme the regex for 7 numbers with no non-whitespaces or alphabets in between", someone answers it for sure
There done.
11:45 AM
What did you do?
I've finished the phone number checker. (Check the gist again.)
I'll test them both.
I'll keep the most accurate one...
Too bad we haven't gotten to .NET in our community document yet.
Is someone hinting? :)
11:52 AM
Just pointing it out it's there. :)
I'll just use your regex, it's simplier. Then I'll commit everything.
Phamhilator™ started...
Spam: 5 Simple Healthy Tips To Weight Loss, by user36136, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: Query on Quants, by quants_mum, on stats.stackexchange.com.
@Sam Maybe only detect "query" as LQ on non-db sites... dba and stats has to do with queries
(Changes committed...)
Low quality (possible): Iscroll not work with Wroklight6, by hizi, on stackoverflow.com.
12:05 PM
@Sam closed
@Unihedron Wait, that was caused by title length, not a blacklisted word.
why was that bumped?
@Sam Oh I see. Never mind then.
Haven't a clue.
Oh, edited by OP. Maybe he can reopen, bless him.
Quiet mode enabled.
Low quality possible.
12:06 PM
Come back in 19 hours to continue reviewing. :o
Just testing...
Quiet mode disabled.
Low quality (possible): HLSL compile error.please help!, by user3497014, on gamedev.stackexchange.com.
@Unihedron I haven't done anything over the past couple of days :O
@Sam :O
... I've been too busy with the bot.
Now to work on the "(possible)" thingy...
Low quality (possible): Where should I ask a question about teaching Eng as a 2nd language, by absconditus, on meta.stackexchange.com.
Phamhilator™ paused...
@Sam !(1) +ve
@Unihedron Do I add that to the end?
Phamhilator™ started...
12:13 PM
@Sam no, it's my way of saying "false positive"
Oh, lol.
Hmm, I know, it should be an easy fix (ignore numbers if title contains "error").
@Sam Nope not spam
It contains "best"...
Low quality: Chess set icons, by Salvador Dali, on chess.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: Inversing fraction, by 23mathl, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: Héritage & requêtre, by Alexandre AlexL LESAGE, on stackoverflow.com.
Low quality (possible): unlocking problem in hcl me v1, by user31781, on android.stackexchange.com.
Low quality (possible): Getting the new questions in the ios StackExchange app, by Praveen Sripati, on meta.stackexchange.com.
Spam: Is it right time to buy 4K video camera?, by Niranjan, on video.stackexchange.com.
Phamhilator™ started...
Low quality: Getting the new questions in the ios StackExchange app, by Praveen Sripati, on meta.stackexchange.com.
Spam: Best way to read dynamic form using php, by lwb, on stackoverflow.com.
Spam: Best practise way to handle array of pairs, by Shaktal, on codereview.stackexchange.com.
Low quality (possible): Google Maps Api, by Ganesh Rahul, on stackoverflow.com.
Low quality (possible): how do i convert list to table in excel 2003, by srinivas, on superuser.com.
12:33 PM
candidate for LQ: "correct this"
Low quality: How to calculate this question?, by Hiver, on math.stackexchange.com.
Good idea, I'll update the regex...
Phamhilator™ started...
Low quality: How to calculate this question?, by Hiver, on math.stackexchange.com.
Spam: Best way to read dynamic form using php, by lwb, on stackoverflow.com.
Low quality: Logic Questions with Pigeonhole Principle, by Jack, on math.stackexchange.com.
Low quality (possible): Arduino IDE #ifdef, by Phil Vallone, on arduino.stackexchange.com.
Low quality: Wifi not working - Broadcom b4312, by Shinchan, on askubuntu.com.
Phamhilator™ started...
Low quality: I need help finding this manga, by jessie88, on anime.stackexchange.com.
Hmm, numbers again...
false positive
I should probably ignore numbers in title for math.se.
12:47 PM
but can bear with, since Math has phone spams as well
Low quality (possible): Google Maps Api, by Ganesh Rahul, on stackoverflow.com.
Low quality (possible): Arduino IDE #ifdef, by Phil Vallone, on arduino.stackexchange.com.
Continues working on uni's feature request...
Low quality: Routing not working for local box (NAT issue?), by Franz Kafka, on serverfault.com.
Low quality (possible): Error in program,help required, by BeginnerBjueJ, on meta.stackexchange.com.
@Sam ha! I was faster
@JanDvorak #outracingthebot
12:53 PM
@JanDvorak The title is awful, but I'm not sure about the actual question.
Ok, ok you won that time (I haven't got round to optimizing the bot, yet)
Low quality: Need help to understand some terminology in discrete math, by Ali Mustafa, on math.stackexchange.com.
is that a performance problem? I thought it was a connectivity problem
It's both.
Spam: What is the best way to get started?, by tcarnahan, on arduino.stackexchange.com.
I have to limit performance because of connectivity issues.
Atm, it refreshes every 5 secs.
are you ... polling? What are you polling?
12:58 PM
rate limiting so the bot doesn't crash when it can't post @Jan
it's written in C#
I photoshopped so you have the badge now..
@Unihedron The 5 sec refresh has nothing to do with rate limiting.
@Unihedron that's not my badge list
12:59 PM
^ ok not spam, still lq

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