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@Shog9 lawyers don't break knees
femurs would just be excessive
lawyers break people by taking away their money
They keep their knees and other body parts, but have no money to live.
idk, the one lawyer i had to personally deal with was accomodating and made a good price for his services
family friend but still
worked on a flat fee thing (sort of pay x$ for the entire case) and would field questions from us when we had them)
@Derpy it's not the features, it's those using them....
@Cilan good! Why did you both vanish from chat? :(
@Magisch that's very rare, they usually take like $1000 for hour, or in case of lawsuit bigger than $10000, they take half in case of winning the case.
he was mediating between my parents for the divorce
I was like 5 when that happened
@Magisch so I'm sure he took more than he/they told you...
they only had one lawyer for 2 people. I think he handled the paperwork. The divorce was mostly amicable.
I actually know it exactly because I asked my dad about it a while back
was on the order of 1200 eur for the whole case
as I said, family friend
So friend indeed.
@ShadowWizard You say that.... but mob lawyers may disagree. Tbf they don't do it personally
I have a somewhat positive disposition from that experience towards lawyers
especially since he used to go skiing with my dad
nice person all around
@Mgetz in all the movies I watch, lawyers just have suits and they never get their hands dirty, they hire goons to break the legs/knees.
@ShadowWizard That's because they know that trace evidence is a thing
@Magisch well, that is a friend who just happens to be a lawyer, it's sheer luck. Can't really tell anything about lawyers in general. ;)
Meh, I haven't had to deal with other lawyers
Same as I'm generally positive towards police officers because none of them has actually annoyed me yet
they did a blood test on me once because I was swerving with my bike but they were polite and accomodating while doing it (allowed me to get my shopping home and drove me to the station & back)
Well, you have to be nice towards policemen, otherwise you'll end up in jail... o_O
being rude to police isn't a crime here
flat out refusing orders isn't either, incidentally. You'll just get detained temporarily if you do that severely enough, but it's not going to be an extra charge
@Magisch blood test?? You mean for alcohol?
Here it's just simple breath test, no blood.
They suspected I had something in (was new years eve and I was swerving with my bike on an empty road getting shopping home)
they had a breath test but it was negative
A breathalyzer or breathalyser (a portmanteau of breath and analyzer/analyser) is a device for estimating blood alcohol content (BAC) from a breath sample. Breathalyzer is the brand name (a genericized trademark) for the instrument that tests the alcohol level developed by inventor Robert Frank Borkenstein. It was registered as a trademark on May 13, 1954, but many people use the term to refer to any generic device for estimating blood alcohol content. == Origins == A 1927 paper produced by Emil Bogen, who collected air in a football bladder and then tested this air for traces of alcohol,...
I think they suspected something else then alc
@Magisch oh, drugs.
didn't really care to ask. I knew I was clean so it was just half an hour and done with it. I got a letter stating I was clean some time later
And? You were clean?
@Magisch oh. Good!
mildly tired and taking advantage of the fact that the main road was entirely empty to swerve a little :D
JasonC told about a friend of his who almost died due to some drug...
drugs never held their usual appeal for me (well besides caffeine, but that's legal)
@Magisch sure thing, can totally understand... bad luck there was police...
could have been worse
on the order of magnitude of what can happen to you if you get stopped by police at the evening wasting half an hour of your life and no consequences is on the lower end of annoyance
This reminds me, speed cameras in Israel are now on hold.
Someone hired top notch lawyers who found the cameras are totally and utterly not reliable, sometimes with 100 km/h mistake.
(i.e. camera says Bob drove 200 km/h while he actually drove 100)
due to what moving part the camera catches?
They got proof from the company who made them, dunno how.... maybe by breaking knees.... :D
100km/h difference is a lot
@KevinB something with the way the camera works, which is old and unreliable. It got wires inside the road itself which measure the speed.
(i.e. not laser or anything like that)
Guess our police wanted to save money so they bought the cheapest thing possible.
just install gps tracking on all vehicles and get it over with
@KevinB privacy. People won't let it happen.
idk I understand why people speeding is an issue
seems like every day you hear about some jerkface running over people because they though speed limits are suggestions
Many in Israel oppose having biometric identity card as they fear the database holding their personal info will be hacked.
(example of privacy thing)
I get that too
I'm exceptionally paranoid with my privacy online
SE is actually the only website i've ever signed up to with my real name on it somewhere
@Magisch many here are, yeah
not publicly visible, but still
(well paypal but they need my bank account so)
@ShadowWizard idk isn't he a mod on two sites
@Magisch real name? Where?
I replied to contact us emails before with my real name
@Cilan maybe, but he's not here for long time.... :(
and I use my real email on it
ArtOfCode also knows my real name and where I work in relation to charcoal
meh, i can care less if people know my real name online
This chat is stale and everyone in it is a sjw
That's why I'm not actively in it
first of all I'm a cactus
@Cilan sjw? Shadow Jaw With (something)?
And I'm a doorhandle
Social justice warhammer
@Cilan you can join Den, it got bots...
It's an artifact weapon
@Cilan better than your hammer
Your hammer trolled you
Don't smuck the hammer
it wouldn't stop
heh, kind of expected it's still installed. :P
Mr wizard memes die after 4 years
meme is eternal
FHRC forever!!1!!
!!/welcome Cilan
@ShadowWizard Welcome to Tavern on the Meta @Cilan! I'm SmokeDetector, a bot that detects spam and offensive posts on the network, and posts alerts to chat. You can find more about me on the Charcoal website.
And we have Smokey ^
not "have"
Charcoal website
we are occasionally graced by its presence
Didn't I make a charcoal app
Oyea I removed it cuz it used the stale charcoal algo
Smokey is better, but now I c it has an api
What's "welkl"? @Shog
@Cilan it grew up a ton in the last years
It makes tea and coffee now.
!!/coffee Cil
@ShadowWizard brews a cup of Affogato for @Cil
Smokey is a wonderous Art of Code
wink wink nudge nudge
@Art got an admirer! :D
@ShadowWizard i may've switched to malt liquor in lieu o f eyeglasses
there's a ridiculous amount of smoke in the air today
Colorado is burning
@Shog9 sorry to hear! But how it's related to mistyping? ;)
everything is terrible
Is that near enough to Denver to affect flights?
unless you count passenger discomfort upon disembarking
Andy's in Denver's airport on a layover... as long as he gets home, that's what's important.
that's a shame
Denver's airport isn't as much fun as it used to be
Today, BLM Royal Gorge Field Office begins Stage 1 fire restrictions on all BLM-managed public lands in Boulder, Gilpin, and Lake Counties, and begins Stage 2 restrictions in Chafee, Custer, Fremont, Huerfano,... https://www.facebook.com/BLMColoradoFire/posts/1403877409757874
beer's gotten really pricey
this? ^^
I think I've only been to it once, about 18 years ago...
I have cousins in Colorado Springs.
@Shog so if you'll take alcohol test now, you'll fail? ;)
Woah, over 400 fires? That's horrible.
hell no
I've been studying
Oh, it's called the "416 fire"... Interesting.
@Shog9 whoa.. lots of fires indeed!
not as bad as last year yet, but... It's still early
we really need some rain
All natural fires?
naw, they pump 'em foull of hormones
best to buy fire at your local farmer's market for that All Natural Goodness
Or make your own?
fire ban in effect. Don't be insensitive
Here we get new type of terror, fire terror: they burn our fields with kites. haaretz.com/israel-news/… :/
I always knew kites were thinly-veiled instruments of terror
Those happy painted faces are a dead givaway
Guess anything can be used badly
Next they'll send suicide kittens... o_O :D
Birds, kittens... whichever.
what was it, Sampson w/ the flaming foxes?
tie three together w/ a torch on the tail
You know, someone suggested on twitter to send foxes with torches attached to they tails back on Gaza as punishment. And he was serious.
Let's see if I can find it.....
that's plagiarism. Send the EU after 'im
article 13 and what-not. Solitary for life
well, of course
read your scriptures
A scripture a day keeps the foxes away
> So Samson went and caught 300 foxes and took torches. And he turned them tail to tail and put a torch between each pair of tails. 5And when he had set fire to the torches, he let the foxes go into the standing grain of the Philistines and set fire to the stacked grain and the standing grain, as well as the olive orchards
kids these days, I swear...
I thought that man was just mad
well... could be both
Not mutually exclusive
Often times, genius comes with being insane, yeah.... ;)
if you're taking cues from someone who killed 1K with an assjaw, you may not be the calm, collected type
anyway, point is: the Israilies kinda invented guerrilla warfar. Maybe not the best idea to mess with the masters.
And for better news: Kenny's wipe watcher has been fixed!
...what is a wipe watcher?
follow up question: do I want to know?
@Shog9 piece of code that watch when we run a !!wipe command and set turd count to 0. Duh. :D
@Shog9 probably not. ;)
"turd count"?
@Catija yup
Scatological humor... :sigh:
Definitely no then
in the code it's just named num though.
bot.oncmd.on('wipe', function(arg){
    if (arg.state > 1) {
        num = 1;
That code didn't work before ^
OK! Brainstorm, y'all: what could go wrong with allowing post authors to flag comments on their own posts, regardless of rep
@Shog9 100 of useless flags per day?
ignoring that
I think the benefits vastly outweigh the risks.
what benefits? what risks?
no wrong answers here, just say whatever pops into your head
There's no worry about a r/a flag attack since 1-rep socks couldn't cast r/a flags on the comments to clear them... since it's not their post.
(plenty of folks available to tell you what's wrong with them in cutting terms, no need to waste energy beating yourself up first)
Benefits are that new users who do get harsh comments on their posts don't have to depend on bystanders agreeing that the comment was rude in order to get attention to it.
what about misinterpretation?
@Catija keep in mind that many new users consider any comment hinting they made something wrong as rude.
@ShadowWizard That's not limited to -15 rep users.
so in essence, any comment trying to explain downvote or closure can likely be flagged

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