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3:00 AM
Yeah... I suspect the intent there was "don't just gab away here for the hell of it" but the effect has been to render it woefully underused
But... There are already warnings on comments.
And its not really something you look at until you already smell something burning
@bro If the quota increases based on how well you use comments, the question is "do self-deleted comments have a positive, negative or neutral effect on your quota"... which is difficult because we want to incentivize people deleting their own comments... but we also have users who have abused that. In net, I think it's positive, since the abusive usage is rare but there are no autoflags to catch it so it may be more common than we think.
could just be neutral
Warnings don't work if you don't actually take action on them when they're ignored (other than deleting the comments).
@Catija Because he seems to be engaged with that project.
I am not inside the internals of the Stack Exchange Company.
3:05 AM
It could have a half-positive effect. But I'm struggling to think of actual positive indicators. Flagged as r/a is an obvious negative... but flagged as NLN could be either a good comment or a bad comment... or a really bad comment if someone's reticent to use a r/a flag... this is where it comes to mod work... we'd have to be more diligent about manually flagging comments that need it before we delete it... unless somehow we found some way to identify which comments were which.
So... downvotes for comments?
How do you differentiate between "bad comment" and "I disagree with this"?
"too chatty" seems negative, "no longer needed" is ambiguous, "obsolete" seems positive... hey, let's revert to 4 flags :D
Upvotes for comments aren't any more useful... many of the comments I've deleted on IPS - even r/a ones - score very well... in the 20s-40s...
so, it concluded with "never needed" (negative/neutral) and "obsolete" (positive)
3:09 AM
"obsolete" has a negative connotation as a word in my book...
but the comment is obsolete if it has been taken care of (obvious case: suggestion to improvement), it's never obsolete before it's... obsolete (what I'm talking about...)
Right, I'm not saying the definition is bad, just the word itself.
I had this discussion at some point in the past on MSE... now I just need to find it...
@Jhoverit the problem with it, is it's not easy to discuss within a chat format. To explain the entire history of these issues within and off the site, it really does require a long question or blog about it. I can see this is part of the problem, and with that meta post @πάνταῥεῖ linked to you. I haven't given enough background info about this journey for the site over the year and where the info that people don't feel welcome and how that relates to marginalised groups.
We just have to find a site where comment-like functionality works well, and copy that...
Personally I think people are bringing in their own baggage - which is perfectly normal - and the site does convey and reflect the dominant culture within much of the Programming industry (which follows - it's a smaller community of the larger community). So we're dealing with two issues - where our site fails to make people welcome or be inclusive and then the global - pretty much unsolvable issue of bigotry - which should (I believe) be discussed separately from where the site goes wrong.
3:18 AM
@bro Great idea! I'd going to install you for the project team leader :3
@bro this site does work better than most sites, that's the irony with the criticism of it. Yes it can be improved and I've been a strong advocate of stopping comment pile on and comment restrictions largely the problem of bullying will be solved
of course we will have issues in chat rooms, but we also need to accept we're all different and allow varying chatrooms to have their own subculture, within NSFW limits
@YvetteColomb have you dug out the examples yet? we are all waiting for some concrete data to back up these assumptions but everyone making these claims seems to have nothing other than some blogger's feelings to back it up. where is the data? — Nick Dewitt 6 hours ago
@Shog9 I'm thinking we need a canonical post outlining the history of all of this leading up to the blog.. as clearly too many people are not knowing the background. Mind you - I'm not sure how much that will clear anything up, as it's an issue that is not going to find any peace any time soon
@bro Quora seems working well, though I rarely see answers with 10+ comments (ignoring the fact that I rarely browse Quora)
3:25 AM
Ooh, we need the canonical History of Stack Overflow post!
Seriously. I started one on Math.SE back in the days.
@Nicol I've already been asking for another FR to make low rep users aware of close votes/flags beyond a certain threshold. Was as well declined. I believe we have to take that burden and give away some internet reputation points freely to show everyone we really mean it, and don't do it only for our ego / presence / rep farming / stalking / <place your arbitrary reason>, but really giving away something that makes us more trustful in our willingness to help and improve quality. — πάντα ῥεῖ 13 secs ago
@YvetteColomb I'm always happy to ramble on about that stuff, but I doubt anyone would read it
Hm, no Math.SE milestones recorded after 1M answers in Dec 2016: math.meta.stackexchange.com/a/7027 (But there will be 1M questions soon)
@Shog9 yeh - I'm still going through the 19 notifications I came onto the site with - I hate to think how you cope with your tinges of ping guilt in this reply
3:29 AM
Hey, I only had 42 today.
@hey ... they took away question bodies... really not sure how that is supposed to be a successful Q&A
hm - the total number didn't match the notifications, I think they're lumping comments together..
Well, and then that dude on MSE who replied a dozen times to every other answer found me. But... Originally, only 42
@YvetteColomb yeah, grouped by post I think
oh no.
@Shog9 by @TimPost ?
3:30 AM
Dad joke alert
to clarify the type of comments I'm referring to as rude, am I allowed to take them from our mod archives (anonymised)?
Even more dad: They didn't do their homework :3
@Catija they're trying to one-up us. "You think y'all prioritize answerers over askers? Hold our craft brew kegerator..."
@YvetteColomb hmmm... I would prefer not
There's no hard rule on that, but it's dicey
@Shog9 Is it made out of an old Dublin Dr. Pepper pony keg?
3:33 AM
@Shog9 yep and also I suspect it will be a waste of time. Some people are wanting to argue rather than elucidate.
I well knew that my FR won't be very popular, but well at least an attempt for an approach.
Hold on, got a link for you
@Shog9 yep - that's why I asked.
There is no rule in that particular game that disqualifies a player if examples are posted, @tyler. And I'm not interested in playing. We've provided samples before upon request, but for the purpose of solving a problem not demonstrating that it exists. — Shog9 ♦ 2 days ago
@Catija Quantcast ranks them 30 in the US, versus 53 for SE
3:34 AM
Hmm, I actually expected SO devs would dig their comment DB and searched for sexist comments and present them anonymously as concrete examples... (because we need data, and example) but I guess I was too naive to consider this a good idea
(The latter excludes SO/SU/SF/AU)
I think this was already done, wasn't it?
@hey we've done that before. Read up from the comment I just linked to; it has a seductive failure mode
@bro So... you exclude the largest volume sites on the network... I don't think we're smaller if you include SO... and views is not the same as quality.
3:36 AM
@Shog9 ooh, ninja'd, sure will read it now
@Catija Not me, I didn't decide to give custom domains to those... SO is ranked 213th, quantcast.com/measure/stackoverflow.com?country=US
Waaaaay too easy to say, "oh, only .5% of comments are rude. No need to do anything about them, let's go shopping!"
@Shog9 Yeah! I remember seeing that prominently.
Comment review queue: put all comments there prior to posting. Should be done in 6-8 ... something
And there are those other x% feeling offended by anything you are pointing out they did wrong. Could we get those numbers also plz?
3:39 AM
Eh, that's been beaten to death.
@YvetteColomb I actually feel that would cause more drama off network
@Shog9 Well, and there's an error there, too... we have no way of actually knowing how many comments are rude since 1. that's subjective and 2. users don't always actually flag them, so we can't even just use flag data to judge.
@bro Then it would have been dead and dust blown in the wind years ago. Not going into vampyreism studies further.
An idea: a dashboard showing comments in real time, as they get posted.
Anyone seeing something wrong can go and flag
3:43 AM
You mean like a twitter fall?
My idea is to let the vampires glitch off without spending any of these rarely applicable wooden poles.
IPS has that... it's in a chat room. :D
@Catija Like this
But with much better interface
I don't know what that is.
3:45 AM
A hint for a query, I dunno
I don't even know what that is. :P
It should show the latest 100 comments on SO, with a link to each
The format and sidescrolling is painful.
Yes, that will be improved in v 2.0. :)
But in most cases, the first 6-8 words of a comment indicate in what direction it is going
3:48 AM
My batch of 100 had a few pointless thanks (on old answers) but nothing red flaggable
But it parses quotes and apostrophes as ... whatever that is ... so it takes up a ton of space. :P
I don't know. Trying to take you all a step back for a reminder, it's mostly gamification which drives a community and I make a proposal to tweak the screws, it is also badly received. What do you actually want?
The important part of gamification is not nerfing something that people have gotten used to.
You have to find alternates.
That's a plain contradiction.
Not really.
3:52 AM
Someone has to take that death. Those who are used to, would be more likely to understand the step, than the other side.
@JourneymanGeek oh yeh - forgot about that
@πάνταῥεῖ in a sense, changes need to be additive not subtractive
You make the monsters harder, you don't make the abilities less useful.
and well, I don't think the solution to the "approachability"/"Niceness" vs "New user experience" problem is totally a tooling issue
@Catija interesting choice of words
3:55 AM
Could be a final via. Anyone has to start with concrete proposals though.
Cause I think some of these folks think us monsters, when all we really want is good old tough boss fights, not another rat to kill.
@JourneymanGeek Blame Shog. He's the one who linked me to the article about d00ds and gaming. :P
Also I might be a little distracted. I got vaguely good, slightly exciting, and slightly stressful news XD
Well, he linked rumi but... I figure it was worth reading.
@Catija I'm not a monster and never meant to be. But I see failures.
3:56 AM
@JourneymanGeek ???
But of course ;p
@Catija the thing I was complaining about not happening happened, and we have a solid maybe
I see failures at my side as well of course.
You want to explain that in the TL more?
Failures the start to learn from. They are gradually hard brought to you, in the one or the other way.
@πάνταῥεῖ Yeah, I'm not calling anyone a monster. :D I'm trying to apply a very interesting game-theory concept to SE... and the monsters in that case are literal monsters in the game.... figuratively, they're challenges to overcome, not people.
4:00 AM
@Catija I believe that was what we once been agreeing about "Content quality plz!"
#I am ready to help
What are you guys talking about?
Decay! O' tempora, o' mores
Better not start out with You Guys :P
Sorry, I've been educated in Southern California
I'll start with "You spoony bard!" then...
@SonicWizard That probably doesn't mean you're livin' under the bridge
4:05 AM
I have been educated in a few countries, must say caged education sux, free range is better, mostly free range + a tint of wild is the best
Oh, well, that is an improvement :D
> aah. perfect. it worked!
Will somebody please review the tag wiki edits? The review queue icon is distracting me.
Um, I'm going to make links open in a new tab (haters will hate), because each reload of the page is a new API call.
4:07 AM
@TelKitty The 1st concise post this morning. Good morning TK. May I serve you some breakfast? What would you like to have. No wait, no brainer: Cup of coffee it is. Eh?
@bro I see, taking care of your Ctrl key, huh?
An alternative is to put "flag" button right next to comment, but that I would only do in my own private app.
@bro SE is about the only place I put up with opening in the same tab. :P
The API call is more expensive than the Ctrl key
They talk about UX of the flag button:
4:09 AM
I'm on Season 2 of TNG now, watched Q Who last night.
Done dear ;-)
@Catija If I may ask, what were your favorite dining spots during the time you were at UT?
@SonicWizard Meaning "most frequented" or "nostalgic"? Anything in particular you're looking for?
@TelKitty I hope you slept well, and didn't get annoyed by the recent coughing around.
4:15 AM
@Catija Kinda both
Also it's afternoon, I have been spending the past few hours email/calling people, chasing after information or asking them to fix issue on their end. Two more on the list before I switch into documentation reading mode.
@bro All the ST TNG series appearing Q are blatant shit. Always implying bias of all kind.
@mjsa, I could kiss you right now! — Jordan Magnuson 2 mins ago
@πάνταῥεῖ I spend 10 hours on average in bed every night because keeping on waking up at night. But last night I only troubled by coughing once
4:17 AM
@πάνταῥεῖ But that one is also introducing the Borg.
Who are extremely unbiased
@bro gone~
@bro AFAIK kissing is an accepted greeting in some cultures. But if that's the case for this comment, it should be an upvote, not a comment. Flagged.
Did we just three-flag nuked that comment?
I believe so
4:18 AM
@TelKitty I recently had to struggle with such shit. I believe it was a pleurisy. Get well!
You see, three people watching that page 24/7 is all it takes.
@SonicWizard I probably went to Chipotle the most often... I got their veggie bowl because it was the cheap way to get guac and their meat didn't do much for me. For quick snacks I went to that snack bar near the honors dorms... or if I was on the south side of campus, I ate at Jester a lot...
For nostalgia, Ruby's ... now closed.
Only it should really be receiving comments real time instead of on page refresh, but that's how the API rolls.
And codeine definitely helped.
@Catija I live in the honors dorms!
I go to Littlefield Café often
4:19 AM
At the local Chipotle I usually get the Accent Burrito.
It's just steps away from my building
Ingredients: what the Chipotle worker thinks I said.
Can be surprisingly tasty.
@SonicWizard Yeah, I figured. :P
@bro It's not death, but transformation. Anyways you can stand it, if you've been part of it. Ask @JeanLuc
4:20 AM
Other than 30% "thank you" comments, I was surprised and relieved that there were no (out of context) rude comments from the first 100 comments I read...
@Catija How?
@SonicWizard You were cagey about mentioning where on campus you lived in the past but you implied in a dorm on the north side of campus and I know you're not living in Kinsolving.
But if I'm doing this continuosly, it's just like torturing myself to handle Triage/FP queue...
Most of the actual UT-owned dorms are on the south part of campus, if I remember correctly.
So, the list was short.
@Catija Speaking of Kinsolving, how did you like their dining hall?
4:23 AM
If I had to pick a buffet, I preferred Jester's.
First (JCL) or second (J2)?
But the (admittedly bad) "Indian" food on Thursdays in JCL grew on me.
@SonicWizard Last I checked, JCL wasn't a buffet.
@Catija They seem to have got rid of that
"indian" ... ;p
(though there's so much regional variation, and must like any asian food, stuff tends to get adapted to the local markets)
The quotes are deserved.
4:27 AM
But at Kinsolving, they do serve "saag tofu" which is nothing more than marinated spinach and some tofu cubes
I think they just swapped out paneer for tofu?
My mom makes better palak paneer. The best paneer I've ever had.
I am not a fan of either tofu or paneer but I do really like Saag.
.... do you guys get it fresh waaaay out there?
It does freeze well
4:28 AM
It's not that difficult to make, from what I understand.
My mom's paneer is better not only for taste, but also because it crumbles, unlike prepackaged paneer sold at Indian stores which is difficult to chew.
@Catija not at all, but fresh >>>> frozen
we do tend to prefer slightly different greens tho
@bro the comment link failed if it's started with external link, it'll link to that site instead, and the rest is unlinked :(
Are you saying that you don't use spinach as the greens? I'd assumed that saag meant spinach... so many of the other dishes translate to [food][food] e. g. Aloo gobi.
@SonicWizard Sounds a lot like feta.
Probably not as salty, though.
@Catija She hand-makes it out of whole milk.
4:30 AM
@Catija oh we have... about a dozen common greens.
@Catija No, we do. But at Kins, they don't even bother to give the spinach a curry-like consistency. In other words, the spinach is still intact in pieces.
@SonicWizard But it's supposed to be all chopped up and in cream sauce... :(
@JourneymanGeek Like?
@Catija Yep, correct
4:32 AM
Spinach is so mild, all you really taste is the cream/curry flavors. Some greens are really strong.
My sister's a picky eater; at a younger age, she didn't eat spinach dishes but went out of her way to eat palak paneer
So, what does "saag" mean? "Greens"?
Our regular spinach is a varient of amaranth
@Catija If I recall correctly, both "saag" and "palak" refer to spinach. It's more of a dialect difference.
4:34 AM
> Saag can be made from spinach, mustard leaves, finely chopped broccoli, or other greens, along with added spices and sometimes other ingredients such as paneer. On some menus, it is called saagwala.
(ugh. translating from tamil to english to links...)
also, I don't think southerners eat mustard leaves ;p
Um... that's a very broad definition of spinach.
@hey Ah, the good old downvotedbecau. Will fix
@Catija its the same word for all, with modifiers ;p
I hope the domain owner's from Sweden
4:36 AM
OK, well.. this has been a fun diversion from the current SE chatter... time to sleep.
@Catija Wait...what's your opinion on comments that copy an off-topic close reason verbatim?
time for her to sleep ;p
@SonicWizard They'd be better served if they actually were specific to the question rather than the canned close reason... but they're better than nothing. Clearly, someone went to some effort to write them.
@JourneymanGeek <3
> Well, that was a LOT of not-an-answer flags. Nobody using review on this meta?? – Shog9♦ 1 hour ago
Keep in mind that many of those reviews came in after I posted a link to the review task in question here (meta.stackexchange.com/review/low-quality-posts/57617)
@SonicWizard They make sense because questions get forever to get closed, and meanwhile the helpful guidance in the close reason is not visible to the OP.
4:44 AM
@hey Lazy solution: I added >>> before each comment, which can be clicked if the text itself isn't clickable.
@Shog9 re your comment above: I tend to flag an answer as NAA after I review it as "Recommend Deletion" in review, to score a helpful flag
@bro sometimes lazy solution is the best solution ;p
That specific comment is here but I think it's actually alright.
The question is OT/MCVE though
Hate those "here's some code with unspecified purpose, broken in some way, please fix".
4:46 AM
I got a link-only comment to Flask's quick start, I don't even know the question
For the record:
It is quite interesting to see by the scores of this FR discussion, how hard some people are defending to keep their gameified internet reputation points over a possible regulation (i.e.: just to give something away in the game, getting trustfully social, pay for attention, show your responsibility), whatever it be.

If I can't be convinced that the community here is able to do better into that direction, instead of not just going into charge by thinking from the other points view.
i went to check how the comment list looks on mobile (it's not awesome but readable) and then recalled there is no way to flag comments in mobile web interface. AAAARGHH
upvote to keep embarrassment up on the starboard, go me!
This is feeling awkward to me
Looking at how a well intentioned user from here was treated I doubt that it's even going to do that, it will just collapse into itself in a couple of months. One of those "We are inclusive of what we want to include". — Oleg yesterday
5:00 AM
Its just folks circling the wagons
if a rotten fish wants to sun bake on the beach, don't blame the seagulls for circling around it
@TelKitty That reminds me of my can of sürströmming stored in my kitchen cupboard :-D
@πάνταῥεῖ are you going to serve it with durian for dessert?
@JourneymanGeek I thought at least of minced onions, loads of sour-cream and herbage dip, and also loads of aquavit ;P
Hope I'm going to organize that event, before that can gets to explode in my cupboard because of summer heat waves.
Did the team install a spam confirmation bot recently, or am I just lame?
(C'mon offend me ;-P )
5:18 AM
That was a left arm, no offend for my side ;)
lol I never really considered which arm was waving
o/ @TravisJ
@TravisJ I am aware of all weird kind of things and observations ;)
hah :)
I was observing how much rep it would cost me if every comment was 1 rep on Stack Overflow, about 5%
Nicol was 4%
You were 35%!
And I am a direct sarcastic person, what a pity :P
5:23 AM
That's a lot of comments
To start proposals on weird considerations, start proposals with different points of view. No matter how, these help clarifying things.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body: eat less and furthermore pound enabled what's more enchanting issues. by Marandafounten on superuser.com
A system is never about tweaking a communities behavior, but let the community adopt it to be useful and evolving with their needs.
Ask Zuckerberg :3
@SmokeDetector tpu-
Society Design
The Scary Guy works out very well with this.
oh man, Zuckerberg... you think he built a useful community? Because it certainly seems like all he did was exploit one.
Ahh... the moment when seeing Smokey report is more relaxing than thinking about this current turmoil...
5:32 AM
@TravisJ No! Wasn't that clear?
Sorry, I have read so much randomness on mSO recently the line between strange points of view and sarcasm has become very blurred
I've gotta fine-tune my sarcasm more probably.
Apr 27 at 4:05, by Journeyman Geek
@hey My sarcasm meter just exploded...
that's why I always use the </sarcasm> tag to end my sarcastic comments
@TravisJ You can always anchor for my avatar :-D
TM ...
5:35 AM
@hey <==
We can take 3 or 4 other rounds about this trivia of course :P
Oh wait, that was belittleling
belarging :O ('enlarging' doesn't work either)
I am waiting for at least an RO to chime in :D
5:41 AM
I just had lunch.
Also y'all are being aweful
Let's not loose our sens of humor and being thrilled about good social gaming ;)
@JourneymanGeek It's spelled awful
you're being as bad as my spelling then!
or awesome ;-)
@JourneymanGeek yeah, I'm in awe right now... :O :O
More seriously though - I think folks on both sides are being silly
Its so tempting to circle the wagons, and make fun of folk who don't get it.
But ehhh, I'd rather be talking about stuff here, with people in the community, than constantly have the next twitter meltdown brought up
at some point it kinda gets boring to go "Oh, someone did this" or "someone did that"
5:44 AM
@JourneymanGeek Sure, that's my point of bias. But for something deployable @Jon needs input, no?
Sure but one gets a long further disagreeing respectfully
or even
"hey, this thing is a problem"
I've already pointed out that so called snark is a frequent source of learning trigger, let all that heated head and amygdala burning aside.
Survive it, or die.
Well, I am old and probably not to get calm ever. But I've learned to hide it nicely.
Not to mention that awkward term Shog9 brouth into discussion ...
Was an interesting soundrack playing while writing the above BTW:
I can pretend to have the gentlest woman's voice ever when wanting something from someone (like trying to get some certificate from a government organization that they may or may not give)
@πάνταῥεῖ well, I'm fine with someone going "hey could we not?"
Also. I totally cannot argue against Wierd Al
@TelKitty That's a serious point, and probably going against the (official) laws.
@JourneymanGeek One of my 1st sources for good sarcasm.
5:53 AM
that's parody
@TelKitty I generally end up having to file more paperwork.. and then more.. And eventually enough that you could write a book with it so that they cannot possibly get through it all in time to make a response, at which point.. success.
@JourneymanGeek A tweak more of it IMO.
yay government :D
@laurel "since it's a pretty kind thing to do" Sure, and I won't disagree about your intention. But believe it or not, there's a pretty small, but not insignificant percentage (not calling them out a "minority"), who's feeling offended by your comment (like throwing your shoe into their face). All I'm asking for is willing to think twice an getting in charge by giving a small giveaway. — πάντα ῥεῖ 15 secs ago
Reminds me I should remind my step daughter about reading
6:09 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Shortened URL in body: Vera Slim. men. Alcohol decreases Vera Slim by Jottkennal on astronomy.SE
Fahrenheit 451 is an upcoming 2018 dystopian drama film written and directed by Ramin Bahrani, based on the book of the same name by Ray Bradbury. It stars Michael B. Jordan, Michael Shannon, Sofia Boutella, Lilly Singh, Laura Harrier, Andy McQueen and Martin Donovan. == Plot == In the distant future, books are banned and ordered to be burned: so-called firemen are charged with this responsibility. Guy Montag is one of them: he goes about his work without questioning motives, believing he is helping out with the end of seeking knowledge. All this changes when he meets another person who makes him...
People fail at sarcasm and cassandra claims all the time. I'm getting a bit tired of that.
that moderation in chat post arrived at a rather peculiar time
and it's rather weird - let's be nicer and kinder to people on this site, but oh no, let's do the opposite on chats
@TelKitty Be stricter at comments and encourage answers. Somehow, not that I know
My boss hugged me today for solving slightly different problemz/concerns :P
Within a brainstorming you throw everything in. Sometimes even the contrary and the unusual view.
The simple thing was, pick from the comment what's useful for you, ignore the rest, don't loose in unproductive discussion
@TelKitty A notorious trolls' POV ;-)
6:31 AM
@πάνταῥεῖ in 6 to 8 weeks ;)
Go into the ultimate challenge: Throw you answer in, no matter bein afraid of it. But if you do so, be aware of critiques, and iteratively improve it or delete ir.
@TelKitty eh, that's not really it. There's a handful of situations where chats went overboard. While the timing and... well wording can be off, I think this is something we did need to sort out.
@πάνταῥεῖ geeze. So, what I do every day? ;p
especially on meta. I'm totally going to get DVed at least once.
I really don't want spend more effort into second guessing things, I have limited brain power and need to tackle multiple disciplines at the moment. Being sick does not help.
@rene I know, he's probably quite busy now ;-)
@JourneymanGeek I am not talking about the good guys, but to those who didn't grasp my point yet.
@TelKitty "I have limited brain power" That's so f**k**g drawing out of charge and provable wrong. Quite an insult of participation at all!
Me kitty face 1st!
Well, next thing is: "Don't engage! I well know :P
Codeine does help, but only to some extend, and flattens the effect with frequent usage.
Why am I saying such things?
Weird things ...
I don't abuse medicine, only alcohol. Since I get older, alcohol is no longer that much fun, so cut that down as well.
6:47 AM
@TelKitty "only alcohol" LOL, same conduct with me. All other kinds of medicine work out quite well ;-)
Never diminish yourself beforehand please!
I'm fond of this
though it can be a little disorienting for someone unfamiliar with them
there's also a sissy less strong varient
Yeah, my former boss kept such "sweets" for us, and we've been aware not to start really arguing with them, because there was that inevitable moment, when he resorted to his sweets box ;-D:-D:-D
oh, that's kind of the thing that works, but isn't pleasant till you get used to it.
7:13 AM
@SonicWizard self emerald used
> Well, that was a LOT of not-an-answer flags. Nobody using review on this meta??
@Shog I don't review since the icon... changed. Well, maybe review once in a while but surely not as much as before.
FR: push notification for new review item
The logic for the icon to highlight or not, red, orange, blue, etc, is more complex than rocket science.
You took something simple (show number of available items) and made it super-uber-mega complex.
7:52 AM
@SmokeDetector tpu-
8:31 AM
!!/coffee me
@SonicWizard brews a cup of Ristretto for @me
!!/coffee PrincessCelestia
@SonicWizard brews a cup of Latte for @PrincessCelestia
@SmokeDetector How can I //help?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: How did Banner get unstuck? by Troll master on scifi.SE
8:44 AM
I'd better leave any associations about Kaffeetrinken behind: german.stackexchange.com/questions/43832/…
I don't want to be the assassin of primary misconceptions.
Let's check the tooth fairy's story in depth and with an open eye please.
@πάνταῥεῖ ah, discworld. Sad that its writer is no longer with us.
We're here to find pearls, not tons of drawn,- or those which fell out without further interaction -, teeth
Yeah, it's a pity, terry is a big hole left ...
oh... yeah, he was good.
8:58 AM
Terry Prachett to be precise.

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