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12:34 AM
@M.A.R. actually I think he was both q and a banned
2 hours later…
2:31 AM
@M.A.R. The automatic algorithm's threshold on MSE is extremely lenient - Tim Post. Manually banning is more likely, it's due to the possibility of making well written suggestions that are not of interest to the community.
2 hours later…
4:42 AM
Over the past 2 days or so, I've occasionally not have the rep text in the topbar update when a positive change occurs. I see the green +10 or +15 come up, but the total reputation text occasionally stays static, maybe 1 in 3 or 1 in 4 times. Anyone else experience this? Haven't seen any posts about it yet, not sure if it's a bug or just an issue with my setup.
@CertainPerformance If you've lost reputation on any site since you've last opened it, later changes that offset the loss won't show.
As an example, if you get a downvote on SO and then an approved suggested edit on SU, it won't show. Also, if you get two downvotes on Stack Overflow and then an upvote on Super User, it will only show +6.
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog It definitely isn't that, I'm well acquainted with how that works. When it occurs, and I open a link to a new page, I see that the text in the topbar is higher than the text on the page I came from
It's also worth noting that reputation changes from post and user removals aren't shown in the dialog.
In the past, the text was only ever different if the websocket disconnected, or if there was a downvote or un-upvote, etc
Oh, wait a minute, sorry, I wasn't paying attention.
I thought you were referring to the dialog
Yeah, that may have broken. I'd file a bug.
4:51 AM
It may be on my end (I have a lot of userscripts and other customizations, though I doubt they're the cause), so I'm hoping someone else can confirm it first
5:10 AM
not sure if right place for this but past couple days noticed my review queue says "There are no review queues available to you" — how do I see if this is because I did somethng wrong?
@shim Looks like you've been review-banned meta.stackoverflow.com/q/351386
If you go to stackoverflow.com/review , there will probably be an explanation
there we go thanks, 6 days :(
they've been cracking down on bad Requires Editing choices recently meta.stackoverflow.com/q/394498
sheesh review banned me because should have said unsalvageable instead of requires editing yea… wonder if the 2 others who chose requires editing also got banned…
I bet they did
5:14 AM
I remember seeing a reason for a similar ban in the past but this time I got not notification
Wouldn't have known the reason unless I asked here
Is there a notification I'm missing somewhere?
*got no notification
Not really, see the links I posted - it's a well-known issue
ah I see
well thanks you've been most helpful
not sure what I'll do for the next 6 days…
2 hours later…
7:09 AM
in The h Bar on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 8 mins ago, by Guru Vishnu
Hi. Is anyone other than me facing this issue? :
After posting a question and opening the "Ask question" to ask the next one, I can still see my already submitted question saved as a draft and hence need to discard it first before I type my next one.
Is this intentional?
7:52 AM
Saw the bug again. The UnreadRepCount in a websocket message is correct, but it does not update the total rep text. I bet I can track down the problem in the Javascript
since it's definitely a problem on the frontend, not the backend
1 hour later…
9:03 AM
18 messages moved to Chimney
A somewhat similar issue to the above is that sometimes a change occurs for a page I'm currently on, but the numbers next to the posts for the Q or A do not change (unless I click them to fetch total +s and -s). Sounds like the websocket messages are sometimes not getting to the right listeners that should be processing them
2 hours later…
11:36 AM
@Rob I know
Someone has borked something somewhere looking at @Yaakov
not my fault
I mean I'd look at someone else but you're the only chatty dev at the moment
@YaakovEllis That's what they all say
I don't even know what you are talking about
I just type that in whenever there is a chance it is about me
5 hours ago, by Johan Liebert
in The h Bar on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 8 mins ago, by Guru Vishnu
Hi. Is anyone other than me facing this issue? :
After posting a question and opening the "Ask question" to ask the next one, I can still see my already submitted question saved as a draft and hence need to discard it first before I type my next one.
(on the internal rooms, this causes the wheel of blame to run)
11:43 AM
Q: Spam flags not automatically downvoting

TetsujinUsually, flagging as spam will generate automatic downvotes. This morning on Super User I noticed this wasn't happening. This is one that was deleted quite quickly, but still only shows -2, one of which was mine, as you can see from the blue arrow. This doesn't seem to be a duplicate of Post...

Which reminds me....
@JourneymanGeek what you really are?
couldn't resist the nickelback pun
Noooooooo. You put Nickelback in my head, I demand you now shoot me.
@Gimby If today was your last day, and tomorrow was to late, would you live like yesterday?
foams at the mouth
What's in my heeeeeeeeeead. In my heeeeeeeeeead. Zombie, zombie,....
11:51 AM
and people bow and pray, to the neon god they made
12:07 PM
@JourneymanGeek Did it really remind you of Magisch's Nickelback pun, or?
2 hours later…
1:43 PM
@M.A.R. We know.
1:55 PM
31 messages moved to Chimney
2:09 PM
Hermann Vocke on March 11, 2020
In this post, we take a look behind the scenes and explore how we approached building our Jira app. We’ll discuss some of the challenges, pitfalls, and lessons we learned from building this integration and look at the inner workings of our Jira app.
2:37 PM
@JourneymanGeek It reminded you that lunch was burning in the oven?
I'm travelling and in another country so I hope not
It's a vertical oven
The sun.
@Magisch omg, my two all-time favorite songs. :D
@djsmiley2kTMW moon is more cool.
Also, sun is boring, there's no "sunning".
(I think?? checking)
Well... that's what Dutch people call cultivating skin cancer on the beach :)
> Sunning or basking, sometimes also known as sunbathing, is a thermoregulatory or comfort behaviour used by animals, especially birds, reptiles, and insects, to help raise their body temperature, reduce the energy needed for temperature maintenance or to provide comfort. They may also have additional functions of ridding animals of ectoparasites, bacteria, or excess moisture
heh, reminds me of @JAD's Boa snake. :P
but I was referring to something related to well, what you do with the moon. :D
3:09 PM
Do you like to watch pale, sagging male butts, Shadow?
@Gimby remove two words, add two letters in front of a third word and you'll get a positive answer. :D
going back to being 16
gets a slap from reality
@rene done
But to be honest, at the age of 16 most of my free time was devoted to D&D and Magic The Gathering... so I thought of other things. I wasn't the "typical teenager". :(
I did Magic for about two years, and by that time I had sunk so much time and money into it that I immediately quit.
@rene why not MSE? Are those notices only on SO?
3:14 PM
@YaakovEllis you are awesome! Thanks.
@ShadowWizardisEarForYou I can post FR's on any meta ... I didn't really think about it ...
@rene if you reach Israel one day you can show him your appreciation in person. I promise to make time and arrange a meeting. :)
@ShadowWizardisEarForYou this specific wording is only on SO. But there were similarly worded notices on network wide that I also changed this for
@YaakovEllis nice! Thanks. Can't add much to what @rene said except "totally". :D
@Gimby oh wow... luckily (?) when I played I didn't really have money of my own, so couldn't spend what I didn't have. I still bought lots of cards (few hundreds, in total) and played with a good friend whenever possible. (that is when not playing with the D&D group or learning)
The winner took a card from the loser, so it was even more interesting.
hmm.... not sure what happened to my cards. :(
My dear Serra Angel... and that vampire/demon I never remember his name...
i usually have the opposite reaction.. when I've spent a lot of time and money into a game, i tend to stick with it, or at least return to it frequently
@user400654 even if it means other things/aspects of your life are hurt?
It can become an addiction, guess that's what @Gimby meant.
3:22 PM
It was too addictive to me, especially to buy booster packs with that chance of getting some really insane epic card from it. I've bought a few boxes of booster packs in my time. What money I had went to Magic. So one day I got up and said to myself: quit it now. And I did. I played from time to time in the school cafetaria, but only with decks that other people brought along.
for sure, if it's something that's hard not to throw money at
@Gimby what was your best card? Or just favorite? Mine is Serra Angel. :)
guess i tend to avoid those kinds of things up front
She's not strong, not sure why she's my favorite.
@ShadowWizardisEarForYou Don't really remember... I was not very lucky even with the pile of cash I threw at it.
3:23 PM
Maybe because my friend and me always fought over her... lol
I played so much MTG way back. 4th edition or so.
(and he died at the age of 18 during army service, so it made that kind of memorial.)
@YaakovEllis wow.... awesome! You still have the cards?
@Gimby it's not about luck. Unless you mean the cards you got?
Correct, that kind of luck
I see they changed the card by now... a LOT. But this is the card I was playing with. Now I see why we both liked it so much. :-P
Looks like it's 4th edition, but alternate?
@ShadowWizardisEarForYou I wish. I am embarrassed to say that I traded all of my original decks for 32 MB of RAM for my then desktop (this is over 20 years ago)
3:32 PM
@YaakovEllis heh.... guess these days you could sell to collectors for much more... or play with people like me.... ;)
That's why I never got rid of my collection ;) That stuff ages quite well.
I have a ear staring at me. @Mithical you have one too?
Ear she is:
Should I eat it?
... what the heck is that
first kill it
It's long dead
Belonged to someone who wanted to kill all the Jews, long time before the one in the 20's century
I must say, I did not expect to read that today.
3:37 PM
A hamantash (Yiddish: המן־טאַש‎ homentash, also spelled hamentasch, pl. המן־טאַשן homentashn or hamentaschen, literally 'Haman pockets') (Hebrew: אוזן המן‎, ozen Haman, pl. אוזני המן, oznei Haman, literally 'Haman's ears') is a filled-pocket cookie or pastry recognizable for its triangular shape, usually associated with the Jewish holiday of Purim and Haman, the villain in the Purim story. The shape is achieved by folding in the sides of a circular piece of dough, with a filling placed in the center. Hamantashen are made with many different fillings, including poppy seed (the oldest and mo...
That aptly describes what is floating above my head right now, in triplicate.
@Gimby someone long dead who wanted to erase your whole race?
"floating above head".... don't tell me you're back to the moon? :D
No question marks, there are three flipping huge question marks floating above my head :)
I live in a cartoon by the way.
@ShadowWizardisEarForYou Seems like it went very much the other way though! Wow. Instead of killing Jews, it was the Jews who killed 75 thousand people instead! Didn't turn out quite how Haman was expecting!
Talk about turning the tables.
3:48 PM
@terdon that's the power of God for you... I mean, if you believe in those stories. :)
See also David vs. Goliath... and more.
It's typical though, of all humans: you kill a few thousand of my folks, it's a tragedy and a crime. If I kill yours, I'll hold a party every year for the next 2000 years.
Decision is made! I'll save the ear for the ride back home. Hope it won't add too much crumbles to my car, it's still pretty clean.
I bet every nation/ethnic/religious group in the world has some celebration or another whose history boils down to "we killed a bunch of people".
@terdon can't blame a group of people for celebrating staying alive against all odds. ;)
@ShadowWizardisEarForYou Oh, woah. I'm not blaming anyone! Eek! You'd have to be an idiot to blame people almost 2000 years ago. Who would I blame, anyway? They're all dead!
But my point was that everyone is like that. We all have such stories where we celebrate things that, if looked at objectively today, were atrocities.
3:53 PM
@terdon well guess people blame us (the Jews) for still celebrating it?
And I don't judge, it's their right to blame/don't like us but it doesn't mean we should stop or not stay alive. :-)
@ShadowWizardisEarForYou Ah well, there are assholes everywhere. Anyone blaming a group of people today for what was done by a group of people a thousand years ago is a bit of an idiot to say the least.
Look at the US and Columbus day or Thanksgiving, for example. Or how the only people we call "great" were killers (Alexander, Napoleon etc). Sadly, it's human nature.
@terdon yeah, no doubt. :/
In any case, historically speaking, the Jews will have fewer atrocities than most since they have rarely been in a position to commit atrocities. You need to be in charge for that, and they have rarely been in charge (understatement of the decade).
@terdon hmm.. well... Israel key point is/was something like "it's the historical home of Jewish people, as written in the Holy Bible", so it's not just rubbish. The past is important.
But pick any group that was ever on the good side of a power imbalance and you can find atrocities they committed. And many of those are celebrated as victories by us, their descendents.
3:57 PM
@terdon well, we are now and it leads to tons of trouble, true. :/
Case: Stack Exchange 2019
(Locally in charge)
@ShadowWizardisEarForYou That's a very different question. I am saying that placing the blame for historical atrocities on the shoulders of whoever claims to be the descendents of the original group is stupid.
And it gets even stupider the further removed the old group is from the new.
So if the "blue people" killed all of the "green people" 500 years ago and you still blame today's blue people for it, then you're a bit of an ass.
4:12 PM
That's for sure, yeah.
But still, the world should remember the green people and do its best to prevent such thing from happening again.
@terdon *cough* Hiroshima WW2
@ShadowWizardisEarForYou Funnily enough, in all the משלוח מנות we got there was only a single one
@Mithical wow! people are קמצנים these days..... :D
@ShadowWizardisEarForYou Well. Not "celebrate" in like declaring a festival, but at least in some places it's like "we nuked them and then did it again and that's how we won, yay us"
4:22 PM
@Mithical Is that actually celebrated by anyone?
Ah, never mind. Caught up.
4:46 PM
@Mithical hmm... yeah. :)
5:39 PM
5:50 PM
In the mutiplication on the give back blog, 700 dollar is unaccounted for. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/344971/…
6:25 PM
@rene This is about the 2018 version? Only the total "57,000" is missing an extra 700; the sum over the 5 charities enumerated later in the post totals $57,700. Looks like an accidental use of floor() rather than round(), or simply a typo
Yeah, I assume it is a typo.
Just pointing out that it doesn't really make sense to say it's "unaccounted for" - it's accounted for just fine in the rest of the numbers on the post :)
@BryanKrause Hey, allow me my drama, okay ;)
@rene Okay okay fine :)
6:29 PM
@BryanKrause I often end up using floor() accidentally after going round() and round() too much.
badum tiss
yeah, strange
6:45 PM
Seems to be using a new (yet unknown) strategy?
I've seen focus on singular questions before
Isn't that why HAQ exists?
(highly active question status)
I am not very well versed with that, just noticed.
1 hour later…
8:06 PM
@JohnDvorak That status affords questions a bit of protection
8:16 PM
@terdon It's likely to be an emergent property after too many round()s
lol. I knew that one with salt :)
It's an old fairy tale, actually.
8:43 PM
I see complaints about the Triage queue in featured.
I'm pretty sure I complained when it first came out.
There needs to be more closing and less trying to polish what is in some tags 80% of the time not polishable.
@bjb568 I'm pretty sure you said that DevDoodle didn't need Triage.
@bjb568 probably true.
2 hours later…
11:46 PM
Record Holder: Goofiest laugh during automobile accident: globalnews.ca/video/6662438/…

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