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@JourneymanGeek Meh. I looked at the vote summaries by day, only the first two days the upvotes heavily outweighed the downvotes. But it's been having a consistent flow of downvotes since it was posted.
@Mithical I joined the Den, and had tab with the Tavern open as well, but didn't enter it yet, i.e. wasn't in the room. Yet, I saw the (1) in the title when Smokey posted while I was in Den.
@JourneymanGeek: Even if you assume that the probability of a vote's being an up-vote is independent of how many votes were previously cast (& of whether they were up- or down-votes), the observed proportion of up-votes will be rather variable early on.
Here are some simulations (using an estimate of 138/288, from the current vote tallies, for that probability)
Also, (fine print) the CPUs and RAM are used; same motherboard in US (at OldEgg) is 1/2 price without CPUs and RAM - also small number of reviews say "it works" and "it doesn't work, and no reply". Basically, it's crap for cheap; but for over a thousand bucks, not so cheap.
An equivalent (much better) SuperMicro MB is U$350, and 2 new (6 year old 10 core) CPUs are available for U$500; so you could probably pick up used RAM for the difference and pay the same to get a new SuperMicro MB with 2 new CPUs - so not as good a deal as it first seems.
So.uh. it's for a particular need. If it has intel ethernet adaptors it might be a really competent esxi server , or run kcn lr... or a good option for mis stage home lab
@Rob Singapore dollars. So don't forget the conversion
I have a murderously complex single CTE (3 cte's and 5 sub-sub querys.) I want to use scalar variables in them to ease off on inputting constants, but it doesn't work for me.
as in, I can't use scalar variables that I declare before the CTE inside the CTE
`DECLARE @myvar int;` `SET @myvar = 2;`
after that the 900 line demon CTE
I want to use the scalar variables inside the CTE and specifically the select query of the CTE. I found this which tells me I'm probably scoping the variable wrong (…) but I have no idea how to scope it correctly. I tried wrapping the whole mess in begin and end but that doesn't work either.
I got "unknown error" when posting a chat message, then tried to reload.
This is what I got:
Can you please bring the chat back?
This affects all chat domains:
I saw your "And now?" message in Tavern, when trying to reply (from phone, where it still worked) poof.... same issue. cry — Shadow Wizard Wearing Mask2 mins ago
@ShadowWizardWearingMask Trying those links in private mode gives a banner I've never seen before, but it's a red herring - otherwise, all three links work in North America. 😛
Black Forest gâteau or Black Forest cake (American English) is a chocolate sponge cake with a rich cherry filling based on the German dessert Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (pronounced [ˈʃvaʁt͡svɛldɐ ˈkɪʁʃˌtɔʁtə]), literally "Black Forest Cherry-torte".
Typically, Black Forest gateau consists of several layers of chocolate sponge cake sandwiched with whipped cream and cherries. It is decorated with additional whipped cream, maraschino cherries, and chocolate shavings. In some European traditions, sour cherries are used both between the layers and for decorating the top. Traditionally, kirschwasser,...
Ah, yes. That last one is also the reason I'm not often allowed to cook ;)
I can cook tasty stuff, but if I do that, I have to cook more often so... whenever I have to cook I make sure it's not exactly gross but also not tasty :P
When you already know your co-workers and how they approach work, that is fine as they probably haven’t changed all that much since the start of the pandemic. You cannot safely transfer those assumptions to new team members, however, as people remain people, rather than the microservices that they may seem over the internet.
Quick question, when community deletes as spam via vote the post acquired enough spamflags for instant deletion right? Usually this is 6 IIRC, but now I saw a post being deleted with only 2 flags. Is it then a moderator who flags as spam, and that flag carries the weight of 6 flags?
@QueenieGoldstein I'm not familiar enough with how those smokey rules work. IIRC not all rules check the whole post, some patterns are only checked in the first 1000 characters or so.
@ShadowWizardWearingMask Nope, it applies the penalty. If the penalty isn't applied, it means the mod chose to delete without flagging, which validates the existing flags.
Chat rarely seems to be substantially affected by issues hitting the main sites. There was that one time it was wonky at the same time, though, when the Redis cluster was having voting problems.
Thanks :) It's not been terrible... just one of those days where you start out knowing what you need to do... and then you still have to do it at the end of the day.
@RyanM Chat is served from an entirely different server from the main sites. I've often found that I can still access chat even when my IP is rate-limited from accessing the main sites due to too many requests.
@ShadowWizardWearingMask At home, or at the cinema?