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12:43 AM
@ShadowWizard After some review, I found an existing feature request to merge SE and MSE chat. I'm thinking it might be a good duplicate target for my closed chat question
1 hour later…
1:44 AM
Buddhism is three years old today. Most viewed question ever: That "Electric Feel" body sensation during meditation. Most viewed recent question (<1 yr old): Disenchanted with Buddhism
2:07 AM
Looks like the random xkcd button is broken... xkcd.com
2:57 AM
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's homework — Haney ♦ 1 hour ago
I don't think this is the best OT reason there, but... whatever works without straining CVQ more.
trying to figure out exactly what is happening here ...
7:08 AM
3 messages moved to Chimney
20K c# textfile extract meta.stackexchange.com/questions/297302/… /cc @Bart @sha @TravisJ
@Telkitty cat 1 - puppy 0
@rene the closevotes say it all
7:27 AM
@rene I know right: Cat> I <3 u, as long as I r bigger
7:46 AM
@rene voted
@StevenVascellaro done. :)
Telkitty's theory of programming: best programming language/system is the one that allows all the idiots and newbies to produce reasonable software
because best things should always making life easier, not harder ...
Wasn't LOGO designed for that?
8:01 AM
never used it, so wouldn't know
seriously though, bigger dogs usually treat smaller cats better than bigger cats treating smaller dogs
probably because the dogs consider themselves part of the pack and the pack leader (the humans) doesn't attack the cats. Whereas cats don't give a s**t what we want them to do ....
1 hour later…
9:35 AM
@Telkitty wrong
10:16 AM
@Telkitty reasonable software with reasonable bugs that will make reasonable people not want to use that software.
To make people want to use your software, you should build it to be more than just reasonable.
self-fixing bugs (huh!?)
So no, that would not be good programming language.
@Elephant of course!
10:30 AM
in Shadow's Den, Jun 14 at 8:04, by rene
@ShadowWizard I've written self-healing software, patent pending ...
20k sql something meta.stackexchange.com/q/297313/158100 /cc @bart @sha @TravisJ
@rene one more needed...
1 hour later…
11:41 AM
5 messages moved to Chimney
2 hours later…
1:36 PM
I should run online classes for women - how to deal with trolls
as one of worlds leading trolls of cyber space
1337 tr011 as I call it
to increase the participation rate of women on the internet
even my female friends are turned off by the internet because of trolls
I should do what I can to rectify this problem
1:38 PM
We could just get rid of all the trolls...
that's like saying 'if we get rid of all the cockroaches from face of earth'
2:08 PM
@Telkitty or become a cockroach ourselves...
3:07 PM
Hinduism is three years old today. Most viewed question: What happened to Pandavas and Shri Krishna after Mahabharata?
5:06 PM
20K acer meta.stackexchange.com/questions/297320/… /cc @bart @sha @TravisJ
5:28 PM
5 messages moved to Chimney
2 hours later…
7:15 PM
@rene we're slow today... need @Bart :(
7:26 PM
Or Travis .... why does it take so long before @JasonC gets at 20k?
1 hour later…
8:27 PM
@rene because he's busy writing userscripts instead of posting in MSE... :(
1 hour later…
9:40 PM
1 hour later...
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
9:56 PM
4 hours later…
5 hours later...
6 hours later…
10:12 PM
@SmokeDetector train breaker!
10:56 PM
choo choo
11:55 PM
Woo hoo new phone
Cause I jumped in a swimming pool with my old one like a boss
Also a rain drop just fell on it and made a.perfect Quake logo on the screen. Sweet.
@rene I've been on vacation

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