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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

Reproduction isn't the only way to make more plants anyway
@TravisJ the alternative is being decapitated
That is the alternative, but cut one plant in half and two plants emerge.
If only beer followed the same rules. Ah, one can dream.
@TravisJ I have a hard time standing one rene
Have you tried sitting one?
@TravisJ yeah, you can't cut beer
@TravisJ he'd die, and I'd be accused of murder
Well that escalated quickly
You were the elevator
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ and we don't want that to happen ..
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ pitch?
@rene if you try hard, I might some day
@rene VTC as POB
What about secondarily opinion based?
@TravisJ no one cares about those
They're secondary issues
@rene Flag as spam (seed)
The jerks aren't even sponsoring any tags!
It's Time To Take A Stand!
Just replace them as a provider with MSN Passport; everybody got one of those when they customized their Active Desktop.
@JeremyBanks heh, I seriously plan to do that. Not using it that much anyway so it won't be big loss for me. But heck, that company is just.... evil. Too bad they're too big so they can't really be nuked away, all this recent fuss will go away soon and the only result is small hole in some pockets.
I didn't delete, because I'm weak, but I did deactivate my profile and convince several Messenger-using friends to install Signal.
@ShadowWizard I think the biggest way it will impact them is through employee recruiting and morale.
This is trending among the groups they hire from, and the stock being down 15% since the beginning of this isn't going to be thrilling their heavily-stock-compensated staff.
@JeremyBanks deactivate? There's such a thing? lol... So you'll activate it again in 6-8 weeks?
We'll see if I'm strong enough to hold out.
@JeremyBanks FB lost tons of money in its early days, no? It didn't stop them from becoming what they are today. So they can totally afford losing any amount of money, IMO.
I don't expect them to go bankrupt.
but Zuckerberg doesn't just want to be profitable, he wants to have a good image for himself in history.
and right now, he is terrified of what is happening to that.
(I may be projecting but this is my narrative.)
He's being framed as someone who incompetently enabled privacy abuses because he didn't care about his users.
and helped produce Trump.
and it's no secret that Facebook has pretty liberal employees who do not like Trump, like most SFBA tech companies.
I think that's why I'm so confused by the FB evil side...
He clearly wants to be a good guy... but everything I ever hear is that FB is exploiting their users.
Facebook/Zuck's early investors and mentors included less moral characters like Thiel.
But not all of them were less so... there was an NPR interview with one of them who said that he's very disappointed.
Oh, wait... same guy, different interview: npr.org/2018/03/20/595123564/…
> For the longest period of time, Facebook was an advertising business that dreamed of being something else other than an advertising business. It wanted to be a platform. [...] And so began the great five year Facebook data giveaway to developers: If you build your apps on our platform, we’ll give you more user data than you could possibly imagine.
This is a pretty nice analysis of how the Cambrige Analytica situation happened.
Obviously, #DeleteFacebook is not just about that, that's just a nice condensation point for built-up anti-Facebook energy.
There's a reason that I've never installed the Messenger app.
Like many things, it seems to have been more privacy-destroying on Android than iOS.
I don't know... my understanding was that you were required to let it access your contacts list. which... wasn't gonna happen.
I started using it for a while after they added Signal Protocol support, but now I'm just using Signal itself.
I don't think that Facebook was exactly all that unaware of what was happening.
... What does "in honors" mean here?
From the context, I'd guess that they mean they're in an honors level course in highschool?
But that just looks like a weird signature and should be removed.
But if that's the case, they're hopefully not in honors English because... yeah.
:D I've submitted an edit.
12 minutes until I can be happy again.
So the hour is pretty good... but now you come to mention it, most of the actual minutes aren't...
If not, should there be one?
Make Catija Happy Again
My reason to be happy: less than 7 hours until Formula 1 season begins.
They built a formula 1 track here.
I considered attending last year, but too far and too expensive and too hardly-see-anything-on-track.
A TV sport is for TV.
Austin circuit is spectacular though.
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