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I'm in the same boat with 30,625 comments (I like to think usually friendly and often helpful) and I sure as hell won't be wasting my time authoring any more until there is a transparent and sane policy around this. — Pekka 웃 2 days ago
I think they misunderstand flags and comments...
Comments are a horse to water thing. The equine may not deem to be hydrated
Likewise mods may choose to act or not act on a flag depending on circumstances
I've chosen to not really mind the CoC and will comment as I've been. If I got a warning, then I'd either take care more (if I care about the site), or... just leave the site ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I don't know if the will-be new "unwelcoming" comment flag option will work as expected...
Well we're going to have to figure that out as mods
And tbh it's going to be 'interesting'
All that needs to be done is a change in tone and clearer communication of site policy. We can hold all questions to the same standards as we've been holding, yet still have a welcoming site if we just keep our tone better and if we properly communicate what we expect for questions.
5 hours later…
I did it, I finally managed to get realtime SO feed for my discord bot.
43 messages moved to Chimney
@JourneymanGeek I have a feeling sanity will prevail in the end
The mods didn't change in this initiative so there's no reason to believe they'll all simultaneously go off the deep end
1 hour later…
I rather take @Bart's legal advice ...
Why isn't there a /docs/types page that would list all types? As you would expect it to exist given /docs/types/user does work.
@Magisch less worried about mods than users
And in a sense needing to decide what is unwelcoming and working out where the lines are
FR: add inbox notification in (almost) real-time when your comment got flagged as R/A or unwelcoming. (bonus: play undismissable sound on the mobile app)
Was asked some time ago at MSO. Didn't fly well.
they forgot the "alarm sound on the mobile app" part...
If there is a batch job that runs to update the networkwide favorites list, something is broken in that job and by the looks of it I suspect it is the delete step.
It did update the count so it fails in a remarkable way.
I'm starting to feel afraid of how often SO/SE broke something since the Welcoming/CoC era.
It's like... "the planet is breaking apart, let's be nice to each other" instead of fixing the planet itself.
(was I quoting something's storyline?)
To give them some leeway, they did announce at least 6 to 8 weeks ago that StackExchange.com would get a make-under (as in removing those functions that are either broken or seldom used) so I'm not surprised SE.com is not considered in their regression tests.
@JourneymanGeek It's gonna be the same as now
different people have different "lines" for too chatty, rude, etc.
So if you're a prolific flagger you'll find out soon where the mod's lines are and adjust to that
@Magisch true and we need to work out those lines - and communicate internally what they are
I'm actually not too worried it'll go wrong
Stack moderators by and large aren't unreasonable people or given to idiotic decisions
@Magisch a lot of users are not - and from experience there's folks who are happy to use stuff like this for drama purposes
Random topic change: THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I saw my Li-Po battery (well, that Mi-Fi I talked yesterday) bloated due to overcharging. While. I. was. gone. Thankfully the bloating put the battery off from the device and stopped getting charged >_<!
@SomewhatMemorableName lithium–polonium? You should be more careful with such highly radioactive material. ;-)
@SomewhatMemorableName next time don't leave the 🔋 alone, find a batterysitter to keep an eye on it. ;)
@Loong I would love an RTG powered phone: brick-free for life:)
@Loong lithium polymer :p
...also a good handwarmer in winter.
Tho I think there's phosphate chemistry batteries too
@MartinJames But don't repeat the SNAP-9A accident. ;-)
@Loong how many bananas worth of radiation was that? ;p
@JourneymanGeek about 2.1E+10
Calm down please, there is no need to be so hostile to someone asking for help. As you correctly point out, I am taking your advice here. If there is really no way to recover this then the next steps I intend to take are to accept my own answer (the only relevant one) and then delete my account and start over. In my experience a new identity usually prevents further targeting and personal attacks. 3 rep points aren't worth worrying about. — ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 1 hour ago
That's bananas
@MartinJames on a 3310? ;p
@SomewhatMemorableName erf.
funny thing is quite a lot of folks have very recognisable writing styles and quirks
It looks... weird? The site title looks so heavy with narrower header.
@SomewhatMemorableName its a stock theme no? ;p
The somewhat long name probably dosen't help
I just saw a youtube video of someone who rescued a 15 LBs alligator and remodeled a guest bedroom in their house to house it
Thats some dedication
15 pounds is... not that large
That's kinda close to ash's ideal weight, though he's almost 11kg at the moment
@JourneymanGeek Yeah it's a rescue alligator
it was kept in a small wooden box with no water for 15+ years and they rescued it
So now it's stunted.
But still an alligator
Surprisingly chill in the video though. Really handleable
.... that's wrong :(
@JourneymanGeek I know, they have a video about how they never wanted a alligator but when touring found this stunted sickly looking one that was kept in a box and talked the owner into giving it to them
And then they made a big enclosure for it out of a guest bedroom
2 hours later…
welp, end of today's network-meta stalking...
Or yesterday's. It's morning?
But I heard from somewhere that the day ends when the party sleeps :(
No sleep for me :p
@SomewhatMemorableName It's entirely possible that he wanted to run for a while, since he has a 40/40 candidate score
1 hour later…
there's a rep filter
2 hours later…
*grumble* new login captcha is killing me trying to set up a Smokey instance
yes this is to keep out bots but then you keep out the nice bots
...it might be nice to have a dedicated bot login on [stackapps.se]
If wishes were horses, mosquitoes would not become elephants.
(or something along those lines...)
;-) :-) ;-)

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