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@Undo We have plans in place to field the comment classification task to groups from the community (for example, moderators) and are hammering out a data sharing policy, given the constraints we want to be sensitive to. We don't have a set date for the first cohorts (we'll be doing this in batches so we can measure response rates and put the correct number of comments into batches for each cohort to get to statistical significance, etc) but absolutely are working on concrete plans for it.
Thanks for your patience on my response here! I am at a conference right now and now responding as quickly to messages.
@MarkAmery That's what most people don't realise
also, in person, people from india use sir a lot if they assume you're in authority
In one case one of my students used about 20 Sirs asking me for directions to the next building. I nearly told her "Sorry miss, I work for a living!"
(also I had this odd thing where our younger primary and secondary school kids were like "HI MR GEEK" and our 20something year old diploma students... were afraid of me.)
(I wasn't a teacher. Worked IT in a private educational institution)
@JuliaSilge Awesome, thanks! Just wanted to check in that it's still moving along.
Curious to see how you'll do data sharing, given the thorny issues around privacy vs. CC-BY-SA
It almost looks like a binary decision - share only broadly, or share individual cases with direct attribution.
1 hour later…
If Indian English meets Singlish...
@SomewhatMemorableName I've heard that.
Its... exactly as incomprehensible as it sounds
Aug 1st horses birthday
Nice compilation!
... it reminds me of Image Captcha :)
@NogShine This is not a proper use of the close reason "can no longer be reproduced". That reason is only for ephemeral or user-specific issues that were resolved in a manner unlikely to help others. The bug was fixed; the tag was enough.
@πάνταῥεῖ yes, unless you go for the new upswing of alcohol free "beer" which has 0.0% but that same percentage can be applied to taste as well.
15 messages moved to Chimney
@rene as a teetotaller...
how is that even beer?
Morning folks!
vegetarian beef... non-alcoholic beer...
ice tea with no ice...
omelette without egg...
good morning
1 message moved to Chimney
@SomewhatMemorableName Most 'mock meat' products I like, I don't want to know what they are mock of ;p
I have a soft spot for those seaweed rolls for example.
and there's a really really nice vegan burger place here that does some cool stuff.
@SomewhatMemorableName government here has gone full war on sugar.
I can't buy a drink without artificial sweeteners or watered down at work. The only things that don't taste terrible are the bottled honey lemon or lemon barley ._.
eh, really?
since when?
@SomewhatMemorableName well I work in a government installation...
roughly last year.
but they've been full bore healthy lifestyle social engineering for years.
lemon barley... is not lemongrass... right?
lemon and barley extract. The old school stuff's boiled barley with sugar and lemon
@JourneymanGeek The irony of course is that artificial sweeteners are associated with weight gain
@Magisch ....
Never let facts get in the way of a good hysteria.
So all the people cutting sugar from everything aren't doing themselves a lot of good
Too much soda is bad for you.
oh, ok. I had lemongrass drink before and... it tasted weird to me ._.
@Magisch eh, if its bad for you, do less.
well yeah
soda can be consumed in healthy amounts
It's just not 3 bottles a day
I cut back on junkfood (granted Its less 'health' is I.. lost the taste for it)
But Its reassuring I can probably pop over to the store, and get myself some $unhealthy_thing if I wanted to.
Even if now I'm wondering if there's any cucumber in the fridge. Cause I could actually use a snack ;)
I like the freedom to say "You know what, I WILL buy a whole cake and eat it. I'm an adult"
But then I never actually buy the cake
because eating a whole cake gives me a miserable sugar crash
more or less
but you know you could!
I have baby bell peppers, baby corn and cucumber
bit of salt and pepper to dip
@JourneymanGeek I've gone right off cucumbers.
@JourneymanGeek baby bell? This one?
@Magisch what's not healthy in soda? It's just water with co2.... no? Unless you mean drinks like cola, with added sugar?
(those indeed are bad for health)
@ShadowWizard soda as I know it is water + sugar + flavor + co2
Just water + co2 is carbonated water for me
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog it's very very rare though. SE staff usually don't bother.
(maybe one per month)
@Magisch nope... here in Israel we have actual drink called "soda" which is just carbonated water. Let me see...
The writing says "soda water", in free translation.
But usually just "soda" is used.
And those have 0 calories, just like ordinary water, and no chemicals.
The german description of "Wasser mit Kohlensäure" translates roughly to "Water with Carbonic Acid"
Sounds the same, yeah.
Drinks like cola are not called soda here.
which is actually a mild misnomer because the sparkling part of it is not due to the small amount of carbonic acid that intermittently forms when you introduce CO2 into water.
> After many years of experience of many sites, my stone hard opinion is that a large part of the most active voters are motivated by an irrational urge to cause so many harm for others, as it is only possible.
Am I out of line for considering this borderline flaggable?
@Magisch depends where it is
@Mithrandir on the updated coc post
"not constructive"
it's an answer
So then NaA. Doubt it's R/A.
@Magisch ahhm that one
The latter half sounds very sensible.
Take into account who it is too
oh, that user.
I've given up reading that CoC post - it's just too depressing.
@MartinJames which? Where? (Blog/MSE/Other)
@ShadowWizard The feedback thing: meta.stackexchange.com/q/312850/212506
I ignore blog & totter - it's a trollfest.
@Magisch flag as what? As "This user is frustrated with SE"?
@Mithrandir how not an answer? If this is from the CoC feedback, that's a feedback.
@MartinJames totter? New social media? ;)
@ShadowWizard Imo it's directly insulting to all voters
If you flip that line of reasoning onto another group it becomes really offensive too
@ShadowWizard I agree. Just because a post makes an irrational claim, that's no a good reason to delete it. If all the opposing views and 'claims' are removed, future visitors will conclude that there are no crazies on SE. I prefer it if the unsupported and irrational POV stayed right were they can be seen, considered, and rejected.
but I don't feel strongly enough about it to flag
Why is 'becasue' so difficult to type? :)
@MartinJames here's the thing though
I mean 'stone hard opinion is that a large part of the most active voters are motivated by an irrational urge to cause so many harm for others' - troll. Most users would be able to discern that.
if you keep ignoring it, nothing changes
@Magisch the sad part is a lot of the back half... is actually potentially helpful
> Build probability models for that, try to model the behaviors and the feelings of the users with them! Use massively soft models, use AI, use probability networks and Markov-models, and then predict the behavior of the induvidual users and their net effect to the site, depending on the events what happen to them.
Sounds like a potential timesink but a cool CS experiment/people dig AI :)
@JourneymanGeek part of why I didn't flag
@Magisch any opinion can be insulting to those who have different opinion.
And that's the source for most SE problems these days, I think.
People just get insulted way too easily. Not talking about you, @Magisch, but in general, and as a side viewer as I don't take active part yet.
all the drama on MSO/MSE/Blog/Twitter... is due to hurt feelings, i.e. people feeling insulted.
@MartinJames huh? Why? You don't like Mocha? :(
@ShadowWizard I feel insulted every time some OP tries to dump their homework, but I don't feel any kind of drive to moan about it on blug and tatter.
@ShadowWizard It might be poisoned... with all the irrational harms I've been told about, best to test first:)
oh lol
Toxic Coffee
makes one become toxic
Hmm.. I prefer rational hams. I need to go make a sandwich to go with my tested Mocha:)
See? Smokey is friendly! No poison. :D
@MartinJames I don't take any of it personally
I just... see the problem and just take care of it with the tools at my disposal
@JourneymanGeek Just as well, else we would all be raving crazies by now:)
@MartinJames well, I've actually seen a lot of the same things people talk about on SO happen on SF
and folks were like "we need to deal with the river of sh**"
but a lot of it is just , keeping calm and closing crap
though they did have a big fuss over site scopes, and that usually ends in bruised egos
@JourneymanGeek Hmm.. 'River of Shit' sounds more like a fantasy novel title, maybe set in the sewers of Mega-City one.
@MartinJames its a phrase people used a lot talking about low quality questions
and that mindset... didn't help
I'll check on Amazon, just in case it actually exists:)
subtitle "Love in a stream of sewage"
Its a romance novel written in a post apocalyptic environmental dystopia
@JourneymanGeek I thought that was 'Interpersonal' :)
and then someone copyrights the S word and sues everyone, as apparently is the fashion anyway
Oh, this was on serverfault
@MartinJames hey
1 hour later…
I wonder, do all people walking this bridge talk to the Hand?
Surprised nobody climbed it yet, tried to take selfie and fell.... o_O (aka this looks really dangerous by inviting people to do stupid things)
could be worse.
Yep, there is an Attack of Titans "adventure park"
and that is not even one of the most disturbing replicas.
But at least it's labeled as "adventure park"... that bridge is, well, just a bridge, but with two huge decorative hands "holding" it. :)
FYI -> Stack Overflow rap battle
Just found this image on bandcamp (it was an user avatar)
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog ^ did Amy catch you again?
@Derpy too cute for @Ano
@ShadowWizard that is indeed a "cute-ned" Sonic that made the error to fall asleep too close to Amy.
Maybe this is alternate timeline sonic who is in a relationship with amy and happy as a result
@Magisch Don't go around leaking Sonic Forces 2 plot :P!
@ShadowWizard think that name was used in one of the Equestria Girl movies. Or in the comics. "Trotter" as a replacement for "Twitter"
I looked up a way to search in my favourites, found it, and then spent a few minutes wondering why infavourites:mine wasn't working. Took me an annoyingly long time to work it out.
@TRiGisTimothyRichardGreen you are Canadian?
@rene Irish, actually.
I guess we're one build away from CoC?
404 CoC Not Found
I think we would all love it when that page returns 418 I'm a teapot
I'm looking at full.js, specially section 07_TagMenu.js. The comment says If an argument is given,... but in that actual code I don't see how that init function accepts arguments at all, let alone how it will use them. Am I missing something or is the comment a lie?
How's it going rene?
I think @TimPost just made me honorary SO mod.
@SterlingArcher not bad at all. You?
Struggling with charts, but very much enjoying some new music
@bjb568 Huh? :P
@bjb568 your diamond will follow shortly ...
@bjb568 spoiler: they want your DevDoodle
: D
You get a diamond, you get a diamond ... YOU ALL GET A DIAMOND!!!
If anybody enjoys metal, apparently these guys made an extremely accurate Maori warrior music video (and the song is great too) youtube.com/watch?v=5kwIkF6LFDc
Not a metal fan, but let me listen to it ....
I mean, it's literally sung in Maori language xD I find that awesome
petal banging
@bjb568 Looks like we traded places
flag for socking a puppet...
@Andy lmao rekt
I guess THAT'S an indicator the new CoC going to live shortly...
yes, in 6 to 8 million emails ...
well, it certainly escalated :)
Q: Why am I getting the Moderator Engagement survey?

Alexis OlsonI'm not a moderator on StackOverflow (at least not that I'm aware of), but I received an invite to participate in this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZWWXB5H The questions look to be aimed at moderators specifically, and not the SO community at large. Are others getting this email as w...

What is that Anime.SE user doing on SO...
i hate the term toxic now
@SterlingArcher yeh, it's toxic
It's just a new buzzword people use to describe poor behavior
@SterlingArcher I'm so sick of the rules. anyway have to go
The emperor's new clothes?
I sometimes wish I can upvote comments on deleted posts.
@TimPost This question, its related bugs, and their duplicates have been getting a lot of attention. Answer please?
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog Will find out, first I saw of it
1 hour later…
@SterlingArcher I've just about consumed my LD50 of welcoming etc. by now.
Your what?
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
I am sitting at my workplace on what should be me off day, waiting for a meeting to start.
My not me, but I am amused that autocorrected that way.
@SterlingArcher dose that kills 50% of a sample
As opposed to half kill ya

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