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aka... taking it out of HNQ was good, the way it was done is not.
It's okay, but it's not like it's the only problematic site.
(as was told here and on MSE 1000 times... :))
I don't think this is really about IPS. At least I haven't been mulling over this incident for the larger part of today because IPS was attacked. It's because of what this signals about the company's behaviour towards the communities.
which is nothing new, but I like stating the obvious
@ShadowWizard and the same is true for workplace
@AndrasDeak you mean obeying whims of powerful outsiders?
"powerful", heh
@ShadowWizard I wouldn't consider a lot of them powerful
1k followers? Yup.
Lots of public exposure.
it's part that, and part ignoring the questions/requests/pleas/whatevers of powerless insiders
But they are not invested in the health and success of the community
@ShadowWizard well I'll have you know I've reached 286k programmers, so there's that
With 1k followers, a tweet like "Look! They [describe something wrong here]!" can easily become viral and draw tons of IRL fire upon SE.
And that's why they panic.
I suspect it's not about follower count, I think it's about the particular individual being an emotionally sympathetic character to employees.
@ShadowWizard which shouldn't stop anyone from conducting themselves appropriately
@AndrasDeak they ignore our requests ever since SE was created, I got used to that. :)
Monica's relevant MSE answer explains that one can respond to such allegations properly without having to take a dump on any community
@JourneymanGeek who? Those who tweet? They only want to hurt SE.
And usually they succeed in that.
@AndrasDeak hehe, the "people reached" is just a fun feature with 0 actual meaning.
@SomethingBadHappened I bet that with few followers, even being "emotionally sympathetic character to employees" won't draw any actual action, maybe just "Yeah, you're right".
when I was last at Google I told M&A they should buy Stack Overflow but for whatever reason they didn't follow my unsolicited suggestion
Stack Overflow can't grow further, only shrink. Hence, it's useless for the big companies who buy only products that can grow.
@ShadowWizard assuming its about SE is a mistake
I mean... all programmers already use it.
It doesn't need to get bigger; it's already potentially extremely valuable, in the right context.
@ShadowWizard apparently not
Microsoft integrating it into their network of developer resources would be nice for their brand, and they'd be able to leverage the user and traffic.
Google isn't quite as well-positioned but could find a similar angle.
@SomethingBadHappened nah, it will just become their internal support forum.
Atlassian is a stretch, since they're more intranet/internal, but they're not implausible either.
@SomethingBadHappened and probably strip away most of the reasons core SE users are here
SO business model is tricky... to really make money the only way is charge the users, one way or another.
It's very hard to directly monetize without killing it
see: the current business model
When "y" becomes "s" it's a sign I'm tired. 2:10 here.. night!
@ShadowWizard my opinion is they put too much stock in a few bad bets
But these larger brands can get indirect value in greater alignment with the community.
(or maybe not, since people smarter than I have apparently not decided to make this happen)
@JourneymanGeek you think Teams is also a bad bet?
@ShadowWizard hmm
Not really
SE does one thing better than anyone else
I just started a new job, and a teammate told me that apparently they were in the Channels beta but didn't find it nearly useful enough to justify paying for when it went Gold. :(
And with that.... going to shower and sleep. :)
The problem with careers was you are basically competing with every single other job site
And there's no real consistent revenue stream
No one else has something like channels. But ya, you can have a solution waiting for a problem
*cough* SO Docs *cough*
I am going to go play Celeste and smoke a joint. God bless Canada. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
@AndrasDeak actually wasn't a bad idea but ya
The business major in me wants to pull out a bcg diagram
apart from the demand and the implementation it was perfect
The big problem with core Q and A is it's a mature product
There is no real features that are needed, and it's hard to justify new investment in something that mostly just works
@AndrasDeak what else is there? :P
Actually I think that's a unspoken issue. It just works. Everyone assumes it will. It's unsexy.

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