why would a review be invalidated? it's currently +1/-3, the UV timestamp is after the invalidation timestamp, and I've been unable to find an answer on MSE -- the flag is new, marked helpful, so it wasn't a discarded (skipped) review (screenshot to follow)
@ymb1 Probably, yes. Mod timelines do show a bit more. I have this answer meta.stackexchange.com/a/329080/369802 from a while ago that clearly lists some stuff that can invalidate reviews, perhaps they can check if one of those things happened.
I'll rebuild when SE stops working. Feels like chances are either I'll drop bored of browsing SE daily, or I'll install Debian in the host; before you break my pet CHromium 47.
Or just voice their user role, but "diamonds are forever" 'influencing' people. (Well, and I suspect as well that it mods might often feel that that is actually too often not the case. Being restricted from acting normally and seen as normal users on SE)
@JourneymanGeek how so ?
in Ask Different Chat on The Stack Exchange Network Chat that's quite a description
We have community mods (who have diamonds and shouldn't be taken as canonical), CMs and Devs (who have diamonds mostly and speak from a position of slightly deeper knowledge and might be canonical) but also non diamond staffers who might be the subject matter experts in some things (and could be taken as canonical)