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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer, potentially problematic ns configuration in answer, blacklisted user (73): Need for common-mode feedback by Rathva Dinesh on electronics.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (60): What is the cost to store luggage in Ho Chi Minh airport (Vietnam)? by SASCO Travel on travel.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body (394): Knowing These Now Secrets Will Make Your Via Beauty Cream Look Amazing by HectorrClark on graphicdesign.SE
!!/watch supplementspeak\.com
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog That pattern looks like it's already caught by Pattern-matching website in answer, Blacklisted website in body, Blacklisted website in answer, and Pattern-matching website in body; append -force if you really want to do that.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body, potentially problematic ns configuration in body (70): How to recover data with QuickBooks Auto Data Recovery by Amber Smith on apple.SE
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog chewing noises
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad pattern in url answer, username similar to website in answer (125): Getting all MP3s on Android and be able to listen to them by Getinfos on android.SE
@Rob Nope, it's just a reverse sadness
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (60): how to show I fit in with the department during faculty interview by Easy Food Handlers on academia.SE
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@rene no, just people who think in a different way about closure. I'm on your side, voted to reopen. Worth to call a mod, @Journeyman @Tink what you think of the above question? Should be closed or not?
I don't agree we should be closing things against the blog
showing reopen button
The blog is reference and kinda shitty to find things on
also less of an option to post comments for clarification
Same way most SO questions can be closed as off topic with reason "You can find the answer on Google".
The blog should be considered an external reference for situations like this.
Anyway.... dupe. :)
Answer given by Jeff 10 years ago: "The top (n) tags in the tag list are automatically turned into tags when they appear in searches", this hasn't been changed to this day. — Shadow The Burning Wizard 39 secs ago
@ShadowTheBurningWizard hmmm, sounds like there is a need for a MSE meta :)
There is, MSE. ;)
MSE all the way down?
Meta of Meta Stack Exchange is Meta Stack Exchange. :P
@JAD yup, down the infinite rabbit hole.
@ShadowTheBurningWizard turtle hole* :P
*hole hole
> Turtle Hole a secret swimming hole for Durham nature lovers
@Mithical careful, @Hitodama might be around..... ;-)
Hey, up too
All holes are equally important. We should welcome them all as they are.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, potentially bad keyword in body (100): Is the VR experience good in Sydney? by Nemaram Punavat on superuser.com
This reminds me, our Minister of Education called gay families "not normal" and "not how God meant a family to be" (and no, he's not ultra religious) last weekend, sparking a big outrage all over. Many school went on private agenda to discuss equality of the other with the students, even primary schools.
@JourneymanGeek ? I mean, depends on how you look at it, I guess...
@Tinkeringbell oh not the making
the taking away that made the making
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, that's the sad part :(
@ShadowTheBurningWizard The more I grow up... the more I realise that attitude sucks.
@Tinkeringbell yup
And... on totally different matter.... funny article! :D
@Tinkeringbell the silver lining is that it sparked enough outrage to hopefully serve as a cautionary tale for future politicians to keep their beliefs on that area to themselves
@ShadowTheBurningWizard the beds are also recyclable and made of cardboard
@Magisch Will they? The Christian party here (SGP) doesn't sound like they will... One of their prominent figures even got into some trouble last year for signing (a version of?) the Nashville Statement
@JourneymanGeek yeah that's the thing, they worry it'll break
@ShadowTheBurningWizard apparently its good for up to 110 kg...
which isn't very much....
It's a lot for Japanese... :P
@Tinkeringbell There's the overton window (what is considered socially acceptable to say - the further out of it you are the less serious / respectful you are taken for), and it shifting away from that talk is a good thing
But yeah, this is going to be epic failure, which only few will have courage to discuss. lol
even though people will naturally hold onto their views, they're less likely to pass them to their children, and their children are less likely to adopt them. So slowly, the views of the majority shift away from that kind of bigotry
@JourneymanGeek Especially not if you're a well-muscled athlete!
@Tinkeringbell or even not :D
Muscles weight a lot
@Magisch Fingers crossed... I at least won't have any kids to pass them on to ;)
Slim people are usually not really strong
@Tinkeringbell me neither ;)
it is rather liberating to not deal with the responsibility of having kids
Probably true...
Can confirm :)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user (71): Qué húbole? - meaning ✏️ by Gustavo on spanish.SE
today in "why microsoft, just why". Apparently creating a domain-based login in SQL Server uses the domain-SID of the user to uniquely identify the login, but uses the name to have the user actually log in
e.g when I have a domain user named Example, and their surname changes to AnotherExample, then renaming them in the domain means I need to create a new login for AnotherExample in the database, but I have to delete the account of Example first because it checks the SID. At the same time, it is not smart enough to simply rename the account. And the error message is completly useless reading "user AnotherExample already exists"
As in if the name was changed in AD, the new name wouldn't work anymore?
That's dumb D:
It's dumb enough that I find it hard to believe there is no configuration craziness involved. But I know little of SQL Server, so I might as well be making fart noises with my armpits here.
I had to go delving down the google-fu rabbit hole for half an hour to find out why it was doing that
Yay Windows?
(But I like Windows... at least I know where everything is hiding on Windows!)
There is a big difference between the OS and what Microsoft does with network infrastructure stuff though :) Completely different teams with different mindsets.
@JourneymanGeek That's literally twice my weight... which isn't saying much :P
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer (79): Featured Snippets Not Picked By Google. Why? by sandhyarani kentowin on webmasters.SE
@Gimby I know :) I never did any of the network infrastructuree stuff ;)
Feb 20 '14 at 10:09, by SPArchaeologist
Basically the problem was that oracle assigned a prime number identifier to each metadata (seems to remember it was metadata, may be something else). Then, to memorize which metadata was attached to which table, they had the &$£@ idea of saving the product of the identifiers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, potentially problematic ns configuration in body, blacklisted user (171): How to Fix Taskbar not Responding on Windows 10? by elinajohn99 on superuser.com
BTW, I am still looking for that article so...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Body starts with title and ends in url (98): I have a lot of JavaScript erorrs after SSL someone can help me? by Shlomi Ben baruch on wordpress.SE
if anyone recognizes the story....
@Hitodama they what
Uhoh... no wibbles?
Does that mean there's no sanity left today?
speaking of sanity I spent most of yesterday binge-reading the SCP wiki
Super Cool Politics?
It's a collection of creepypasta scifi-esque stories in a wiki format
really defies describing in simple terms
if you look it up prepare to lose your grip on reality and a week or two of your life
SCP is cool. I need to remember that, I read some of it...
I put on the Awful games block of AGDQ and the pokemon run... That filled most of my PC time this weekend, together with crochet :)
my favorite concept from that universe is infohazards
Oof, I think I read about those but... what's that again?
the idea that there is information or rather ideas that are contagious and can induce real world effects
e.g an image of a lily which causes everyone looking at it to experience a strong smell of waterlily, regardless of the medium
and then the esoteric subcategory of memetic hazards, like the self-keeping secret which can only be described by saying what it is not because every bit of information about the actual thing is subject to an anomalous self-censoring of the very information, e.g making a photograph of it will show nothing, writing about it will erase itself, and so on
@Tinkeringbell this one describes the idea and why someone thought it was smart to do that. The article I saw was written by an innocent victim of that foolish idea.
@Magisch Ah yes, I remember now ;)
@Hitodama Oh... well I'm out of Google Skills there then :/
giving @Tink Google Skills
@ShadowTheBurningWizard Hahaha ;) Maybe after lunch. I need to create a subtask in JIRA now and do some work on that ;)
@Tinkeringbell Short story: I don't remember if it was metadata, tags or whatever, but apparently you can associate something to a table in Oracle. Let's just call them "TERMS". Each terms is associated to a prime number (that you have to MANUALLY specify when you create the TERM - I remember that the article linked an offical pdf doc on Oracle servers that listed the first...... 100000 prime numbers? it was about 60-100 pages long....).
To persist what Terms were associated to which table... Oracle stored the product of the prime numbers. That is the idea presented in the link you found be
The poor guy almost went crazy as he worked for months on the issue, contacting Oracle support, sending them the DB dumps and so on...
Oof, that really sounds crazy!
@Magisch I only watch let's plays of the games, that's enough :)
@Hitodama uhm, what happened to bitflags? o.O
happily ignored because "it will never overflow"?
> the overflow produced another number that also was a product of prime numbers.
@Tinkeringbell indeed.
Every (positive) number is :-)
I'd say the one redeeming thing about that scheme is that it allows you to add multiple of the same tags uniquely: "Cat", "Cat", "Dog"
@JAD ok, I meant "used prime numbers, actually mapped to existing Terms"
@djsmiley2kindarkness except for the best prime of all of course ;)
We can argue about if 1 is prime or not, another time ;)
@Gimby I can recommend "control" from remedy entertainment
Sorry, I misspecified
anyway, I will check if I can at least find the "first N prime numbers" pdf again.
I was able to find a notice in an oracle docs that could be related...
> ISADJUSTED VARCHAR2(5) Indicates whether Oracle adjusted the input value to a more suitable value (for example, the parameter value should be prime, but the user input a non-prime number, so Oracle adjusted the value to the next prime number)
the first thing I'd do would be to create a table mapping primes to their indices tbh
@Hitodama That seems like someone desperately looking for something to do for a couple of weeks
so they implemented this admittedly novel but completly asinine system
probably heard something about prime products being all the rage in crypto and thought they'd use some of that completly oblivious to their purpose or meaning
@Magisch giving users reasons to create massive rainbowtables in the process
all because someone wanted to cram a N <-> 1 relation into a single field
good effort tbh
impressive from an academic POV, probably less so if you have to work with it
a bit like modeling a 16 bit computer in minecraft. Impressive to look at and a show of skill, but not really practically useable.
Maybe I could try asking in the DBA chat room. Someone could recognize the story.
You can always try ;)
!!/coffee Glor
@ShadowTheBurningWizard brews a cup of Affogato for @Glor
!!/daily ping for @M.A.R
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (61): Link "likes" on my site to those on my Facebook page by Soclikes Company on webmasters.SE
Tired, bored, or suffocating?
weaving a fabric of abstract logic to make a order intake process go about 25% faster
I'm sketching out character ideas and looking up descriptions of ghosts and demons.
ghosts are for things that once lived and died, demons are fallen angels? ;)
I just put on some music, hope it helps concentration.
Ghosts, correct; demons, nope :P
In a metaphorical sense, a fallen angel is also a "thing that once lived and died" :P
it's interesting, a high level view of programming as a profession would have people believe we're all raving mad
Nope? Not if you define living as being born human ;)
What's the demon definition then?
Just any evil force that's never been alive?
@Magisch you seem to imply that that is not how it is
At the moment, the definition I'm working with is a human prototype that was never fully finished, and can be either helpful or evil.
@Tinkeringbell or a separate, inherently evil species
@Mithical Hmm. Interesting, never heard that one before here...
@JourneymanGeek So that's why cats are so demonic!
@Mithical don't you mean "good or evil"?
I was usually Chaotic Good in D&D
This is an interesting dichotomy...
Good heart, but not always following the laws...
@ShadowTheBurningWizard Nope.
either you help me or you're evil? :P
@Mithical Do you need to use the term demon? That is very tied into judeochristian theology in English.
So it has all sorts of baggage.
No, I'm using the term "sheyd".
Is demon that entity the possess people and making them do weird things?
@Mithical related to pronouns?
@JAD I'm plenty sane!
Oh wait, no... like שד?
or maybe not
@ShadowTheBurningWizard that's just greed
@Mithical so it's for a female שד?
@Mithical Does that have a more specific meaning than demon?
@ShadowTheBurningWizard Usually, yes.
@JohnDvorak what is?
@Tinkeringbell hmm
@ShadowTheBurningWizard No
@Tinkeringbell Kinda, yeah. It more specifically refers to creatures in Jewish traditions :)
So what is it for?
@ShadowTheBurningWizard an "entity th[at] possess[es] people and mak[es] them do weird things"
@JohnDvorak oh lol
@ShadowTheBurningWizard It's simply a transliteration...
@JohnDvorak greed is one of the seven sins, right? So isn't the entity 'money' then?
Well many can use that as excuse, no doubt
I kinda spent the entire morning looking up evil spirits, angels, and the like...
@Tinkeringbell ah, "love of money is the root of all evil"
@Mithical oh, I see. Personal, or some project you got?
@JohnDvorak wonder what evil squared is then ;)
@ShadowTheBurningWizard Hah, you've been paying attention :P
@Tinkeringbell a mullet :P
10 mins ago, by Mithical
I'm sketching out character ideas and looking up descriptions of ghosts and demons.
@JohnDvorak Those are ugly... but I dunno if they're really evil.
@Mithical oh, but still, why? Just some random thing you decided to do? ;)
I mean... I am a writer...
Scary ghost/demon stories are usually good :)
@Magisch you took up a profession, doing the same thing over and over again, to make computers do the same thing over and over again, so that people don't have to do the same thing, over and over again?
I for one would like a scary network outage story...
Ghost in the Shell?

nah, taken
@JohnDvorak Does an electrical network outage count? Because I have stories about people using ventilators at home to assist with breathing and well...
That sounds really terrifying to me..
@JohnDvorak Brexit?
@djsmiley2kindarkness How's that a network outage? :P
> Contrary to a popular Korean myth, it's not the running fan at night that kills you. It's when the fan stops that you die.
@Tinkeringbell it'll be an everything outage
I'm already having trouble getting my medication :/
@djsmiley2kindarkness O.o already?! And Brexit is supposed to 'go over fine' /s. Sorry to hear that.
@djsmiley2kindarkness Brexit is so 2019... 2020 is all about Megxit
Much more severe and fatal to the fabric of Great Britain. :D
As someone who's worked in many.... interesting environments ( power companies, retail, IT, telecomms) I don't think many people realise how much of our country is ran on a knife edge of supply and demand
Maybe make Harry the PM, then he'll agree to stay...
@djsmiley2kindarkness I do (at least for this country ;) )... working at a power company right now ;)
@ShadowTheBurningWizard Or you know... just leave them be, they're people after all!
@Tinkeringbell nah
They're royals
Part of ancient tradition
Maybe they'll finally break that tradition, but still... the damage will be big.
It's worse: consider the security model of the airplane industry: "Yes, it's trivially easy to generate a fake airplane on a collision course with anything, buuuut, if you actually do it, you'll go to jail forever."
This incredibly secure system is about to become mandatory worldwide, too
@Mithical ooh, nice. What is it? Is that Hebrew? It seems to be a name or place name in Arabic.
@ShadowTheBurningWizard Over here, the royals still give certain press moments, but after that, they're left to live their own life ;) It's fun, and apparently also good for business to have a few royals... but they're also people and from what I've seen, English press is really rude.
Also: did you know that if you live in the USA, law mandates that you put your front door keys into an easily visible box next to the door, guarded only by a cheap universal key that anyone can buy on eBay?
@ShadowTheBurningWizard I wish! The idea of still having hereditary aristocracy in this day and age just boggles the mind.
@terdon It's a non-standard transliteration of "שד", yes. (It's more commonly transliterated as "shed", but I felt "sheyd" was better.)
@Mithical Heh, I can see why you would :) So are you writing in English?
Glad I don't live there then.
@Mithical Sweet, then! A nice baggage-free word which you can present to your ignorant, English-speaking audience as you like! Perfect! :)
@terdon I'm going to google 'shed' and then I'm no longer ignorant! :P
(I'm also not audience soo... probably won't hurt :P)
In Czechia, our firemen have handy hatchets that they use to chop down your door if they need in. It's faster than fumbling around with universal keys, and more secure for the door owner.
Well, "shed" just means "small building", really.
I meant all non-Hebrew speakers will be ignorant since we won't be familiar with the word so the author can use is as they wish, without us adding our own baggage to it, as we would for something like demon.
or, they just go in boot-first
Or, they just pour in water through the window. Our firemen have telescopic ladders on their trucks, y'know.
@djsmiley2kindarkness No I took up a profession to look at the thing people do over and over again, abstract it so a machine can do it, and put people out of a job as a result
not much better tbh
> Some male black widows may actually just not approach females at all - but they're not well represented in future generations ~~ Clint's Reptiles
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, potentially bad ip for hostname in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (62): A question about a step in the proof of Sard's lemma by SharonTTurner on math.SE
@Tinkeringbell Let me know if you find anything interesting :P
@Tinkeringbell well, in England they appear to be woven into the culture... at least that's what I get as a side viewer.
@Mithical Will do, but if I'm diving down a demon lore rabbit hole, it won't be during work hours ;)
@terdon you from England?
@ShadowTheBurningWizard No, but I've been living there the past two years.
So you can't know... ;)
@JohnDvorak I've always thought that was just a myth
I mean, it's almost like religion!
@ShadowTheBurningWizard I know they're still around, are still paid at least partly from the public purse and people still care about them. What else do I need to know?
the locks on that are what standard 6 pin non security locks? a complete novice can learn to pick them in under a minute rather quickly
@Mithical well that just sounds like שד with yiddish accent, no? :D
And I know the country still has an aristocracy and some people actually care about titles!
@terdon how important they are to the common local folk. :)
imagine being born into the royal family in a constitutional monarchy
that must suck so bad
@terdon many actors get honor "Sir" title, yeah...
your entire life is spent in chains of expectations
@Magisch yeah. I pity them, to be honest.
@Magisch True in any monarchy
Some break the chains, some embrace them.
@ShadowTheBurningWizard That's the least of it. There are people walking around expecting to be addressed as "my lord" or "my lady". They have actual titles still like "baron" or "duke" and that sort of silliness.
Because they were born to it!
@terdon oh... well, less familiar with that. Yeah, it can suck.
If your title was given to you because of something you did, I can understand it much more. But if all you did was get born, well, screw you, I won't call you my lord!
@ShadowTheBurningWizard right. I don't know if everyone feels that way, but that'd be the stuff of nightmares to me
Can't you flag them or call a mod? @terdon :P
@Magisch you sound like Sam ;)
Samwell Tarly, or simply Sam, is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation, Game of Thrones. Introduced in 1996's A Game of Thrones, Samwell is the eldest son of Lord Randyll Tarly of Horn Hill and his wife Lady Melessa Florent. A self-professed coward with a love for books and songs, Samwell was forced by his father to abandon his birthright and join the Night's Watch so that his younger brother could become heir to Horn Hill. While at the Wall, he meets Jon Snow and quickly becomes his closest...
He never wanted the power either :)
(other features are not relevant! :))
being unremarkable has a lot of advantages
Why anyone would want to celebrate being the product of several centuries of inbreeding is beyond me anyway.
@Magisch haha
that's one of my classic threats to people who don't do their job properly
'keep being useless and I'll replace you with a script'
@terdon when nobody has anything going for them, literally anything notable is a worthwhile thing to brag about
and also if you tell people a lie for long enough they begin to believe it, like it's something valuable and worth of high regard or something
@djsmiley2kindarkness "a very small shell script"
I'll replace you with a 1-liner.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Annoying advertisement by Devid Henary on askubuntu.com
@djsmiley2kindarkness Unfortunately, the colleagues who could most accurately be emulated using a very small shell script are Managers.
@Raedwald It would need some kind of RNG though... :P
@terdon That's... a very pessimistic way of looking at royals ;) Don't the royals over there give you a free holiday each year? :P
Come celebrate Koningsdag here some day ;)
@Tinkeringbell Dunno. Frankly, I find the existence of hereditary titles and, more importantly, the accompanying hereditary political power (no matter how limited) to be offensive.
Ah, yeah... then again... I have some of that too, just on account of being born in The Netherlands and not in Sudan or something ;)
@terdon Is that any different from hereditary wealth?
A hereditary billionaire has more political power these days then most royals.
@Magisch Yes. Wealth can buy you power. These people have power because the political system (what would be a constitution in another country, the UK doesn't have one) gives it to them. There are still titles that let you become a senator for life, just because you were born into a specific family.

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