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1:33 AM
@ShadowWizard It may be a coffee type, but it's not just coffee. If you go to a coffee shop and order a coffee and they give you a cappuccino, it's wrong, right? But let's drop this subject please. And you're the one who's stretching the subject. There is also no language barrier on my part. Take care.
And I see no reason to stop playing with SD, I just won't insist on asking him for coffee anymore, he must have some disability to do that sometimes.
Smoke Detector isn’t a toy.
2:09 AM
@ElementsInSpace Really, nobody said it.
3 hours later…
5:38 AM
4 messages moved to Chimney
3 hours later…
8:24 AM
@ElementsInSpace let me guess, you dressed him (her? it? ;)) with a small cap? :-D
@Marco feel free to keep using SD, but you just don't understand the usage hence I'm trying to help.
Cap and cape
@ElementsInSpace huh! 2:1
@ShadowWizard why do you think that I don't understand the usage?
8:42 AM
*the teacher asks what the students want to be when they grow up
What does it mean?
@starball huh! How come it wasn't caught automatically?
anyway still up :/
9:01 AM
@ElementsInSpace honestly, I don't know
@ShadowWizard honestly, I don't know
9:43 AM
Chinese is so hard to decode.
Cappuccino-brrrr-bubble maker.
according to Google Translate, it's "Cappuccino"... 呠呠呠呠 bubbles"
I suppose that’s a profession to aspire to.
Whoops, missed the last character.
honestly, I don’t know
7 hours later…
4:30 PM
@ShadowWizard contacts Shadow for useful tips, gets a dotting kit instead

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