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@SonictheWizardWerehog I thought either it might work with Dev or someone else would recognize the name and take a look. As to your question, yes.
@Rob Nope, they have to be pingable. (Though inviting them works too)
...as does replying to a really old message of theirs
I didn't really want to comment-spam the other report linked from there. The 9-5 workday is over in North America so it's a problem for someone to look at tomorrow. The additional reports there are only one in more than 20 hours, so no need to chime the klaxon. Thanks for mentioning that.
@Rob Not in Hawaii (jk)
Hope you enjoyed that sound.
1 hour later…
@Mithrandir The Mayo Clinic has an article on the most accurate way to measure temperature - 'nuf said.
I guess my $7 IKEA thermometer was a waste...
Hey, it's also a timer, so maybe not completely?
3 hours later…
When someone is ignored, is there any way to hide the little user icon?
The icon that they're in chat?
Yeah, which indicates when they reply, etc.
prolly only via userscript
Not sure if one exists already for chat
I want to forget someone exists so I can keep myself calm and it's hard when a little icon is tempting me to unignore them to see their replies.
Lemme see if I can just delete the icon in inspect element.
@Magisch I temporarily ignored you and removed your icon from the DOM. Can you say something so I can see if it re-appears?
Then I'll un-ignore.
@forest Something to see if it reappears
It didn't re-appear, yay!
Ok this is better.
It's questionable you would need to ignore someone like that, but eh
user choice
Well the alternative is that my poor self control leads me to unignore them each time I see the icon show activity, and then get myself banned from the network for reacting in anger. There are few things that really make me hate someone, but the few things that do tend to agitate me enough that it's better if I just ignore them.
(See? I can be a responsible user!)
lmao what a spam post
extremely confidence inspiring that they couldn't spell "illuminati temple" right in the title
"illiminate" oh god
I'm dumbfounded that people can actually fall for that.
...that's three choices of words
@forest This is actually a common tactic in scam attempts. Did you notice that every scam attempt has a tell?
Yeah I've noticed that they often have terrible grammar and the like.
But at least the scammers I've known are genuinely lazy mofos who can't spell.
Either poor grammar, something doesn't add up, no plausible path to it not being a scam, etc. This isn't because scammers are inept. They're pre-filtering their marks so only people gullible enough to actually go through get roped in by the initial fishing
So I think the craziness of the scam itself is for filtering their marks, but the typos (lazy people who are bad at English) and grammatical mistakes (problems when using spintax content generators) are not.
I almost managed to scam money from a scammer last year, but screwed it up by asking for too much. Made them think I was in a worse off position than them after keeping the email thread going (after they knew that I knew it was a scam).
Followed James Veitch's advice?
I know who that is but I don't know much about him.
Just saw the TED talk ages ago.
So inclined to tweet a screenshot of the recent "distraction" rant (with names redacted)...
Decided not to do it, people will search for it and find it anyway.
@SonictheWizardWerehog Why?
To show how someone going on a rant gets downvoted?
On Meta?
Oh that's a silly rant.
Why would anyone get distracted by feminism?
For all the problems it has, causing distractions isn't one of them.
Also that seems like a troll lol
It's a claim asserted with no evidence, so it can be dismissed with no evidence. No need to try and analyze it to find a point there, there ain't one.
If you believe it is a troll then do the correct thing by not feeding it
It's something I don't like, something I feel about, but at the same time I don't want to counter-productively drive traffic to it
As a retired troll I can say that trolls are very hungry.
They need feeding or they die.
That's why successful trolls have a big audience. :P
@Magisch And that's exactly what I did. Didn't let my internal bias against them creep up.
Appears that a CM went the same route, but with no success either.
Yay! Popcorn!
Well it was closed so.
Not like it matters. SE is best trolled via Twitter, not Meta. lol
@forest I know their MO: they catch on to an extremely minor side point in the others' reply, then rebut it hoping they'll rebut that instead, which derails the conversation. Fortunately, I'm immune to that, because I phrase my messages in such a way that it's not possible to catch on to that.
The kind of folks I used to hang out with (ED trolls) are a lot more effective.
They tend to succeed in a war of attrition using pure offense.
Hell, I can't even give the acronym of some of the troll groups for fear of getting banned lol. That's how effective many of them are (or were).
But I think that's true for troll groups and communities, not individuals.
Is this a good anti-troll reply?
Nah that just feeds them with attention.
The most effective tactic against trolls is hellbanning.
But I don't think SE's software supports that.
I don't think we need to springboard this into a whole conversation about the mechanics of trolling
It's interesting though!
There's a lot more to trolling than most people think.
@Sonic "don't feed the troll" means "don't respond", not "respond in a way you think is clever enough to beat them"... because that's exactly how they work.
Especially since nowadays half of all "trolls" are of the "post something controversial and be really annoying" type, which is incredibly unsophisticated.
You know what? I'm done. Let's see how they fare against the Twitter overlords.
just kidding, testing for reactions
So recon? :P
Actually, after the recent reply to my comment, I'm beginning to change my mind.
I really don't know if I should go through with the tweet.
Well, do you want to give ammo to trolls?
They live and breath sites like Twitter.
Can we change the topic now
This is becoming irritating
I heard you can get stroopwaffels with strawberry jam as stroop
@Magisch You wouldn't mind if we continued the discussion in a different room?
I can't stop you and don't care
@Magisch So "stroop" refers to the filling? I didn't know that
I assume it does
I saw one that had nutella as filling and was dipped in molten chocolate on top
extremely tasty but also high in calories, I guess
I know chocolate can
Speaking of which, I've been out of stroopwafels for a while, I need to go order some more...
You guys are making me hungry. :(
and the parrot swoops stroops in
morning @Tinkeringbell
Stroopwaffels is like tinker beetlejuice. Say it three times, tinkeringbell appears
@Magisch hahaha actually... if you call it 'waffels' once more Imma get angry :P
@Magisch Yep ;)
Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice. Stroopwafels.
Ugh. Now I want stroopwafels :D
... using Google DNS at office broke my internet O_O
@Tinkeringbell get those filled with nutella and dipped in molten chocolate
You're making stuff worse, not better :P
Here, have some bobka instead...
@Tinkeringbell if you let your imagination run wild, you can smell them :p
fresh double chocolate stroopwafels
Ugh. Ah well, I can go shopping this afternoon and get some :D
i heard chocolate
thanks tinkeringbell, hands are near falling off, and it does make a difference for others
Urgh, I've got to be at work until 10pm
Won't that be fun
@SonictheWizardWerehog added brief edit, need a break and i'll come back to it though it may be too late
@ArtOfCode fun in the climbing park?
@JNat stackexchange.com/users/11334605/… an insurance spammer who actually posted, for your gentle attention with doom and fire.
@JourneymanGeek Can moderators clear a user's network profile username and bio, or is an SE employee needed for that?
3 hours ago, by Sonic the Wizard Werehog
@JNat Cross-site spammer: https://stackexchange.com/users/11334605/persatuan-insurans-am-malaysia
@SonictheWizardWerehog No
That's something we'd probably want/love better tooling for eventually
So that's why that part of my flag hasn't been handled despite the whole thing getting marked helpful.
Presumably the mod handling it put in a CM request to clear it
You're missing area51 perhaps?
Yeah, just figured. :P
@Blue Scrolling is the easiest way :P
I expected it should be possible to write up a query from Data Explorer...but that's not gonna update till Sunday. :P
Cheerio everyone today's topic is second class users or user who are disqualified from running for office? Can anyone run for Moderator and had a moderator ever been hired on by Stack exchange?
I'm thinking about college and would like to know what classes to start with? Other than English classes?
...are those two questions in any way related?
Muze is musing
@JourneymanGeek amuzing!
@Muze there are no classes now chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/7639818#7639818 we're all suspended
@Muze meta.stackexchange.com/q/135360/505013 all other questions about becoming a moderator are being closed as duplicates of that one
@Muze "had a moderator ever been hired on by Stack exchange?" is answered by meta.stackexchange.com/a/259883 if I understand the question.
Could someone make that answer a CW... (Catija is missing)
FR: answers by deleted users should become CW automatically.
it's a sea ... of blue!
next level combinatoric punnery: there's a timber post with a cat on it :D
@Magisch oh yeah, i getz it! ... darn replying moved my userpic
away from zzz
@Magisch .....
defenestrates the cactuse pot an all 🌵
@Magisch I just can't wait for the Team Tim Post Post Post.
Wait until Tim found his keys, and you'd get flooded with upvotes...
1 hour later…
the tim post cat post post
1 hour later…
@Feeds pitch drop experiment be like
> Arts and Crafts and Interpersonal Skills meta.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/64017
I know it looks weird but how else could I put this. Feel free to improve the suggestion.
@AskQuestionWizard Use a &?
That's not the official name of the site.
Ah. Hmmm.
I think she meant the second "and"... :P
but yeah that would be confusing
That'd look even weirder and inconsistent with the rest.
Or just link both, so one of the ands isn't blue?
Or use italics for site names.
That a good one too
+2.78 for italics
thankfully, no one is from Beer, Wine & Spirits
> Beer, Wine & Spirits & Unix & Linux
Fortunately, nobody was elected on both.
What's the name of Joel's new dog?
And I think Joel's phone number is visible on the full size image
or is that some pet recovery service
@AskQuestionWizard Where'd you get that?
2 hours later…
I'd guess his blog
But where on it...
@AskQuestionWizard Looks like a pet recovery service. 1-888 is one of several codes that represents a toll-free number here in the States.
@AskQuestionWizard Yes it is.
(view the Markdown source of the above two messages)
I think I found a bug. But trying to reproduce the full extent of it will require a chat bot, as it's extremely tedious to do so manually.
This bug specifically. It would be really nice if someone wrote me a chat bot to post links to all designed sites in chat (into a different room), so I can see which sites are affected by it.
@SonictheWizardWerehog You don't have to test them all... it's pretty much just going to be the artwork that changed as part of the site redesign. Android is an outlier because their chat design didn't change.
@JourneymanGeek I made an even worse one in german today
The german word for struggle "Straucheln" is very similar to bush or random plant "Strauch" so I commented that the small bush they have in the office looks like its struggling
One guy from order processing threw a leaf at me :p
@Tinkeringbell From Joel's post about the next CEO. The version republished on SO.blog did not include pictures.
BTW, found a decently sized image of Taco as a puppy (the blog had a thumbnail of this one)
There's a bunch of images of Taco on his Twitter.
#tbt to the @MilkBone days of my youth. @trello
But I could not find anything about Taco's successor except that one photo. Joel's instagram is now private...
Something tells me CS50 does not have much voting going on.
Megan got her PM diamond.
Something new: Codepass "automatically finds solutions to your coding errors while building a historical knowledge base of trusted solutions".
knowing nothing of the megan of whom you speak, i'm still inclined to say ~yay~!
I guess Megan is the new Joe, but this is unconfirmed.
such unconfirmed, much sigh
@AskQuestionWizard She is the new DAG PM, yes. :) And she's awesome.
So it's still DAGteam and not MEGteam...
I thought this could be an opportunity to rename the team.
A: Meet Team DAG! (Developer Affinity & Growth)

Yvette ColombNot an answer, but a plea. Please Please change the name. This is an Australian word that is used frequently. a lock of wool matted with dung hanging from the hindquarters of a sheep. more commonly: In Australia, it is often used as an affectionate insult for someone who is, or is pe...

Not my call.
@AskQuestionWizard uh.. wow. that is a bit vivid

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