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4 hours later…
eww it's ChatGPT crap collector, bad enough to justify nuking IMO.
Two similar generated answers, sadly not by spammers but rather actual lazy "users".
2 hours later…
@ShadowTheGPTWizard No point in making the edit - the fastest thing in the world deleted it first
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog what edit?
@ShadowTheGPTWizard The edit to your message.
And also wanted to ask, how is this off topic?
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog because I forgot Spevacus doesn't have 20k rep yet, checked after posting. And wanted to keep the message.
So, edit.
@ShadowTheGPTWizard I voted as "site-specific" since it was asking about rules in the SO chat rooms - to me, it was a legacy question from the time when this site accepted SO-specific questions, and the community closes them. (I don't know why others voted as "no longer reproducible" - the four votes at the time I voted overrode my reason.)
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog no. Insults in chat are not limited to SO.
If anything, question should be edited to reflect that it's about any insults in any chat.
Now that I'm reading it more, though, there's no actual question in the post, and it reads more like a civil rant - thus meriting closure as "needs details or clarity" or "not appearing to seek input and discussion".
@Feeds yeah...
It's missing an actual request. Is it asking people to stop posting such messages? Is it asking people to flag such messages? Is it asking for mods to take action against those messages? As Makyen would put it, what's the goal?
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog well, IMO it's way too old anyway, better just leave it be.
No idea why it was even bumped after 12 years.
oh, the tag paladin. ;)
retagging ancient stuff. :/
@ShadowTheGPTWizard <sarcasm>Have you got a signed self-admitting certificate, validated by an approved legal studio?</sarcasm>
As long as he's not flooding I can live with that, though not liking it at all.
@ShadowTheGPTWizard Well, a staff member has also been Blasting questions to the top of the home page, by making V2 of their tags...
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog V2 mainly throwing stuff to the review bin, which is good, and from what I've seen doesn't touch questions older than 5 years just for retagging.
oh wait he does. Well, not often enough to be noticed. ;)
Law chatroom is always so empty.
So sad.
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon aren't most sites chat room empty?
@ShadowTheGPTWizard true, but I was planning to abduct someone in there for an explanation about the EU geo-blocking law.
Sorry that it failed. ;)
2 hours later…
that discussion has been inactive for 14 days now
Why is every word linked separately to the same place?
@KevinB what discussion?
the one the blog article is copying it's content from
@KevinB oh I didn't read it.
  <em>I've recently read a great article—</em>
  <em><a href="https://nathanpeck.com/rethinking-infrastructure-as-code-from-scratch/">Rethinking</a></em>
  <em> </em>
  <em><a href="https://nathanpeck.com/rethinking-infrastructure-as-code-from-scratch/">infrastructure</a></em>
  <em> </em>
  <em><a href="https://nathanpeck.com/rethinking-infrastructure-as-code-from-scratch/">as</a></em>
  <em> </em>
  <em><a href="https://nathanpeck.com/rethinking-infrastructure-as-code-from-scratch/">code</a></em>
Most likely the doing of the fancy IDE they're using to generate the blog posts.
It also put blank characters in title, and more good stuff for us to catch and report.
tldr a user used discussions to promote their blog, and now the SO blog is re-posting it
poof that was fast
they're not hte auther of the blog,
even went as far as making CI/CD Collective 4 links
just wondering, sorry to ask...
it is just me or this feels very stupid?
@KevinB an heat sink that is not attached to the ssd stick but instead replaces the slot cover, with a thermal pad sandwiched in-between?
would it really work better than one mounded on the actual memory stick?
you mean without the thermal pad?
I meant as in one single piece.
wouldn't the pad improve the amount of surface attachment on both?
no, I mean that usually you have a ssd with a mounted heatsink.
in this case you have a ssd and a separate heatsink that replaces the cover of the ssd slot
i've only ever bought ones where the heatsink was something you bought extra if you needed it
yep, usually people prefer to use an ssd with an heatsink on the ps5
but they either do the work themself or buy a stick with a mounted sink
for example
the two above are the only ones I ever saw that instead of mounting the sink on the memory try to replace the cover of the expansion slot on the actual console
yeah i have no idea for consoles, stay away from them myself
and for some reason that doesn't seem that good, but that is just a guess, so I was trying to see if anyone ever saw anything similar
i'd kinda expect that to be mostly cosmetic, rather than an actual improvement
but i'm not sure how much cooling those things actually need
and how much air moves over those components on a console
@KevinB I mean... isn't the whole idea that an heatsink should adhere to the actual memory? But it can't... because the cover has to be separated from the stick (two screws, you can't remover the slot cover and take out the stick at the same time, so they have to be separate...)
i mean, it'd probably work better if it was done that way, yes
that's what I meant. The only advantage I see in this separate version is that you can easily replace the thermal pad at the cost of an - hopefully small- degradation of the overall performance
what i was trying to convey was that, maybe the degredation of performance just doesn't matter, as the performance of the stick isn't going to be affected, just the cooling aspect of the heatsink... and if it's already more than needed to keep the stick cool, then heatsink design is mostly cosmetic as long as it stays within acceptable limits, etc
agree, for added clarity I was only talking about the cooling performance. And I get that it could still be more than enough... I was just arguing about the actual efficiency.
Basically, I would assume that an attached heatsink in the same conditions would be more efficient than one that is just "placed on top"
i really should upgrade my own pc's ssd's, i'm still using the old style ones, built my current pc ~ 6 years ago
it struggles with starfield
@KevinB I was simply looking at a decent enough stick to use on a ps5 to avoid swapping games from a much larger external HHD too often.
(granted it's struggling due to my gpu/cpu, not the ssd's, lol)
@KevinB Don't worry, I am struggling with trying to win in a pirate freighter battle in No Man Sky if that can be of some consolation...
But that is because they expect you to be in three different places at the same time
I should really check if I can just destroy the missile launcher first.
been a while since i've launched nms, probably a year of updates behind
at least they're free
@KevinB oh, the update is good, I am just trying to find a good strategy.
Destroying the pirates is easy - just blow up their hyperspace engines so that they can't flee.
I am trying to find a good strategy to destroy them before they can kill the civil frigate you are trying to defend.
use overwhelming firepower
@KevinB thanks, Mihoyo already supplied the annual "back to 2006" reference
I was really hoping Paimon would give the same suggestion too.
1 hour later…
22 messages moved to Chimney

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