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6:13 AM
@JourneymanGeek Good morning.
6:37 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact AFTERNOON!
7:02 AM
@JourneymanGeek Morning!
@JourneymanGeek MORNING!!!!
7:14 AM
The smoke detector was no match for Darth Vader.
4 hours later…
11:28 AM
26 messages moved to Chimney
11:47 AM
@JourneymanGeek oh, no idea, saw him only around here. But gone for couple of years now. :(
@starball you keep missing the proper command format, so it has no effect, though likely already reported anyway. Or do you mean reporting it to us, the users, not to Smokey? ;)
3 hours later…
2:19 PM
4 messages moved to Chimney
4 messages moved to Chimney
3 hours later…
5:48 PM
Silent Sunday?
!!/tea Spe for kapoofing a lost soul
@ShadowWizard brews a cup of green tea for @Spe
Green is the new Red
wondering if it's holiday somewhere in the world, meaning SE devs won't see the bug reports even tomorrow
ah, Father's Day, so they have to rest from this tiresome day tomorrow.
6 hours later…
11:36 PM
@ShadowWizard it is here :D
5 messages moved to Chimney

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