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Except, you know, Monica's treatment doesn't exactly fill me with confidence on that score.
@Kaz Such as? I feel like people are coming up with lots of hypotheticals, but I've seen nothing to indicate that there will be any issue once the novelty of a change in the CoC dies down.
@Kaz So much this.
@Kaz indeed.
@Kaz the same moderators y'all elected are still responsible for enforcing this, y'know
@ArtOfCode cept when someone tweets to SE and they just banhammer half the planet?
most of SE will never be the place
@AndrasDeak I suggested adding (singular) they too obviously, for all non-binary as a whole
@ArtOfCode I elected Monica.
@djsmiley2k ........
@user58 What?
'SE isn't friendly'
The internet isn't friendly.
@ArthurHavlicek some non-binary people (and others) object to being referred to as "they".
that in itself pokes a hole in that argument
@djsmiley2k Mods can see your IP
@djsmiley2k glad you understand
@djsmiley2k yeah, uh, does it need to be said why assuming SE staff would have the time to go around banning people sounds ridiculous?
@AndrasDeak and there's the problkem, there has to be a 'line'
@AndrasDeak "people". You need the word "people" in there.
I see singular "they" and mentally see the squiggly underline of the Word grammar checker and it kinda throws me off, but it isn't otherwise objectionable.
@user58 I'd be willing to bet some people object to being refered to as people
@djsmiley2k Usenet friendly? Small groups perhaps. Those with more participants had their trolls, their kooks, their flamewars. Godwin law is from that time after all.
@AndrasDeak No, it doesn't. You just can't please everyone. Some people would have to accept you can't make a case for their particular single identity, no offense to trans people meant. It just isn't meaningful.
@DavidA, that's just the program not being caught up with the times.
@AProgrammer Nod, the rule of anon + the internet =.... wasn't wrong, but it just feels 'worse' these days.
this conversation is like groundhog day
@user58 thanks, wasn't intentional
I think it IS rose tinted glasses on my side maybe, thinking about it, I had a lot of tough lessons to learn, on the net, growing up.
especially around coding, and dealing with crazy drunk germans who wanted me to play q3 at 3am.
@StephanS, right? I feel sorry for the regulars in here who have to tend to the same argument over and over. My heart be with you all on this tough time.
Thanks for hosting we malcontents so hospitably.
@ArthurHavlicek and we might see that the people chosen not to be pleased are the ones who don't understand the issue with your stance
Right? I don't know what I was scared about. Everyone in here has been respectful to me so far.
The CoC changes don't make me feel unwelcome, but Monica's experience does. As an outsider, it came across as arbitrary and capricious.
That's what really concerns me
What about QueenFroopy?
And I think it'll never be explained, never 'backed up with facts' and likely never forgotten either.
We're walking a real tightrope here
@user58 what was that for
@user58, I'm a bit of a newbie and maybe I'm missing the broader context, but why Stephan's message get moved to the trash can about me?
Part of me thinks that to continue even using the site is to endorse that treatment and dismiss the pain she's gone through.
because it was like me being god emperor smiley, it was a joke about a prenoun
It was...?
I honestly didn't see that.
In context, it appears to be mocking somebody expressing how to refer them, and that is not acceptable.
@user58 no it's a joke from earlier
and this is my problem with .... life now.
'someone might be offended'
today is not the day to joke about that stuff I'm afraid
It wasn't acceptable earlier either.
everyone's nerves are raw we're all on a tightrope
@djsmiley2k You can drop the "might".
I mean, I get, at times, people may not of been able to speak up about things
16 mins ago, by Rubiksmoose
Just as an FYI, any variation on the "joke" that goes like "I'm going to change my pronoun to [insert trolly ridiculous word/phrase]" is not cool and not funny. Firstly, you aren't the first or even the 1,000,000,00th person to make that comment. It's so old. More importantly, trans/NB have had to live with that attitude of the general public IRL every day of their lives. It's not a joke and it's not nice.
omg too many ,
Froopy and I were talking about change their name to Froopy
@user58 it had nothing to do with pronouns
That's what I'm a bit confused about.
just continue and a tad more careful
Do they feel they can't say that though?
and I said I would buy them a title
it wasn't even a pronoun
If you don't get how it was interpreted as being mocking, please take a moment to re-evaluate your jokes.
I didn't think it had anything to do with pronouns at all. I suggested Queen because I liked how it looked in front of Froopy.
I'm all for edgy humor in the proper venue, but this is not a comedy club, and the joke hasn't been funny in years.
I wasn't joking. I literally wanted to change my name?
@user58 I did it was about changing their name because they thought the name Froopy was a cool name but they had their grandparents name
I ask that ... we stay well clear of borderline, at least for today, for now. Please. It might have been in good humor and intended as harmless and friendly, but like I said, nerves are raw. Please just continue on and don't turn this into a federal case...
I've been dj smiley since i was about... 10
jesus, 25 years :O :D
I hate to be blunt, but any joke about asking to be referred to by something ridiculous is not going to fly tonight.
@Froopy it's fine, nobody is being kicked
in the words of journeyman geek - DISENGAGE, DISENGAGE!
!!/coffee @Froopy
which is wehat i should of done earlier.
Yes. That'd be a good idea.
@user58 it wasn't a joke about referring to anyone by anything thing it was about legally changing their name because they thought Froopy was a cool name
Honestly, I feel a bit uncomfortable now.
Lamas anyone?
I'll just go. Sorry to offend anyone.
@Froopy me too...
@Froopy It's ok
It's good coffee.
/me fist bumps @Froopy
@Emilie absolutely!
I'm just glad every post I make doesn't have a "report to this person's HR department" button. Yet.
@djsmiley2k Entirely off-topic, but what's the name of your smiley face? I used to use the guy in chatrooms all the time, but I don't know the name of it to search for it.
@Froopy it was just a bit of a misunderstanding, and everyone's on edge
@NexTerren it's the awesome smiley
@Magisch Thanks!
I used one for my ava for 3 years, with a headset
I think it's time for another llama
@NexTerren I have no idea?
I had the old generic one
then one day randomly while googling I found this one.... and it really kinda looks like me
And I've been chatbanned somehow
Wasn't froopyland in Rick and Morty?
Yet I'm still here..... could a mod explain?
@djsmiley2k different chat servers
you're suspended on chat.SE, not on chat.meta.SE
please don't make that a reason to get one on both
@djsmiley2k MSE is a own chat server. You haven't here.
lol no no, I'm wondering why concidering I've not even chatted on there for 20 min or so?
(and you had it coming on chat.SE)
you got flagged a few minutes ago, messages from 25 minutes earlier
I've been here chatting with you all (I had to be really careful to not type you guys there? :/)
@djsmiley2k and you're still not helping your case
@djsmiley2k one of your posts got flagged & deleted 16 minutes ago
@Magisch 11 minutes, by my logs :P
3 messages moved to Trashcan
my math is bad
Or you're moving closer to the speed of light
oh god i've spent too much time on physics, my brain immediately went 'relative to what?'
the cosmic background
Can you be measured against that?
my god this game must hate me. I need 5 more pirate lords and I cannot do anything to get them to spawn it seems :(
@user58's bus.
Close enough to the cosmic background's speed.
@M.A.R. They all say something about the bike. EVERY. ONE.
@Froopy yeah me too
sigh. sorryt. again :/
@user58 Are you gonna follow that up with "But it's the rider's fault"?
I think maybe I have a huge crash coming, which isn't gonna be fun
No, I just want the bus drivers to stop thinking they're being original.
Any of you all deal with mental health and if so, do you have to deal with knowing you've got a bad episode coming, and how do you do so? :/
again probably not the right time and place
@djsmiley2k I don't think any of us is equipped to answer that question rightly
@AndrasDeak with all due respect, it's nothing to do with the current issues the community is facing.
@M.A.R. heh, I don't think anyone is :S
Probably not, but judging by vote scores, I don't think this whole mess will blow over anytime soon.
@djsmiley2k I'm aware of that, and I didn't mean to imply otherwise
Oh that looks like a good smiley. Why has no one ever used it
if it can get some constructive convo on soemthing other than the on going issues, maybe it's a good thing.
On the same note, if someone tells me here's not the place, I can go find somewhere else.... which would normally be su chat ¬_¬
everyone is angry and agitated here, not exactly the psychologist/psychiatrist replacement you might be looking for
@djsmiley2k Maybe we can also move to something lighter :)
GAAA my eyes
@Emilie k erm
what should I do about getting my guinea pigs in over winter, as having them in my room isn't ideal, yet I can't leave them outside either :S
Best mental help comes from true friends who don't push you away when you become inconvenient. People who do push you away are acquaintances, not friends.
@djsmiley2k Due to the smell? Sound? Or are you allergic?
@AndrasDeak it's more the mess D:
Ah. I probably wouldn't bear the squeaking
we have 2 cages because they got two big for just the one. it takes up a huge area in the room and makes such a mess :/
I mean, I didn't exactly want to get them but the wife overruled.
If you solve the guinea pig mess situation, please ping me. Even our trash can outside collects the material from their cage during cleaning.
I've never even entertained the thought of having Guinea pigs outside but where I am, they would freeze to death in no time
@Emilie at night it's below 0 maybe..... 60 days a year?
Do you give them names?
in the day, maybe... 30
@JoseAntonioDuraOlmos they were named by the kids, Boris, Barnaby and Wall-E
Ours are named Boba Pet and Chewbacca
@Emilie issue is Halloween and Fireworks night here on the 5th Nov, need them in that night at least.
I am seeing certain trend there...
So then normally we'll bring them in til maybe end of Jan
If I had some way of stacking the cages on top of each other, that'd work
I'm wondering now about buying some lumber and if I could make some kind of 'frame' to hold the 2nd cage
can't you join the cages
so they can still hang out together?
oh yeah, have done that in the past
tho then it's two cages spread out along the side, ends up about 8ft long
@djsmiley2k Have you considered putting a tarp under the cage and just swapping it for a clean one every <insert mess threshold here>?
@Emilie lol wish that'd work, but it just ends up everywhere
like when you clean the cages out, hay/straw just gets everywhere too, it sticks to clothes and stuff
@djsmiley2k Hazmat suit? :)
biggest problem is funding :/
Should I be surprised to find a man in a Hazmatt suit
I wish I understood why that apology has so many upvotes.
I used to have a rat and my main issue was that the hay would give me horrible hay fever.
@AndrasDeak you were allergic to the hay but not the rat, eh?
I guess I need someone to come round my house, get the wife to stop spending so much, to help me learn how to do woodwork so I can do this stuff I think of, that can't implement. and then help me with mental health too :D
rats are great pets
@canon yeah, I have pretty bad pollen allergy. No fur, yet
@Magisch they are awesome. Too bad that when I had my rat I had only the one. I didn't know better :( They badly need friends.
@AndrasDeak my aunt has 3(?) rats and two chinchillas. The chinchillas are a menace on society. The rats are tame and very friendly
I prefer the rats
I've rescued a squirrel before, went to someone's house to have her show me the ropes and all
Came back home, found its little brother
A capybara or two would be nice... But they need a fair amount of space, and companionship. And a pool. :)
@PM2Ring lol!
wow I genuinely don't know what I did wrong there?
anyway.... moving on
I get hayfever, but thankfully not from actual hay.
or fur, as we have 4 catys
or turtles, as i have one of those two :D
@djsmiley2k Here isn't the place to discuss suspensions on other parts of the network. Especially now. Thank you.
@Emilie awwwww
I don't know about squirrels. But I've been said that rescuing birds should be avoided.
We have lots of cute marsupials in Australia, but they're generally protected, so you aren't permitted to keep them as pets. But I know (or used to know) people who do animal rescue work, so they get to adopt various critters for a little while.
@user58 ah ok, whops
finally pirate lrod spawns
and then a trader ship got stuck inside mine, that was weird :/
@JoseAntonioDuraOlmos To be honest, the baby was abandoned and climbed on my SO (who handed it to me)... I tried putting it back in a tree in an artificial nest. Checked back on it for 24 hours and it was still there and very weak. I couldn't leave it to die.
Especially didn't help that I went outside while talking on the phone and it heard me, climbed down the tree to come climb up my leg so I would take care of it.
Squirrels can be vicious little buggers. I got bitten by a squirrel last year (my fault, I didn't think it through), but it went really deep
Sort of like hey by the way I chose you, can you be my mom! :S
I'll never forget reading the story of the guy on a motorcycle getting attacked by a squirell
who then accidently threw it into the police car when they tried to pull him over.
Not sure if true, but was great read.
@ArtOfCode Oh I bet. I never got bitten hard, it was always play biting but they grew up and I released them. Keeping them is really a bad idea
Before I moved back to Sydney, I lived in a region that had a decent kangaroo population. We'd occasionally get a few of them visiting our yard, which was nice. They would just graze on the lawn (we had about an acre of land) and didn't attack the garden. We did have problems with possums though, nesting in the roof space during winter. And eating the pineapples in our garden in summer. :)
@Emilie I've been told that quite often a young bird on the floor is just learning how to fly. And failing a lot until they do, of course. Also being told that some fauna depend on some of them dying and I'd be harming them. Nature is cruel.
@Emilie got me just on the not-thumb side of my left hand, in the fleshy bit - probably about an inch thick, and it went all the way through
@JoseAntonioDuraOlmos Well I think you'd be hearing a different story if the animal dying was on the verge of extinction :)
@Emilie Indeed indeed.
@ArtOfCode I got bitten there on the other hand by a lizard once. That was fun.
a chinchilla charged me and tried to bite me
menaces upon societa, I tell you
I've seen what my turtle can do to a grape
@user58 sounds like ouch
i'm very careful around hjim
@Magisch Charged by a chinchilla? That must be so soft lol
@Emilie they screech. A lot.
@ArtOfCode I was like six at the time, so the lizard was about three times the size of my hand. I picked it up. That was a mistake.
Fortunately in my case, I'd just left work, so I could just walk back and we've got like half an ambulance in the cabin
Were I live a lizard would never allow to be picked up. I've tried. Was it a domestic lizard?
No. It was Florida.
omg another pirate lord woooo
I should go to bed but no way i'm missing out
It also happened to be trapped underneath my bed.
do not pick a fight with a chicken
you lose
ooooooo that remind me, my wife was once 'attacked' by a bleeding heart pigeon
or a goose
I think it maybe wanted to .... be friends with her
@Magisch "What are you, chicken?" "Yes." "AAAHHHH!!"
the goose will steal your keys
Or an emu. They'll peck at your eyes.
@ArtOfCode I never got the goose thing. Can't you just grab their neck? Chickens have spurs at least.
I don't think most people appreciate how a chicken is a descendant of raptors
@PM2Ring the few emu I had to do with were incredibly friendly
@AndrasDeak good luck grabbing its neck when it's going for your face :D
like giant huggable pillow friendly
@AndrasDeak i think their necks are like really strong...
@ArtOfCode I only have close-up experience with swans...but those are HUGE
let me phrase it this way. A goose can whip you by using its neck as a whip
much like a swan
or giraffe?
@Magisch Sure. If they're domesticated. But still, don't get into a confrontation with them. ;)
a swan doesn't need to whip you, because it will break your bones instead
@ArtOfCode I got hit by a swan with a wing once
@Magisch Are chickens descendant of raptors or have them a most recent common ancestor which is a dinosaur?
despite looking very fluffy, a swan wing is actually heavy and hurts a lot to get hit by
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@ArtOfCode perpetuating anti-Canadian stereotypes... /sigh
that's one chill duck
wait wut?
@AndrasDeak aaaaaawww
That is a bird with no ducks left to give
only bliss
I could use one of those
what, a bird
now would be the right time to debug all our codes
@AndrasDeak but it's 5 o clock...
@AndrasDeak I have an excuse, I spent several hours last night debugging an error that Rails refused to give me a stack trace for
rubber duck debugging except with a real duck
new trend
ohgod I can't.
/me goes to bed before it gets too much
@user58 Hey hey Canadian here :P
Though I totally agree with that sign lol
@user58 they stole all the Canadians' aggression!
So thats what happened
and now we know the real reason they're so polite
always helpful
@Magisch how is your head doing?
bout to go to bed
@AndrasDeak what are you referring to?
I'd like to go back to the ducks, please
whoops, Freudian typo
@djsmiley2k, My avatar sees yours
not creepy at all :P
Maaan the CoC FAQ is a joke. We're now banned by Q4 from correcting misgendering unless the person being misgendered has stated their pronouns on Stack Exchange? If something thinks Anne van Kesteren is a woman, it's now a specific CoC violation to fix it? I... can't even make sense of the motivation behind that.
@MarkAmery answer there?
@202324 It just... doesn't seem worth the energy
@MarkAmery I'm not seeing where it says that?
@202324 There are already 60 answers. The staff aren't going to listen to anything I write anyway. Why bother?
@ArtOfCode "Do not state pronouns for third parties who have not done so in Stack Exchange"
@MarkAmery IDK, you seem to bother enough to write here
@MarkAmery missed that. I'd like to assume common sense (i.e. recognized people can be excluded from that, it's more aimed at users), but who knows
@202324 Here I'm just blowing off steam
I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
!!/coffee @MarkAmery
I am feeling much lighter after throwing back my diamond to SE
I couldn't stand it anymore
Q: I'm resigning as a moderator

SklivvzAs a moderator, I have to help this community thrive and also to represent it towards Stack Exchange. I am convinced that many of SE's recent choices: ads, CoC changes, license changes, are actively hurting this community, which I represent. Furthermore, many of our requests, if not almost all o...

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@MarkAmery Hardly. The intention of that edit was to clarify that you should use caution in pointing out someone's gender if it's not stated on SE as there is a risk of outing someone who wishes for their gender to be unknown.
I've bitterly disagreed with you on occasion, @Sklivvz (and even more occasionally out loud), but you were always thoughtful, intellectually honest, and principled. Your resignation, like that of so many other mods, is a loss to the site. I wish you well with whatever cause you choose to serve next.
@MarkAmery thanks, appreciated
I hope ducks keep being on topic
@AndrasDeak Quack
Sorry, the goose came back.
My SO rubber duck has been a really good rubber duck for debugging with
It sits nicely on top of my monitor and I can talk to it
@user58 that reminds me, the other day I was walking in the city and I think I heard a peacock of all things. Didn't get a visual on it though, so it could've been something else
@AndrasDeak Peacocks are mean.
I've only seen one in the zoo
@AndrasDeak Peacocks are cool. I saw an albino peacock a couple months ago.
They wander around one of the parks here. They steal food from kids.
And a weak or two ago I saw a video of a peacock flying away from a rooftop. It was epic.
@user58 I once had one peck at me at the same zoo
I tell you, peacocks look nice, but they're nasty.
@AndrasDeak indeed.
@user58 come to think of it I wouldn't try to go too near wildlife anyway.
and I guess it's mutual, animals usually don't trust me
You can't blame wildlife for not trusting humans, to be fair
Dogs seem to like me for some reason. *shrugs*
@ArtOfCode including pet dogs and cats? :D
Humans have historically just been dicks to wildlife. Still are, quite often :P
So the new CoC change announcement is already the 8th most downvoted question of all time. #achievementunlocked
I'm not exactly a Disney princess so I understand if wildlife doesn't bring me silk bows and whatnot
@ArtOfCode Humans have historically just been dicks peacocks to wildlife. FTFY?
@Rubiksmoose Poor peacocks :P
May 7 '18 at 1:10, by Yvette Colomb
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog I don't know how likely, I do know people often misread animal communications. The peacock was telling them to get lost. He opened his wings in a sign of aggression to say "move on" and the parents weren't sensible enough to tell the kids to move away and give him space. I'm so strict with my horses and people get upset with me sometimes, I try to warn people, what can seem cute may be a warning and if a horse turns and kicks you, they can inflict serious damage - or even kill a person
@ArtOfCode lol
it took me many years to learn that the species is "peafowl" and there are also peahens
I'm sure they think you're fowl too
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog it's true. I still agree with that and am selective who I allow near my horses and don't let people into some of the paddocks
to the memory hole!
you have a good memory @sonic
horses are like heavy machinery that can move on its own
I wonder how Wikipedia manages with pretty much all of its community moderation being done in public
@Sklivvz I actually understand you - but I stepped down before all this. It's driving me crazy watching it also. I'm really questioning whether I want to be on the site - but not because I don't like the network - I value the team and the changes - it's all this uproar
I like the community, but the company (with all due respect) is completely gone bonkers. I disagree a lot with many of the announcements, starting with the CoC changes which are risible
@Sklivvz what's somewhat interesting is that it got protected by the Community user.
TIL "risible"
@DavidA automatic process after n deleted low-rep answers (with or without rude flags maybe) meta.stackexchange.com/questions/52764/…
*quiet whistling*
Should prevent any brigading or off-site agitation.

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