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@MarkAmery It was an useful question. I posted it there (along with Catija's answer): meta.stackexchange.com/a/335024/242059
@Sklivvz To be perfectly clear: I'm sure all sides want SO to be 'welcoming' to all, but the optics are if you're against the CoC change, you're against wanting SO to be welcoming to all.
(it is what is, regardless of what I or you want it to be)
@GeorgeStocker more that a COC change alone does very little
COC enforcement is the important thing
@GeorgeStocker what you said makes absolutely no sense to me. The old CoC was already sufficient to cover misgendering.
@JourneymanGeek For it 'doing very little' it seems to have an outsized reaction.
@GeorgeStocker well - what's the reaction to?
@Sklivvz apparently not, or it wouldn't have been necessary to change it
Well, SE said so themselves
And what is the result of the reaction?
The wrong bit is thinking the CoC does anything beyond giving us the stick
If you change the COC and it ends up being more hostile...
@Sklivvz and we can't be everywhere
the attitude that "if we force transphobes to shut up, then our community will be more friendly" is preposterous
it's basically telling our trans community something which is very close to a lie
the reality is that there is a lot of transphobia, and we need to address that, but the CoC (the stick) is not the right tool
so as a mod, I refuse to pretend to care about transphobia, because I actually care
my 2c.
@Sklivvz I actually do care - but erf
in some ways this is making things harder not easier
Then how do you address transphobia?
3 hours ago, by Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog
20k+ https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/334997/r-kendall-function-error-in-r
@bruglesco honestly? Its just not nice
We deal with the user with minimal fuss and appropriate amounts of force.
@bruglesco In many ways, many of which require talking to people like they are people and not monsters, whether they are trans or transphobes
I don't need a COC to deal with it. I tell them its inappropriate, and if they don't listen, I show them the door
Meh, sometimes people don't even understand the concept @JourneymanGeek
@Sklivvz that's important. Once you call someone a bigot they become defensive. Not everyone carries malice even when they are acting harmful.
@Sklivvz true - but its a simple matter of respecting another user
An old granma can be transphobic because she doesn't know better. That makes her ignorant, not evil.
@Sklivvz I've always tried to take a very human approach to it
If you feel comfortable kicking off grandmothers because they don't conform to your vision of inclusivity, go ahead. I think I am not comfortable with that
@JourneymanGeek But many people aren't dealing with it. Although I don't suspect the new rules will get enforced by those people either.
so point out it cause hurt people, and that all the folks who share a space matter.
@bruglesco exactly
@bruglesco if the mods don't want to enforce the rules, change the rules or change the mods
@MattGiltaji its not always won't
it can be can't
But how do you protect people in the mean time. While you are educating people?
@bruglesco the problem is not mindlessly enforcing the rules
@bruglesco I've not had a problem in the rooms I've had with someone more than once
@Sklivvz The problem is sometimes not even seeing the problem
Admittedly once is bad enough
but I can't read minds
@bruglesco and that's kinda something that needs fixing
@bruglesco yeah a lot of this flies under the radar unless you are specifically familiar with it
but that's more a matter of "broader" working with the community than just changing the COC
@bruglesco Well, that is true, but it's true with all kinds of issues
@Sklivvz Indeed. This is just the one we are talking about today
Generally on my site - I rely on being acessible to find out about many issues
The problem is nuanced, which is why a blunt CoC will either be unenforceable or just used in extreme cases
The problem was, and still is, the 99% of cases which are not best solved by kicking someone off the network
@JourneymanGeek you say "At no point was removing this discussed as far as I remember." -- discussed where? in public or during the planned private discussion with all the mods in TL?
(inclusive yes? it was an either or question, so I'm not sure if you made a joke or what)
i don't think there's a lot of nuance here. there's a lot of rules lawyering for people who do not wish to change their behavior and seeking hypotheticals for when it would be ok to misgender someone
@user1306322 if it was not discussed at all... it was not discussed at all
I see
@MattGiltaji in the spirit of assuming good intent, I don't think people are "seeking hypotheticals for when it would be ok to misgender someone", and I'm not being sarcastic or making a joke about this, I'm being honest here, I don't expect an average user to be a troll here
In other news...I reached 10k rep earned this calendar year
I suspect in 99% of situations on most sites, it won't matter
And more so say on chat than main
Who the hell upvoted that? Gone now, anyway.
Unionhawk brings up an interesting Wikipedia page en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Call_a_spade_a_spade which links to a much longer article en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Don%27t_call_a_spade_a_spade and I have to wonder if we can borrow and adapt some such article from Wikipedia to solve the current issues we're having, maybe as a replacement for the current CoC, or as a source of inspiration for some edits/clarifications/simplifications
Btw one of the worst bits is that we should not use language that may offend based on religion
So about 10% of the skeptics site is already in violation, like everything on evolution, big bang, tectonics...
I read that as referring to offending based on an individuals' religious identity, not referring to questioning beliefs held by a religion
(that's also not a new change to the CoC; the language about religion is unchanged)
@Aza erf
It's sure not the worst thing I've seen upvoted in the last week, but man, it's up there.
@Aza not me this time
The longer this saga goes on, the less faith I have in humanity to be decent people...
@Sklivvz cough... That bit was already there, since last summer.
no change at all since ~8/18
good intentions sometimes are not good enough :/
and its a circus
@Shog9 ... I'm just as guilty but I'm starting to think people don't critically read the COC for some reason
hey, I'm guilty too
Just noticed something important to me (and others) was missing ;p
Hello 1990s
@JourneymanGeek Unfortunately, not everyone here has good intentions and not everyone is acting in good faith.
I wish people would stop trying to be rule lawyers. It's pretty clear what the intent of the change is; I suppose the Monica situation makes it more murky but it's really just "try your best."
@Aza possibly but those we can deal with.
@hichris123 I think that's part of it actually
TBF, when you kick off your campaign to achieve good-faith results with a really unpopular action, it sorta pours a bucket of icewater on the whole endeavor
@Shog9 exactly
I mean. Acknowledging the elephant in the room and all.
@JourneymanGeek I know of one case where a person posted an absolute screed against trans people, was flagged down by a CM, and... is still around, drumming up transphobia. It's unfortunate, but Meta essentially doesn't have mods, and CMs can't handle it all -- especially when that could easily be perceived as conflict-of-interest.
doesn't have to end that way, but... Ain't gonna lie, we sorta shot ourselves in the foot, and then shot a few other feet just to be safe.l
@Aza ... erf
I know what you mean :/
Stings that they're an ex/moderator, too.
not who I was thinking of
there've been multiple posts that fit my description
@Aza erf. This is difficult for me
Yeah theres more than one
...you thought there was only one person, ha ha ha...*
@Shog9 Fair. It would just be nice if people could separate the two events... and maybe take a step back from the keyboard.
@Shog9 Oh I just rememebered the most recent one
Look: let's be clear - there's a heck of a lot of shit around.
And LOTS of people willing to sling more
@Shog9 there is
and probably a lot more than there was
@Aza One of those events... I'm dealing with it. Should be over shortly.
I donno. I've spent a decade looking at shit every day, I've never felt like we had a lack of it.
@Aza I don't really want to go back to being a MSE moderator until I'm sure I can do my job
@CesarM Sincerely appreciated, and thank you for your work.
and parts of it are still murky
Feel free to flag anyone still "drumming up transphobia" or ping me to take a look
Shortly may realistically be in a few days, sadly. But on it.
Point is: if we want stuff to be better, we gotta make a conscious effort. It isn't going to just magically improve with MOAR SUSPENSIONS or MOAR RULES.
If you don't start each conversation with, "how can I find a way to help folks feel like they can be a part of this"... Then they won't.
I'm happy to give folks an almighty thump for being... uhm (insert SE unfriendly phrase here) but - at the same time, I'd like the ability to ask folks to put down the gun they are pointing at their feet...
@Shog9 well you seem to get it >_>
wise-guy, eh
@Shog9 hardly
@Shog9 You don't have to start every conversation with trying to make people feel like they can be a part. Just don't drive the ones you already have away with frankly stupid, stupid, stupid behavior.
That sounds harder
@Pascal you need to get folks to buy into change to make change
@Shog9 Maybe that could start with finding the low-hanging fruit. Obviously that doesn't change current behavior, but I can still find examples of not very nice "jokes" that have stayed around for years.
See, if folks had just listened to me in '08, there would be no humor anywhere on the network.
or humour
I can't order people to be nice. Or better yet, beat it into them
@JourneymanGeek Agreed. But you don't do that by the heavy-handed approach we've seen unfold here in the last few days.
@Pascal and that's a significant issue I have
@Shog9 The way it always should have been. We're a Q&A information repository, after all. Not a family circus, or a [mutters] blog post. No pronouns, no jokes. I think that's fair. ;)
or bodily fluids, which I'm told the ancients called "humors". Surely a network not drenched in bodily fluids is a goal we can all share!
And honestly - its pretty painful when folks you know are better than that ... well, don't act that way cause people are just so keyed up.
@Aza eh, I use humour as a teaching tool in my answers.
@Shog9 Too many years too late. ;) But for what I'm referring to, see stackoverflow.com/questions/919128/… (now deleted). That... really didn't need to stay around this long.
Sometimes even when not high as a kite.
@JourneymanGeek Oh, dw, I was being a li'l facetious
@Aza ... so humour?
[snrt] yes
My question is: How do you engage with people so that they actually listen? Because shouting at them doesn't help them become receptive to your message. And while there are many people who will resist change to the bitter end, many more would embrace it if given the chance to do it with patience.
i mean... for the avg user this change isn't a change
@bruglesco which people do you want to hear you?
why do they need to know?
@bruglesco You be an example. You act with patience and care and make sure you're a voice worth listening to.
Then if someone still does it... you obliterate them.
approach depends on the target audience
Well not literally - but if asking nicely dosen't work, its then worth using more pointed methods.
@bruglesco swinging the ban hammer.
But personal relationships don't really scale that well, nor does folks respecting you.
@202324 suspending someone is, and should be a last resort
It is necessary at times of course
I mean, we're definitely running low on the 'good faith' side of things. How long can people advocate for this stuff before we just say, 'sorry, I don't believe you're trying to learn'? It's not a straightforward issue, but it always warrants eventual action.
@202324 yeah that has not made this conversation go smoother so far
but one does not glory in punitive action
I'd say that people will only listen if they want to listen. Nothing you can do will force them to listen
It is necessary in some cases, but best used in moderation (no pun intended) and with a clear goal in mind.
@Houseman same I write.
I for one ran out of patience very early
@bruglesco unfortunately one of the privileges I have had in my life is... I'm a little too patient.
I've had people explain gender poorly to me to defend an overtly deleterious view, and refuse / refute / force me to defend correction on the topic. At that point, it's clear someone just has that harmful view, and is inventing an idea of "gender" around it to defend their use of it. This is pretty common on Stack Exchange, right now.
Comes from being an impulsive, hotheaded idiot when i was younger
And that's not a good thing. But the more combative the discourse gets the less anyone wants to listen to us
And then there's questions like this, that somehow (even though they're off-topic) end up floating around and continue to promote stereotyping.
I'm optimistic about people, and trusting. That's burned me a few times in my life, but I don't think I'm going to change.
I suppose that's why we ended up here
@Aza I have a hard time imagining examples because they usually get deleted before I can see them and I don't have the rep to see deleted posts, but what normally happens to similar posts where the topic discussed is something else?
and I don't know if there is a comparable topic but maybe there is
Depends on where you are. I don't normally walk in circles with this much overt or nascent transphobia, for pretty obvious reasons. They're generally either already good, or I have some direct and meaningful ability to reshape them.
But I do have a fair bit of experience, anyway. What kind of context are you interested in?
@user1306322 Also, a lot of them are still around. Some seriously harmful ideas about sex, gender, etc. are up and popular on MSE, right now.
well, I mean, for a crude example, if someone talks about how code works, and they have their idea that some methods do this and that, although documentation clearly states otherwise, or nobody in the real world uses those methods like that, but this person is oh so convinced about their way of doing things, what happens to their posts?
I realize this is an impersonal example not dealing with human nature but I just can't think of one
@Aza Actually feels like there's a lot more than before
@user1306322 On Stack Exchange? They're downvoted by a large body of experts. However, in this case, the experts are in the numerical minority, so... they're upvoted.
@Aza Please flag those
@JourneymanGeek There are. Bad ideas about sex and gender are very insidious. You can remove the worst of them, but the ones that are just on the cusp stick around. So the next iteration is worse, harder to spot, more insidious, fulfills the same role.
and/or ping me in the chat there
@CesarM I will do this in the future.
@Aza erf. and... well... fixing that...
Not sure I'm quite willing to wade back in and find them, right now, but if I see 'em I'll flag 'em.
sounds good
@JourneymanGeek Can't be done within the voting system; always has to be done on a human level. On this issue, the experts will always be a permanent numerical minority of voters.
@Aza yeah
And some serious mindfulness :/
We're trying to keep on top of it but there's been so much content created over the last week or two that finding it all ... it's hard. Everything turns into a blur. :)
I get that, I really do. That's part of it, for me, honestly. I see something that's bad, and I don't even think to flag it -- I've seen it around so often, anyway. Normalization affects everyone. :(
and we can't see everything
I can normally keep on top of going ons on meta and...
I'm overwhelmed
I mean, not just in terms of feels
just quantity
Thank you for your service
one part of this whole problem I've noticed is that offensive comment many allude to is often removed and those of us who are not well educated in this topic don't have any examples to analyze and figure out what's wrong about it if it's not obvious, like as you say, just on the cusp. I don't know how to go about collecting such examples in a good way that will lead to more good than bad, for those of us willing to learn. Maybe not on this site even.
@user1306322 there's a good reason these things need to go, and fast.
@Aza Yeah, Most of the CMs were mods or have done a lot of time with mod tools... but sometimes we'll see someone complaining about how rude a statement is and we'll see it and ... not "get it"... because, compared to the carp we've seen... it's nice. :/
@user1306322 Reddit has plenty of examples.
Those carp, always causing trouble. . .
I know, but it's kinda like youtube removing historical videos about world wars because you can't show violence. I can spot obvious examples, but some nuanced ones, I might not even be able to recognize.
maybe this isn't something that can be done in a way that creates more good than bad, which is understandable
@HDE226868 You've seen a lot of it with me. :D
@user1306322 Only that these things rarely have redeeming value.
and I'd rather have these things gone before they hurt someone
What's the stance on offensive material in profiles?
@Catija Deep empathy for that, honestly. Especially now.
@bruglesco Flag one of the user's posts.
@bruglesco You have some freedom over it sure
Profiles are a place for self-expression, but not without limit.
but if you think something is an issue - always fine to let a mod to look at it
Use the custom flag and point us at the profile and we'll clear it.
and if a mod has no idea, well...
@bruglesco not ten posts, like me, or you'll get suspended ;)
@Catija Yes! :D My goodness. I could write a book. . .
So this is probably excessive?
@Aza I really appreciate you being here. <3
@202324 I feel like I need context for this
@202324 one flag a thing that needs to be handled
hey, that's the one with the avatar!
@Aza They flagged ten posts with the same content and got a suspension on one of the sites.
@djsmiley2k :/dude. You are causing me so much damned grief.
You should fix that silly pronoun thing please. It makes me look bad.
@Catija <3 I know it's hard, but these are growing pains. It'll get worse before it gets better, but I sincerely appreciate y'all holding the line like you are.
@bruglesco he's a good chap. I'll see what I can do to get it fixed.
@Aza I'll echo Catija - Hat-tip to you for being here right now. Through all of this. In a place that's caused you a good deal of pain at times.
Not sure I could have done it, if I was in your shoes.
0_o That killed the conversation.
@HDE226868 I'm just glad it wasn't me this time. I've had that effect a lot lately :[
Oh, I was just tabbed out, sorry! And, thanks, sincerely. I wish there were more I could do, aside from just... being loud and taking up space to prove I'm here.
@Aza that's about all anyone can do
@Aza When just existing can put a target on you, it means a lot.
<3 you all, we'll make it through
Thank you for that. Your visibility means a lot to people like me who sometimes wish they were still hidden.
So, I've been looking for a solid metric for "the level of death in SE". It can't be the answer rate, or the # of high-rep users deleting their accounts. Those are too depressing. I've decided to pin it thusly: if ever the internal Community Manager chatroom has more activity than The Tavern, we're officially dying.
...we came within a few dozen messages last week. But this room has rallied, and I think we're safe now.
@bruglesco Aw, hell. If there's ever anything I can do, even if it's just to hang out and chat on Discord or something, let me know, yeah?
@Shog9 the tavern is usually quieter than this though
@Shog9 And we were moved to Slack
We're fighting it.
...y'all are kinda spoiling my new metric. Why you gotta be that way?
@Shog9 If you're ever worried about the network dying, just roll a d20 and call a random chat member a nitwit, that'll spark discussion ;)
We really should let Shog have some light.
@Shog9 cause we love you.
I hate you all so very, very much. You should know that. You mean that much to me.
aww, you're just saying that because you get paid to
damn straight
u guys get paid?!?
@Houseman I'm sure its from the bottom of his heart. Which is probably in a mason jar somewhere.
@user1306322 the CMs do, sure
but then, they need to deal with us...
@JourneymanGeek Full of moonshine.
Shog's very peculiar ;p
If you ever want to hide something from him, put it in the bottom of a bottle of Tequila.
@Catija My brain went to "shining like the moon in the sky, pure and beautiful," and then I realized you meant drunk.
@Aza when one is drunk enough, presumably....
I mean the kind of booze but that works, too.
You know, everyone loves remote work, and loves to talk up its benefits. But there's one thing folks too often ignore, and I believe it is THE BIGGEST benefit:
I walk two steps and hit a button, and my co-workers can't see OR hear me yelling at them.
I've gone off on folks in every job I've ever had, but this is the only one where I've been able to do so on the sly. HUGE benefit right there.
@Shog9 oh man
I've had people go off on me, subtextually on whatsapp on this job
I'm glad to say my replacement is apparently worse than me and no one has complained.
(also erf. I hate the use of whatsapp here but... ehhh)
that does sound vaguely creepy
I'm sorry
Nobody should be subject to that sort of working conditions
No need to lie, @Shog9 Most of the time you don't need to walk anywhere.
@Shog9 well until I find something better - It pays the bills.
@Catija true, but I do anyway. I really have a lot of trouble standing still
@Catija a lot of IT folks not in an office... pace
It's... Uh, kind of a wonder I ever held down an office job, looking back.
yea it's not healthy sitting all day, doctors recommend taking frequent walks around the office to maintain health
Also since I mostly do vaguely desktopish stuff
@JourneymanGeek Not just IT people... I spend most of calls walking around my house.
i make a point to stand up once an hour... but it's easy to forget when you're buried in a problem
@Catija You know where my current worksite is right?
so... there's a light rail between 2 places I got work in
@KevinB drink a loooot of tea, you'll have to stand up frequently
I'd rather walk than take the train ;p
eh, i do, :p
That's a healthy choice.
2 cups of coffee, tall glass of tea at lunch, then water throughout the rest
Also, now I have stairs, so I may spend a lot of time walking up and down the stairs... if I had a square, I'd be marching up and down the square.
@Catija I was also stressed XD
specific stress.
not what I think you were thinking of
I wasn't thinking of anything specific... I just wasn't sure you were past the stress yet. :P
(system provided by another vendor is crap, we were running under capasity, I had no idea what I was doing, boss was yelling at me for something I couldn't fix)
@Catija multiple sources of stress ;p
Dog's better, though he needs a tooth yanked, work, here...
I mean, least I have the option of walking away from SE a while.
you can walk away from work also, say something urgent came up and you have to leave this instant, and it won't be a lie broadly speaking
There are jobs where if you don't show up to work one day you're fired.
no, I mean, say you gotta pee reeeeeeeeeeal bad
On that note, I'm planning to move somewhere cheaper and go from full-time to part-time. I hope to have less stress.
just spend the 10-15 minutes coming to your senses in privacy
@user1306322 I mean yanno. Just take a break
yea, and depending on the severity of the situation turn it into a long "poop" break (actually just composing yourself and heaving a good long breather alone)
There's a term at my company called "sabbatiquit" and it cracks me up every time I hear it.
Eh. Sometimes stuff needs to be done now or 5 minutes ago
And you're overwhelmed
That seems like it's in the same category as "voluntold".
Also some stress is cumilative
when workers can be overstressed and become unable to do anything anymore, losing some 5 minutes might be a necessary loss, if you're a smart boss you know that, if not, prepare for some lost revenue I guess :p
@Catija Oh it absolutely is! I also hear 'voluntold' occasionally, but that's just because we kind of end up... each responsible for a lot, here.
There's a bunch of stuff piled up that needs dealing with and more than I like is on me
So you kinda get boxed in with, "well I own this now."
@Aza This is basically my company.
They pick up random small things that are not 'ours' to keep the customer happy and messily gets dumped on us.
And Singapore is very management by threatening posturing
Which is toxic as heck but....
Owwww. I get that to some extent, though usually 'customer' means from one group to another group within the same org, for us. But threatening management sounds, very difficult.
Well and lots of wierd little things
It is.
@Aza Uhm so... I work for one company... Which outsourced me to another company which has a contract for a project for the government
The company that pays my paycheck just takes their cut and that's it
@Aza :( Sounds like you're understaffed...
@JourneymanGeek Oh, jeez. Certain companies in my industry do that (we're also a largely govt-contracted org), so I get that, though my company operates a little differently.
@Catija A little bit, but yes and no, I think. We're pretty close to exactly staffed, on the engineering side. So when someone leaves, it's always felt, and creates a hole. Training someone new takes time. The flipside is, there's never a dull moment. I appreciate it for what it is, but it does get stressful sometimes.
And the technology we use is.... uhm
The skills don't transfer well
It also means my job responsibilities are currently a weird mix of: develop very speculative ML model(s); and (upcoming) be responsible for two parts of a rather unrelated hardware development process.
@Aza Is the turnover bad?
@Catija It follows a bathtub curve, I think. We see pretty high turnover in the first year (sort of the "do you fit the work style?" period), but if you make it past that you're basically here as long as you want.
...I probably should have used a graphic that doesn't call my departed coworkers "failures," but hey, you get the point.
The "infant mortality" was actually what caught my eye. :(
My 11-month-old fell a bit earlier and hit his mouth his gums were bleeding. Scared the crud out of me.
@Aza Often it's not the workers who fail 😁
@Catija Oh, jeez, that's not good. Doing okay, though?
He was toddling around and climbing over stuff before he fell asleep, so I think he's fine.
Glad to hear it. Must've been real fear-inducing, for sure.
But yeah, there's definitely a cultural component of "don't get too attached to your new coworker friend," which is not ideal for (even good-fit) newcomers, I think. It pushes people to be extremely independent in their learning, which is... at least honest, if nothing else.

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