I asked this question which I later learned is apparently preposterous and got heavily downvoted.
I decide to log in to this and apparently I have not joined the stack overflow site and I clicked confirm and create this account. I thought hmm this is odd because I thought I joined stack overflo...
Happy holidays everyone! Bricks Stack Exchange is once again participating in the Winter Bash celebration with the rest of the Stack Exchange network!
While this is a "just for fun" activity, there are also a few different prizes available this year.
The user with the most hats will win 10263...
Few questions I have and they can be too much for a comment so asking in answer:
Any restriction for any country due to shipment issues etc.
New contributors will be considered?
only hat activity counts or other things will change the probability in tie cases?
@andmyself If I am active on that site then I will else I will no nothing about that site to ever be on meta. Like on Arquade I know nothing much to go to meta
I found sometimes people twisted what I said a fair bit, and it seemed super odd to stick my nose in meta on a community that I wasn't involved in directly
Last event was hour ago, Jon unfreezing the room. That's why it's saying "1h ago". However, the last real message was long long ago, from the deleted user.
Swastika is religious symbol in India and many countries don't find it offensive but due to Nazi connection do a traveler will get in trouble if he carry anything with swastika in USA? Like a T-shirt, Tattoo or religious book with that logo? Do I need to hide it or avoid even carrying?
I have disabled winterbash for anonymous users on Stack Overflow for now to decrease the number of connections, that seems to have relieved things. Will keep you posted. — balpha ♦10 secs ago
@AnkitSharma The U.S., unlike many European nations, guarantees freedom of expression, so you won't get in trouble merely for putting a swastika in public.
It is not like balpha would finally add the asteroid hat I suggested about one thousand times, triggered by playing the asteroid game in the Arqade chat room
...Also known as "The Quest for the Winter Chicken of the Bash, Part 3" (part 2 here.
So, winter has come again. As every year, the staff members try their best to hide some funny Easter eggs, hoping no one would notice them too soon.
And as every year, they attempts are fooled by a single medd...