@PrincessLuna You'd be surprised 256×192 with a 32×24 two-color color cell overlay is often enough to make surprisingly detailed and high quality anime.
I was one of the ones who did not come in the top 25 in the who cut the cheese contest, and was very surprised to find an email from JNat about the cheese board. 😲
Fast forward to just three days before Christmas and my swag box arrived. 😀 A very nice Christmas present indeed.
Planning a final update for the calendar thing, but will have to wait since I predict I will be very busy for a few days (basically up to the first January)
nothing special, mind you. Just some little trivia on what I had planned but couldn't do.
(for example, one day was supposed to be a reference to FNAF, complete with a "Shog Jumpscare")
Hey y'all, just had an idea I wanted to ask about: There's a bot on ips.se that grabs all incoming comments and posts them to a chat room, and if they match certain user-defined patterns, they get posted to the main room for review/flagging. Do you think something similar would be useful here on MSE?
On IPS the problem was more chatty comments. On MSE it's more toxic comments. The bot definitely helped on IPS because every other comment was flaggable. On MSE, that's not the case. On the other hand, having improved oversight like The Closet would in all likelihood help catch more toxic stuff... if anyone is watching the comment stream.
@JourneymanGeek Well, I think @Mithrandir would be more qualified than me to do that (he uses the bot, I mostly just maintain the code), but I can try: I think that it would be helpful on just about any site, since there's no native way to keep track of comments on old posts, and it's also just a good way to get eyes on things that are easily missed and potentially problematic. My (uninformed) perception is that MSE get's some problematic comments, and that this'd be a good way to keep an eye on that.
Also, I'm mostly just here offering a tool, I don't really know how useful it would be. I think it was helpful on IPS, but IPS has a different sort of comment problem. I think that maybe trying it out for a bit and seeing how it goes might be a good idea.
@Rob It's scary :P But seriously, I think that this it's mostly something for the chat regulars, and the site faces everyone. I can write one though, if that's what y'all want.
I think people might be a bit more mad if it will be used on MSE, the way it's used on IPS. We've had a few 'I deleted my comment but it's still in a chatroom' struggles on IPS, and well... People might not like it if we use the bot to specifically filter out toxic stuff, especially when people self-delete it.
@JourneymanGeek Hey!
Just posting a few messages here in between loads of laundry :P
@thesecretmaster - You can, if you wish to. My cautionary note is the it will be silence of the lambs --- There are 3 (?) appointed 'Mods' (chosen by owners and CMs) 100's of 100Ks, 1000's of 100,000Ks, 1000's (?) of ♦️'s - even measly me is 1/3 of a CV. --- Plus this is the Enterprise:
No, why would you say that? - I am pointing out that the "Mods" are trusted by the owners, personally hand chosen and not elected as they are everywhere else. It is entirely a different system from other sites.
1. Do not expose a question to bright lights. 2. Do not let a question get wet. 3. Do not feed a question after midnight. At least, that's how I remember it. — Bill the Lizard19 hours ago
@Tinkeringbell yeah I know but what when the text says "You see here [[img]] that it is in red and not in green". I think the context would make clear what the image is showing.
I have also seen some edits by users with editing privs who remove them sometimes completely. that is why I am asking
More specifically I am asking this because of this suggested edit from me.
@Tinkeringbell Yes that would make me go crazy too... I am just not sure whether some redundant text needs to be added when the meaning is already clear from the context. @Mithrandir you seem to be an expert for this/interested in this. Could you give some statement to this issue
Without a description of the image the vision disabled person feels left out, it's like you are talking behind their back - like people using ASL to criticize you to your face.
A simple description reads out what you claim the image is, the rest of us don't get it unless we do a rollover.
I'd prefer to have it filled with at least something than emptying it completely. My previous office blocked imgur completely, and reading a post claiming to have an image but nothing seen was confusing (I finally requested to whitelist SE's imgur though)
And I need to drop off all the coins I saved this year at the bank first... To find out how much fireworks I can buy ;)
@EKons A lot cheaper.
Over there, you can basically buy them at the discount supermarket. Over here, sellers have to have expensive storage bunkers with all sorts of regulations, making it almost twice as expensive
Rules rules rules. And I can't find anywhere if that's the total weight (so including whatever is used to e.g. weigh down a 'pot') or if they're just counting the weight of the actual explosives