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@SonictheWizardWerehog its increadibly easy to armchair quarterback and say you could do it better
Maybe when you're running a massively popular Q&A site, or at least manage to get folks to trust you to moderate one....
especially since you're aware of the amount of change and stuff people have gone through. Its been complicated
@JourneymanGeek If I were an SE employee, and saw a bug report about Imgur image resizer not working right, I would have tested and reproduced the bug on my end, then immediately contacted Imgur to have it fixed. (Now I understand that there may be a company process for this, but in that case, I would have pushed it through as hard as possible, so that the contact would be sent out within a week.)
@SonictheWizardWerehog you arn't
and no, that's not how it works anywhere
I'm sure folks in the company are going "dang, it took so long"
and working on making processes better
In the meantime, I would have put a to externally indicate to others that "we're aware of this, we need to have it go through a process before we can contact them". Rather, (regardless of internal discussion) there was no outward indication that SE was or wasn't aware of it.
but do you even consider the impact your words have on the folks that actually do these things?
My belief is, "avoid process for the sake of process".
Ya, and that leads to anarchy
or well, drama
processes are there for a reason
if they failed, it means we have a learning opportunity
But its worth remembering
actual people do these things
So... well
Monica Cellio raised a rather salient point: regardless of any internal discussion that may be happening regarding certain topics, SE never bothers to leave any outward indication, which makes users think that "nothing" is happening.
"I would have" dosen't help
@SonictheWizardWerehog and there's folks working to change that
Have you wondered why folks respect and listen to her?
I'm not complaining about her (she merely acted as a messenger by posting that answer), but of SE's overall process.
Complaining isn't good enough though
Its also trying to effectively influence the folks capable of making change happen
Your choice of words seem hostile and dismissive of whoever actually ended up getting it done
cause I'm sure someone had to work out this was lost in the ticketing queue somewhere, grab the ticket, work out the appropriate contact (who they clearly contacted over 9 months ago) get the information they needed and get it done
and saying stuff like "appaling" is kinda hurtful, even unkind
@JourneymanGeek I applaud and salute the person who did that, but things shouldn't be "lost in the ticketing queue".
It happens in reality
the real world is messy and there's sometimes dog poop on the street, and people lose their keys and tickets
There should be persistent alerts to notify the team of things that get "stuck in the mud".
ALso worth considering that for much of the intervining period, the CM team was short staffed, the dev team had a second major project that the future of the company might have been hanging on...
@SonictheWizardWerehog so...
have you actually had any experience working in an environment with a ticketing system?
You wouldn't understand if you didn't
so, where I work, we actually still hold on to tickets post escalation to other teams and vendors
while we have a system that tells us which tickets are over 3 days, unless the ticket is assigned to a specific person (and even then!) someone needs to look over and handle it. And that takes time that could be taken for other things
I mean its really easy to talk about the ideal, but real knights have dented armour
The only thing worse than a ticketing system is no ticketing system
I see Catija's recent edit which indicates that the fact that it took longer was "unintentional". That explains a lot of things; I'll be deleting my tweet on it.
But still, there should be things to stop said "unintentional" circumstances from happening.
Once again though
the world isn't ideal
and you're basically talking based off limited information
or not even considering information you already had.
We can't stop plane crashes from happening, but at least we can reduce their incidence and make it the safest method of transportation.
this isn't a plane crash though
its a random bug on a external interface that's worked great through a significant part of the organisation's history
You'd still need to find an appropriate contact (through changes in both orgs) help get them information (which may need assistance from a SRE or Dev), which needs to be passed on by support (who may or may not have dev or SRE experience) to the appropriate party on that side
and knowledge management of that sort is hard
I wouldn't be surprised if in the 6-8 weeks folks are going to ask internally why it took that long, and documenting the process in an internal channel team or stack exchange instance
so things go better the next time, and when we have some bright eyed bushy tailed new CM go "GUUUUYSS IMGUR IS BROKEN!" someone will link them the post ;)
(hint hint ;p)
Yeah, if it were SE's feature I'd agree, but this is a special case because all that was done was notify Imgur of the presence of an issue (similar to a consumer filing a GH issue), and they were the ones who actually debugged it and fixed it, within 24 hours.
@SonictheWizardWerehog if it was SE's issue it would be internal
You're quite literally clueless over how complicated it can be to track issues and communicate across organisations
It's fraught even when we send over dozens of cases a month, let alone a one off
It up incredibly easy to say something can be simply done. It's harder to actually do
But in this specific case, it was easy to send Imgur a letter saying, "there's an issue with your image resizer, it doesn't seem to be working anymore".
was it though?
Yes; read Catija's answer.
that act is just one small part of the picture
I get easy tasks all the time that could be solved by spending 5 minutes doing something, but it's never truely that trivial. there's a reason the person requesting it didn't just do it themselves.
@SonictheWizardWerehog which is likely a simplified account of the full events
@JourneymanGeek It very clearly states that they "identified and fixed" the bug.
communicating with a 3rd party isn't always as simple as just anyone sending an email
for all we know this ended up in a queue or inbox of someone who is no longer staff
we simply don't know
and aren't really entitled to that information
2 hours later…
Heh, my company is working together with 3rd-party. You'd know how fun it is... planned scheduled 1 month for implementing a feature? It's 3 months already and not yet launched due to technical issue on their side...
And we have like, requesting for follow-up every 2 days, but, nope!
Because we depend on them, not they depend on us...
Anyway, rant morning...
1 hour later…
@GetAnswerWizard so request every 2 hours...
I prefer to request every 6-8 hours...
@GetAnswerWizard If SE had been contacting Imgur and they weren't fixing it, it's an entirely different case.
10 messages moved to Chimney
Hmm, they merged de digitale stad into data-distribution-service ... memories is all that is left ...
poor Dimethyldichlorosilane...
8 messages moved to Chimney
@GetAnswerWizard @ShadowWizard my favourite was one ticket that was 2 years old....
@JourneymanGeek heh. And was closed as "too old"?
Oddly no
Apparently the case was assigned to the client (don't ask) and they sent in an email saying the issue had been resolved ....
So... All is good? ;)
Other than my co-worker going "WHHAAATTTT?"
1 hour later…
\o/ I have earned the bronze Tag badge! .... wait ... what did I do?
My next tracked tag badge is ...
Your profile links to your website which includes multiple email addresses on a page handily named "Contact Us", along with your full name and location. If this was supposed to be secret, you didn't do a good job of concealing it! — jonrsharpe 2 mins ago
@rene congrats, you have done your next tracked badge...
@M.A.R.TheChemicalWizard same ...
> it should be covered by a more generic "you are going to kill yourself" reason. Luckily, such users usually only post one question before they disappear from the site.
@M.A.R.TheChemicalWizard ouch..
@Olivia Well, they technically haven't "disclosed" it. Just put it in a box and disclosed the box. Makes ALL the difference.
Neither have I, but I have it public on both my website and GH profile linked from SO. If it's public somewhere, you have disclosed it if you link to it from SO
Hah, your website is example.com, isn't it!?
Instance.com then
exempli-gratia.com would be taken as an Italian restaurant probably
Not a test one, I do have one
Hosted on GH though
@Olivia That post was automatically flagged, using flags from: SmokeDetector, K.Dᴀᴠɪs, Shree, JamesENL.
Huh, weird
2 hours later…
Tool decides to block UI thread while doing long running task. Don't mind it keeps me from interacting with the tool. Do mind it stays on top of all other windows ...
Hmm...I remember a friend of mine who had a computer science teacher, who had a 10k+ account on Stack Overflow. That teacher used to rat out people who immediately deleted their question after getting an answer on the order of once every 1-2 weeks.
I'm so happy I can insult ELU.se users again. Makes my day.
Those Dutch.SE users...
Is there a reason MySql still decides to order a resultset if I'm only doing a count? Removing the order by from the statement is noticeable, without a stopwatch ...
not disagreeing ... but I paid for a 5 minute argument ...
Is it really true that the Dutch word for "fun" is "lol"?
it is true enough
Let's not make it gezellig
There are times when the lol just lulls in this room...
2 hours later…
wrong link...
the link worked, so it is not wrong ...
I suppose learning .NET Core is a good idea?
Learn C++ instead
.Net Core ++
.NET Core ++ Without .NET:tm:
Java man. It's the new cobol
alright, Visual COBOL .NET Core -- (Java Enterprise Edition) then...
@GetAnswerWizard pay $3000 per month for the Java licensing
@JourneymanGeek real programmers use butterflies:
TIL (or I'm being ignorant until now) the pronunciation of 'caveats' is not 'cave eats'...
I don't think it was ignorance ;)
interesting link and video!
(I can't speak English anymore...)
I should review that video. I can't remember half of the poem
2 hours later…
I agree, but I investigated and left a comment. If they weren't a user for two years I would have not been so charitable.
Well they definitely have a PhD so they can't be a spammer.
I will rename to PhD too when I get mine. In 20 years.
That was my first clue that it is suspect. Anytime their name is DrExpert or SuperMaster (made up examples) it's likely a bunch of junk.
Even the problem sounds made up.
Q: Should the [catholic-church] tag be burninated?

David BowlingIt looks like a user recently created the catholic-church tag just so that they could do a tag-edit on one of their own old questions. Someone has already removed the tag from the question, but do we even need this tag? The obvious answer is that we don't need this tag that is not music-related,...

Oh, the irony.
And you're telling me it was just a coincidence
@GetAnswerWizard Let's agree to disagree
@M.A.R.TheChemicalWizard I disagree to disagree though
I made a typo but I kept blaming SQL Server
8 messages moved to Chimney

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