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12:00 AM
How many Stack Exchange users are there?
The stackexchange.com/sites#users only gives the number of users per site, but there's lots of overlap.
12:33 AM
Douglas Adams reference
1:01 AM
#define SIX 1+5
#define NINE 8+1
1:11 AM
@DanielFischer What is this doing in this room instead of the C++ Lounge? :P
@Mysticial jadarnel27 wanted a Douglas Adams reference, so I gave him one.
Heeeeelp! Awarded a bounty to the wrong person! stackoverflow.com/questions/14841724/vlc-move-file-on-end
Is there any way someone can manually fix it for me please?
@DannyBeckett Flag for a moderator?
@Mechanicalsnail Have done now
Wasn't paying attention - the answers have flipped round in order
@DannyBeckett Because it was only a minute old, I moved it. Normally though, you gotta expect this stuff to be permanent - take your time...
1:17 AM
Thanks a lot @Shog9!!
You da man!
1:40 AM
2:11 AM
Just wrote my first Ruby ever to fix a bug I reported in Discourse.
It's weird. Felt kind-of like CoffeeScript, which makes sense.
@hims056: Try [or] - I think it still works.
5:03 AM
@animuson ohh. It is not working when we add additional parameters like this
Ah, I see.
4 hours later…
8:57 AM
Good morning from GMT+2!
9:17 AM
Good afternoon from GMT+8!
9:35 AM
ahhh... perfect timing (as usual)... Coffee?
1 hour later…
10:52 AM
Why... does Discourse require an additional password after I already choose to login with a third party?
11:49 AM
3 hours later…
3:14 PM
Good morning from GMT-6!
3:26 PM
@TimYiJiang Eh?
@TimStone After logging in with a Google account there was another form to fill in, for name, username, and strangely enough, an additional password
Hmm, was it a required field?
Not sure, I just pointed LastPass at it and made it fill in a 20 character password
yes, it's required
which is annoying since when using openid I usually do that because i'm lazy and possibly do not trust the website enough with one of my passwords (and most people don't have something like lastpass/pwmaker to create unique passwords)
4:16 PM
Chrome/Webkit seems to have a overflow: hidden + border-radius bug.
dl.dropbox.com/u/1722364/My%20Little%20Pony/Twilight%20look/… move your cursor to the bottom left corner on Chrome
The area that's in the overflow actually flickers and disappears once the entire region is redrawn, like when the eye blinks
Do you have anything higher than 25? Trying to see if any future version has this fixed.
Firefox had this bug in 3.6, but it was fixed in 4. The other browsers I tested seems to work. I was sure this used to work in Chrome too, hmmmm
Could it be a regression? My Google-fu isn't strong enough to find the correct bug report
WebKit has all sorts of fun overflow bugs.
Wow, it's still not fixed
Yeah, good stuff.
Looks like someone tried to fix it and then one of the developers was all "OMG YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG" and then nothing happened.
4:24 PM
Found these at the bottom of a FIXED overflow + border radius bug
That was for the general case. These more specific corner cases haven't been fixed yet, apparently
The related Webkit bug was also reported as fixed: bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72619
lol @ the WebKit bug
> Reported: 2011-09-15 15:54 PST
On an entirely unrelated note, r/mylittlepony is currently exploding.
Oh I'm an idiot
Facebook reported that there was a suspicious account login from "Rtgw_xmpp_username_password_login" and asked me to change my password
Only after changing the password did I realize this might have been Pidgin. A little weird though, Pidgin was authorized and in use for several weeks already
Did my account really get compromised or did Facebook just freak out over Pidgin?
they don't display the ip address?
4:34 PM
No, hmmmm
Changed all my passwords and everything anyway.
And of course
(for definitions of you including anyone trying to impersonate you)
security questions.. worst thing ever
why is it so hard to just email a password reset link?

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