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@John Clicking the "MS" link tells you why, with better UI.
If they say "why, why", tell 'em that is human nature... It's 35 years since Thriller release.
@JasonC heh. If I decided to leave SE (and its somewhat unlikely!) The only thing I'd need to do (for now) is to let the CM team know I'm leaving (quietly!) then pad off into the darkness.
And the former is only cause of my mod role.
No meta post? Many mods do it. A recent example: So long, and thanks for all the herring! by Emrakul on puzzling.meta.stackexchange.com
@Gerry If I wanted to quit the site totally, no
I've not considered quitting being a moderator yet
Quitting the site implies quitting the mod role, anyway.
But it's true, mods who also leave the site aren't likely to publish a statement.
But quitting the site also probably means something has gone terribly wrong
Granted, one of the two scenarios I see for me quitting as a mod's that.
@JourneymanGeek Heh
I don't think I'd ever reach a distinct "I quit" point. I'd just lose interest and realize one day that I hadn't logged in for like 5 years.
tho knowing me, a year or so in, I'd be responsible enough to step down
I tried that once elsewhere but the folks there kinda were like "naw"
@JourneymanGeek Lol
1 hour later…
quitters never post, posters never quit ... those who posting quitting will always come back - rules of internet by Telkitty™
you know what can turn cold things into right temperature for you to warm up in freezing winter? your pet ...
you can do that too, but you will might get fat
so the right thing to do is to feed your pet, then hug them for extra warmth
in Shadow's Den, 16 secs ago, by Shadow Wizard
throwing printer on @Dro
@Journeyman I just threw a printer on @Dro and it broke, can you please be a good IT guy and fix it? :P
@Telkitty depends what pet, some have thorns
obviously, if you want to hug your pet, you get a huggable pet :D
@ShadowWizard sadly that would be better than here.
Wait... you replied!!!! You did it! :D
@JourneymanGeek heh, I see things at your work haven't improved yet? :(
Your direct boss has returned by now?
You signed a contract?
@ShadowWizard no
@ShadowWizard no
@ShadowWizard yes
On my phone. :p
@JourneymanGeek sorry to hear
@JourneymanGeek good? I guess?
@JourneymanGeek good? I guess?
@ShadowWizard I'd quit if I had somewhere else to go :p
@JourneymanGeek do you minimum 3 months (if they pay you as per. contract), find a colleague who can act as your referee, start searching for another job after working there for 3 months
@Telkitty why 3 months? Is this some magic number?
probation usually are 3 months or 6 months
@Telkitty oh, @Journeyman is on probation period or something like that?? Didn't notice him saying such thing.
I mean, usually there's no such thing, one can just walk away and stop working.
unless casual, there usually is a probation period, at least here ...
Only thing related is employee must tell the employer in advance they're leaving, think it depends for how long they worked, usually 1-4 weeks.
Maybe rules are different in different countries, dunno. :)
Interestingly, in the past few years, I had a few ex-colleagues/boss wondering whether I would like to work for them. lol. I take that as a compliment.
On the other hand, I should feel slightly insulted - how do you know my company will never grow big and one day you could be working for me? Maybe not the current one, maybe not even in this industry. But who the heck knows.
@Telkitty maybe the ex boss is afraid you'll compete with his own company and cause him loses, so he tried to buy you when you're still small and harmless. :)
Think what could have happened if a company like Microsoft or Google hired Mark Zuckerberg before he created Facebook, or shortly after. ;)
yeah right :p
> “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
- Upton Sinclair
1 hour later…
The wonders of caching... just improved page load from 30s to <1s
Next goal: do the same with page that takes 2 minutes to load. o_O
(complicated report, reading thousands of files on the server to get the data.)
Just serve an empty page. If they complain it's not up to date, blame caching.
@Bart or https
funny: plenty of people discussing the ending of the new "Pirates" movie in questions (that gets closed as speculation /NAQ) but no one discussing the same plot holes on the chat.
@ShadowWizard 0_0
@ShadowWizard 3 months, one week notice for that, one month notice afters
Sudden stream of Announcer badges. I've got nine (9) in the past half-year, compared to about one a year in the previous 4 years.
@NickAlexeev https helps. SE used to exclude links within the network but now they can't.
@Feeds I can't decide if I should read the Thrawn trilogy or not. I'd like to stay within the new canon, but Thrawn is a new canon character... and a cool one... it's just that the stories are Legends. :/
yeah, we all trust gerry here, it's the fastest way to lose your last pair of pants in a illegal casino
of course if you are in the northern hemisphere or wear skirt, you should be just fine ...
If Zahn followed the example of Lucas and remade the stories in a canon-compatible way... :/ but the stupid Aftermath trilogy left no room for that.
Christianity graduated 4 years ago today. Their most viewed post-graduation question: Which is the "correct" bible for Catholics?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body: Drone's choice for my kid by Edwards Erik on robotics.SE
Nobody mentioned the Julian calendar thing, which is perhaps less spiritual but more outward noticeable than most other differences.
@KateGregory interviewing models in a coffee shops is a career option? Someone should have told me when I was younger. — MrFox Mar 25 '13 at 15:55
I hear airport interviews are pretty common, but presumably they get a room for that.
> I got a text from my niece asking me to tutor her in math. Kinda made my month. -- bluefeet at 7:23 AM - 29 May 2017
... texting back "math.stackexchange.com"
17 messages moved to Chimney
> me: oh, my blog post was posted to hacker news, maybe I should see if there was any insightful commentary or criticism them: pic.twitter.com/Q1HkjsegiB -- Alexis King at 3:13 PM - 28 May 2017
That's our @AlexisKing...
> As of today, I have an answer with 100+ upvotes on Stack Overflow. Unfortunately, it is about JavaScript for loops. stackoverflow.com/a/23614460/465378 … -- Alexis King at 11:42 AM - 8 May 2017
So, question: I may have discovered a new bug here. Can anybody edit this post and successfully insert 4 spaces before the link after "incorrectly sending you to"? — Jason C 12 mins ago
It's like Midas touch but in the opposite direction.
@Gerry Haha
If only you knew... it's actually a huge problem for me in real life.
Actually my main problem is I'm the King Midas of losing things.
Everything I touch apparently disappears into a parallel universe.
touch bad and VLQ questions
@Elephant What if I do have that power in another universe, but this is the parallel universe that they go to? It could explain all the bad questions.
mind blown
... then touch yourself something else
touches himself
Oh my.
We've done it, folks. Humanity has progressed as far as it ever will.
sigh with 1 hour left in nomination period, GD election has three nominations, one of which is hardly credible. And two get elected, so... Westside wins essentially by default.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Black magic in body: horror movie in which girl get mute in the end by faizan on movies.SE
We don't see much black magic these days...
Wrzlprmft posted GD mod nomination at 19:59:14... the deadline being 20:00:00. Talk about "11th hour"...
@SmokeDetector Funny.
Meanwhile, WELZ replaced nomination text with "I have withdrawn, due to lack of experience with this site. Here as a filler so the election can start on time. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at aliquam dui. Cras velit libero."
And Wrzlprmft opens with "I am running for moderator to ensure that there are three candidates." Such pressure all around.
This particular election would be way better with 1 open position.
What would happen if no one votes?
No one votes? It's a tie, then. I don't know about tie-breaking rules.
^ That's who I'm definitely voting for
Probably if nobody votes SE will just not appoint anybody mod.
:6063548 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "runElection.py", line 137, in <module>
  File "/home/ubuntu/openstv/openstv/plugins.py", line 201, in generateReport
  File "/home/ubuntu/openstv/openstv/ReportPlugins/TextReport.py", line 284, in generateReportIterative
  File "/home/ubuntu/openstv/openstv/ReportPlugins/TextReport.py", line 155, in setMinColWidth
    self.maxColWidth = int(math.floor(math.log10(mv))) + 1
This is what I get by running OpenSTV on a ballot file with no votes.
And this is what I get when running a 2-set election with three ballots 123, 231, 312 (perfect 3-way tie):
Candidates doppelgreener, the dark wanderer, and Joshua Aslan Smith were tied when choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate Joshua Aslan Smith was chosen by breaking the tie randomly. Candidate doppelgreener has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidate the dark wanderer is elected.
Hey I need some JS help...
Not sure I can't help, but just ask
So I'm working on this userscript pastebin.com/TaGDum37. On line 58, q.status is undefined. Yet each q in the console looks like:
status is definitely there for every q. Why is q.status always undefined?
Is that exactly the same q that throws q.status undefined?
should be, considering the previous 2 lines... and inside the loop
@Gerry Yeah I mean I print out q on the line right before it, and its there.
status is set on line 44. It's API return objects.
And that's all called from line 14.
I never heard of for/of loop in JS, to be honest... Isn't it for/in?
I dunno but I tried em all and they all have the same problem.
@bjb568 HLLLPPPP
Usually, for (q in qs) would be a way to loop through properties of qs
I'm definitely n00bing something up here.
I'll try.
My pastebin link says "dum" :(
So far I am failing in creating a minimal example.
Userscripts are borked as always for me, so I can't run it easily, but I bet you're iterating over things you shouldn't be.
> Don't use for-in unless you use it with safeguards or are at least aware of why it might bite you. Your best bets are usually: - a for-of loop (ES2015+ only), ... - stackoverflow.com/a/9329476/2821954
But console.log(q) looks perfectly OK.
I could reproduce the issue, but don't have any idea
I would extract that q into global namespace and play with it directly in the console.
Try to log the JSON.stringify of q to prevent weirdness.
@Elephant "ES2015+ only" is the reason why. Most JS I write is for Google Apps Script, which is frozen since forever.
@bjb568 Wtf. It's not there in JSON.stringify...
Wait... does this have something to do with some asynchronous weirdness from the $.getJSON callback function?
Yeah, that's it.
God JS confuses the hell out of me...
You need to wait for the getJSON callback to fire before you can process it in showIfAnswered.
So would a better approach be a promise-style thing where I do showIfAnswered from then after handling the results?
console.log(q) logs a dynamic object at the location referenced by q.
Yeah, promises would work.
Christ. But awesome. Ok. Thanks!!
What a weird thing for console.log to do.
Well since we're starring actually helpful things, guess I'll jump on the bandwagon.
I get the need for async execution, but async logging isn't really that helpful.
Don't have time to report the posts, but this is a cross site spammer... opensource.stackexchange.com/users/7968/alexey-porubay
@Gerry Oh good catch.
A: Tearing Down the Structure of Documentation

gsdfhsdfhsdfhsdfIs there any merit to a decentralised non-pigouvian approach to documentation in a static environment-- re: without superfluity but with increased terpidity? Increasingly asymptotic utility through diversity and subversion. We can begin in absentia but apropos a la this proposal is there not an a...

@hichris123 the answer is obviously yes.
@Shog9 cross-site spammer, will you deal with it? stackexchange.com/users/10712515/alexey-porubay?tab=accounts
ugh, I misread ɥʇǝS as Shog9. Either I need more coffee, or I should sleep -_-
@hichris123 That's awesome.
For posterity:
@JasonC ello Markov!
The real question is, wtf is terpidity?
Unless it's from terpid
room topic changed to Tavern on the Meta: MY GOD, IT'S TERPID! Wheel of blame link bolted on for your ease of use: jsfiddle.net/Ldvwp8uv/12/embedded/result [bug] [crickets] [discussion] [excuses] [support] [waffles]
My best guess was misspelled "turpid"
Ohh torpid, good one.
It could also be trepidity
A user with Area 51 rep higher than the rest of the sites.
Rare occurrence for me...
room topic changed to Tavern on the Meta: MY GOD, IT'S FULL OF STARS! Wheel of blame link bolted on for your ease of use: jsfiddle.net/Ldvwp8uv/12/embedded/result [bug] [crickets] [discussion] [excuses] [support] [waffles]
@Elephant Only possible because of his sekrit powers from having 666 rep on web apps.

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