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6:13 AM
11 messages moved to Chimney
2 hours later…
7:58 AM
@JNat thanks! It was yummy. :)
@M.A.R. it's just an excuse to wear the birthday suit. :P
@Marco I don't care about the pings, the problem is excessive use of the bot commands, you can ping me manually without the bot.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact there won't be next time! Promise! :D
@Marco thanks!
8:20 AM
@ShadowWizard Can’t escape the inevitable.
@ТymaGaidash I got that a bunch too
5 hours later…
1:04 PM
1 message moved to Chimney
I was slightly amused by that
Yeah, gave away a bunch of bounties
gotta spend ’em on somethin’
1:31 PM
I'm a failure at having low rep accounts :D
2 hours later…
3:49 PM
@JourneymanGeek create a downvote ring to downvote only your own posts. contact me for more useful tips
@ShadowWizard It's not about that, it was about the non-interaction with the joke I played with you. :)
@ShadowWizard You're welcome!
4:26 PM
@JourneymanGeek humblebrag
@ShadowWizard naughty
4:53 PM
@Marco cheers!
@M.A.R. I know!
@M.A.R. Just how you like him.
1 hour later…
6:07 PM
@ShadowWizard Regarding the excessive use of the bot's commands, I was just trying that SD could serve coffee to you. For some reason SD didn't want to serve.
6:25 PM
@Marco I don't understand what you mean, it did "serve". For example:
in Chimney, yesterday, by SmokeDetector
@Marco brews a cup of cappuccino for @Shadow
What did you think Smokey should do instead?
6:55 PM
@ShadowWizard Cappuccino is not coffee
2 hours later…
9:21 PM
@Marco it is. It's one of many different types of coffee.
Cappuccino ( , Italian: [kapputˈtʃiːno]; pl.: cappuccini; from German Kapuziner) is an espresso-based coffee drink that is traditionally prepared with steamed milk including a layer of milk foam. Variations of the drink involve the use of cream instead of milk, using non-dairy milk substitutes and flavoring with cocoa powder (in Europe and Australasia) or cinnamon (in the United States). It is typically smaller in volume than that of caffè latte, and topped with a thick layer of foam rather than being made with microfoam. The name comes from the Capuchin friars, referring to the color of their...
Anyway... you really overthink something that is meant just for fun, so probably better not use it.
And there is kind of language barrier as well, probably.
1 hour later…
10:42 PM
I used to have a cat called Cappuccino.

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