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@rene I post a lot of "don't do that" and "what do you mean" comments.
Don't do that
What do you mean
what do you meaaaan
God we're funny
high 5?
If you keep telling yourself that, eventually it will be true... that's what I keep telling myself.
Same but I got petty annoyed with myself ...
@SonicWizard I rather stay out of anything related to the blog and where a CM answered, so I pass this time
@SonicWizard although more and more style guides are becoming tolerant of it I don't think it's worth arguing the semantics in the comments on that
@rene Another user marked it as a duplicate.
obviously he's just deriding what he perceives as virtue signaling
@SonicWizard It's worth noting that there's not anything wrong with using the singular "they" in formal situations.
frankly it's pretty goddamn rude but it's not worth dealing with
listen to Catija, they're absolutely right
@Catija That's not what I was taught in school; my teachers would tell us several times that it's not OK and that we should use "he or she" instead.
@SonicWizard how long ago was that? (legitimate question)
Not too long ago; I graduated high school in 2016
@SonicWizard One thing you learn the longer you're out of school... what you're taught isn't always correct.
well most of the formal style guides these days are OK with it
personally I can't imagine using "he or she" just because it reads like crap
You know, it's strange that all of you are perceiving my comment as a complaint against quartata's comment.
especially when you have stuff like "him or her"
@SonicWizard I really didn't
5 mins ago, by quartata
@SonicWizard although more and more style guides are becoming tolerant of it I don't think it's worth arguing the semantics in the comments on that
On a side note: it seems like we have intrusion again
@quartata or (shudder) s/he
@SonicWizard Actually, I didn't even realize that quarata made a comment. I see people arguing about the singular they all the time and I thought I'd mention - somewhere other than that post - that it's totally fine.
reason why I said "wasn't worth arguing the semantics" is because frankly I don't think the answerer in questions cares at all
@Shog9 nnnh
how are you even supposed to read that aloud
I think it's pronounced "zher"
@Catija I use it all the time in standard speech, I don't have a problem with it, the point of my comment was to let the OP know that it's perfectly fine to use "they" in that case.
The duality of he/she is still exclusionary, which is why "they" is better.
Even though they may have learned in school that it's not OK.
also, it's older and less typing and there's no question of how to pronounce it
What does snailboat always say... the 1400s?
@SonicWizard That's definitely not the reason why the OP was doing it
Frankly I shouldn't have bothered at all, it's gone now anyways
@Shog9 Can y'all even get data on this:
@vzn Sure. That's reasonable. That said, I don't think there's a huge correlation between chatting more and being flagged more. There's some data in chat... and Mods can see the users' suspension histories but more of the most active users of all time in chat have fewer than 10 all time chat annotations/suspensions than otherwise. chat.stackexchange.com/users ... but some of them have really problematic histories, too. :) We can't see to the granularity of flags, though, only suspensions, which would be nice to change. — Catija 44 mins ago
Although I feel the versatility of the singular "y'all" is often overlooked in these discussions. In addition to every advantage attributed to the singular "they", it also pisses off southerners.
@Shog9 hahahahaha
@Catija being flagged more in chat? Or on the main site?
@Shog9 ? Wha? I use "y'all" specifically to avoid the confusion of the plural "you".
@Shog9 Chat.
"All" applies just as well to a one-element set. Or to an empty one.
@Shog9 It's pronounced 'Sun Tzu'
@Catija search the TL; I posted numbers on this a while back.
For example, one can address the ExpressionEngine® Answers users as "y'all"
@MartinJames ah, yes. "Know your enemy and know yourself, and you can stop worrying about all the damn pronouns"
@Shog9 some people might take that fairly literally
@quartata what, like... Biblically? That's a dangerous gambit.
I don't know that Sun Tzu would approve
@Shog9 Any clues on what I should search for... if you're not aware, chat search is sorta crappy and I have to pick one word and your username...
Too bad stackoverflow.help got taken for Teams support (?) instead of becoming a "help desk" companion to SO.
... unless I've been searching chat wrong this entire time.
@Catija my guess would be the name of one of the most-flagged chat users + me as author
@Shog9 Ouch... October 2016? That is a while.
...unless I'm thinking of the SO mod room...
Also, that's just suspensions, not flags.
well, considering a valid flag comes with a suspension...
Yeah, the comment that lead to my response was possibly talking about all flags, even invalidated ones?
@Catija sigh...
It's OK.
Just ignore me.
I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually.
they can ask on meta if they want. But I'll need a clear set of criteria, since querying chat is not... All that fun
I figured.
Being... I donno, way more specific about "huge correlation" would be helpful.
I can tell you without even looking, there are very few people who get a ton of flags and post a lot.
If we weren't in a public room, I'd name all 4 of them
The question was more focused on comparing very active users who have really clean chat histories to those who have a lot of suspensions/flags. Many of the most active chat.se users are mods, who have perfect or nearly perfect histories but since mods can't be suspended, that doesn't necessarily mean that they don't have validated r/a flags.
Not necessary. I checked it already... I probably know who you'd say.
mods can totally be suspended, it just doesn't really do much
So a validated r/a flag will show up on their history even if they don't lose the ability to chat?
(I'm using r/a instead of s/o because... s/o can get confusing)
well, it'll show up in their history. Maybe not as a suspension.
Someone already did, I guess Nicolas. (Oops, it's not about chat suspension).
validate that.
@bro different in chat though
not in the general sense, but in terms of logging
come on, 4 more flags, y'all can do it
wait which message
Haven't y'all always wanted to flag Shog??? Now's your chance! :P
the one that sez "test this"
> The account is temporarily locked in order to let the participant calm down. The lock expires after 3 days.
this saves me literally minutes searching code. MINUTES!
That's much better than the message on SO
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username: How do I find the right Guru? by Rayaz on hinduism.SE
At this point, it may be slower... :/
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ "locked" is just a quirk of the translation I suspect
@Shog9 which message, goddamnit
@Shog9 This one
2 mins ago, by Shog9
We could test this
It looks like it's got three now?
Also, more of you clearly need to earn 10K on MSE
LOOKING AT YOU, @SonicWizard
Don't look at me.
@Shog9 What?
Haha he can't see me
Are you being ignored?
@SonicWizard flag the message that reads, "test this" above
Ah, there it goes.
there we go!
I've been at 5k for like, 30 years
I gave up on you
You're not even 30 years old.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ oi
that's my thing
where I say "x years" when I really mean like 2 seconds
@Shog9 please review the Be Nice policy before coming back
In fact, I've been constantly requesting RO privileges here so that I could see deleted messages posted by SmokeDetector
Anyway, no suspension, just a flag with a "6" next to it in the flag history
Meh. I haven't requested them but I feel that I'm trustworthy.
So, the question is, in that query you posted in the TL, if it counts suspensions, ... that sounds like mods would be ignored?
ROness requires awesomeness. I am overqualified
(for flagged posts gained while mods)
@Shog9 As a Southern Californian, I generally find myself using "you guys". Over there, the word "guys" is genderless
It's genderless in a lot of places
Including the place I'm sitting on
Mods can still post here even if they're suspended from chat. @Shog9 Remember when you suspended @Undo for 395 days?
Even IPS seems to have ruled it as being genderless.
@Catija even? They didn't seem to be picky
... because IPS is the font of all judgement of these things.
But IPS was like the weirdest thing since Windows before I joined their chat
Crap, I'm talking to an IPS mod
You've just now realized that?
I'm pretty sure that IPS is still one of the weirdest things going... but weird can be good.
But it's still pretty weird that you get fewer "i haz relationz porblem" questions than "so this other day I was at my grandpa's and . . . " fairytales in comments
@Catija I'd keep awkwardly silent
If I stay silent, how am I supposed to surpass @JourneymanGeek in chat messages?
Ha, I'm in too
@Catija he doesn't count as a frequenter, so that seems like a fairer fight
Dogs never stop making noises
Frequenter of the Tavern? I'm actually talking about his total chat.se numbers, not room specific ones.
This dog specifically has a problem with apostrophes
You guys sound like another Techmoan comedy outro
@SonicWizard I don't know what that is but @M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ and I have been working on our banter for years. :P
@Catija huh? There's a competition? ;)
@ShadowWizard more like ://
@Catija whoa then just accept defeat
@ShadowWizard chat.stackexchange.com/users 342K messages and counting. Second only to Cerberus and Smokey.
I can't even find you
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ chair?
I'm right here, silly.
y'all is right there, really
@Catija oh, there you are, the 77.4k lady
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Page five
hmmm... that y'all might need some adjusting
@Catija buh... I have only 134076 messages here on chat.MSE :(
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I think you mean "y'all're right there, really".
@Catija Okay, this is more like Bennett taking on Lakers
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ He'll have help in October.
You even follow NBA? @Catija ;)
@Catija . . . REALLY?! OMG
@ShadowWizard Hey, that's really good... all of those word association games.
inb4 whomst've
I'm only page 2 :/
although just a pro tip: PulseMonitor is going to overtake everyone in about 6 months to a year
@ShadowWizard Follow, no... but I'm aware of it. I used to live in Seattle and the Sonics are pretty much a fact of life there.
Congrats @Cat! Unless I got you wrong, which would be super awkward
if you're playing fantasy chat bowling
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ :D No, you got it.
@Catija nah, only 20k are from WAG
in Shadow's Den, Aug 13 '16 at 5:47, by Shadow Wizard
=== Word Association Game Leaderboard ===
1. FOX 9000.........................29403
2. Shadow Wizard....................17572
3. DroidDev.........................11446
4. ProgramFOX........................4665
5. rene..............................3698
6. CRABOLO...........................3100
7. Frank.............................3082
8. SPArchaeologist...................2859
9. SilentKiller......................2786
10. MysticMagicϡ.....................2441
11. berserk..........................1953
@FélixGagnon-Grenier At least mine is real :P
Since then WAG became... slower, so not many new messages for WAG.
pfffff :)
@quartata I am superior to you, 116 k'er
not for long by my reckoning
I think my first messages in chat.meta.se were in the Den... I thought it was a general room and went there to ask for help... silly me. ;)
@Catija haha I wanna see the transcript
@Catija LOL.. that's funny... and means you can be pinged there... :P
Especially since I just went in. :P
@ShadowWizard Hasn't KennyBOT taken over FOX 9000 for WAG?
I think every new chat you enter, you should first and foremost search for private body parts
Like nose
in Shadow's Den, May 25 '15 at 7:02, by Catija
Howdy.... gents? Mind if I interrupt extremely briefly?
What's with the gender assumptions.
It was another era...
That works too
@Catija was about to use those words exactly.... ;)
It also has a question mark, so I wasn't sure.
@SonicWizard I managed to outlast that one. It was incentive to keep SR alive :P
@SonicWizard nope, @Kenny is just a bonus for WAG, or backup when the site used by FOX is down.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ too many of those hiding now in Den, buried deep. Hopefully, never to be found. :P
@bro too bad. @Sha + those two: conversation about body parts. @Sha + those two + ProgramFox: conversation about anything but body parts
Pro is such a killjoy
And, apparently my first WAG submission was "Bible"... that's... so unlike me.
@ShadowWizard is your nose big?
Yes, his nose is as big as mine
@Catija You were confused and overwhelmed, it's OK. ;)
@SonicWizard is your nose big?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ define "big" and I can answer. ;)
My nose is nosy.
@ShadowWizard Pinocchio
small nose ^^
Cyrano de Bergerac?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ that's just "long", not "big".
Now compare them
@SonicWizard equal
youtube.com/watch?v=Z1nYEH6EDwM Where you going "big nose"?
My nose was paining a lot when I had my mask on in the Ano days
omg... searching for "big nose funny" on Google returns some... disturing results. :/
(and no so funny)
I hate disturing things
What are disturing things?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ many world leaders with badly photoshopped big nose, for example
One highly NSFW "nose".. etc.
Jun 29 '11 at 12:23, by The Journeyman geek
@Manjot: I do believe learning that is your first step towards enlightenment
Journeyman's first step toward enlightenment Meta.SE chat
Still no Twitter outrage material in the transcript...
My expectations of Health.SE have been fulfilled though:
Oct 29 '14 at 5:34, by user259867
Imagining the pics of body parts tagged ... no thanks.
@bro was this you?
@ShadowWizard . . . I wanna unsee them.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ you should know by now.... never follow my search trail! :P
Generally, wanting to laugh at how other people look feels like being a pr!ck
The horrors I see are better not be seen by sane people.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ or a child... which is also normal. ;)
@ShadowWizard stop looking at it, then
The expectations for downvoters:
Thanks. And I would be very surprised if whoever downticked my question has a girlfriend. — RexOnRoids May 23 '10 at 6:29
We all have our inner child inside us....
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ can't, it's too tempting
@hichris123 Yeah... great... let's leave ad hominem attacks around for most of a decade :(
@ShadowWizard well, in a mature context, where children are expected to have been taught it's being a pr!ck
@Catija Yeah.. quite a bit of that unfortunately.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ we try to teach our daughter those things now (she's almost 8), so far without success. Guess it's matter of personality, if one can ever understand it's "wrong". :)
> Last seen Sep 8 '10 at 8:07
Well, at least they're not still a problem.
OTOH my most recent 100 comments thing is yet to bring up anything exciting in several tries.
Just some boring programming talk.
@hichris123 was his question about marital status?
@bro "definitely, I agree"
@ShadowWizard are you role models for her?
@bro Yeah, it mostly seems like there's the offhand snarky "joke" that isn't funny every once in a while but that's about all I've found so far.
@JourneymanGeek @Undo As one who knew me back during my previous incarnation, how much have I changed between then and now?
Not in the slightest bit
You still haven't defeated Eggman
Like, once and for all. Just kill him
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ so far... but it will change soon enough. ;)
My goal isn't to kill Eggman, it's just to stop him from taking over the world. He's helpful at times
@derloopkat Just click the 'edited' button above and you'll see how you're simply a snake trying to look like a dev, it's frankly pathetic dude, and of course it does, it makes you look better, which is your goal right? — NGriffin 1 min ago
@derloopkat Dude, you're an idiot, it was always an array.. Just go away, thanks. You can see my revisions by clicking the edited link under the OP. — NGriffin 4 mins ago
I'm going to assume there are a bunch of deleted comments there.
Low rep OP is feeling unwelcome, it seems
hahah, removing comments does not increase my rep, ok genius. I have removed them because they are not useful — derloopkat 5 mins ago
tl;dr yep.
the OP merit a temp ban imo
I can only flag the post because out of comment flags.
100/day cap is insufficient on the scale of SO.
Probably all comments better be nuked.
we should ban some that are rude to make them as an example of what not to do.
I don't see how that can be an example, are you proposing the suspension to be announced on Twitter or something.
I did suggest removing all comments in a mod flag but that queue is 1000+ or something long, so.
@bro In practice, my flags tend to get handled very quickly
Custom mod flags on SO?
no, just that if there is no consequence to be rude then ppl need to stop the drama and live with the site as-is
Maybe you know to insert a secret word that mods pick up by some regex filter. Is that "shibboleth"?
@yagmoth555 umm... it's being done already. Ask YCS, ask @πάνταῥεῖ and probably many more we don't hear about.
Vlad from Moscow.
@bro Yes
@ShadowWizard I just wonder how many insult/comment was dealed with before that ban. and as mod are per site, who know how he act on other site
> I took several pine cones that were not mine. I was rightfully chided by some angry squirrels. I am sorry, angry squirrels. You have made your point with your teeth and tiny claws and high-pitched screeching. Please stop. I only ate some of the pine cones. I will return the rest. -- A bear
SO users are not as receptive to criticism in general.
Hi @TheAsh I kind of hope you don't plan on more blogpost-related meta stuff. Getting old.
I don't like the blog post either, but... it's just that, a post.
@yagmoth555 guess that a lot.
@yagmoth555 you wrote "ban", but from the context I feel like that may have been an autocorrect from "place heads on a pike"
@Shog9 haha, yeah, Iam maybe to strict on that issue. but I like your idea I seen to limit comment, less drastic than my idea, hehe
@Catija It also helps I have a few years on you as far as chat goes. More time to talk ;p

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