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isn't that really cute
Now that's what I call a bundle of joy
@canon yeah, maybe that is the problem, the wooden clogs
Someone should make fluffy snakes
I was once allowed to hold a boa at a zoo, it was amazing
giant yet completly calm snake
Larger animals tend to be unfazed by anything. They know that the tiny thing would unwise to try to cause them any harm.
@rene I mean, is there any other footwear so obviously deviant?
@canon crocs
sandals with integrated white socks
console.log(Crocs.prototype); // Clogs
Wooden footwear seems like it should be great for tapdance
@Taryn Meaning you can't just edit people's chat messages with update queries to make them look silly or say things like "Wow I wish I was as smart as taryn"
@Magisch I like the pretty green tree snakes...
but you can't hug those :(
You can't? They're constrictors, right? So I'd think hugging would be possible.
@Catija true, and laws don't encourage jail. They're only the basis for sending people there.
@canon that must be a cake
Clay/plastic figurine?
I have no idea... but I choose to believe it's real because it comforts me.
Right now, moderator can't really suspend a user for posting "You used a wrong tag!!" comment, because there is nothing official saying it's forbidden. With the new CoC, such comments will be cause for suspension. And that's what @John meant, I believe.
Why would anyone suspend someone for saying "you used a wrong tag"?
@Catija you missed the initial version of the last blog post.
No, I didn't...
It was featured as bad comment, example of the 7% unwelcoming/toxic comments we have on SO.
It was featured as a comment that was in the "not welcoming" section... not as rude... and the comment was “And this is tagged Javascript why?" Which is sarcastic and quite easily rewritten.
So new mod can totally read that as "suspend anyone who post anything like it".
Do you really think so little of us?
@Catija the two "!" in the end of my example are as sarcastic as this, IMO. Worse, it means shouting at the OP.
I've not seen someone say that exclamations == shouting.
Seems like shouting to me...
@canon We all started small :3
Let's see a year from now... then we might have stats and numbers. :)
but not users :P
@Catija how is that sarcastic, exacatly?
I'll be here because I'm not going to post comments on SO. :)
it's not sarcastic, rude, or unwelcoming... it's simply a request for clarification.
@canon There's a pretty common (AmE) phrasing where that "why" is laced with the tone of "you idiot"...
@ShadowWizard That doesn't actually translate to something involving basterds I suspect?
@πάνταῥεῖ true
@Catija exactly. American English. But SE is used by many who are not very familiar with it.
Which is exactly why it's unlikely anything other than removing the tag and deleting the comment would be done.
@Catija I've certainly seen and heard a sentence composed in exactly that way which carried none of the venom implied by your assessment. Hurray for interpretation.
SE is bit of a Stove Pipe System, steam and smoke goes to chat ;)
@Catija and then the comment author will wonder what happened, start meta thread, be hammered to death, and leave the site bleeding downvotes. You really can't see it happening?
I hope it won't, sure.. but... pretty sure we'll see many of those.
I see this huge doom and gloom "everyone's going to be suspended" feeling and there's no indication that it's going to happen at all... can you give it a chance before you assume that the whole world will come collapsing in on us?
@ShadowWizard I've answered such a question on MSO and none of those things happened to it and my explanation is sitting at +80...
6 mins ago, by Shadow Wizard
Let's see a year from now... then we might have stats and numbers. :)
Kendra's answer here is over +100: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/370792/…
@Catija the new CoC isn't a thing yet, and you're not the occasional newbie leaving comments in their non native language.
I mean when such user will post "Why my comment was deleted??", I don't think it will be taken very well.
Less gloom, more kittens.
CoC... Circle of Contempt?
@Mithrandir TelKitty I am missing. But I mentioned that earlier ...
@ShadowWizard I guess I'm missing where we can control that short of not allowing downvotes... If people are downvoting honest questions on Meta (which is something I find very troublesome), that's a problem with the meta community. Someone asking for help understanding why their content was closed/deleted should be given an explanation, not a downvote.
@Catija and what if the answer is in the help resources spammed in front of them before they posted? That question doesn't deserve a downvote?
There's no amount of help we can document that will answer every specific question people have.
And the tooltip explicitly mentions lack of research? Huh?
@Catija can be both, like we did with the recent "Why was I suspended for a week after posting single rude comment?" question. That user is probably out for good, which might be for the best in this case, but think of the less extreme cases, of less rude comments being "just" deleted without a trace, not leading to suspension.
@πάνταῥεῖ Exactly. But you know... "No." -Catija
Doing research on SE policy is really hard. Expecting everyone to be an expert is a bit ... much.
sure, if things are unclear
but there are questions raised which are covered in the tour
and I'll downvote those immediately... and not feel the slightest sympathy
@ShadowWizard ... I've dealt with this ... a lot... On IPS... we get them all the time because ... we delete a lot of comments...
@canon Why my specific comment was deleted is not in the tour.
I think that if SE are going this way, they should at least implement something that will let moderator add a reason for deleting the comment, that only the comment author will see, where the comment was.
Or even a canned reason, like in deleted posts.
A vampire kitten.
@ShadowWizard There are a ton of comment moderation tools that are absolutely needed...
In before SO mods are too ... scarce a resource ... to actually provide the feedback
@ShadowWizard the comment mod tools are horrible. At least compared to other things.
A rule of thumb: Don't feed trolls or vampires.
1 hour ago, by Catija
@JohnDvorak And maybe that's a change that needs to happen somehow... I'm not sure how... but if people aren't aware of comment deletions (and I'm not saying they should be indicated in a granulated way - for every comment deleted) but sort of like flag warnings...
@Mithrandir OK, so just have automated "this comment was deleted, click here to see possible reasons".
Would surely save bunch of rage quits.
Users can't see their own deleted comments. Where would that go?
The comment everywhere help page could use some help: meta.stackexchange.com/help/privileges/comment
@Mithrandir not suggesting they should see it, in case of recent deletion, they will still remember what they wrote.
@πάνταῥεῖ better: "don't feed trolls with vampires"
@Catija perhaps not your specific comment? But I disagree with the notion that, "It's never appropriate to downvote someone for asking what they did wrong."
@ShadowWizard LOL
They should have their own dedicated SE site(s). The [se.chimney] or something :D
@canon I didn't actually say that? Pretty sure?
@πάνταῥεῖ who? Trolls, or Vampires?
But everyone gets to choose how they vote... that's the way the SE system works.
I can dislike it all I want and complain about it but that won't change anything.
@Catija exactly, and I respect that.
@ShadowWizard Both of course, weighing out each other. Area51 proposal: Limbo
I downvote very few questions, to be honest. I may not upvote them but I generally don't downvote them... even the blatantly off topic ones here on MSE.
We just migrate such cases there, and all done :3
@Catija I am drawing a bigger picture.
Just looks like St. Paddys Day feature at 1st glance :D
Paddy? Doesn't sounds like a Saint... Googling
Patrick, not Paddy
The day all Irish get drunk and will get sexually offensive with everyone :3
@ShadowWizard Ah did I confuse that with their "Whisky"??
@πάνταῥεῖ if they're all like that, nobody will be offended or abused. All good. :D
As someone who has that day as my birthday, calling it "St. Paddy's Day" is pretty common.
THX for the backup!
@Catija Really?? Didn't know saints have nick names....
not even St. Nick?
... Well, I doubt anyone called him "St. Paddy" when he was alive... but... people are lazy with their pronunciation.
I mean... "Paddy" sounds like how a small child will say "Patrick".
@Catija Might come from the "Whisky" pun :3
Nobody's called a saint while they're alive
@JohnDvorak pope?
Yeah, that's part of the joke. :P
Hm... are they?
Dunno... but surely they're more saint than most...
This is what pure bliss is:
I'm not catholic, so ... disputed
And it is called Whiskeba, and the real stuff is only available from some selected Scottish steam coasts.
No... being sanctified requires being dead and you won't know if someone qualifies as a saint for a decade or two (if I remember the rules correctly).
@Magisch Hmm, looking like Gremlins ...
But you can cuddle them
And they're tiny and meowy and so cute
@Magisch but like babies, we don't see the mess they make later.
... and flurry, I know.
Baby is a mess machine.
Last time I was on vacation in austria, the cat in the apartment we rented for that purpose had kittens
The family renting out the apartment lived above and took care of most of it, but still, we got to play with tiny kittens all vacation long
Having a baby snake at hand, you'll just should know what you're dealing with ;)
I assumed it was just snatched from the Interwebz.
@Magisch soooo floofy
@πάνταῥεῖ Yeah - I wonder where they got their ear extensions from?
@πάνταῥεῖ I concur: Keep water away from them!
@Fabby That's animal abuse. Even cats need to drink! :D
@Fabby Wasn't it Don't feed after midnight!? :3
@πάνταῥεῖ Yeah, but after you fed them after midnight they reacted badly to water as well
One makes them multiply and the other turns the Mogwai into Gremlins...
Goes to rewatch a movie
That's why I prefer baby snakes and geckos over kittens :P
@πάνταῥεῖ Both???
Not really TBH! That was animal metaphor abuse. I <3 kittens and even grown up cats!
@Fabby Welll.... my co-worker has this disgusting furball that actually is allowed on the kitchen counter and drinks from the tap. If I visit and he's making tea, the cat gets to drink first, only then can he fill the kettle :/
@Fabby Sure. But they're begging for water and food :P
@Tinkeringbell Did I ever mention I got fleas from a cat when I was a 5YO and still cannot stand the filthy animals?
@Tinkeringbell "Disgusting furball"? How heartless
@Tinkeringbell I've got a solution for that:
At least dogs you can wash them as you see fit...
@πάνταῥεῖ That is amazing!
You can wash cats... you just have to get them used to it as kittens.
@Catija Really?
Wet cats are... adorable.
Heck, some breeds even seek out water and like to swim.
@AnneDaunted I... personally don't like the ideas of hair in my food or animals on a kitchen counter.. so yeah, disgusting.
@πάνταῥεῖ Did your wand break? :P
I remember that you once mentioned not being a fan of pets
@Catija don't tumble dry them ...
@Catija LMAO! ROTFL!
@Tinkeringbell No, it just decided to collapse things to essence :3
This is too much for me
@rene Yeah, using fans isn't popularly liked among them.
@Catija My housemates just walked in looking worriedly at me thinking I went completely and utterly bonkers now...
I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time...
Thank you!!!
You're welcome :D
@Fabby OK, let's have a spliff and proceed XD ...
@πάνταῥεῖ That was probably the last time I laughed so hard!
Filthy kittens are troll food, these love the taste of the filth.
Washing might save them.
@πάνταῥεῖ :D
@πάνταῥεῖ >:-)
@πάνταῥεῖ Some day, I'll drive over to your place with a crate of beer and tons of food to put on a BBQ.
For now, going to sleep!
@Fabby I've once managed to attend a buddy from my field at a User Conference and hand them out the free as in beer as promised ;)
You would be welcome :3
@Fabby You're not somehow referring to this bet: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/43239359#43239359
Do you?
2 hours later…

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