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12:13 PM
What so now that SO chat is up all anyone's going to do in here is post picture? ;-)
@TheUnhandledException Yes, the deep conversations and biting social commentary we used to have in here are gone forever :)
If I were not so tired id find my meta chat quote
Also, we can't discuss the chat.SO password anymore, so that's like 30% of our conversations gone
12:15 PM
30% of yesterday's conversations.
@MichaelMrozek Wait, why can't you discuss the chat.SO password?
because... you don't need it?
@PopularDemand because @MarcGravell will roll out the password guesses
included my "openseseme" guesses
with mis spellings
12:17 PM
@MarcGravell I was just linking to that
Thinking I might 404 that once the site is released...
it isn't "letmeintotherealchatnotthedecoy"
@MarcGravell Sure, they don't need it for the public version of the SO chat.
@PopularDemand stop talking
12:18 PM
But the exclusive one is still password-protected, as you well know.
oops; I gave the game away ;p
lol. good launch tho
It didn't die
You win this round, SO devs
12:20 PM
seriously without this and question 1m .... what's left
my hollow self
@AidenBell We can comment every time @rchern uses a smiley or says "oy"
ah I dunno
12:21 PM
na that's alright
bad starrer!
me? no
I just realized my gravatar made the chat.SO faq image. Yay. @AidenBell wins for being the last poster though
@MichaelMrozek im suprised the FAQ didn't get closed as noise grumble
waoh. @rchern you're really going yo boycott SO chat? I mean I know the password-guessing got silly but be reasonable!
12:22 PM
@MichaelMrozek But you're faded to lurker status
@spoulson I prefer to think of myself as a stealthed ninja. But yes
I'm still trying to see that video
I should just change my gravatar to a faded out version of the current one. That would confuse people
@radp The west wing one?
@MichaelMrozek That sounds more like a drinking game than a message-posting rule.
the one you linked to - yes
12:24 PM
@radp Why can't you?
I'm tethering :/
it buffers at one point (2:30) and stops just when they introduce their new projection :(
I'm trying to download the video instead.
@radp You can try this; no idea if it will help
Or the FLV is here
Let's make fun of the lamers in SO chat. MSO chat is clearly superior
Everyone watch out. This @MichaelMrozek punk is trying to make fun of all use MSO chat diehards!
Oh. Achem, sorry @MichaelMrozek I weren't aware you were here...
12:40 PM
@MichaelMrozek meta-level is much more fun... ;-)
everyone see that classy move
SO are just the newest kids on the block
Hell, even Gaming had chat before SO did.
I mean!
Because gamers like to play
checkout my star-flag
They think they're the coolest kids ever
12:43 PM
and chat is a giant playground after all ;-)
@TheUnhandledException it is, but the /me command is missing ;-)
@echox Use the userscript! :-)
There's a userscript for that?
@MichaelMrozek I suppose I have no choice but to star this, as I'm not participating in SO chat.
whats a userscript?
12:44 PM
according to some companies
@PopularDemand To be fair, I posted the exact opposite message there, so I'm playing both sides
in General on Stack Overflow Chat, 8 mins ago, by Michael Mrozek
Let's make fun of the lamers in MSO chat. SO chat is clearly superior
@MichaelMrozek I am deeply sorry to have to tell you that I will not be starring your SO Chat message. Furthermore, I am canceling my subscription to your magazine.
«The user is also prohibited from running the online game (including all individual web pages) with other programs besides the Internet browser or the client program that has been provided. This refers in particular to so-called bots and other tools meant to replace or supplement the Web interface.

«Also prohibited are scripts and completely or partially automated programs that provide the user with an advantage over other users. This includes auto-refresh-functions and other integrated mechanisms of the Internet browser, if it includes automated operations.»
If your browser automatically fetches images, YOU ARE CHEATING!!
I've got a ton of crap to do today... my response times will be delayed. I'm sure you'll all be relieved by that ;-)
@radp where is this from?
12:49 PM
@echox Ikariam, as quoted by @FallenAngelEyes.
@radp ah ok, got it... yet another browser game
i need sleep lol ... SQL doesn't work at a bash prompt
@AidenBell You should develop a shell that does invite SQL.
to make everything really fair they should give all the users the same mobile with the same integrated browser to play from.
@TheUnhandledException Well, fortunately -- or not, depending on your perspective -- there won't be much for you to respond to, today.
12:53 PM
@AidenBell did you try to list some files or query a db? ;-)
@PopularDemand i would only write fortran into it
@PopularDemand haha. Maybe not over here
= Phone?
12:53 PM
mmmh, a lisp shell... could be really nasty syntax :-)
(na (it (would work out(just(fine)))))
(invoke gnome-open (ends-with jpg (files-in ((subdir (subdir (home) Desktop) Stuff) CBAReports))))
lol nice edit
looks quite usable ;-) NOT ;-)
All I can say is ... thank god for "view generated source"
12:57 PM
I'm sorry LISPers, I couldn't edit in the missing subdir in time
oehm... or something other...
anyway, I don't dislike functional programming :)
parentheses can be matched by software
and I made subdir clunky for humorous purposes :P
why should lisp be functional programming? ;-)
1:02 PM
@echox isn't that the point?
ok, got it...
lisp... shudder
I hated lisp
chown 640 is incorrect
...although there's a dialect of functional programming I hate
especially when used for databases
I didn't really work with it, but I'm still impressed by some examples, from time to time its really nice clean syntax
1:03 PM
A spreadsheet is a computer application that simulates a paper, accounting worksheet. It displays multiple cells that together make up a grid consisting of rows and columns, each cell containing alphanumeric text, numeric values or formulas. A formula defines how the content of that cell is to be calculated from the contents of any other cell (or combination of cells) each time any cell is updated. Spreadsheets are frequently used for financial information because of their ability to re-calculate the entire sheet automatically after a change to a single cell is made. Visicalc is usuall...
I just finished a project some days ago.... included 6 year old VBA scripts and an Oracle DB ... was a lot of fun...
@echox I feel your pain
I really hated to get up in the morning, knowing what was waiting for me at work
the point where the resident excel "whiz" comes to you telling he's "moved" a few things around and now the macros are broken is definitely the best
yeah, and then you find out "hey, the scripts run against the prod database, WTF?"
because the dev database connection info is written in some hidden column...
prod database info also, and then someone removes a column...
1:09 PM
Heh, someone's cleaning house on the [annoying] tag.
at that day, not using a version control system saved someones life in this company...
It's a real pity VCSes suck at binary files.
even if those binary files really only are plaintext files zipped (IIRC)
yeah, but keeping code in binary files sucks more ;-)
anyone got a sneaking suspicion that chat.so may die
like get stagnant
1:15 PM
well, general chit chat is supposed to belong here
then again, if I want to hold general chit chat with Gaming peoples, I'll do it there
for the simple reason they aren't here
I guess the same works for more avid SO users
meh im cranky
@AidenBell Sorry you're in a bad mood. What's up?
lack of sleep, I believe
Very very tired. The only aim of SO tavern was because chacha mentioned wanting to start one over there or something. Just created it so I can pass it on or close it.
slee- what?
1:22 PM
People can leave there
in other news it sucks to be SO
@AidenBell Got it :-) Sorry for adding to crankyness :-)
you can't have a feed of questions :/
every 5 minutes the feedbot comes in and pastes more than a screenful of questions.
it'd probably better with a higher refresh rate but..
1:23 PM
im strugging to follow the conversation tbh
@radp Really? that sucks
@TheUnhandledException yeah.
I'm pretty sure you'll disable the gaming feed too, once gaming.se has the same amount of questions :)
Maybe a more fine-grained feed @radp..?
in Question tracker on Stack Overflow Chat, 2 hours ago, by Marc Gravell
that is just going to be way too much traffic, too much noise, too much data, and too little value
1:24 PM
@balpha I've never set up a chatroom feed; is it possible to have one, say, display new questions only after they reach two upvotes, instead of whenever they're posted?
@PopularDemand yes, once you make such a feed.
there's just an URL entry
I was rather thinking about a feed of questions having at least one close vote to help the guys over there
but then again I don't have 3k rep and the 3kers don't want no feed action so all I have to say on the topic is a big stonkin' meh.
@radp Good for Reg HQ.
Is there such a URL?
Ah, look, they're all coming crawling back.
Actually I found at Gaming that our sites' questions weren't enough, so I went ahead to bring in questions from gaming-related tags all over SE :-}
So now I have to go back and forth betwee the SO and MSO Tavern
@Chacha102 or you could have the SO tavern closed.
1:28 PM
up to you
This one has all the history, backlog and stars.
Ya, Let's close the SO Tavern
fook ---> off to close
Seriously though, @radp, do you know of a URL for a "questions with >0 close votes" feed?
wouldn't it be possible to create one Tavern for all chats? I mean just one real room
linked in every SO chat?
1:29 PM
@echox That would be cool
@PopularDemand No, we'd have to ask it created and then have it [status-declined] likely.
some kind of chat lobby
You could try to scrape it from the /tools page, but that list is incomplete
sorry for the new idea searching for cover from aiden bell ;-)
@radp Aw. I had the feed creation page open and everything.
1:30 PM
@radp Hmmm. WHat's that room for?
> Questions as they are asked
New version, but it's not much of an improvement
Would sound like we need a feed
I'm trying to match that Social Network style
But it's not working out very well
@TheUnhandledException It was about a list of questions scrolling in live, but Marc vetoed it.
1:31 PM
@radp Ah, got it
@radp I still don't think that was a particularly useful idea :)
@echox - what @echox said
@YiJiang I think it's because you're missing the font for the huge text.
@MichaelMrozek It is for Gaming. Your mileage may vary ;)
A: StackExchangeâ„¢ ChronoWarping ChatCombinatorâ„¢

Jeff AtwoodYes, chat.stackexchange.com is being worked on and will support global auth, so anyone with 20 rep on any network site can participate there. That said, we will still have: chat.stackoverflow.com chat.serverfault.com chat.superuser.com chat.stackexchange.com ... at a minimum.

1:32 PM
Yeah, they're working to pull down some SE chats :/
@PopularDemand I actually like this (Helvetica) more. The font they used is far too angular
I'm currently forcing all sites to use the Ubuntu font instead of whatever they'd like to... on Ubuntu.
(Used to be Droid Sans, used to be FreeSans.)
@radp Can't you just set it to Liberation Sans?
I don't bother on Windows, it doesn't render these fonts as nicely anyway.
Droid is alright
1:35 PM
@YiJiang My tastes change.
Droid is also alright, but I'm giving the Ubuntu font a chance and it's taking it very gracefully.
One day I'll get tired of it and move on to the next font crush I have.
@radp Having the same thing everywhere is the best way to get over the crush, I guess...
@radp What is this Samiakki thingy anyway?
> Finland, I surrender. Ever since you sent me that vomit-inducing, garbage-infused, ash-like, disgustingly-terrible, and nightmarishly-awful-- err, delightful salmiakki two years ago, I've mocked you, your people, and your food every chance I got. You were an easy target, after all. I mean, there's just something seriously sick, twisted, and demented-- err, awesome about voluntarily subjecting yourself to that "candy" that smells like foamy bathroom cleaner and tastes even worse-- er delicacy.
@radp Is that... "our" Pekka?
1:43 PM
@PopularDemand He lives in France, not Finland, so I doubt it
@YiJiang Current location doesn't change whether or not he's a Finn.
commiting a tone of state is uncool
@PopularDemand it's Alex Papadimolous
the man behind TheDailyWTF and SO adverts
every time I write that I'm afraid I'd just typoed his name, and every time I'm amazed I've got it right.
@radp No, not the photo. In the article that you linked, he refers to someone named Pekka.
@PopularDemand Who knows, then.
Ask him :)
1:52 PM
Here is my question:
@radp Neither of us, apparently. Nor Yi Jiang.
Would anyone here prefer to not be on the MSO island and hop ship to SO?
@radp Argh, what good is chat if I can't immediately message any user, regardless of whether that user is in a chatroom/logged in/online/awake/alive?
1:53 PM
@PopularDemand if he logged in for the last 7 days, you can @-mention him
@Chacha102 I'll head over to the big island with programming issues, but I am a loyal patron of this tavern.
otherwise /blame @balpha :)
Ok. As long as majority are fine with staying I'm good
@PopularDemand We'll sent a messenger boy to inform them
@radp Still wrong
1:54 PM
If a lot of people wanted to hang out in SO because they would be in SO anyway, I might consider keeping two places active
@JohntheSeagull What'll fix then? Please be aware the @-mention rules changed recently.
But I think we're good
let the Muffin Cat Continue!
@Chacha102 you and who else?
@JohntheSeagull hmm?
@radp I'm talking about this
1:57 PM
I missed a 'u', right?
@JohntheSeagull I guess you got wrong what you were replying to then :)
You changed an i for an o
@radp I didn't reply to anything, I just said @radp
oh. oh well.
@JohntheSeagull okay @JohntheSeagull the automatic highlighting fooled me there, sorry @JohntheSeagull
@radp you are getting crazy @radp. Maybe @radp is @badp only more radical
@JohntheSeagull I always thought it stood for radiculous.
(Yes, I know that's not how it's spelled.)
Here, have ten trillion dollars in apologies
2:00 PM
@PopularDemand and do you know what it means?
Damn editing
turbines in car == cool
Is that your car, @AidenBell
2:01 PM
lol, no it is a concept car from jaguar
@AidenBell Should've just said yes, mate.
Each of the four electric motors nestles in the wheel hub (each weighs just 50kg) and the supercar element of the C-X75 becomes apparent when you look at the claimed performance figures: there’s 780bhp on tap and a frankly bonkers 1578lb ft. Figures we’re slowly getting used to in this electric age.

And here’s the clever bit: the batteries are charged by the pair of tiny turbines, which spin independently or in sequence at up to 80,000rpm to deliver a more modest 95bhp each and consequently are responsible – claims Jaguar – for just 28g/km of CO2. Clean, rabid fast performance? Yes please.
Super cool
Heh, the main biggest problem with electric cars is they don't make enough noise :D (or so I heard)
That's my car lol
@AidenBell I don't want a rabid car.
2:05 PM
@radp Yeah, you'd think that would be nice, but nooooooo, people have gotten used to listening for car noise instead of looking where they're going.
The companies producing such cars claim that they'll be installing engine noise simulators to "fix" the problem, last I checked.
@AidenBell The article you quoted said "rabid" when it meant "rapid."
But I'm not getting in anything rabid, end of story.
@PopularDemand it is useful to have another way of knowing if cars are inbound
and anyway, not everybody is gifted with the ability to see :(
they did the same with ringbacktones
2:08 PM
@radp Okay, valid point about accessibility.
You could have a pretty music at decent quality, but people found that too stressful, so now they mix the music with the dialing tone
But many of the complainers can see just fine.
@PopularDemand because many people out there can see "just fine" :)
A service that allows you to put a song when someone calls you
the blind, especially on the internet, is hardly a vocal group I'm afraid.
2:10 PM
@radp my car is super quiet at car-park speeds which has been a problem
Could I say the mute are more vocal than the blind on the internet or that would be bad taste?
For example, you should always try and put an alt text for all images I put on SE
This always makes me think of that one episode of The Office (US version, not sure if they did it for UK as well).
![This is the description of the picture, except that if I wanted to put this concept into words, I'd be using words instead to begin with.](http://foo)
Hybrid cars are very dangerous for pedestrians.. You don't hear them coming
2:12 PM
@radp Yeah, it bothers me how often I edit posts and see the default alt text still there.
@Kop True, I'm used to jaywalk trusting my ears
stupid IE 7 did cost me 2h of my life...
@JohntheSeagull then you have noone to blame but yourself.
Me too, especially late at night
Uh, at night usually cars are preannounced by their lights -- hybrid or not. That's definitely not the problem.
2:13 PM
If it's 5 AM and I hear no sounds at all I'm not even gonna turn to look if a car is coming (not that I'm supposed to they are supposed to give way to me, even if they never do)
@PopularDemand and those inventing stupid electric cars in the supposed name of the environment
@JohntheSeagull Meh. You can't go from horse-and-buggy to teleporter in one step.
The insurance "industry" has no problem with that tbh
Apparently multiple people in here cross the street without looking if a car is coming first. This confuses and baffles me
We don't have official designated crossing points you have to use in the UK.... then there are cyclists that run reds and disobey all road rules
2:21 PM
almost the weekend!!!!
@AidenBell Okay, fair warning, ignorance coming up. What are those zigzag road lines you have in the UK? I thought those were crossing markers.
The ones running parallel with the pavement/sidewalk?
@PopularDemand Do not park?
Or at 'across' the road
@balpha: are you around?
2:23 PM
WTF are those zig zaggy things?
@Popular - Zebra crossing, an optional point of crossing where cars are legally obliged to stop (pedestrians have right of way anyway, but no excuses) the zig-zag markings tell you you can not stop there and obstruct the zebra crossing
@AidenBell Ah, so they show up near zebra crossings but aren't themselves an indicator of pedestrian crossing. Well, that makes me feel somewhat better.
Thank you for increasing my general fund of knowledge.
You get them in other places too ;)
And yes, you are correct
However pedestrians can cross wherever the hell they want on normal roads
I'm completely not following what their purpose is. Wikipedia says "These lines indicate to UK motorists that a zebra crossing is adjacent."
2:27 PM
In the US, they just paint the curb -- sorry, kerb -- yellow for "no parking." (Red for "no standing.")
Does the crossing itself not indicate that?
@MichaelMrozek Slightly earlier warning?
@MichaelMrozek the zebra bit is the crossing, the zig-zag (called a crocodile / crocodile mouth often) is just a "keep clear" or you can get in trouble with the law
These are double-yellow lines, an indicator of "no parking" under local laws and you get issued a fine by these horrid people called Parking Wardens that everyone yells abuse at and wants to kill
But double yellows are generally not a criminal thing, more local council by-laws I think but IANAL
@AidenBell Oh, we have Parking Wardens too, and we hate them too. But they're often derogatorily referred to as "meter maids," as they're usually also responsible for checking on parking meters. Enjoy your new insult.
Oh, I see the bottom half of your photo does include a meter. Very good then.
Good looking jacket, at least.
We also have these contraptions that you don't get in the US
No lights or stop signs on most
changing lanes mid circle
2:32 PM
The funny thing is, I have a friend who's a traffic engineering geek -- don't laugh, we write code for fun, after all -- and would tell me all this stuff any time I wanted, if I asked.
@AidenBell We don't have the magic roundabout, but we certainly have roundabouts
Well me, a half-informed drive is telling you now ;P
He's tried to explain roundabouts vs. traffic circles vs. rotaries to me at least three times and I can never get it.
There are two within 30 seconds of my current location
@MichaelMrozek Yeesh. I hope they hand out blinking signs reading "roundabout newb" to anyone who wants one before that thing.
2:35 PM
Q: Are and IP's for spammers

JasonI have a site that is getting bombarded by requests from and I couldn't find where these servers are. What is the best way to regulate this? I could just deny those IP's but I have a feeling it would just start using other IP's. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Read this, then click through to SF and see the first answer there
@PopularDemand - I drive roundabouts every day and they still are a bit of a "hold your breath" proceedure at times
@YiJiang That answer was actually posted on SO, it just got migrated when the question closed
I think it probably is more SF than SU
@PopularDemand especially as 45mph in a 30 isn't uncommon
@MichaelMrozek That explains it... forgot that answers are deleted from the original
"It is considered one of the 7 urban wonders of the world in the city roads and streets category."
How far can you subcategorize before it's no longer interesting to be a "wonder of the world"?
2:36 PM
@PopularDemand Saw that, makes me wonder what the other six are
@YiJiang Heh.
@MichaelMrozek how did you identify that specific roundabout so quickly
@AidenBell I've read that wikipedia article before
Whew, what a crazy day for me...
Hey there @Chacha102
2:40 PM
Seen the new Tavern yet @Chacha102?
We were debating shutting it down
Sorry. I'm very distracted today
But it seems to have a different following than this one
@AndyEshead I am now
but you're gone
@AidenBell Can I get admin on SO Tavernz plz???
2:42 PM
hmm, SO chat seems to be 503ing a bit
It's gone down twice for maintenance in the last 20 minutes or so
@bdonlan I got that too
@Chacha102 yea sure one sec
@Chacha102 done
tuts, see once Joel has graced its presents he wants it now lol
Jesus, The SO Tavern exploded
This is the closest I get to circular madness every day:
@PopularDemand isn't that a slightly curved junction?
Checkout this beautiful work of art
Spaghetti Junction, Birmingham
2:52 PM
@AidenBell Yes, but it's got lights in odd places, and again, people aren't used to anything remotely circular around here.
Mind you, my dream car is:
Which would not suit UK roads

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